Clockwork Sload - No stealth Mageblade. Meta Harder, Max Cheese.
Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
The meta this patch is absolutely awfully. Sload's completely ruins shadowy disguise. Defiles are everywhere and all but require you to either have a purge or damage shield. I've honed this build to counter this meta while also abusing it to the fullest extent. We're taking advantage of everything we can here to cheese kills and survive in this crazy meta. Damage is very high and so much of it ignores traditional mitigation in one way or another(or altogether).
Argonian - Don't get cute, its the best mageblade race, it offers the most sustain and the healing bonuses are great and this build can take advantage of the added HP bonus as well. Other races work, but this is the min/max choice for this particular build by a long shot.
Durok's Bane - Chest, Legs, Boots, Infused Resto with Berserker Enchant
Durok's is beautiful for this particular setup. The 5 piece is one of the strongest 5 pc sets available in game. We need max health because we're using that higher health pool to "mitigate" Sloads by giving us a longer window that we can survive it, we're utilizing health regen as a counter for Sload, and the healing gained has excellent synergy with the class toolkit and the Argonian passives. We're stacking into befoul to take maximum advantage of this set, giving us a 45% tooltip. While it doesn't add any traditional damage, the pressure from the 5pc adds an unseen killing power that doesn't show up on the character sheet, this is what makes the otherwise mediocre damage numbers passable. I just want to reiterate, this set cuts healing by 45% for 10 seconds and is effectively unpurgable since it reapplies the debuff on the first instance of damage.
Sload's Semblance - 1x Infused Necklace, Sash, Bracers, Nirnhoned Destro with Double DoT poison
Enough has been said about Sload's on this forum, I don't need to tell you about it. What I will do is mention that the 2/3pc bonuses are on both bars giving us those max stats when we weapon swap, the 4pc spell damage is only on the offensive bar as well as the 5pc, allowing me to have absolute control over the timing of the proc. The synergy between the withering pressure of Sload's and the huge heal debuff of Durok's is a huge contributing factor to our killing power. Again, none of this shows up on the character sheet so you can disregard some of the otherwise underwhelming numbers. We don't allow purge to be a viable counter to Sload because of the array of debuffs and effects we apply.
Troll King
Mageblade will have this set up whenever it is needed. Now, Troll King+Major Fortitude is enough to counter 2 Sload procs, overall this build is boasting a whopping 3600 health regen, which is absolutely nuts when paired with the class HoTs and a strong damage shield.
Willpower - 2pc jewelry 1 Infused 1 Triune
Adds more max magika which is great for boosting our damage and healing.
Funnel Health - Spammable damage, decent HoT, some group utility.
Mass Hysteria - Instant CC, goes through block, applies a snare. We use this both offensive and defensively. Animation cancel it with a bar swap when its time to go defensive and it will buy you time to get a healing ward off. You could replace this with Time Stop, its a wonderful skill, but I prefer the defensive applications of Mass Hysteria for my personal play style.
Sap Essence - AoE damage, a small utility heal, Major Sorcery. You could replace this with Degeneration which is a totally good option and a bit of extra healing, max magika, and regeneration. This is a play style decision, I often fight outnumbered and alone and the AoE damage has sneaky synergy with Durok's since inexperienced players assume their health will top off when they're not being focused, it also let's me see if anyone is taking noticeably more damage so I can single them out.
Merciless Resolve - Bread and butter. Everything we do offensively is built around this skill. You want to have it up often and fire it as often as possible, but you also want to be cognizant that it is central to your burst and hold it in reserve when you're ready to use a combo.
Elemental Drain - Major Breach, Minor Magikasteal, Ancient Knowledge passive. This skill boosts our damage significantly and adds significant sustain, this is a big part of what allows us to run the sustain levels we are.
Soul Tether - AoE burst and CC, Strong healing. CC'ing several players and picking up a good heal as part of your burst combo extends your window and really let's you dig in and focus a target to finish them off. You can run Shooting Star here since it has great synergy with fear and huge damage, don't run the other morph though since fear already applies a strong snare.
Shadow Image - This is our primary positioning tool. Master this skill, its worth the time investment to become skilled with it because it allows insane fight control and its one of the absolutely coolest skills in the game in my opinion.
Refreshing Path - More AoE pressure that's usually mostly irrelevant but has sneaky synergy with Durok's. Decent HoT, Major Expedition, Shadow Passives. You can replace this with Deep Thoughts if you want, but its a much more deliberate play style that requires you to play completely around Shadow Image to use it effectively and you'll lose some uptime on Major Ward and Resolve.
Healing Ward - Our primary burst recovery mechanic and a soft counter for Major Defile. A big shield that's primarily used to give our HoTs and Health Regen time to reset our health, we don't ever really need this burst heal to go off. The interaction between Healing Ward and HoTs is what makes using a shield more forgiving when outnumbered, but there are times when it will be inadequate and that's where Shadow Image comes into play, if you've used it correctly it will buy you some space and work as an excellent way to relieve pressure that would normally overcome a shield based defense.
Siphoning Attacks - With good weaving this is both an excellent sustain tool and a heal. Always weave, on both bars. The synergy with Merciless Resolve is absolutely perfect, managing those two buffs and weaving properly is a huge part of the Mageblade experience.
Crippling Grasp - This is a ranged root that offers excellent fight control, use this in conjunction with Shadow Image to create and maintain space against dangerous melee opponents. It also adds a fat DoT and gives us Major Expedition. For some reason people dodge roll out of this root even though it is insanely short. It's basically a second spammable and I've even toyed with the idea of running it in place of Funnel Health and slotting Race Against Time in this slot to give me on demand Major Expedition and Minor Force. As of yet I haven't started testing that, but this skill is so good and the cost increase on Funnel has me really considering it.
Light's Champion - This is our get out of jail free card, you're effectively unkillable when you cast it.
We're running a combination of Tri-Glyphs and 1 Triune jewelry enchant along with infused trait on large armor. This allows us to run the clockwork food and get the insane health regen we have here.
Previous Versions
Mageblade typically relies on Stealth and Shields as primary defensive mechanics. When left unchecked these mechanics are two of the strongest defensive mechanics in the game, however, they each have an array of soft and hard counters. With Sload coming into meta and being a hard counter to both of our main defensive mechanics and the introduction of a health based heal I decided to do some maths and see if I could break our dependence upon Stealth and Shields while also answering our biggest weakness - Snares. As such, we're stacking a decent amount of health and healing bonuses on our back bar to get that cloak heal as high as possible. I'm able to get an in Cyrodiil, non-crit, tooltip of 8,992 on this particular set, comparable to any other burst heal in game. We're also boasting a dodge roll cost under 2600. The regen looks low but we have a lot of unseen sustain: Minor Magikasteal, Siphoning Attacks, Consitution, and Resourceful which add over 1000 effective magika recovery.
Argonian - Don't get cute, its the best mageblade race, it offers the most sustain and the healing bonuses are great and this build can take advantage of the added HP bonus as well.
Durok's is beautiful for this particular setup. The 5 piece is one of the strongest 5 pc sets available in game and unlike many other builds I've found a way to make the 2-4 bonuses relevant. We need max health, we're utilizing health regen as a counter for Sload(more on this later), and the healing gained allows us to push the Cloak tooltip higher as well as boosting our HoTs. We're stacking into befoul to take maximum advantage of this set. While it doesn't add any traditional damage, the pressure from the 5pc adds an unseen killing power that doesn't show up on the character sheet, this is what makes the otherwise mediocre damage numbers passable.
Sload's Semblance - 1x Infused Necklace - Medium Gloves, Light Waist, Nirnhoned Inferno
Enough has been said about Sload's on this forum, I don't need to tell you about it. What I will do is mention that the 2/3pc bonuses are on both bars giving us those max stats when we weapon swap, the 4pc spell damage is only on the offensive bar as well as the 5pc, allowing me to have absolute control over the timing of the proc. The synergy between the withering pressure of Sload's and the huge heal debuff of Durok's is a huge contributing factor to our killing power. Again, none of this shows up on the character sheet so you can disregard some of the otherwise underwhelming numbers.
Troll King
Mageblade will proc this set without any extra effort and it has great synergy with the HoT based healing available as well as offering group synergy.
Endurance 2h infused sword
We're running this 2pc to boost our back bar health, we could run willpower jewels and move Durok's back bar, but that causes us to lose too much healing on cloak.
The front bar skills are pretty self explanatory, Funnel Health is your spammable and gives us a nice HoT. Elemental Drain for sustain and penetration Inner light packs in a ton of passive damage Merciless Resolve adds even more passive damage and obviously the whole mageblade tempo is build around setting up combos with will Mass Hysteria offers an unblockable CC that we're going to combo with Shooting Star and a spectral bow proc as our finisher against tough targets. We mitigate the expensive cost of Meteor by running heavy and using fear to ensure that every time we drop one its going to do full unblocked damage.
The back bar skills are where things get different so I'll be breaking down the non-traditional ones. Siphoning Attacks is another sustain tool and heal that's dependent on good weaving to proc Refreshing Path is a bread and butter heavy mageblade HoT.
Dark Cloak
Our big burst heal, as I already mentioned we have a tooltip of 8,992 in Cyrodiil. That's a bit lower than BoL, but still quite good. Try not to spam this, use it intelligently when its required and take advantage of that low dodge cost and dodge roll cancel this ability, that will give you a big burst heal as well as a small immunity window in which your HoTs and Health Regen will top your health the rest of the way off.
Forward Momentum
A mostly irrelevant HoT, but more importantly it purges snares and gives you immunity. This, combined with the major expedition from Path is how we kite, although you'll mostly be "stationary" kiting around LoS rather than drawing people on long chases because we don't need to gain significant separation to make stealth work.
Structured Entropy
This is your Major Sorcery buff and it also grants you 8% increased max health, boosting our cloak heal. Typically mageblades run degeneration if they slot this skill because of the healing it offers and the fact that the added HP on only 1 bar is typically useless.
Soul Tether
We can't run a traditional defensive ultimate because we're not using a resto staff. As a result I was left to choose between Barrier or Soul Tether, ultimately I went with Tether because along with offering 1,350(in cyrodiil) healing per target it also gives an aoe stun that buys you time and it also passively increases back bar healing, making cloak heal stronger.
Double DoT poison front bar
Use forward momentum or mist.
Don't use cloak period, mist + one of the above options + dampen is more than enough to survive.
Drop entropy for sap.
Just my 2 cents.
Smallscale/Solo player on multiple servers
PC North America - Characters
AD Sorcerer - PvP 16
AD Templar - PvP 33
AD Nightblade - PvP 17
AD Dragonknight - PvP 19
AD Necromancer - PvP 22
EP Sorcerer - PvP 20
EP Templar - PvP 21
EP Nightblade - PvP 20
DC Sorcerer - PvP 16
DC Templar - PvP 24
DC Nightblade - PvP 18
Xbox North America - Characters
AD Sorcerer - PvP 32
AD Sorcerer - PvP 20
AD Sorcerer - PvP 14
AD Templar - PvP 41
AD Templar - PvP 16
AD Templar - PvP 14
AD Warden - PvP 29
AD Nightblade - PvP 27
AD Dragonknight - PvP 18
AD Necromancer - PvP 14
Xbox Europe - Characters
AD Sorcerer - PvP 42
AD Templar - PvP 36
EP Sorcerer - PvP 16
Use forward momentum or mist.
Don't use cloak period, mist + one of the above options + dampen is more than enough to survive.
Drop entropy for sap.
Just my 2 cents.
Heavy mageblade > Light mageblade for Summerset due to increased damage and the presence of Sloads. Also, the build you posted is literally directly countered by the one I posted.
You can’t survive outnumbered in light armor with no cloak or defensive sets.
Dropping entropy loses almost 1k on your burst heal.
Also, julianos is outright better than maiden because shooting star and destro weaves
Pretty sure this build is about to become meta on all magicka classes except sorc. For better or worse, blobs just posted a mDK video with this setup.
Major defile is just super savage right now.
Yeah, I’ve been running this setup(with resto and stealth) but caluurion in place of sload and it’s broken AF. I think the Caluu proc is superior but I like the sload 2-4 pc so much more and the higher uptime on the 5pc pushed me to it
Pretty sure this build is about to become meta on all magicka classes except sorc. For better or worse, blobs just posted a mDK video with this setup.
Major defile is just super savage right now.
Yeah, I’ve been running this setup(with resto and stealth) but caluurion in place of sload and it’s broken AF. I think the Caluu proc is superior but I like the sload 2-4 pc so much more and the higher uptime on the 5pc pushed me to it
On a dk I like valkyn as the proc set. That plus durok is a ton of pressure. Whatever other 5pc suits your fancy: pure offense or grab sustain or defense
Consider degeneration over structured entropy. You're light attacking anyway to get siphoning attack heals ticking as well as your merciless resolve.
Light attacking with a resto for quick drain health poison procs, keeping siphoning up, refreshing path and funnel health for maximum HOTness. Put degeneration on multiple enemies for more HOTness.
Edited by Diddly_D_Potatoes on May 26, 2018 6:55PM
Consider degeneration over structured entropy. You're light attacking anyway to get siphoning attack heals ticking as well as your merciless resolve.
Light attacking with a resto for quick drain health poison procs, keeping siphoning up, refreshing path and funnel health for maximum HOTness. Put degeneration on multiple enemies for more HOTness.
Structured entropy adds 1k to my burst heal, it’s much more valuable than degeneration heals since it gives healing when I’m kiting and can’t weave
Sounds super fun, been wanting to try heavy armor for my magblade this patch. Running 5necro/5shackle/1domi/1infernalguardian. desto/resto. I find myself mostly just playing around ShadowImage though. Setting it down straigicly every fight and using it to port out as soon as I take some heat, setting it back up before I go back in ect. But I mostly play in BG's sense cyrodil is just a zerg fest.
Do you have any gameplay video of your build in action?
I was debating giving up cloak on a stamblade of mine that I’m running troll king on as well. If cloaking is going to be unusable at times, I figured what’s the real difference of a NB that can’t disappear compared to any other stam class. Kind of sad as there goes a key piece of identity.
Anyway. Wasn’t thinking of Duroks and procs. Was planning on just keeping a damage set and a defense set, but this might be the way to go. Add some more health recovery to TK , defile without relying on ultimate, let procs kill them.
Edit: or I could still use defile from incap and run leeching plate
Argonian - Don't get cute, its the best mageblade race, it offers the most sustain and the healing bonuses are great and this build can take advantage of the added HP bonus as well.
But as a nightblade you have defile baked into your best ultimate and you don't have a ton of cleave so not sure why an aoe version of it would be better. You might be better off focusing ult gen and mitigation using something like bloodspawn and pariah are amping damage using livewire which are both hp heavy sets with arguably more effective 5 pieces for the build you are shooting for.
Actually focusing on defile, you could run fasalla to get a source of minor and use incap for major.
When BGs were CP, I never ran cloak and I was in LA. I don't think you need HA for CP but to each his/her own. Wizards with Blur/Mist/Shields were enough for my survival.
No CP, I couldn't make it work the same. With Sloads I may have to try to make it work because with it breaking Cloak, I may be looking at the heal instead.
Edit: I'm guessing no Vampire in your build right?
But as a nightblade you have defile baked into your best ultimate and you don't have a ton of cleave so not sure why an aoe version of it would be better. You might be better off focusing ult gen and mitigation using something like bloodspawn and pariah are amping damage using livewire which are both hp heavy sets with arguably more effective 5 pieces for the build you are shooting for.
Actually focusing on defile, you could run fasalla to get a source of minor and use incap for major.
Meteor+Fear is superior to incap combos if you can reliably source defile, Meteor+Will will delete 18k health. As it stands, Durok’s is one of the top two or three sets in the game. Even if you ran heavy Tava+BS you’d have a lower uptime on major defile. Any dropping of major defile allows a fight reset, Duroks will prevent this in 99% of scenarios. I cannot stress to you enough how strong Duroks is.
When BGs were CP, I never ran cloak and I was in LA. I don't think you need HA for CP but to each his/her own. Wizards with Blur/Mist/Shields were enough for my survival.
No CP, I couldn't make it work the same. With Sloads I may have to try to make it work because with it breaking Cloak, I may be looking at the heal instead.
Edit: I'm guessing no Vampire in your build right?
Damage is higher for Summerset than it’s been since proc crit nerfs. Light attack scaling changes combined with the extra stats from additional weapon slots and the rune cage buff, sloads, etc. as such shields are less effective in outnumbered situations than ever(and unreliable against sload). You can run glass with no cloak, but you’ll be extremely susceptible to being focused, it’ll be much harder to deal with. Heavy will again be mageblade meta since it was already just slightly worse than light before.
Almost the same as what I'm running but I don't like giving away such precious gems
anyway I'm running vma resto plus atro mundus but gear-wise it is the same, I don't feel 2H is 'nightbladish' and doesn't offer much group utility when things get hot
Edited by SpiderCultist on May 27, 2018 4:11PM
Ashlander and Mephala worshipper.
"You are just another breed of domestic animal, grazing stupidly while higher beings plot your slaughter."
Use forward momentum or mist.
Don't use cloak period, mist + one of the above options + dampen is more than enough to survive.
Drop entropy for sap.
Just my 2 cents.
Damage has ramped up significantly in summerset. I would not suggest light amor in cp environments atm.
Light is still viable, but if you’re stealth and shield dependent then you’re screwed if outnumbered and facing a sload user. You can run light with 1 or 2 defensive sets and still be successful in a lot of places but since sload is oblivion damage they won’t effect that and since sload also breaks cloak you won’t be able to use stealth for mitigation.
Heavy was only slightly weaker than light in Dragon Bones, by virtue of the scarcity of penetration and its relative value. However for Summerset because of light attack changes you can source similar amounts of damage on heavy as you got for Dragon Bones in light. Combining that with the general increase in damage and it’s rather clear why heavy is the superior mageblade option
Use forward momentum or mist.
Don't use cloak period, mist + one of the above options + dampen is more than enough to survive.
Drop entropy for sap.
Just my 2 cents.
Damage has ramped up significantly in summerset. I would not suggest light amor in cp environments atm.
Light is still viable, but if you’re stealth and shield dependent then you’re screwed if outnumbered and facing a sload user. You can run light with 1 or 2 defensive sets and still be successful in a lot of places but since sload is oblivion damage they won’t effect that and since sload also breaks cloak you won’t be able to use stealth for mitigation.
Heavy was only slightly weaker than light in Dragon Bones, by virtue of the scarcity of penetration and its relative value. However for Summerset because of light attack changes you can source similar amounts of damage on heavy as you got for Dragon Bones in light. Combining that with the general increase in damage and it’s rather clear why heavy is the superior mageblade option
@Lexxypwns do you know if they fixed it and made it scale off of both weapon and spell crit?
Cloak heal? I’m unsure honestly. Back bar crit chance on this build is really low though so it’s not some big issue
really interesting points
I wanted to make a 1vX or gank build style build for cyrodil on magblade, and I was thinking 2h + resto staff using caluurions/spinners/zaan for pure gank style or caluurion's/lich/zaan for more lasting fights. But I'm on Xbox and summerset hasnt come out, and it sounds like if sload breaks stealth and heavy outperforms light so much, maybe that won't be a great strategy have any opinions on that?
And it sounds like your heavy build would be good for bgs. You think your build would be best for bgs but not too useful in cyrodil solo roaming? It sounds like any build that relies on stealth and longetivity won't be too useful, and it might be best to just go for a gank build like the caluu/spinners/zaan.
I was debating giving up cloak on a stamblade of mine that I’m running troll king on as well. If cloaking is going to be unusable at times, I figured what’s the real difference of a NB that can’t disappear compared to any other stam class. Kind of sad as there goes a key piece of identity.
Anyway. Wasn’t thinking of Duroks and procs. Was planning on just keeping a damage set and a defense set, but this might be the way to go. Add some more health recovery to TK , defile without relying on ultimate, let procs kill them.
There has been some bg matchs were I will have 10+ ticks of sloads on recap, its almost like a shorter version of mark target that anyone can use.
Use forward momentum or mist.
Don't use cloak period, mist + one of the above options + dampen is more than enough to survive.
Drop entropy for sap.
Just my 2 cents.
Damage has ramped up significantly in summerset. I would not suggest light amor in cp environments atm.
Light is still viable, but if you’re stealth and shield dependent then you’re screwed if outnumbered and facing a sload user. You can run light with 1 or 2 defensive sets and still be successful in a lot of places but since sload is oblivion damage they won’t effect that and since sload also breaks cloak you won’t be able to use stealth for mitigation.
Heavy was only slightly weaker than light in Dragon Bones, by virtue of the scarcity of penetration and its relative value. However for Summerset because of light attack changes you can source similar amounts of damage on heavy as you got for Dragon Bones in light. Combining that with the general increase in damage and it’s rather clear why heavy is the superior mageblade option
@Lexxypwns do you know if they fixed it and made it scale off of both weapon and spell crit?
Cloak heal? I’m unsure honestly. Back bar crit chance on this build is really low though so it’s not some big issue
really interesting points
I wanted to make a 1vX or gank build style build for cyrodil on magblade, and I was thinking 2h + resto staff using caluurions/spinners/zaan for pure gank style or caluurion's/lich/zaan for more lasting fights. But I'm on Xbox and summerset hasnt come out, and it sounds like if sload breaks stealth and heavy outperforms light so much, maybe that won't be a great strategy have any opinions on that?
And it sounds like your heavy build would be good for bgs. You think your build would be best for bgs but not too useful in cyrodil solo roaming? It sounds like any build that relies on stealth and longetivity won't be too useful, and it might be best to just go for a gank build like the caluu/spinners/zaan.
Used Cal+lich+zaan last patch and it was really good, still ok this patch but hard to survive with all of the stam class's getting such a boost.
Use forward momentum or mist.
Don't use cloak period, mist + one of the above options + dampen is more than enough to survive.
Drop entropy for sap.
Just my 2 cents.
Damage has ramped up significantly in summerset. I would not suggest light amor in cp environments atm.
Light is still viable, but if you’re stealth and shield dependent then you’re screwed if outnumbered and facing a sload user. You can run light with 1 or 2 defensive sets and still be successful in a lot of places but since sload is oblivion damage they won’t effect that and since sload also breaks cloak you won’t be able to use stealth for mitigation.
Heavy was only slightly weaker than light in Dragon Bones, by virtue of the scarcity of penetration and its relative value. However for Summerset because of light attack changes you can source similar amounts of damage on heavy as you got for Dragon Bones in light. Combining that with the general increase in damage and it’s rather clear why heavy is the superior mageblade option
@Lexxypwns do you know if they fixed it and made it scale off of both weapon and spell crit?
Cloak heal? I’m unsure honestly. Back bar crit chance on this build is really low though so it’s not some big issue
really interesting points
I wanted to make a 1vX or gank build style build for cyrodil on magblade, and I was thinking 2h + resto staff using caluurions/spinners/zaan for pure gank style or caluurion's/lich/zaan for more lasting fights. But I'm on Xbox and summerset hasnt come out, and it sounds like if sload breaks stealth and heavy outperforms light so much, maybe that won't be a great strategy have any opinions on that?
And it sounds like your heavy build would be good for bgs. You think your build would be best for bgs but not too useful in cyrodil solo roaming? It sounds like any build that relies on stealth and longetivity won't be too useful, and it might be best to just go for a gank build like the caluu/spinners/zaan.
This setup is viable solo, as much as solo pvp is viable. I think the combination of defense, mobility, low dodge roll cost, lots of HoTs, 3k Health Regen, and an extremely large burst heal offer you enough survivability open world, moreso than cloak+shieldstack on light
I would not use this build in a no-CP environment because you’ll lose too much max health to use heal cloak. That ties you to resto staff for healing ward.
For BGs I’ll be running 5 Durok’s 5 Trans 2 Zaan destro/resto.
I have a hard time getting Caluurion solo. I can only do the 1st boss and he only drops other armor for me.
How is Spindlecluths for Durok? Anyone know if (at least) the 1st boss can be done solo?
Currently i wear 5*Warmaiden (if i ever get jewelry crafted enough traits i will change to julianos) and 5*sloads and 2 *skoria (i cant get Zaan for some reason because i cant find anyone doing that dungeon)
I wear 5/1/1 La setup.
"I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
Soloed it 3 times yesterday and got the pieces I needed on a Pet Magsorc. Last boss can be abit of a challenge, but if you defeat all the bosses up to her on normal, AND open all the chests you see, you can get a fair number of pieces quick.
I got Duroks necklace and ring in a master chest in normal, which is insanely lucky for me. Master chest rarely shows up on normal let alone drop two types of the same jewelry.