Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10
We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Tuesday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).

Siege is swinging back to being way too strong


After some thorough testing over the last couple of nights, it is my belief that siege is once again becoming far too strong as of this recent PTS cycle. We have been down this road before and each time it's been walked back for reasons that I'll get into later. For now, though, let's look at the state of siege on the PTS.

One thing that's changed, and I actually feel is a really good and interesting change, is the new differentiation between ballista and catapults. Ballista now do more damage to siege engines but less to players, while catapults offer area denial options by putting a DoT down on the ground for a few seconds. Again, this is a cool direction to take things. Ballista were too general-purpose before and now the tradeoff for defenders is better range and accuracy compared to catapults, but less damage against players themselves. Catapults, which were previously all but useless, now have a more pronounced anti-personnel niche to fill... with the glaring downside that they're doing it way too well.

In particular, catapults have the following problems :
  • The DoTs deal a huge amount of damage. The DoT from a single shot does enough damage to kill most builds. Obviously you can do some healing to outpace it, but that's a bit more intense than I was expecting from this rebalancing.
  • The DoTs are enormous. The area they cover is huge. I'm pretty sure that if you have one of these hitting a flag then anyone trying to flip it would have to stand in the DoT just to be in range of the flag.
  • The DoTs last a very long time. This is bad enough on its own, but it also leads to one larger problem I'll get into shortly.
  • The DoTs from multiple types stack. I mean duh, obviously, but it's now trivial to set up an area of 3 ticks of massive damage, plus slow, plus healing reduction, plus bonus damage taken.
  • The DoTs from multiple of the same siege type stack. Again, probably a bit duh, but also a bit duh-YAM, son! This means the ONLY limit on the siege damage you can put over an area is the limit on space for putting down siege.
  • The DoTs from literally the exact same siege engine stack. Yeah, this one threw me for a loop and is inconsistent with all other damage sources that I can think of. You can fire a catapult twice and set two DoTs in the same area before the first one dissipates because the DoT just lasts that long.
  • Catapults defending a keep can place their dots on any area, including walls, but catapults attacking a keep can only place their dots on non-damageable structures. This gives defenders an enormous advantage.

All of that combined is going to severely affect how we play in Cyrodiil, and not necessarily for the better. Only a couple of catapults are required to make an area uninhabitable, even with a lot of heals going out. Siege shield only seems to reduce the damage on the initial hit of the projectile, but not the subsequent DoT. And while ballista might be specialized in taking out the physical siege engines themselves, with a catapult you can just make the opponent take too much damage to stick to their siege long enough to fire it, and you can affect a larger area to this end than a ballista. These features combined mean that sieging keeps will go back to being an absolute chore against even a lightly-defended keep. The longer it takes for an attacking force to make a play at the flags, the longer reinforcements from both sides have to show up to lag the server out, and the less fun we tend to have.

Now maybe it will be different this time. Maybe people will love being point-and-click heroes, setting up siege in the middle of field fights, etc! But I really doubt it, since that never took off before and has been consistently walked back every time it's tried.

I would instead recommend taking a hard look at what you want siege to do. Obviously first and foremost we need options to take down walls and doors. We have that, it's been wonderfully consistent, no change needed. You also seem to want countersiege to be a thing, which is fine, but ask yourself if you want countersiege to be able to fully stop a keep attempt on its own, or if you want it to be about delaying an overwhelming force in time for some defensive reinforcements to show up. I like the second option if it's not overdone, I loath the first option. And either way I really think you should look at what siege is doing in this build and see if the way ballista and catapults work is conducive to your design direction. Finally, you seem to want siege to have some kind of anti-personnel niche, but what's your actual goal with it? Do you really want a battle to be won with just siege, or do you want siege to force certain gameplay choices among organized groups?

I really hope you want the second one, because again, I find the point-and-click hero meta completely repugnant. I don't mind having to make a choice between slotting a DPS skill for more damage or rapids to help handle the oil slow. I don't mind having to coordinate people running purge skills to get rid of the meatbag healing debuff versus some other viable skill they might want there. I wouldn't mind needing to make a hard choice about slotting siege shield to help protect against countersiege while trying to take a keep. I don't even mind the idea of some point-and-click nubmunsters having fun and feeling like they're contributing by hitting us with siege and keeping us on our toes. But none of that is what I'm seeing with this PTS build. I am seeing overwhelming, long-lasting, unmitigated damage numbers, I'm seeing them spread over an enormous area, and I'm seeing them generated by a single person running three catapults on cooldown while the rest of their group piles in with destros, negates, and time stops.

As a reminder, these siege-heavy metas greatly favor defending forces and greatly favor larger groups in a manner that far exceeds the typical large group advantage. Specifically, a group that is even slightly larger than their opponent ends up being able to take the siege placement advantage early and irrevocably. Since siege takes up space there's a limited number of places you can set it up on a given field of engagement. A larger group can (and in ESO, historcally has), give chase with equal numbers while getting a small handful to begin setting down siege. The smaller group, if they are disorganized, will fall shortly afterwards, but an organized group needs to run all the more cohesively to outheal the pursuing faction, meaning they are less able to set up siege of their own to even the odds. This becomes untenable and forces the organized groups to drag fights on and on, running and running and rarely able to engage. It will be even worse with these DoTs because you can't just purge what's on you like before and run around a rock to reposition, that DoT is sticking around and forcing you to go to a whole new battlefield. It's not a good time, probably not even for the larger group who's "winning". It's just a pain in the ass and it makes the actual combat less meaningful.

There's a lot you can do to try and rebalance this, though I realize it's a bit late in the testing cycle to make any immediate changes. I request you address this ASAP, however, because after we've all played some of the new Summerset content and had our fun we're going to be going back to PvP and living with these changes. Since we've lived through similar issues before, I don't anticipate them to be well-received, even if the spirit of the changes has been in the right direction. While any adjustments towards less-powerful anti-personnel siege would be appreciated, in particular I'd like the size of the DoTs to be smaller, the damage substantially lower, and the time they stay active on the ground to be shorter. Area denial from siege shouldn't be a better option than the presence of players using their abilities, it should just be something you have to build around and account for. A supplement to player skill, not a replacement for it.

Please to consider, many thank.

Edit : @Biro123 @Mayrael , and @ anyone else asking about CP or no-CP.
We only have one campaign on PTS and it is a CP campaign, so all Cyrodiil testing should be viewed through the lens of CP-enabled combat.
Edited by Recremen on May 18, 2018 4:41PM
Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • Aliyavana
    I like sieges doing lots of damage though. I mean if they didn't what would be the point of whipping them out to deal with players if you could do more damage without one? If they didn't then I wouldn't consider carrying siege with the intent to use it on players and instead carry the variety that only really damages buildings as siege designed to damage players wouldn't be worth the bag space.
    Edited by Aliyavana on May 18, 2018 4:25AM
  • Feanor
    Caveat: I have not tested the new sieges. The complaint that siege was too weak was mainly a CP campaign thing. In noCP - where I exclusively play - siege had been on a sweet spot for long, if used correctly a meatbag, a couple of oils and some Coldfire Ballistas could stop anything unless it was a 50 man zerg.

    I‘d like it to stay that way. The area denial is a very interesting concept, but I just hope it’s not on the level of nuclear fallout. We‘ll see. It’s not the first time ZOS dialed siege changes back after some weeks. I remember when ballista were absolutely ridiculous and the outcome of a fight was determined by who got his siege down first (on open field!). I don’t want to go back to these days.

    Unfortunately PTS lacks the OW encounters of every day Cyrodiil, so there is not a real good way to test this beforehand. We‘ll have to beta test on live I guess.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Derra
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    I like sieges doing lots of damage though. I mean if they didn't what would be the point of whipping them out to deal with players if you could do more damage without one? If they didn't then I wouldn't consider carrying siege with the intent to use it on players and instead carry the variety that only really damages buildings as siege designed to damage players wouldn't be worth the bag space.

    The problem is really that antiplayer siege is way to cheap and expendable to use.
    I have no problem with people dealing huge amounts of dmg with siege - but loosing said siege should hurt them.

    Make antiplayer siege cost as much as 15k+ AP and gold so people actually care about loosing it and we don´t have every fight plastered with siege by leftclickheros.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Feanor
    Make antiplayer siege cost as much as 15k+ AP and gold so people actually care about loosing it and we don´t have every fight plastered with siege by leftclickheros.

    Maybe the repair kits would see some use then as well. I know I only use them on Coldfire siege, if ever.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    OH boy .. Now it will be even harder getting people off the walls and into the fight .
  • Kram8ion
    Very interesting post and thanks for the info the saddest thing about it was the waiting for reinforcements to arrive and lag out the server’. Which is just second nature in tactics these days
    Kramm stam man kittyblade

  • schattenkind
    If the cost increase to 15k we end up even worse with even less ppl buying sieges as is already, only organized groups will.
    Not being in such a group, it is hard enough to def already with mostly no camp and ppl shoting with balistas on single players and so on...

    Maybe reduce their hp a bit, so it will be less spamming and more accurate usage. And repair kits will become more popular.
    OH boy .. Now it will be even harder getting people off the walls and into the fight .

    Talking about randoms defending, tt depends who is attacking and with how many. Seeing some known names standing down there and their healthbar not moving at all from any dmg incoming, or special guilds, nothing will get me to join the fight if there is no clear advantage in numbers... And mostly, when 3 jump down, 30 stay on walls anyway and watch the others die.
    PC - EU
    Primary: PvP: magSorc, magNB, PvE: DK Tank, Templar Heal
    Secondary: PvP: magDK, Templar, PvE: Warden something
  • Biro123
    If the cost increase to 15k we end up even worse with even less ppl buying sieges as is already, only organized groups will.
    Not being in such a group, it is hard enough to def already with mostly no camp and ppl shoting with balistas on single players and so on...

    Maybe reduce their hp a bit, so it will be less spamming and more accurate usage. And repair kits will become more popular.
    OH boy .. Now it will be even harder getting people off the walls and into the fight .

    Talking about randoms defending, tt depends who is attacking and with how many. Seeing some known names standing down there and their healthbar not moving at all from any dmg incoming, or special guilds, nothing will get me to join the fight if there is no clear advantage in numbers... And mostly, when 3 jump down, 30 stay on walls anyway and watch the others die.

    Also depends on who's defending - seeing a small group of good players drop down and nibble at the sides of the attackers while not dying often encourages more randoms to drop down and join them.

    Question to the OP though.. was your observations based on CP or no-CP?
    Edited by Biro123 on May 18, 2018 10:30AM
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • Mayrael
    As Biro123 asked, CP or noCP? That's the most important question. These change was made most of all because of purge OPness which was causing catapults to be completely useless against organised groups. I think that we could improve this by simply decreasing base and dot damage of sieges but add bonus damage (or stronger snare) for each enemy hit (just like magicka detonation and morphs)...
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Avran_Sylt
    Have siege shield prevent the lingering ground (all? )DoTs from being applied? (counters catapults and makes ballista the go to for counter siege)
    Have a purge morph that cleanses said ground lingering DoTs? (Think retooling the Earthgore effect)

    I like the direction they're taking with siege, and if they are as situationally powerful as you say, then they need some equally specialized counters.
    Edited by Avran_Sylt on May 18, 2018 11:02AM
  • Aztlan
    Your piece is very well thought out, but I too like the general direction of making anti-personnel siege more effective. Maybe it's too much, as you say, and an adjustment will have to be made.

    Here's a scenario, though, that I've seen far too often. A highly organized and effective ball group, with a lot of healers and purgers--let's just call them Dracarys, shall we?--sieges Faregyl front door. AD responds quickly with about an equal number of defenders and puts down defensive siege, but it barely slows them down at all. Drac then enters the keep and proceeds to troll the entire faction by circling the walltops and occasionally sweeping the courtyard, unphased by whatever kind of siege they are hit with, until AD finally musters an overwhelming force of 4 times their number to force them out. Then if they're feeling frisky, they'll do the same thing 15 minutes later. Meanwhile, all the other lower keeps are yellow. This is very frustrating.

    The point is, keeps should be easier to defend with siege than they currently are. No sieging force, however well organized, should be able to basically ignore anti-personnel siege and easily force their way into defended keeps unless they bring something like a 2-to-1 numerical advantage.
    Edited by Aztlan on May 18, 2018 11:46AM
  • danno8
    Isn't all that siege negated by a couple people in the group hitting Purge every few seconds?

    Sure it will still hit harder than before, but before it took being hit by several sieges all at once to even bother Purging.
  • Bergzorn
    Very insightful.
    Recremen wrote: »
    All of that combined is going to severely affect how we play in Cyrodiil, and not necessarily for the better.

    I am concerned about the changes (I play noCP). IMO, the opportunity cost for powerful anti-person siege is too low.

    Just an idea: When you interrupt a player using a siege engine, they get stunned (works already this way), and the siege engine gets 'blocked' and needs to be repaired.

    Or make siege heroes randomly explode when I look at them angry.
    Edited by Bergzorn on May 18, 2018 1:01PM
    no CP PvP PC/EU

    EP Zergborn
    DC Zerg Beacon

    guild master, raid leader, janitor, and only member of Zergbored
  • Koolio
    So many times my group of 4-8 is at Dclaw or Dlowe when 50 people show up to take it. I am very interested in these changes.
  • Anazasi
    danno8 wrote: »
    Isn't all that siege negated by a couple people in the group hitting Purge every few seconds?

    Sure it will still hit harder than before, but before it took being hit by several sieges all at once to even bother Purging.

    because the catapult dots are persistent the expenditure of resources to keep up with purge will greatly affect the performance of such groups. This was the entire purpose of the change. ZOS wants dedicated group roles but at the same time they want limits implicated.

    Until data can be collected from a live environment ZOS should make no changes to what they have proposed. Remember, siege can be pointed inward just as easily as it can be pointed outwards. Essentially the inside of a keep's courtyard is just one big kill zone with only 2 ways out: over the wall or through the hole you made.
  • Royaji
    I'm sorry but under the same logic we should significantly nerf the potential of area group healing. Smaller and shorter springs, no stacking of earthgores, resto ulti cost increase to 300 and so on. Less organised players will now have a strong way to prevent a ball group from running around a keep wall or outpost farming AP. And there is nothing wrong with that.
  • dsalter
    the sieges will get nerfed next update dont worry...
    the problem is they keep forgetting that ball groups are what everyone hates not huge fights.
    why they dont apply the "deals x damage+ x per player hit"to them same as how det works i'll never know. that math on those sieges will be a nightmare for a ball group.
    then you just mage the siege shield better and slightly smaller and bam, you now have a really strong siege protection but only if you stay in the "zone", another counter for sieges that ball groups cant use.

    then just improve ranged floor targetted AoE's damage (like flood, destro wall etc) and we might finally be able to quell out many ball groups and possibly redeem the games stability... maybe...
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • RebornV3x
    Siege against CP players is a joke almost not even worth using on live it takes 5 or 6 oils or fire ballistas to even dent a decent players health bar when there grouped up I would like to see more and slightly better anti personnel siege
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • DeadlyRecluse
    I'd like the current siege changes to go live for a week or two and see what the actual impact is before any real dramatic adjustments.

    It's hard to really assess what the changes mean in practice on PTS, as the gameplay style isn't exactly the same there.

    One thing for sure, if they are even potentially concerning in CP PvP, they'll be disgusting in noCP.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Joy_Division
    Aztlan wrote: »
    Your piece is very well thought out, but I too like the general direction of making anti-personnel siege more effective. Maybe it's too much, as you say, and an adjustment will have to be made.

    Here's a scenario, though, that I've seen far too often. A highly organized and effective ball group, with a lot of healers and purgers--let's just call them Dracarys, shall we?--sieges Faregyl front door. AD responds quickly with about an equal number of defenders and puts down defensive siege, but it barely slows them down at all. Drac then enters the keep and proceeds to troll the entire faction by circling the walltops and occasionally sweeping the courtyard, unphased by whatever kind of siege they are hit with, until AD finally musters an overwhelming force of 4 times their number to force them out. Then if they're feeling frisky, they'll do the same thing 15 minutes later. Meanwhile, all the other lower keeps are yellow. This is very frustrating.

    The point is, keeps should be easier to defend with siege than they currently are. No sieging force, however well organized, should be able to basically ignore anti-personnel siege and easily force their way into defended keeps unless they bring something like a 2-to-1 numerical advantage.

    There are serveral coutner-arguments to this:
    • If siege is buffed such that it can kill Drac, then they will be veritable weapons of mass destruction Vs. 99% of the player base that aren't as good and - especially - as organized as Drac. And let's not even get into no CP, where the newest players have neither the experience, abilities, or stats to defend themselves. OK fighting Drac isn;t fun. I can log in and avoid Drac. I can't just avoid the nuclear fallout zones by overbufffed siege.
    • You want to require an experienced and organized group to have 2:1 superiority of numbers to take a keep. If Drac can;t take a keep by themselves against a dozen defenders, what hope do all those other guilds and PUG groups have? You're basically creating a situation where it is faction stack to take a keep or don't even try.
    • By placing down a siege weapon and destroying whoever is on the receiving end, is it the siege user or is it the siege WEAPON that is the hero?

    It is patently ridiculous if the OP is correct and multiple DoTs fired from the same siege weapon stack. I wonder if these players who want siege to be turned into weapons of mass destruction are the ones that actually have the guts to do what needs to be done and stand on and defend the flags that are being taken. I have the feeling the are away as far as possible spamming light attacks from the safety of the roof.

    If the left click heroes want to feel useful with their siege weapons, what ZOS perhaps could have done was offer an additional AvA skillline from one of like 5 or 6 choices that allowed the player to specialize in one aspect of AvA fighting (one which would be siege). Players could only get 1 of these 5 or 6 choices (that is, they are mutually exclusive), so if a player really wanted to be good at siege then they could be, but would have to invest in their build to do so).

  • Minalan
    Aztlan wrote: »
    Your piece is very well thought out, but I too like the general direction of making anti-personnel siege more effective. Maybe it's too much, as you say, and an adjustment will have to be made.

    Here's a scenario, though, that I've seen far too often. A highly organized and effective ball group, with a lot of healers and purgers--let's just call them Dracarys, shall we?--sieges Faregyl front door. AD responds quickly with about an equal number of defenders and puts down defensive siege, but it barely slows them down at all. Drac then enters the keep and proceeds to troll the entire faction by circling the walltops and occasionally sweeping the courtyard, unphased by whatever kind of siege they are hit with, until AD finally musters an overwhelming force of 4 times their number to force them out. Then if they're feeling frisky, they'll do the same thing 15 minutes later. Meanwhile, all the other lower keeps are yellow. This is very frustrating.

    The point is, keeps should be easier to defend with siege than they currently are. No sieging force, however well organized, should be able to basically ignore anti-personnel siege and easily force their way into defended keeps unless they bring something like a 2-to-1 numerical advantage.

    There are serveral coutner-arguments to this:
    • If siege is buffed such that it can kill Drac, then they will be veritable weapons of mass destruction Vs. 99% of the player base that aren't as good and - especially - as organized as Drac. And let's not even get into no CP, where the newest players have neither the experience, abilities, or stats to defend themselves. OK fighting Drac isn;t fun. I can log in and avoid Drac. I can't just avoid the nuclear fallout zones by overbufffed siege.
    • You want to require an experienced and organized group to have 2:1 superiority of numbers to take a keep. If Drac can;t take a keep by themselves against a dozen defenders, what hope do all those other guilds and PUG groups have? You're basically creating a situation where it is faction stack to take a keep or don't even try.
    • By placing down a siege weapon and destroying whoever is on the receiving end, is it the siege user or is it the siege WEAPON that is the hero?

    It is patently ridiculous if the OP is correct and multiple DoTs fired from the same siege weapon stack. I wonder if these players who want siege to be turned into weapons of mass destruction are the ones that actually have the guts to do what needs to be done and stand on and defend the flags that are being taken. I have the feeling the are away as far as possible spamming light attacks from the safety of the roof.

    If the left click heroes want to feel useful with their siege weapons, what ZOS perhaps could have done was offer an additional AvA skillline from one of like 5 or 6 choices that allowed the player to specialize in one aspect of AvA fighting (one which would be siege). Players could only get 1 of these 5 or 6 choices (that is, they are mutually exclusive), so if a player really wanted to be good at siege then they could be, but would have to invest in their build to do so).

    Don’t think for a minute that they aren’t already cooking up five piece item sets with siege damage bonuses. :lol:

  • dsalter
    Minalan wrote: »
    Aztlan wrote: »
    Your piece is very well thought out, but I too like the general direction of making anti-personnel siege more effective. Maybe it's too much, as you say, and an adjustment will have to be made.

    Here's a scenario, though, that I've seen far too often. A highly organized and effective ball group, with a lot of healers and purgers--let's just call them Dracarys, shall we?--sieges Faregyl front door. AD responds quickly with about an equal number of defenders and puts down defensive siege, but it barely slows them down at all. Drac then enters the keep and proceeds to troll the entire faction by circling the walltops and occasionally sweeping the courtyard, unphased by whatever kind of siege they are hit with, until AD finally musters an overwhelming force of 4 times their number to force them out. Then if they're feeling frisky, they'll do the same thing 15 minutes later. Meanwhile, all the other lower keeps are yellow. This is very frustrating.

    The point is, keeps should be easier to defend with siege than they currently are. No sieging force, however well organized, should be able to basically ignore anti-personnel siege and easily force their way into defended keeps unless they bring something like a 2-to-1 numerical advantage.

    There are serveral coutner-arguments to this:
    • If siege is buffed such that it can kill Drac, then they will be veritable weapons of mass destruction Vs. 99% of the player base that aren't as good and - especially - as organized as Drac. And let's not even get into no CP, where the newest players have neither the experience, abilities, or stats to defend themselves. OK fighting Drac isn;t fun. I can log in and avoid Drac. I can't just avoid the nuclear fallout zones by overbufffed siege.
    • You want to require an experienced and organized group to have 2:1 superiority of numbers to take a keep. If Drac can;t take a keep by themselves against a dozen defenders, what hope do all those other guilds and PUG groups have? You're basically creating a situation where it is faction stack to take a keep or don't even try.
    • By placing down a siege weapon and destroying whoever is on the receiving end, is it the siege user or is it the siege WEAPON that is the hero?

    It is patently ridiculous if the OP is correct and multiple DoTs fired from the same siege weapon stack. I wonder if these players who want siege to be turned into weapons of mass destruction are the ones that actually have the guts to do what needs to be done and stand on and defend the flags that are being taken. I have the feeling the are away as far as possible spamming light attacks from the safety of the roof.

    If the left click heroes want to feel useful with their siege weapons, what ZOS perhaps could have done was offer an additional AvA skillline from one of like 5 or 6 choices that allowed the player to specialize in one aspect of AvA fighting (one which would be siege). Players could only get 1 of these 5 or 6 choices (that is, they are mutually exclusive), so if a player really wanted to be good at siege then they could be, but would have to invest in their build to do so).

    Don’t think for a minute that they aren’t already cooking up five piece item sets with siege damage bonuses. :lol:

    the ones to reduce incoming siege damage sounds nice about now :)
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • nemvar
    Minalan wrote: »

    Don’t think for a minute that they aren’t already cooking up five piece item sets with siege damage bonuses. :lol:

    Vicious Death. >:)
    Edited by nemvar on May 18, 2018 4:32PM
  • DeadlyRecluse
    Vicious death, skoria, spinners. Siege for daaaays.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Recremen
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    I like sieges doing lots of damage though. I mean if they didn't what would be the point of whipping them out to deal with players if you could do more damage without one? If they didn't then I wouldn't consider carrying siege with the intent to use it on players and instead carry the variety that only really damages buildings as siege designed to damage players wouldn't be worth the bag space.


    That question goes both ways, though. Why would you bother using your skills and actually fighting the enemy if siege is doing so much damage? One of these is always going to be a better choice for skilled players, and I would prefer that better choice to always be actual player-on-player combat. I think anti-personnel siege should be to force opponents to make certain build choices, to delay their siege so that a weakly-defended keep has time to reinforce, and to give nubs/scrubs something fun to do so they feel like they've contributed and get tags in to earn AP. It shouldn't just be something you set down and win fights with.
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • Koolio
    Vicious death, skoria, spinners. Siege for daaaays.

    You should try Sellistrix on an oil or cold fire ballista. It’s awesome.

    Spinners effects seige as well?
  • Ender1310
    I think siege should do tons of damage. That ground dot sounds great! Maybe a counter to ball groups? Can you imagine multiple ground dots from Cata's going off on that tower humping ball group? Might even out the playing field.
  • Delsskia
    I was with Mendo (the OP) testing and I agree with everything he said in his very well thought out post. One thing he forgot to mention, along with the increased initial damage, ground based aoe left behind, unpurgeable dots ticking and the same siege stacking its dots... defenders can now have as many as 30 siege doing that and the damage still increases with Thaumaturge.

    Personally I love that anti-personal siege are now meaningful, but our testing showed them to be too powerful. I really don't think that anything major is needed to bring them in line, just reduce the initial damage and dot damage by about 50% and disable the same siege stacking dots. (by making the ground based aoe persistence sync with the firing cooldown of the siege weapon)

    Great post Mendo.
  • Recremen
    Aztlan wrote: »
    Your piece is very well thought out, but I too like the general direction of making anti-personnel siege more effective. Maybe it's too much, as you say, and an adjustment will have to be made.

    Here's a scenario, though, that I've seen far too often. A highly organized and effective ball group, with a lot of healers and purgers--let's just call them Dracarys, shall we?--sieges Faregyl front door. AD responds quickly with about an equal number of defenders and puts down defensive siege, but it barely slows them down at all. Drac then enters the keep and proceeds to troll the entire faction by circling the walltops and occasionally sweeping the courtyard, unphased by whatever kind of siege they are hit with, until AD finally musters an overwhelming force of 4 times their number to force them out. Then if they're feeling frisky, they'll do the same thing 15 minutes later. Meanwhile, all the other lower keeps are yellow. This is very frustrating.

    The point is, keeps should be easier to defend with siege than they currently are. No sieging force, however well organized, should be able to basically ignore anti-personnel siege and easily force their way into defended keeps unless they bring something like a 2-to-1 numerical advantage.


    lol just call them out for real Drac isn't shy. I play on AD and the problem dealing with Drac is the lack of AD guilds who can play at their level. We have like two guilds on that server at best who have a shot and we don't play every single night. The best remedy for dealing with them is going to be for a couple more AD guilds to get to a competitive level. You can't count on the top-tier AD guilds being on that side of the map when Drac hits, or even rely on them being online at the time.

    I strongly disagree with your second paragraph at its premise. The groups aren't ignoring siege, they are building around it. They are forced into those build choices by siege. The way it's currently set up, a group of defenders who isn't just sitting on their hands will be able to make sieging impossible just by inundating the ground with so many giant dots that you can't place or fire siege without dying. Is that really your preferred alternative?
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • Avran_Sylt

    Are Trebs able to fire out of Catapults max effective range?
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