are there plans to add more strains of vampirism and lycanthropy to eso?

@ZOS_MichaelM @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_TristanK id love to see other playable strains of vampirism and lycanthropy added to eso? for example adding the Aundae, Anthotis, Berne, Bonsamu, Cyrodiil Vampyrum Order, Garlythi, Glenmoril Wyrd Vampirism, Haarvenu, Keerilth, Khulari, Lyrezi, Montalion, Montclair, Quarra, Ravenwatch, Selenu, Telboth, Thrafey, Volkihar, Vraseth, Whet-Fang, and Yekef vampire strains as well as adding Vampire Lord form for the pure-bloods/daughters of coldharbour. as for the lycanthropic strains examples, Glenmoril Wyrd Lycanthropy, Werewolf Lord form, Werebats, Werebat Lord form, Werebears, Werebear Lord form, Wereboars, Wereboar Lord form, Werecrocodiles, Werecrocodile Lord form, Werelions, Werelion Lord form, Werevultures, and Werevulture Lord form lycanthropic strains to play as?
  • SirAndy
    5 identical threads? Really?
    Edited by SirAndy on January 18, 2018 4:07AM
  • Tandor
    SirAndy wrote: »
    5 identical threads? Really?

    My immediate thought was that this thread was in the wrong place. Then I reflected on it in the light of your comment and realised that it was in the right place after all as the OP definitely needs general help :wink: !
  • godagarah5000
    srry bout teh duplicate threads couldnt figure out where to put it
    edit: all duplicate threads closed please reply to this one if u wish to reply
    Edited by godagarah5000 on March 5, 2018 5:51PM
  • godagarah5000
    well i for one would love to see more variations of vampirism and lycanthropy add more spice to both afflictions/blessings/curses depending on how u view them they're one or two of the three or all three
    Edited by godagarah5000 on April 15, 2018 12:21AM
  • godagarah5000
    im guessing its up for debate ;P
    Edited by godagarah5000 on April 15, 2018 12:22AM
  • Morgha_Kul
    I'm a bit disgruntled with vampirism as it stands, what with Vampires running around in daylight. Yes, yes, it's a different variant and all that... rationalization.

    The point of vampirism in Morrowind was that great power had a cost. Here's there's no cost... or precious little.
    Exploring Tamriel since 1994.
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