Kiyakotari wrote: »Shadow Rider Senche, the Radiant Apex from the Scalecaller Crates.
We're not going to talk about how much money I've spent trying to get that thing. I'm not quite to the level of the infamous Tale of the Missing Plague Husk Horse, but I've opened enough crates at this point that I've gotten every single reward item at least once (including all of the Apex Mounts except for the camel), as well as having over 5000 gems, and I actually have an entire stack of the Peyrite Statues, Tapestries, and Banners, quite a few of the Research scrolls, and enough Crown Experience Scrolls of various types (I haven't even bothered converting any of them to gems) that I'll be able to pop one whenever I'm in the mood without worrying about whether or not I'm "wasting" it. Seriously, I have hundreds of XP scrolls now.
But no Shadow Rider Senche.