Savos_Saren wrote: »I'm excited and frightened at the same time. The trait they mentioned, the one that increases damage as a target gets lower health, might be great for some people.
Though, a Sorc with an active execute ability, a passive execute, and then those traits on the jewelry.... yikes.
will it be ingots we're using to make this stuff?
how many for a cp160 ring - 120, necklace - 150?
how many alloys to gold it out - 8, or even more...
thankfully most the sets I use are only six trait sets...
what's six trait research equal - 30 days or so?
Juju_beans wrote: »I'm not in a hurry..I'll do research just like I do today with the points in reduced times.
Colecovision wrote: »It's too bad gold mats are going to be locked behind battleground performance. Okay, so I made that up. But wouldn't that be something? Transmute stones to get us to pvp run dungeons, storage chests for tel var in pvp vouchers from master writs and now jewelry mats for battleground right?
will it be ingots we're using to make this stuff?
how many for a cp160 ring - 120, necklace - 150?
how many alloys to gold it out - 8, or even more...
thankfully most the sets I use are only six trait sets...
what's six trait research equal - 30 days or so?
starkerealm wrote: »
Fixed that... oh, wait.
Probably new mats, distinct from smithing. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess, 100 for rings, 120 for necks. But, I honestly don't know.
I think the upgrade mats were identified in a datamine. I can't remember now, but it was various precious stones or something. So, probably unique metals as well, like Gold, Silver, Adamantine. Probably some rare stuff we've never heard of before, or stuff synced up with the existing tiers, like "voidsilver," and "ruby gold."
starkerealm wrote: »I think the upgrade mats were identified in a datamine. I can't remember now, but it was various precious stones or something.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »
Here you are.
Spoiler just in case:SpoilerAntimony
Interestingly there are only eight materials mined when we were told there will be nine traits. So even if those are all trait stones instead of upgrade materials or base crafting materials, we're still missing one.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »We will get people to purchase those damn research scrolls.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »I made a thread discussing all of the implications of treating Jewelry like crafting. But then the mods took my thread and hid it in the Crafting Section of this forum. Even though the crafting section if for existing game features, not upcoming ones.
You are right, there are lots of implications of crafting we need to talk about.
- Will the jewelry stations be put next to the old "in world" crafting stations?
- Will deconstructing rings give a chance to get tempers and material?
I hope we can discuss those things on the main forums.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »Another thought: is this going to be a new skill line? Will we need to stockpile skillpoints as well as stats, or is it going to share with, say, Blacksmithing?
anyone else already thinking about how much they'll list rings and necklaces in their guild traders
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »