No real reason tbh just wondered if it was a one shot, I'm suprised it doesn't hit harder.
A lot of the myth comes from a few patches ago where you couldn't block it, in which case you were looking at a 40k slam. And at that time pretty much no tanks ran anywhere near that amount of HP.
Lord and Savior of the Association of Serious S***posters.
But honestly, why would you ever take the hit, it's super easy to avoid.
Lag. I have to block the second I see her start winding up for the attack because if I'm any later I run the risk of my game not recognizing that I blocked. Sometimes its forgiving and not laggy, and other times I'm like "I blocked that!!! Sorry guys, need a rez."
I remember when that attack was a guaranteed one shot before they nerfed it. I had just got used to side stepping from the one shot days. I think it used to hit for like 80k through block. Just look for the telegraph & step to the side of the boss.