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What is the hardest trial in ESO?

My guild has now grown big and strong enough to start running trials regularly. We’ve run AA, Hel Ra, and Sanctum Ophidia several times and attempted Maw recently. I don’t know yet how the two newer trials compare to the others. But I want to know, how do you rank these six trials from easiest to hardest? Leave your list in the comments below!
Edited by CrazyWolf712 on January 7, 2018 4:17AM

What is the hardest trial in ESO? 76 votes

Aetherian Archives
1% 1 vote
Hel Ra Citadel
1% 1 vote
Sanctum Ophidia
1% 1 vote
Maw of Lorkhaj
30% 23 votes
Halls of Fabrication
46% 35 votes
Asylum Sanctorium
19% 15 votes
  • Zer0oo
    All craglorn trials are quite easy if you have average to good dps and tanks know how to not die. vAS is also not really hard either and has little to none mechanics which are wiping your grp if messed up.

    MoL and vHoF are both harder trials compared to the others and require a little more grp dps but there is one major difference:

    vHoF is mainly harder on tanks, a little mistake from a tank can wipe the whole group while the mechanics are quite easy for the dds.(a dd can not really wipe the group if he screws up) An unexp tank will wipe the group quite often in this trial. While an unexp dd is not so bad.

    vMoL wipes can quite easy caused by onesingle person who messed up the mechanics independent of role.

    So it is 2 vs 12 ppl who can cause a wipe which makes vMol harder for completely new groups.(For tanks it is probably the other way around )
    • vAA
    • vAS
    • vHR
    • vSO

    • vHoF
    • vMoL

    (not including hm)

    Also all trials get way easier with high dps.
    Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
    - Update 23
  • Danksta
    The only thing that can make vHOF harder than vMOL is that it's just so long. Most people spend 4 hours in a trial and they start getting exhausted and make more mistakes. For lowish DPS groups vMOL becomes much harder if you see 4 add phase on twins and lunar on Rakkhat. There are some DPS races in vHOF but they're limited to portions of fights, specifically execute phase on the last two bosses. vHOF fights are much easier to recover from as well, we've had healers DC and survived until they get back.
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

    I wanna say HMvAS but is that a really a trial? Or just one long boss fight lol
  • altemriel
    you poll is almost in the easy-to-most difficult order only the last two, I would say HoF is harder than AS, but not sure on vet, only did them on normal
  • Vaoh
    Asylum Sanctorum HM is the most difficult fight in the game imo
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    In my opinion there is no clear answer to this.
    Of all the non hardmodes I'd say MoL is the most difficult for your group as a whole (because every dd can cause you to wipe if he moves in a wrong way). HoF is hard for tanks, but if you have a good tank, it's relatively easy for the rest of the group.
    AS is pretty easy. It just requires focus since it's a long fight, but if you can keep the focus up, I'd say it's easier than AA.

    When looking at hardmodes, this changes. Then AS becomes the most difficult in my opinion. The only one that would be close is MoL, when you don't have enough dps to skip mechanics. But since almost all guilds who currently do it, skip the lunar phase MoL only gets the second place. HoF hardmode isn't much different than non hardmode. The fight will take a bit longer, but unlike the other trials you don't need to change your strategy much.
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