Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Please get rid of mud (or nerf the stuffing out of it)

  • kyle.wilson
  • Armatesz
    You know there is a bad part about mudding... when someone is trying to pick someone's pockets and you throw a mudball at another npc so that they look their way... yeah gets them to have a bounty as well.
    Xbox NA
    Guildless (by choice)
  • DoctorESO
    If you don't want mud thrown at you, post your account name here so we know not to do it when we see you.
  • Appleblade
  • runagate
    (1) the consumable mementos, including swords to juggle, fire to swallow, and mudballs all work in Cyrodiil - which is awesome

    (2) that little fire atronach memento from the crown crates explodes and sets people off balance that it explodes on

    (3) I love throwing flower crowns onto people waaaaay too much but then again I make adverts for fake ERPvP guilds in zone chat while fishing (but can't easily trump the absurdity of half the real adverts)

    (4) if I'm going to be afk for a while I almost always /ritual behind some poor animal

    (5) real conversations in almost all zone chat are 10000x worse than having everyone hate you and throw mudballs on you for being a muh immershun person on the forums
  • Armatesz
    I've also heard that you can interrupt people that are fishing. I have not checked to see if it was true and if it is I would honestly report that part.
    Xbox NA
    Guildless (by choice)
  • Knootewoot
    How is this destroying roleplaying if I am roleplaying I am a mud thrower?

    *throws mudball*
    *throws mudball*
    *throws mudball*
    *throws mudball*
    *throws mudball*
    *throws mudball*
    *throws mudball*
    *throws mudball*

    (Geez, how can someone complain about something like this. And if this is in the top charts of things someone might quit the game over, there are no real issues apparently and the game is doing pretty good)
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • malicia
    If mudballs can interrupt fishing or dyeing, that can be problematic and needs to be fixed.

    But in general I love mudballs - often have mudball fights while waiting for that slow person to join the group for a trial run. I just wish they were dodgeable/blockable - would make the fights so much better!
    PC, EU
    Not elite, not the best. Just enjoying ESO.
    Not the worst either. "Casual" != "totally ignorant"
  • Integral1900
    Mud balls exist for one reason only, it gives the 0.5 percent of nasty little fun spoiling trolls something to do

    When one hits me for the ten millionth time I like to dream of cutting its owners head of with a rusty spatula :)
  • Niobium
    When I get hit with a mudball I throw one right back and have a good ol' fashioned mudball fight.
  • Armatesz
    malicia wrote: »
    If mudballs can interrupt fishing or dyeing, that can be problematic and needs to be fixed.

    But in general I love mudballs - often have mudball fights while waiting for that slow person to join the group for a trial run. I just wish they were dodgeable/blockable - would make the fights so much better!

    I can verify that when someone is using a dye station they are not interrupted but they will see the normal animation that goes with being mudded, so yeah you can still do normal interactions with a dye station but you will see that your character was mudded making doing simple dyeing a rather impossible to tell sort of deal.
    Xbox NA
    Guildless (by choice)
  • Xt2f_PTn
    3. Turn off mud animation by choice on character settings.

    I would love to get this option! options good for everyone.
  • Imryll
    It's only been a problem for me once, but I can sympathize with wanting immunity after a couple hits. The other day I was trying to dye a costume, and someone thought it would be fun to throw mud at me over and over and over so that I couldn't see what I was doing. I finally left the shop and went and did something else, but don't think I should have needed to.
    Edited by Imryll on January 8, 2018 7:11AM
  • Olupajmibanan
    People these days get offended by literally every, even the slightest, completely unimportant thing: Mudballs, Chokethorn trophy, Ebonshadow Shield, duelers near Wayshrine, people jumping instead of walking etc. etc.

    Can we start focusing on important issues please? Server performance, PvP balance, fps issues in graphics intensive trials (like MoL) are problems that should concern you and not some freaking mementos.

    Edited by Olupajmibanan on January 8, 2018 7:33AM
  • bellatrixed
    I don't really notice or care when I get beaned with mud while running around questing or crafting or whatever.

    But try hosting a RP event and having griefers sit there for literally TWO HOURS spamming mud balls at everyone and laughing and never getting banned despite 20+ people reporting them for harassment.

    I can normally ignore a troll because normally they give up and leave if ignored, but every once in a while you encounter one that is like the Terminator of trolls and literally will never tire and never stop.

    But if it wasn't mudballs they'd sit there spamming class AOEs on us, so basically, people suck. Removing mudballs would only be putting a bandaid on the larger issue that some people enjoy wasting their time trying to annoy people because they never matured past kindergarten level mentally.
    Edited by bellatrixed on January 8, 2018 7:45AM
    ESO Roleplay | RP community for all factions/servers/platforms
  • Armatesz
    People these days get offended by literally every, even the slightest, completely unimportant thing: Mudballs, Chokethorn trophy, Ebonshadow Shield, duelers near Wayshrine, people jumping instead of walking etc. etc.

    Can we start focusing on important issues please? Server performance, PvP balance, fps issues in graphics intensive trials (like MoL) are problems that should concern you and not some freaking mementos.

    You get offended by others being offended... I fail to see the logic here.
    Xbox NA
    Guildless (by choice)
  • Morgul667
    How comes you get thrown mudball so often ?
  • Turbotailz
    I always assumed they threw mud at me because my Khajitt looked sexier than their character. Haters everywhere I say :smiley:
    Edited by Turbotailz on January 8, 2018 8:43AM
    Friend: This one has a cool joke to tell. Want to hear?
    Me: Sure okay.
    Friend: What can a frozen band-aid be applied on?
    Me: This one don't know. Tell me.
    Friend: A cold cut. Get it?? hehehe
    Me:.... *activates Grim Focus!*
    Friend: No wait! it's a joke! please!
  • LadyAstrum
    I agree it can be an annoyance. I think the mud-thrower should be frozen on the spot for 5-10 seconds, at least to give me chance to throw one back.
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • Minyassa
    A toggle for involuntary emotes would be nice. LOTRO implemented such a toggle as it was used as an exploit in a way that resulted in giving some players an advantage, when some forced emotes caused a few seconds' animation that made the difference in getting to a resource node and was used to beat someone else to a resource. So it became a voluntary on/off thing, where people who have it turned off cannot USE those emotes on others either until they turn it on. It's a very simple opt out system where if you want to be able to dish it out you have to take it as well, and if you don't want any part of it you are rendered immune. Many people still leave it on because they think it's fun. The people who are bothered by it turn it off and can no longer annoy others by complaining. Everyone wins.
    Edited by Minyassa on January 8, 2018 9:19AM
  • The_Protagonist
    sarbonn wrote: »
    If there's really any reason I'd probably quit this game, this is at the top of the chart, which means there's not a lot of reason I would (but this might do it).

    Throwing mud at people serves absolutely no positive purpose to the game whatsoever. If it was a season thing, fine. Then end it at the season. If it's for an event, end it at the event. Giving this to people to use indiscriminately completely screws up the game for others who really aren't enjoying it. I can't literally go from one part of a town to another without at least two people throwing mud at me. Even the sound effect is annoying.

    If you're a roleplayer, you're roleplaying is completely destroyed because now you have to participate in someone's childish antics. No matter what. And then you get the guys who sit in front of turn in locations and nonstop throw mud at everyone who comes along. Endlessly, like they don't actually play the game but just throw mud all day.

    Fix this please, and here are a couple of suggestions (that should fit in with whatever nonsensical reasoning someone came up with behind thinking this was a good idea in the first place):

    1. Put a timer on mud. You can throw it once every five minutes (or hour).
    2. If you've been hit by mud, you can't be hit by it for another five minutes (or hour)
    3. Turn off mud animation by choice on character settings. GREATEST SOLUTION EVER
    4. Make mud seasonal
    5. Have Molag Bol automatically banish mud thrower to Coldharbour forever. (my personal choice, unless they threw it in Coldharbour, and then banish them to Craglorn)

    Oh! Thanks for the reminder OP! I will quick slot mud ball pouch as soon I log in. I forgot about it until reading reading this post. Really appreciate the reminder buddy!
  • Aisle9
    sarbonn wrote: »
    If there's really any reason I'd probably quit this game, this is at the top of the chart, which means there's not a lot of reason I would (but this might do it).

    Throwing mud at people serves absolutely no positive purpose to the game whatsoever. If it was a season thing, fine. Then end it at the season. If it's for an event, end it at the event. Giving this to people to use indiscriminately completely screws up the game for others who really aren't enjoying it. I can't literally go from one part of a town to another without at least two people throwing mud at me. Even the sound effect is annoying.

    If you're a roleplayer, you're roleplaying is completely destroyed because now you have to participate in someone's childish antics. No matter what. And then you get the guys who sit in front of turn in locations and nonstop throw mud at everyone who comes along. Endlessly, like they don't actually play the game but just throw mud all day.

    Fix this please, and here are a couple of suggestions (that should fit in with whatever nonsensical reasoning someone came up with behind thinking this was a good idea in the first place):

    1. Put a timer on mud. You can throw it once every five minutes (or hour).
    2. If you've been hit by mud, you can't be hit by it for another five minutes (or hour)
    3. Turn off mud animation by choice on character settings. GREATEST SOLUTION EVER
    4. Make mud seasonal
    5. Have Molag Bol automatically banish mud thrower to Coldharbour forever. (my personal choice, unless they threw it in Coldharbour, and then banish them to Craglorn)


    Edited by Aisle9 on January 8, 2018 9:58AM
    Artemis Absinthe - DC magicka nightblade (PC - EU)
    Gruzosh Barrelsmasher - DC stamina sorcerer (PC - EU)
    Kew'bacca - AD stamina nightblade (PC - EU)
    Jebediah Orbrynn - DC magicka templar (PC - EU)
    Hold-Many-Bags - Mule DK, Promoted to main tank, occasionally stamDD
    Olaf Proudstache - Mule - No longer with us Now a Stamwarden healer
    Aglieglie Brazorf - AD magicka sorcerer (PC - EU)
    Rodolfo Lavandino - DC stamina, greatsword wielding, Jesus beam spamming, Redguard hybrid templar just a stamplar again (PC - EU)
    Lemmy Raise Master - EP stamina necromancer (PC - EU)

    Scions of Dawn recruitment ad - PC EU multifaction PvE endgame raiding guild

    LUI user - I can see you when you fap loot.


    In the Game of PuGs you win or you ragequit

    "Dip dip potato chip, dip dip potato chip"
  • Slick_007
    of course they serve a purpose. getting people all cut up. like this thread.
  • Fang_of_Lorkhaj
    Craglorn? You spelled Riften wrong dude.
  • GoonyGoat
    I haven't been mud(poo)-balled since the festival. My favorite is getting flowered at crafting stations, makes me feel fancy while doing the daily blah!
  • MornaBaine
    Giving players new ways to troll other players was perhaps not the smartest move ZOS could have made, true. An hour timer outside the event season sounds like a good solution.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Lord_Etrigan

    OP i don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for fix, I can tell you it will not happen . But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long completed events.

    Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let this thread go, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will throw mud at you.

    Lol, best post of the day.

    Well done!
    PS4 EU
    Lord Etrigan (Former Emperor): PVE High Elf Sorcerer
    Nyssa al Ghul: PVP Nightblade Wood Elf (Ganker)
    Lady-Death : PVP High Elf Sorcerer (8 x Campaigns Former Empress and Grand Warlord) Retired:(
    Achmed-Silence I keel you: PVP Dark Elf Nightblade (Suicide Bomber)
    I'm with stupid: PVP Argonian Magic Temp (Group support and healer).

    The Order of Stolas (Founder and Guild Master)

    Faction: Aldmeri Dominion

    Her Royal Highness Queen Ayrenn Arana wants You for Dominion.
  • saxgooner
    You've just given me a great idea to throw mud balls at turn in areas
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Kill joy :(
    PC EU
  • lardvader
This discussion has been closed.