Hi All
I have been playing ESO for three months now and right now I am sorta stuck at CP300: too weak to participate in dungeon runs, not able to survive Cyrodill encounters more than two seconds, and basically no clue how to advance any further.
So I decided to do my homework and started reading forum threads and other stuff on the internet (if all else fails...). I found out that I basically made all the wrong choices regarding initial setup and gear (hence NOOB): I just jumped in, never thinking about "end game goals". I played Skyrim as a Nord so that was easy. Dragonknight because I like knights & dragons. I didn't want to die, so I spent most of my attribute points in health (37), very little in magica (4, "who needs magica") en the rest in stamina (23, "I wanna be able to keep hitting"). Developed the two-handed and bow skills because I like those. Went for heavy armor because I didn't want to die quickly. Searched every skyshard that I could find, and discovered all the sights. Changed my gear every time I found items that according to the stats were better or stronger. Focused on weapons and gear, totally ignoring food, drinks and potions ("who needs those"). Sold every recipe I found to Merchants because I didn't know what to do with it. Reached level 50 and began earning CPs. Spent them all over the place on every skill I thought would be benificial (but not REALLY knowing what these skills do). Switched to inferno staff because I kept dying in close range fights.
Reading the forums taught me that I DO need food and potions so I developed those skills. Because I read somewhere that it was better to focus on one or two things I already did a "constellation respec" and that improved things slightly. But I still die a lot. I can handle three to five enemies if they don't swarm me too much, but no way can I singlehandedly kill real world bosses and do dolmens as I see other people with level 15 do. Or kill 10 enemies in two sweeps.
So at the moment I guess I'm doing OK, but I suspect that I could do better. So what is the secret? Better gear? Then I have to do dungeons, but nobody wants to put up with a 300CP noob. And even then, which gear should I go for? When I read the forums I get confused because there are so many variables. Advice from one person seems to contradict the advice from someone else ("go for heavy impenetrable" versus "go for medium divines" or "5-1-1"). Also, advice seems to get "outdated" with every game update. At the moment, my bank & inventory are loaded with named gear that I would like to deconstruct to make space, but then I might destroy gear that would be better as a set (currently still wearing the "as high as possible spec" heavy set).
At this time I am thinking "craftable sets" because it seems to take forever to assemble a complete (dropped) set: bosses don't drop the items they are supposed to drop, or the traits are wrong etc. But then I hesitate to "try out" these "craftable" sets because I might spend my gold kutas, rosins and tempering alloys on the "wrong" set.
So my question is: can anybody give me some good pointers to improve my gear and general setup? I would very much like to:
- keep my Nord Dragonknight because I'd rather not spend the time to develop a new character from scratch (but I would if that was the only way)
- be able to survive in PvP combat long enough to at least hit back a couple of times
- do some real damage to mobs, underground en real world bosses, for solo play but also as a valuable addition to a group
- be better in close combat (I really like to get in the fight and brawl, rather than throwing stuff from a distance)
- do as much damage as possible, and at the same time being able to take some heavy hits (that's a tank I presume)
ANY advice is much appreciated!
Thanks in advance