Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Dungeon Finder Broke already

Played with 2 characters, now the 3rd is saying someone declined invite even though we all accepted. Remade group, all relogged still bugged.
  • Apache_Kid
    This has been happening for many months.
  • KingMagaw
    @ZOS_GinaBruno - Any fix to this kinda ruining the Event. Multiple people across my guilds reporting the same thing
  • VaranisArano
    That's "fun". Now we see why ZOS wanted a stress test for the dungeon finder.
  • T4T2FR34K
    That's "fun". Now we see why ZOS wanted a stress test for the dungeon finder.

    Which is the whole point...not so you can make 8 characters and try to exploit their kindness...this is an incentive to test the system, not an entitlement...
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    Oh, don't get me started on how I try to leave the group for the last 30 minutes.
  • Loc2262
    Yes, same here. We were in a pre-made group, the finder was very sluggish, and repeatedly claimed "someone declined the invite". After a while, we could neither leave the queue nor the group.

    Then I tried listing solo as tank. Waited 3 minutes in queue, nothing. Then I could not leave the queue anymore and had to log out. Even after re-login I was still queued.

    Good job, Zenimax! If your intention was to stress-test the grouping tool until it broke, you succeeded! Best shut down the server and fix stuff NOW.
    Edited by Loc2262 on November 30, 2017 3:56PM
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • KingMagaw
    This is a disgrace cant even run a simple Event without something breaking.
  • MyNameIsElias
  • TechnoSausage
    Been waiting for this event for a while! Just left work, logged on here to see how the event was going! Oh dear!
  • Apache_Kid
    T4T2FR34K wrote: »
    That's "fun". Now we see why ZOS wanted a stress test for the dungeon finder.

    Which is the whole point...not so you can make 8 characters and try to exploit their kindness...this is an incentive to test the system, not an entitlement...

    It's absolutely hilarious to me that they want to "test" a system that has been broke since homestesd that they refuse to fix. The phantom queues, having to do 1000 ready-checks, and not being able to enter a dungeon because of a false full-instance message have all been happening for months and instead of fixing it they designed an event to make all of us use the broken tool. It's almost insulting. Actually I would say it is.
  • VaranisArano
    T4T2FR34K wrote: »
    That's "fun". Now we see why ZOS wanted a stress test for the dungeon finder.

    Which is the whole point...not so you can make 8 characters and try to exploit their kindness...this is an incentive to test the system, not an entitlement...

    No really, man. Its a stress test, and this is exactly why ZOS did the event. Funny how the stress tests keep breaking things, just like Midyear Mayhem broke the PVP servers.
  • badmojo
    T4T2FR34K wrote: »
    That's "fun". Now we see why ZOS wanted a stress test for the dungeon finder.

    Which is the whole point...not so you can make 8 characters and try to exploit their kindness...this is an incentive to test the system, not an entitlement...

    Seriously? Exploit their kindness by playing in the event they promoted on the multiple characters you paid them to have?

    Poor ZOS, being exploited and stuff.
  • Apache_Kid
    T4T2FR34K wrote: »
    That's "fun". Now we see why ZOS wanted a stress test for the dungeon finder.

    Which is the whole point...not so you can make 8 characters and try to exploit their kindness...this is an incentive to test the system, not an entitlement...

    No really, man. Its a stress test, and this is exactly why ZOS did the event. Funny how the stress tests keep breaking things, just like Midyear Mayhem broke the PVP servers.

    This has been happening for months before this event was even teased. The event didn't cause this bug.
  • maniac4maniac
  • T4T2FR34K
    T4T2FR34K wrote: »
    That's "fun". Now we see why ZOS wanted a stress test for the dungeon finder.

    Which is the whole point...not so you can make 8 characters and try to exploit their kindness...this is an incentive to test the system, not an entitlement...

    No really, man. Its a stress test, and this is exactly why ZOS did the event. Funny how the stress tests keep breaking things, just like Midyear Mayhem broke the PVP servers.

    Do you not recognize we're saying the same thing?
  • KingMagaw
    Test the system?, thats a joke.

    40mins into the event the system broke. 2 random normals most got then group finder is bugged.

    Cant leave group.
    Cant disband group
    Cant queue saying constantly declined even though we on discord and accepting
  • Loc2262
    The event probably didn't introduce the bug(s) we're experiencing now, but it certainly triggered and multiplied them.
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • WeerW3ir
    ZOS plz
  • VaranisArano
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    T4T2FR34K wrote: »
    That's "fun". Now we see why ZOS wanted a stress test for the dungeon finder.

    Which is the whole point...not so you can make 8 characters and try to exploit their kindness...this is an incentive to test the system, not an entitlement...

    No really, man. Its a stress test, and this is exactly why ZOS did the event. Funny how the stress tests keep breaking things, just like Midyear Mayhem broke the PVP servers.

    This has been happening for months before this event was even teased. The event didn't cause this bug.

    No, but it'll certainly bring enough attention to the bug now that its happening to a large amount of the player base and preventing them from getting rewards. Which is more or less one of the functions of a stress test. It brings out pre-existing bugs happening to large enough numbers of people that ZOS can replicate it, test solutions, and get it fixed.

    Its just going to be frustrating as all get in the meantime.
  • AlienSlof
    Can't group, can't get dungeon - this event is so BROKEN.
    Bionic Crazy Cat Lady
  • T4T2FR34K
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    T4T2FR34K wrote: »
    That's "fun". Now we see why ZOS wanted a stress test for the dungeon finder.

    Which is the whole point...not so you can make 8 characters and try to exploit their kindness...this is an incentive to test the system, not an entitlement...

    It's absolutely hilarious to me that they want to "test" a system that has been broke since homestesd that they refuse to fix. The phantom queues, having to do 1000 ready-checks, and not being able to enter a dungeon because of a false full-instance message have all been happening for months and instead of fixing it they designed an event to make all of us use the broken tool. It's almost insulting. Actually I would say it is.

    I don't know what to tell you...I que'd dps and got in 5 sec later and then we were off.

    I would imagine there are fixes being implemented that don't make it to patch notes, I could be wrong, right? This could really be just an event to get us to do dungeons...

    p.s. Or you know they took the time to make mysterious reward boxes...maybe we will see them in some future content...
    Edited by T4T2FR34K on November 30, 2017 4:03PM
  • KingMagaw
    No, but it'll certainly bring enough attention to the bug now that its happening to a large amount of the player base and preventing them from getting rewards. Which is more or less one of the functions of a stress test. It brings out pre-existing bugs happening to large enough numbers of people that ZOS can replicate it, test solutions, and get it fixed.

    Its just going to be frustrating as all get in the meantime.

    That is ZOS main problem. They want to waste players playtime that bought and game, subscribe and buy DLC's to test there work.

    Why isnt this tested by in house employees rather than constantly squandering players time. Truly a disgrace.

  • Cinbri
    AlienSlof wrote: »
    Can't group, can't get dungeon - this event is so BROKEN.

    This is event accompanied to free play weekend. did someone expected other result?
  • jakeedmundson
    Dungeon finder hasn't worked (correctly) since the game launched.

    Multiple threads discussing concerns, bugs, etc.
    multiple "fixes" from ZOS that didn't change anything (or added new bugs)

    We just need to accept that it will never get fixed... it's been what... 2.5 years?

    But don't worry... i'm sure the next crown store showcase will have some amazing things (reskins of the stuff you already own)
    Edited by jakeedmundson on November 30, 2017 4:04PM
    Lv 50 Dunmer DragonKnight Tank/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Sorcerer Dps
    Lv 50 Breton Templar Healer/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Nightblade Dps
    Lv 50 Redguard Sorcerer Dps
    PS4 - DC
    vSOHM - vAAHM - vHRC - vMA Flawless

    My version of a Heavy Attack Sorc build
  • VaranisArano
    Think of it not as an Event first and foremost but as a stress test for the Group FInder. If you know there are bugs, you throw a whole bunch of players, cough, *guinea pigs*, cough, at it, hope to get the bugs that were effecting a few players to now show up in large numbers so that you can replicate the problem, gather data and start designing fixes.

    Only problem got a bunch of players who want their rewards and are really frustrated that Groupfinder broke because ZOS spun this as an Event, not a stress test with incentives.

    (PVP's Midyear Mayhem was the same, when ZOS found out just how many players their Cyrodiil servers could hold before gameplay went to the toilet.)
  • VaranisArano
    T4T2FR34K wrote: »
    T4T2FR34K wrote: »
    That's "fun". Now we see why ZOS wanted a stress test for the dungeon finder.

    Which is the whole point...not so you can make 8 characters and try to exploit their kindness...this is an incentive to test the system, not an entitlement...

    No really, man. Its a stress test, and this is exactly why ZOS did the event. Funny how the stress tests keep breaking things, just like Midyear Mayhem broke the PVP servers.

    Do you not recognize we're saying the same thing?

    Sorry, I thought you were being snide with your first reply. My apologies.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    T4T2FR34K wrote: »
    That's "fun". Now we see why ZOS wanted a stress test for the dungeon finder.

    Which is the whole point...not so you can make 8 characters and try to exploit their kindness...this is an incentive to test the system, not an entitlement...

    It's absolutely hilarious to me that they want to "test" a system that has been broke since homestesd that they refuse to fix. The phantom queues, having to do 1000 ready-checks, and not being able to enter a dungeon because of a false full-instance message have all been happening for months and instead of fixing it they designed an event to make all of us use the broken tool. It's almost insulting. Actually I would say it is.

    It’s been broke waaaaaay before homestead. When i primarily played on PC, correct me if I’m wrong but, the old group finder initially broke just afte the Craglorn update. It worked for some of us but technically the VR character portion was broken but pre VR worked.

    So it’s been three years and it only worked “never” at level 50 which is why the Trial finder was removed and a new activity finder was introduced in place of the old dungeon finder.

    2015 discussion:

    They even confirmed this to an extent on a very old ESO Live show when Jason Leavey was with them before he left. (I think that was his name)

    Anyways I was on the side that....more ppl needed to use it but after having more characters post VR 8, it stopped working for me too so I was wrong. It only worked for levels below 49.

    @ZOS_MattFiror and @ZOS_BrianWheeler and @ZOS_RichLambert maybe take a look as I really think some of this is worth considering.
    It’s exactly why I’ve been arguing to actually remove VR. Not roll it to CP and definitely not to reference CP in any way other than the points on passives. Everything needs to be based on the actual character level only.

    If you all want to extend things past 49, use actual character, and skill line levels 50-66 to represent VR1-16 or CP10-160 @ZOS_GinaBruno please share the feedback again.

    We understand it’s major coding and that scaling won’t work the same but to actually remove VR is the right direction.

    Rewind back to earlier in closed beta when you all decided to add VR and then had VR exp separate when adding Cadwell questing the decision to adjust it to normal exp was we are at a point where those original ideas still have lingering negative impacts and major limiting future results to your development.

    The solution is literally complicated or time consuming but it would be best for future and current things. This leads to or offers real balance changes in PvE separate from PvP as it becomes skill line based vs CP or one type of scaling. What players care about is our choices and meaningful comparability to another character. This meaningful experience is different from PvP and PvE but taking the first big step opens up more enjoyable ideas and possibilities. That morph is no longer limiting, its ever evolving

    Zones would have tiered difficulty.
    Scaling wouldn’t be CP it would need to be based on actual character levels so that’s a lot but that’s where to start.

    Next is to decide how skill lines and those skills/spells relate to a character level if at all. The scaling should be there too as that what matters and it would remove all the complicated server and client calculations a bit.

    Finally you’d want to align crafting to this model as well.

    Lastly this allows activity finder to add back Zone quest grouping, Trial grouping, role selection (based on skill line level not character level), and dungeon normal and dungeon hard to scale to the leader on manual groups and level range on pick up groups so ppl aren’t upset.

    Your DLC also needs to fall in the later levels so base it on skill line level not character in a simple meaningful way who would be the best to support their group efforts. it shouldn't be a surprise but also shouldn't require that our stats have some inspect method. At a glance we all should see...OH I'm level 66 in all healing and level 49-60 in other that level in the same manner as today collectively.

    If we surpass level 50 skill line on a main, once the alt hits level 50 in that skill line, it should match the max player account. Its a simple system like your champion system and makes more sense.....just call it passive leveling or something

    People want to play together and people want to know
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on December 1, 2017 5:50PM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Apache_Kid
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    T4T2FR34K wrote: »
    That's "fun". Now we see why ZOS wanted a stress test for the dungeon finder.

    Which is the whole point...not so you can make 8 characters and try to exploit their kindness...this is an incentive to test the system, not an entitlement...

    No really, man. Its a stress test, and this is exactly why ZOS did the event. Funny how the stress tests keep breaking things, just like Midyear Mayhem broke the PVP servers.

    This has been happening for months before this event was even teased. The event didn't cause this bug.

    No, but it'll certainly bring enough attention to the bug now that its happening to a large amount of the player base and preventing them from getting rewards. Which is more or less one of the functions of a stress test. It brings out pre-existing bugs happening to large enough numbers of people that ZOS can replicate it, test solutions, and get it fixed.

    Its just going to be frustrating as all get in the meantime.

    It's been frustrating for the last 10 months when this started happening during homestead. That THIS is what is required to bring enough ATTENTION to the problems when there have been multiple threads about them is a joke. I'm sick of the excuse being "we couldn't replicate it" when these things happen every damn time myself and others on Xbox i have spoken to about this queue for a dungeon. If they are having this hard of a time replicating bugs they need to examine their internal server and find a way to get that performance to the rest of us.

    If they needed to do a stress test to fix and pinpoint these issues it should've been done months ago when they were introduced.
  • Azurya
    I love this game...

    what is that machine in CWC called..... the IMPERFECT.....
    it is the image of ESO......LoL
  • gepe87
    Can't leave group :/ Another event feature: stick together!
    Gepe, Dunmer MagSorc Pact Grand Overlord | Gaepe, Bosmer MagSorc Dominion General

    If you see edits on my replies: typos. English isn't my main language
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