Crom_CCCXVI wrote: »- Veteran Trials? Magik Sorc only
Crom_CCCXVI wrote: »Spoiler- Veteran Trials? Magik Sorc only
- Cyrodil, Battlegrounds- around 75% sheild stacking Magik Sorc
- Best Dueling Class, I say pet build sheild stacking Magik Sorc
So for this quarters Sorcerer buff...
-- hmm, lets nerf defending weapons and Viper, those 3 or 4 players in the game that are still playing stam builds are such a nuisance when you run into them every few days
-- turn up the mundus, and buff resources in sets. Every Magik Sorc needs 50K magika and 2000 recovery, can you imagine if you had to consider resources as your spamming your same 3 or 4 skills endlessly without care?
-- Sheild Breaker on a Staff? Stupid idea, it would only work against 1 of the 10 or so classes in the game, you'd get crushed by everyone else. Wait someone did that, well we can't have that.
This is addition to,
-- the recent nerfing of resource poisons
-- the face you can't apply status effects (chilled, concussed, burning) to anyone with a sheild.
and don't forget the destruction of the DK heavy Inferno staff build, I guess because it could hit hard at range... only Magik Sorcs are allowed to do that!
I really think everyone who works at ZOS must be playing a sheild stacking Sorc, that or they just don't play at all.
Crom_CCCXVI wrote: »- Veteran Trials? Magik Sorc only
- Cyrodil, Battlegrounds- around 75% sheild stacking Magik Sorc
- Best Dueling Class, I say pet build sheild stacking Magik Sorc
So for this quarters Sorcerer buff...
-- hmm, lets nerf defending weapons and Viper, those 3 or 4 players in the game that are still playing stam builds are such a nuisance when you run into them every few days
-- turn up the mundus, and buff resources in sets. Every Magik Sorc needs 50K magika and 2000 recovery, can you imagine if you had to consider resources as your spamming your same 3 or 4 skills endlessly without care?
-- Sheild Breaker on a Staff? Stupid idea, it would only work against 1 of the 10 or so classes in the game, you'd get crushed by everyone else. Wait someone did that, well we can't have that.
This is addition to,
-- the recent nerfing of resource poisons
-- the face you can't apply status effects (chilled, concussed, burning) to anyone with a sheild.
and don't forget the destruction of the DK heavy Inferno staff build, I guess because it could hit hard at range... only Magik Sorcs are allowed to do that!
I really think everyone who works at ZOS must be playing a sheild stacking Sorc, that or they just don't play at all.
Shad0wfire99 wrote: »If you think magsorcs are still the "meta" in trials, you don't run many serious trials.
derpmander wrote: »I really wish magsorc was the meta again but stamina has taken over now and is preferred over anything else. Magsorc is there to provide offbalance and Fulfill the ranged dps requirement for mechanics (3-4)
At least we still serve a role more than dropping a negate. I remember that time as well ...
Interesting then Hordor did the first vHoF either speed or HM they had at least as many nightblades as sorc, think it even was magblades who was seen as the worst DD class before magic wardenDRXHarbinger wrote: »Shield stacking isn't a thing. even if you have a problem killing a sorc who's just spamming healing ward and hardened ward l2p and get with the Infused+Torgus+Oblivion Dmg Meta.
You know it costs near 8k Magika to spam shields twice right? Esp in Battlegrounds, with these kind of costs sorcs are actually pretty easy prey.
Also try doing Vmol with nothing but sorc DPS.
Interesting then Hordor did the first vHoF either speed or HM they had at least as many nightblades as sorc, think it even was magblades who was seen as the worst DD class before magic warden
leepalmer95 wrote: »
Hodor had weeks of access to it and had bis mag sorc dps on live when it hit live. So they used mag sorc.
Interesting then Hordor did the first vHoF either speed or HM they had at least as many nightblades as sorc, think it even was magblades who was seen as the worst DD class before magic warden
Crom_CCCXVI wrote: »- Veteran Trials? Magik Sorc only
- Cyrodil, Battlegrounds- around 75% sheild stacking Magik Sorc
- Best Dueling Class, I say pet build sheild stacking Magik Sorc
So for this quarters Sorcerer buff...
-- hmm, lets nerf defending weapons and Viper, those 3 or 4 players in the game that are still playing stam builds are such a nuisance when you run into them every few days
-- turn up the mundus, and buff resources in sets. Every Magik Sorc needs 50K magika and 2000 recovery, can you imagine if you had to consider resources as your spamming your same 3 or 4 skills endlessly without care?
-- Sheild Breaker on a Staff? Stupid idea, it would only work against 1 of the 10 or so classes in the game, you'd get crushed by everyone else. Wait someone did that, well we can't have that.
This is addition to,
-- the recent nerfing of resource poisons
-- the face you can't apply status effects (chilled, concussed, burning) to anyone with a sheild.
and don't forget the destruction of the DK heavy Inferno staff build, I guess because it could hit hard at range... only Magik Sorcs are allowed to do that!
I really think everyone who works at ZOS must be playing a sheild stacking Sorc, that or they just don't play at all.
Crom_CCCXVI wrote: »- Veteran Trials? Magik Sorc only
Opening yet another thread doesn't make anything you say more true.
Or, the best thread in that series so far:
We seriously need a LOL button for these threads. It's ridiculous.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Shield stacking isn't a thing. even if you have a problem killing a sorc who's just spamming healing ward and hardened ward l2p and get with the Infused+Torgus+Oblivion Dmg Meta.
You know it costs near 8k Magika to spam shields twice right? Esp in Battlegrounds, with these kind of costs sorcs are actually pretty easy prey.
Also try doing Vmol with nothing but sorc DPS.
plz guys ,don't take seriously what this man is saying .... no reliable source ... he only get killed by a sorc and decided to create a Nerf sorc thread ...