This isn't a complaint about ESO or its sound, but a question about sound and playback devices.
I got a headset with only a USB connection, and no official drivers are available. My $10 earbuds that plug into the 3.1 input jack sound way better, and the drop quality is sooooo much worse in games in general and ESO in particular. I've tried following lots of online advice but most of it seems inapplicable or it doesn't work. I admit I didn't spend a lot on the headset, yet others use it just fine. I have an MSI gaming laptop with Nahimic and all of the sound boosting/customization is available with my cheap earbuds but my Sades A60/OMG headset is locked out of those features. The simplest tone tests are OK for the headset, music on YouTube is "meh", but holy crap gaming sound is bad. Some parts are OK to meh, other parts are very... *sigh*
I picked up a Steel Series headset today to test with, also USB, to see if it's all USB headsets that sound bad on my PC or just the one.'s pretty much any USB headset. I can return one or both, just bummed that my earbuds beat them both. Will update with any additional results, but suggestions for improvement (other than "Go back to your earbuds" because obviously I will if nothing else works) are welcome. I've read that lots of people with Windows 10 have had issue with USB headsets, but the fixes vary and some people just can't make them work well.
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