I am not barking an ad for Enzyte, I am talking about Cyrodiil game performance. I play on two platforms, and the delays in Cyrodiil are a lot more prevalent than what I can assume was pre-Morrowwind. I called my service provider to talk about pricing plans for better internet. But I really don't want to make that investment if this is something clearly happening on the other end.
I primarily play on a high performance PC, and as of the past few weeks, it is extremely hard for me to ani-cancel, bar cancel, etc because everything seems to be on a delay that I can only attribute to lag. It's really frustrating and to the point I have even toned my graphics down to Medium settings, if that would even help.
On the Xbox I have taken a break from PvP as has much of my guild. Constant characters running in place then a crash to home screen.
ZOS, can someone at least confirm there is something going on?