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Necromancer Class Ideas

I was checking out this thread and I decided that I wanted to try planing out what a necromancer class should actually be like. This is not a thread for naysayers to come in yelling "I don't want other people to be able to play a class they've wanted since launch!" This is a place to discuss cool ideas for a potential new class. So here is my Idea for Necromancer Class abilities and passives.

(Note that some numbers are left out, I didn't put them in because obviously all of these numbers would have to be worked with together with each other and the passives to make the class in like with the others. Durations have been marked with "<dur>" damages (as well as heal amounts) are marked with "<dam>" and AoE sizes are marked with "<aoe>".)

Colors: Necromantic Green and Purple
Dark Souls:
Undead Horde(Ultimate, 200)- Summon waves of skeletons that attack your enemy then explode for 10 seconds. Each skeleton deals <dam> magic damage (each wave has 4 skeletons. One wave is summoned every 2 seconds)
Bone Army: Now does physical damage. Targets are set off balance for <dur> seconds. (Stamina morph)
Lord of the Dead- Now summons ghosts instead of skeletons. Ghosts inflict the target with Major breach for 4 seconds.
Notes: Obviously the overall damage would need to be balanced to make it equivalent to other DPS ultimates. I think it would be cool to have an ultimate that deals its damage in waves.

Raise Skeleton- Raise a Skeleton to fight for you.
Skeletal Minions: Raise two Skeletons to fight for you
Bone Colossus- Raise a bone Colossus to fight for you.
Notes: you cant have a Necromancer without the ability to summon the dead.

Raise Zombe- Raise a Zombe to fight for you.
Rotting Corpse- Zombe does <dam> disease damage to enemies within <aoe>.
Flesh Atronach- Raise a Flesh Atronach to fight for you. Its basic attacks deal 1% more damage for every corpse nearby when cast.
Notes: I think Rotting Corpse would be a really cool stamina morph for a summon. The Flesh Atronach would be best cast immediately after killing a large mob (obviously there would have to be some kind of cap on the damage boost)

Necrotic Bolt- Throw a bolt of necromantic energy to destroy your enemy
Necrotic Blast- Each cast has a chance to morph the ability into a stronger version that does 15% more damage and slows the enemy.
Necrotic Rage- Enemies within <aoe> also take <dam> damage each second for <dur> seconds.
Notes: This would be the Necromancer’s main spam ability. It would be the basic skull-bolt type thing like we see from Nerieneth, and the upgraded version of blast would be the larger version of the bolt.

Necromantic Curse- Deals <dam> magic damage each second for <dur> seconds.
Necrotic Infection- Deals <dam> Disease damage over <dur> seconds. (Stamina Morph)
Unstable Curse- Each tick of damage has a 30% chance to cause the entirety of the ability’s remaining damage all at once (if this happens the curse is removed).
Notes: This would be the Necromancer’s basic DoT. I think Unstable Curse would be a particularly fun ability, because you never know exactly when tour going to have to recast it. But when it goes off you get a little boost to dps.

Necrotic Cloak- Deals <dam> magic damage every second to enemies within <aoe> of you for <dur> seconds. Does 300% more damage to enemies under 25% health.
Death Cloak- Now does disease damage and grants minor expedition for the duration. (Stamina morph)
Necrotic Vortex- Has a Larger AoE.
Notes: I was trying to think of an interesting execute abilities that might still be worth using even before execute phase, and I thought a cloak-type ability would be great.

Power of the Dead- Casting a Dark Souls ability increases your weapon and spell damage by 2%/4%.
Soul Absorption- When a nearby enemy dies, you restore .5%/1% of your health, stamina, and magicka.
Death Mage- you deal 3%/5% more damage to targets under 20% health.
Master of Undeath- Your undead summons deal 5%/10% more damage.
Necrotic Empowerment:
Affliction(Ultimate, 75)- Inflict the target with Major Lifesteal, Major Magickasteal, and Major Staminasteal for 10 seconds.
Defilement- also inflict the target with Major Defile and minor vulnerability.
Necromantic Drain- Also inflict Minor Lifesteal, Minor Magickasteal, and Minor Staminasteal.
Notes: As of now, we don’t have anything to give the Major steal effects, so I thought that this would be a nice unique ability that necromancers could bring to the table. The rarity of the effects are balanced out by it taking your ultimate, which also prevents actually keeping 100% uptime.

Necromantic rune- Enemies standing in the rune take <dam> damage each second for <dur> seconds. Enemies standing in the rune are slowed.
Empowering rune- While an enemy is standing in the rune your class abilities gain 200 spell/weapon power.
Consuming rune- Has a Larger AoE. Allies are healed for <dam> each second, and an extra <dam> for each enemy standing in the rune.
Notes: I was trying to think of a cool spin on a targeted ground DoT/Ground HoT and I thought it would be awesome to have one that not only damages the enemy, but rewards you directly for having one in it.

Enthrall- (Single target ally ability) Target is healed for <dam> each second for <dur> seconds. You may only have one Empower active at a time.
Vigorous Thrall- Ally also gains minor vitality.
Empowered Thrall- Ally gains 200 spell damage and weapon damage.
Notes: I was trying to think of an interesting and unique healing ability for the Necromancer. I thought that something like this would be quite fun, as it makes you prioritize who you think needs it the most. Do you want to use the Vigorous morph and put it on your tank to keep them alive, or do you want to increase your groups damage output by using the Empowered morph on your strongest dps?

Transfer- Remove a harmful effect from yourself, and inflict it on the target instead.
Transfer Power- Also removes a beneficial effect from the target, and gives it to you.
Revenge- You now transfer two harmful effects onto the target.
Notes: I wanted to have some kind of cleanse for the necromancer, but I was having trouble thinking up a unique way to implement it, but then I though “what if it puts the negative effect on your enemy instead?” Obviously this would be a fairly high cost ability to discourage running around spamming it, but it would be immensely useful on something like Velidreth, where a cleanse can make a big difference.

Command Soul– Enslave the souls of the dead to heal nearby allies for <dam>.
Lingering spirits- has a 10% chance to leave behind a lingering spirit to heal an ally for an extra <dam> over 5 seconds.
Enslave the Dead- Gives allies Minor Toughness for 5 seconds.
Notes: This would be the Necromancer’s basic spam heal.

Displacement- Restore Magicka to an ally equal to the cost of this ability
Substantial Displacement- Now Costs stamina and restores stamina (stamina morph)
Empowered Displacement- Increases cost (Thus increasing magicka restored)
Notes: I was thinking about things like equilibrium and dark deal, and I thought it would be interesting to be able to transfer your attributes directly to an ally.

The Returned- resurrecting an ally gives them 1500/3000 armor and spell resistance for 4 seconds
Erudite- Healing a target with a Necrotic Empowerment ability gives you Minor intellect for 3/6 seconds
Raise the Dead- When a nearby ally dies, you gain 150/300 health regeneration for 10 seconds.
Overflow- When you heal yourself at full health, you heal nearby allies for 5%/10% of that amount.
Eternal Lich:
Necromantic Burst (ultimate, 100)- All nearby enemies are knocked back for 3 seconds.
Echoing Burst- When the effect wears off, enemies are knocked off balance for 3 seconds.
Crippling Burst- Affected enemies are slowed for 10 seconds.
Notes: This would be very useful against large mobs or bosses with a lot of adds.

Lich’s Grasp- The enemy is rooted for 8 seconds.
Crushing Grasp- Target is inflicted with minor mangle for 10 seconds.
Unyielding Grasp- Now also roots two nearby targets, but for half the time.
Notes: I wanted to make a good root ability for Necromancer Tanks, so of course my first thought was to use an ability we’ve all seen countless times. This would be the player version of that big spectral skeleton hand coming out of the ground to grab you.

Death’s Embrace- Gain Major Resolve and Major Ward for 20 seconds
Immortal Embrace- Also grants Minor protection.
Enduring Embrace- Increase duration to 25 seconds.
Notes: The mandatory tank armor spell

Blood Pact: Heals you for <dam> (High heal amount) If you are above 50% health You are inflicted with Minor mangle for 10 seconds.
Eternal Pact- If you are under 25% health, also gain Major fortitude for 4 seconds.
Blood Price- If cast while under 50% health, the next enemy to attack you within 3 seconds is inflicted with Minor Maim for 6 seconds.
Notes: I wanted to have a good self heal that rewarded you for using it at lower health, but then I thought “This is necromancy! Lets have it punish you for using it wrong instead.” This makes it the perfect OS heal, but discourages casting it unless you actually need it.

Bone Guard- Reflect the next projectile that hits you.
Bone Judge- Reflected projectiles set the target off balance for 3 seconds.
Splintering Bone Guard- Instead of reflecting projectiles, being struck with a projectile causes 75% of its damage to be dealt as physical damage in an AoE around you. (stamina morph)
Notes: As far as the Splintering morph, I thought it would be fun to have a projectile “reflect” that redistributes the damage into an aoe.

Necrotic Bond- For 25 seconds the target takes 5% of damage that is dealt to you.
Death Bond- If the target dies while this effect is active, you are healed for <dam>.
Undying Bond- Duration increased to 30 seconds.
Notes: I was trying to think of a truly unique ability that necromancer tanks could use, and I thought it would be cool to have one that both protects you and punishes them for attacking you.

Necromantic resistance- Enemies under 20% health deal 2%/5% less damage to you.
Blood Worm- When you take damage, you have a 5% chance to absorb 500/1000 Magicka from the attacker.
Undeath- Activating an Eternal Lich ability grants nearby allies 200/500 armor and spell resistance.
Lichdom- While under 30% health you gain 10%/20% Magicka and Stamina regeneration.

What do people think? Does anybody else have cool ideas that they'd like to see on a necromancer class?
  • Vipstaakki
    I don't want other people to be able to play a class they've wanted since launch!
  • Adernath
    The main issue I see with a possible necromancer class is that the current engine simply will get too much problems in PvP. Imagine that there is now a zerg in cyro full of necros with their minions & their buffs.... It is simply unthinkable in the current situation. The engine needs to be improved first, then one can dream of a necro class.

    Besides, instead of introducing an entire new class I suggest introducing a 3rd staff line (i.e. weapon line) which has summoning capabilities. Then all existing classes would have more options and it would be more ESO-like (aka: play what you want).
  • Tyrobag
    Adernath wrote: »
    The main issue I see with a possible necromancer class is that the current engine simply will get too much problems in PvP. Imagine that there is now a zerg in cyro full of necros with their minions & their buffs.... It is simply unthinkable in the current situation. The engine needs to be improved first, then one can dream of a necro class.

    I don't see how a necromancer would be anymore of a problem than any other class? My suggestion has the same max number of pets as a sorc, and no more buffs than anyone else...
  • Tyrobag
    Vipstaakki wrote: »
    I don't want other people to be able to play a class they've wanted since launch!

    You're dead to me....
  • FoulSnowpaw
    Awesome compilation! I give support for this.
    It is lore friendly, because... necromancers... they exist.
  • Adernath
    Tyrobag wrote: »
    I don't see how a necromancer would be anymore of a problem than any other class? My suggestion has the same max number of pets as a sorc, and no more buffs than anyone else...

    Don't get me wrong: I am certain that your suggestions will work eventually (besides of that 'undead horde' ulti in Cyro. I am sure that would kill the server in big battles).

    For me necromancy is a part of the conjuration skill line and thus I would prefer to have it either has a separate weapon skill line or that it may appear as variation of the existing 'deadric summoning' skill tree of the sorcerer class when we have spellcrafting at some point (under the assumption that spellcrafting is implemented in a way to introduce additional variation to existing skill trees). I don't like to have more and more classes. This not only creates endless balancing discussions and therefore additional work for the staff, but it also will lock skills for existing toons, which goes against the classic elder scrolls playstyle imo.
  • idk
    Dark Souls - an ultimate that does damage in waves is what is desired? Most damage ults are dots so they do damage in waves. Just saying.
    Lord of the dead morph, tanks already apply major breach so the additional affect does not help in group settings.

    Raise Skeleton Bone Colossus Morph sounds more like an ultimate. Either that or it would be this huge thing that did an unusually small amount of damage compared to it's size.

    Raise Zombie Flesh Atro morph is same as the above skill.

    Passive Soul Absorption would need to be flat numbers based on level. Nothing on PTS is based on max stats.

    Affliction ult - currently nothing in game offers major lifesteal and I think the same goes for magikasteal and staminasteal. It is all minor iirc. Also, it being major might require the class in a raid group more than any class on PTS currently due to the changes being examined ATM.

    Lich's Grasp Crushing Grasp morph would not be a desired skill. Bosses are immune to mangle and so are all adds in vMoL.

    Enthrall - one cannot prioritize who needs a heal most. Heals are either directional, a cone or hit a specific area, or "smart" or a combination of both.

    Transfer power - maybe in PvP, but could be OP. Would not work in PvE as any target worth using it on would be a boss and Zos is not going to permit boss strengths to transfer to a player.

    Command Soul sounds a lot like what Repentance is becoming and would need to compete with Templars to use the dead corpses.

    Displacement sounds a lot like orbs and shards are becoming. Also, cannot be based on cost of the skill as that means my build could have it provide more stat than your build since cost reduction still exists in the game.

    All stam morphs are pale. They seem to offer nothing to the stam builds other than doing poison or physical damage.
  • Tyrobag
    Dark Souls - (1)an ultimate that does damage in waves is what is desired? Most damage ults are dots so they do damage in waves. Just saying.
    (2)Lord of the dead morph, tanks already apply major breach so the additional affect does not help in group settings.

    (3)Raise Skeleton Bone Colossus Morph sounds more like an ultimate. Either that or it would be this huge thing that did an unusually small amount of damage compared to it's size.

    (4)Raise Zombie Flesh Atro morph is same as the above skill.

    (5)Passive Soul Absorption would need to be flat numbers based on level. Nothing on PTS is based on max stats.

    (6)Affliction ult - currently nothing in game offers major lifesteal and I think the same goes for magikasteal and staminasteal. It is all minor iirc. Also, it being major might require the class in a raid group more than any class on PTS currently due to the changes being examined ATM.

    (7)Lich's Grasp Crushing Grasp morph would not be a desired skill. Bosses are immune to mangle and so are all adds in vMoL.

    (8)Enthrall - one cannot prioritize who needs a heal most. Heals are either directional, a cone or hit a specific area, or "smart" or a combination of both.

    (9)Transfer power - maybe in PvP, but could be OP. Would not work in PvE as any target worth using it on would be a boss and Zos is not going to permit boss strengths to transfer to a player.

    (10)Command Soul sounds a lot like what Repentance is becoming and would need to compete with Templars to use the dead corpses.

    (11)Displacement sounds a lot like orbs and shards are becoming. (12)Also, cannot be based on cost of the skill as that means my build could have it provide more stat than your build since cost reduction still exists in the game.

    (13)All stam morphs are pale. They seem to offer nothing to the stam builds other than doing poison or physical damage.

    I've numbered your comments so I can respond to each one individually.

    1. This would not be a DoT. It would behave more like timed out Burst damage.
    2.The major breach was added so the magicka morph would add something useful without becoming excessively powerful. This way it adds some extra solo utility, or works well in a group with no tank.

    3. Why would you say that? the NPC ones barely do any damage, and a player summoned one would be a bit smaller anyway. This would definitely be better off as a proper summon ability rather than an ultimate

    4.Same response as above.

    5. Yeah, probably.

    6. You say that like its a bad thing? It would be no more required than a templar healer or a DK tank.

    7. Have you ever counted the number of undesirable morphs? Besides it would still be good if someone wanted it for solo or for PvP.

    8. Umm, you most definately can, its called saying "that guy needs more healing right now" then targeting him and activating the ability. It would target allies directly the same way as Guard or Nature's Grasp.

    9. It could focus the Minor/Major buffs by default or damage getting cleansed could be scaled to the player's stats.

    10. It doesn't require corpses, so that would be incorrect.

    11. Nope, its a direct restore. no synergy required and it doesn't jump between magicka and stamina you have to choose one.
    12. Once again, you say it like its a bad thing. This creates a new possibility in creating a build. The idea that, maybe as a healer I should let my ability costs be higher so I can restore more stats.

    13. I felt these were pretty much completely in line with the way zos handled all the other class ability stamina morphs, if not better.
  • SydneyGrey
    I'd play the heck out of this class. Sounds awesome. <3
    Adernath wrote: »
    The main issue I see with a possible necromancer class is that the current engine simply will get too much problems in PvP. ...
    I'm not sure how it would cause any more problems than sorcerors with two summoned pets, or the warden with a summoned bear. If necromancers got a summonable zombie, they'd have to limit it to one or two, of course.

    Edited by SydneyGrey on May 7, 2017 9:07PM
  • idk
    Tyrobag wrote: »
    Dark Souls - (1)an ultimate that does damage in waves is what is desired? Most damage ults are dots so they do damage in waves. Just saying.
    (2)Lord of the dead morph, tanks already apply major breach so the additional affect does not help in group settings.

    (3)Raise Skeleton Bone Colossus Morph sounds more like an ultimate. Either that or it would be this huge thing that did an unusually small amount of damage compared to it's size.

    (4)Raise Zombie Flesh Atro morph is same as the above skill.

    (5)Passive Soul Absorption would need to be flat numbers based on level. Nothing on PTS is based on max stats.

    (6)Affliction ult - currently nothing in game offers major lifesteal and I think the same goes for magikasteal and staminasteal. It is all minor iirc. Also, it being major might require the class in a raid group more than any class on PTS currently due to the changes being examined ATM.

    (7)Lich's Grasp Crushing Grasp morph would not be a desired skill. Bosses are immune to mangle and so are all adds in vMoL.

    (8)Enthrall - one cannot prioritize who needs a heal most. Heals are either directional, a cone or hit a specific area, or "smart" or a combination of both.

    (9)Transfer power - maybe in PvP, but could be OP. Would not work in PvE as any target worth using it on would be a boss and Zos is not going to permit boss strengths to transfer to a player.

    (10)Command Soul sounds a lot like what Repentance is becoming and would need to compete with Templars to use the dead corpses.

    (11)Displacement sounds a lot like orbs and shards are becoming. (12)Also, cannot be based on cost of the skill as that means my build could have it provide more stat than your build since cost reduction still exists in the game.

    (13)All stam morphs are pale. They seem to offer nothing to the stam builds other than doing poison or physical damage.

    I've numbered your comments so I can respond to each one individually.

    1. This would not be a DoT. It would behave more like timed out Burst damage.
    2.The major breach was added so the magicka morph would add something useful without becoming excessively powerful. This way it adds some extra solo utility, or works well in a group with no tank.

    3. Why would you say that? the NPC ones barely do any damage, and a player summoned one would be a bit smaller anyway. This would definitely be better off as a proper summon ability rather than an ultimate

    4.Same response as above.

    5. Yeah, probably.

    6. You say that like its a bad thing? It would be no more required than a templar healer or a DK tank.

    7. Have you ever counted the number of undesirable morphs? Besides it would still be good if someone wanted it for solo or for PvP.

    8. Umm, you most definately can, its called saying "that guy needs more healing right now" then targeting him and activating the ability. It would target allies directly the same way as Guard or Nature's Grasp.

    9. It could focus the Minor/Major buffs by default or damage getting cleansed could be scaled to the player's stats.

    10. It doesn't require corpses, so that would be incorrect.

    11. Nope, its a direct restore. no synergy required and it doesn't jump between magicka and stamina you have to choose one.
    12. Once again, you say it like its a bad thing. This creates a new possibility in creating a build. The idea that, maybe as a healer I should let my ability costs be higher so I can restore more stats.

    13. I felt these were pretty much completely in line with the way zos handled all the other class ability stamina morphs, if not better.

    1. timed out damage is a DoT.
    2. it is duplicative in group play which is what I was pointing out. If it is duplicative the morph is not adding any value.
    3. Bone Colossus and Storm Atro (sorc ult) really sound the same.
    4. same as above
    6. On PTS the Templar really does not offer much over other classes to any great degree. Everything I stated before, do not need to restate it.
    7. How much value is reduction the targets health for 10 seconds worth in PvP? Even with 30k health that is 3k reduced health and iirc it cannot be applied to a target that is not max health.
    8. Try using that in the heat of battle. Natures grasp will likely cause more issues than it solves. Heck, if the necro skill pulled the caster to the target, sure, lets roll with it. Otherwise. doubt it will happen.
    9. As I said, maybe in PvP, but would not work in any worthy situation in PvE. Also, not sure bosses actually have any buffs. I do not think they do. None are apparent.
    10. How can a skill use souls without corpses? Seem one in the same and would be in line with a neco skill.
    11, which 12 is 11 as well. synergy or not is irrelevant. It is the same. If no synergy then maybe it is even better than shards and orbs which does not seem like a great idea. Setting it to cost of the skill so that it is less effective for magika users to wear light armor seems like a bad thing to me. I cannot think of a single skill that does more if it costs more. Maybe you can enlighten me.

    I did not provide feedback to you to argue. You asked what people thought and my thoughts were from a neutral perspective, as best as possible.

    It is basically a good example that class building is not simple. We already know some of the changes Warden went through before PTS launched and that was probably more tweaking during the last couple months, not from the early design.
  • starkerealm
    Tyrobag wrote: »
    Dark Souls:
    Receive one Copyright Violation, and then get punted off the battlements by a Taurus Demon.

    Morph: Demons Souls:
    Receive one Copyright Violation, Get immolated by a Fat Minister.

    Morph: Dark Souls 2:
    Fall to your death from a three foot drop.

    Like so?
  • Tyrobag
    Tyrobag wrote: »
    Dark Souls:
    Receive one Copyright Violation, and then get punted off the battlements by a Taurus Demon.

    Morph: Demons Souls:
    Receive one Copyright Violation, Get immolated by a Fat Minister.

    Morph: Dark Souls 2:
    Fall to your death from a three foot drop.

    Like so?

    Lol, yeah I didn't even think of that until after I had written it. I grabbed the name from the perk in Skyrim.
  • Maole1989
    As a necromancer I would have to attack you on sight, but I can't deny the time and effort you've put in to your post - well done! I believe the 'dark wizard' was a popular idea that many players wanted to play so I'm sure they'll appreciate your ideas. :smile:

    As it's been mentioned I feel that adding a new staff line would be more beneficial because everyone will have access to it without having to roll a new character.
    Obviously sorcs have a natural synergy with their daedric summoning line, but with a new staff line each class would bring a unique flavour to the mix.

    Regardless if ZOS introduces a new class or staff, I think they should look at your ideas for inspiration. :smile:

    Servants of Arkay beware.

    Edited by Maole1989 on May 7, 2017 11:19PM
    [1 Corinthians 13] [John 15:13] [John 3:16]
    Maole_1989 - PS4 NA EP
  • starkerealm
    Tyrobag wrote: »
    Tyrobag wrote: »
    Dark Souls:
    Receive one Copyright Violation, and then get punted off the battlements by a Taurus Demon.

    Morph: Demons Souls:
    Receive one Copyright Violation, Get immolated by a Fat Minister.

    Morph: Dark Souls 2:
    Fall to your death from a three foot drop.

    Like so?

    Lol, yeah I didn't even think of that until after I had written it. I grabbed the name from the perk in Skyrim.

    In retrospect, I'm regretting not naming the second morph, "Bloodborne: Drink Blood, pass out, trip balls, become the squid baby."

    But, you know, regrets and all that.
  • TheLaughingSwine
    This is awesome ... i didn't read all the skills but the ones i did read i thought were neat ...the summons are already way better then what we have now ... and i want a real necromancer class in this game so badly ... please you guys keep the up the necromancer support ... one day we will have it.
  • ParaNostram
    My thread was referenced! Woo! <3 Is that a form of Forum Necromancy? :wink:

    Seriously though OP, I like how you made a point to follow the three distinct trees with distinct functions format as established by the Warden. The Necromancy summons themselves could use some work but this is a very creative idea that honestly looks like (on paper) it would play in a style that distinguishes itself from the current classes in the game.

    In other words, clever thinking @Tyrobag :heart:
    Edited by ParaNostram on May 8, 2017 12:44AM
    "Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."

    Para Nostram
    Bosmer Sorceress
    Witch of Evermore

    "Death is a privilege that can be denied by it's learned scholars."
    Order of the Black Worm
  • abigfishy
    I already have a Necromancer character a Magica Dark Elf NB/Undaunted and it is kind of fun. Now that is far from what I deem the ideal Necromancer build but it is fun for now. Three years and one class added, I don't hold out a lot of hope for ESO to add a new class. What might be more likely would be a new skill line like Thieves and Dark Brotherhood.

    I think for sense and roleplaying it should be mutually exclusive from the Mage's Guild, that is you have to choose one, however I understand that would be unpopular and you can already be in the Fighter's Guild while being a Vampire or Werewolf.
    Level 50 Characters
    Odette Skullcrusher Nord DK EP Tank
    Hannah Smithee Breton Templar DC Healer
    Charlotte of the Wild Bosmer NB EP DPS
    Rabbath Amman Dark Elf Sorc EP DPS
    Lovely Twinkle High Elf Sorc AD Tank
    Nepith Dark Elf Warden EP Healer
    Tupac Shakoor Redguard Sorc DC Tank
    Faire the Last Snow Elf Altmer Warden EP Ice Staff Tank
    Soul-Shriven Breton Sorc DC DPS
    Makush gro-Shurgal Orc DK DC Tank
    Cleopatra Tharn Imperial Sorc EP Healer
    Daenerys Targaryin Nord Templar DC Healer
    Zar Saarshar Khajiit NB DC Thief
    Celrith High Elf Sorc EP Assassin
    Falcar Dark Elf NB DC Necromancer
    Myriam Blaylock Breton NB EP Vampire
    Nivrillin Wood Elf NB DC Werewolf
  • ParaNostram
    abigfishy wrote: »
    I already have a Necromancer character a Magica Dark Elf NB/Undaunted and it is kind of fun. Now that is far from what I deem the ideal Necromancer build but it is fun for now. Three years and one class added, I don't hold out a lot of hope for ESO to add a new class. What might be more likely would be a new skill line like Thieves and Dark Brotherhood.

    I think for sense and roleplaying it should be mutually exclusive from the Mage's Guild, that is you have to choose one, however I understand that would be unpopular and you can already be in the Fighter's Guild while being a Vampire or Werewolf.

    Yeah I wish there were faction choices. I mean, they COULD do it, maybe an offshoot of the Mage's Guild like Vanus' personal army or something with a renewed Cult of the Black Worm following the Planemeld's resolution (they have to advance the story chronologically at some point). Think about how well the arbitrary faction choice thing worked in the Burning Crusade for WoW. It's possible, it's not unheard of, and it would be an example of choices having real weight.

    However I still want there to be an actual Necromancer class and to go with the faction choice would likely need to be a world skill//guild skill with it's compliment for the other faction, but to lock skills to a faction would be... Idk I can see that causing problems... Normally it's only something like gear or something but a full skill line?

    Know what? Fook it! Have specific skill lines locked to a player choice when they reach max level or something, make a choice have weight!
    "Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."

    Para Nostram
    Bosmer Sorceress
    Witch of Evermore

    "Death is a privilege that can be denied by it's learned scholars."
    Order of the Black Worm
  • abigfishy
    #choicesmatter :wink:
    Level 50 Characters
    Odette Skullcrusher Nord DK EP Tank
    Hannah Smithee Breton Templar DC Healer
    Charlotte of the Wild Bosmer NB EP DPS
    Rabbath Amman Dark Elf Sorc EP DPS
    Lovely Twinkle High Elf Sorc AD Tank
    Nepith Dark Elf Warden EP Healer
    Tupac Shakoor Redguard Sorc DC Tank
    Faire the Last Snow Elf Altmer Warden EP Ice Staff Tank
    Soul-Shriven Breton Sorc DC DPS
    Makush gro-Shurgal Orc DK DC Tank
    Cleopatra Tharn Imperial Sorc EP Healer
    Daenerys Targaryin Nord Templar DC Healer
    Zar Saarshar Khajiit NB DC Thief
    Celrith High Elf Sorc EP Assassin
    Falcar Dark Elf NB DC Necromancer
    Myriam Blaylock Breton NB EP Vampire
    Nivrillin Wood Elf NB DC Werewolf
  • scipionumatia
    Love your ideas for stam morphs. Also the option to set pvp players off balance would pair nicely with veiled heretence
    Scipio Numantia Red guard Nightblade PvP- AD
    Scipio Asiaticus Khajiit Nightblade (CRAFTER/DPS) PvE- EP
    Altmer Nightblade PvP- EP
    Fueoculto Breton Templar (DPS) PvE- EP
    Rasoculto Orc Dragon Knight PvP- EP
    Caethus Argonian Templar (HEAL) PvE- EP
    Vale Oso Nord Sorc (DPS) PvE- AD
    Sir-Galahad-the-pure Altmer Sorc (DPS) PvE- EP
    Scipionumantine Imperial Templar PvP- EP
    Un-bearable Imperial Warden PVP- EP
    Vale Bear Altmer Warden PvP- EP
    Baits-All-Zergs Argonian Dragon knight PVP- DC
  • JWKe
    Cool. Perhaps we'll see them in the next chapter.
  • mr1sho
    Yes yes dear god yes I just came all over this thread lol
    Gold Company Commander
  • mb10
    The whole summon things to fight with you was with Warden

    Also the whole necromancy thing was with Molag Bal which is over now so this class might be a decent idea but I dont think it fits the game at all atm.
  • Zalicius
    This would be great for Daedra characters. Necromancer, Defiler, and Oblivion Knights. Hoping they add for the next expansion.
  • ParaNostram
    Whatever form the Necromancer takes, I want it in my life and I wanted it back in 2014 XD
    "Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."

    Para Nostram
    Bosmer Sorceress
    Witch of Evermore

    "Death is a privilege that can be denied by it's learned scholars."
    Order of the Black Worm
  • DocFrost72
    I'd love to see an ultimate (probably at 250 ulti) that instantly resses up to 5 friendly targets, but gives them zero health, stamina, and magicka regen for 10 seconds, at .25% max of all the mentioned stats. One morph eliminates the penalty (instant res, no regen penalty) while the other gives the resurrected 10 seconds of major protection and major berserk.
  • Skullstachio
    I can see that a lot of work was put in to this idea, but it could definitely use a few(Who am I kidding, it needs a fair bit) under the hood tweaks for Zenimax to truly consider the necromancer class a "Thing", but a good idea nonetheless, I happen to be coming up with an idea for a possible necromancer class, but it is currently ongoing typographical changes, tweaks, practically the whole undead entourage as I practically am a fan of necromancy.
    If you see me anywhere. Know that I am sitting back with a bag of popcorn, watching as ESO burns the goodwill of its player base with practices that only disrespects the players time like it did to me and many others...

    If a game does not respect your time, best thing to do is move on from it and find something else.
  • Ratzkifal
    Empowering rune should give Major Sorcery/Brutality instead of 200 flat.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Valykc
    Nice Necro, awesome thread!
  • Aisle9
    Ratzkifal wrote: »
    Empowering rune should give Major Sorcery/Brutality instead of 200 flat.

    There may not be a necromancer class, but you sure deserve the title
    Artemis Absinthe - DC magicka nightblade (PC - EU)
    Gruzosh Barrelsmasher - DC stamina sorcerer (PC - EU)
    Kew'bacca - AD stamina nightblade (PC - EU)
    Jebediah Orbrynn - DC magicka templar (PC - EU)
    Hold-Many-Bags - Mule DK, Promoted to main tank, occasionally stamDD
    Olaf Proudstache - Mule - No longer with us Now a Stamwarden healer
    Aglieglie Brazorf - AD magicka sorcerer (PC - EU)
    Rodolfo Lavandino - DC stamina, greatsword wielding, Jesus beam spamming, Redguard hybrid templar just a stamplar again (PC - EU)
    Lemmy Raise Master - EP stamina necromancer (PC - EU)

    Scions of Dawn recruitment ad - PC EU multifaction PvE endgame raiding guild

    LUI user - I can see you when you fap loot.


    In the Game of PuGs you win or you ragequit

    "Dip dip potato chip, dip dip potato chip"
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