@prootch .won't enter the d debate in the meaning of domination, not the point, just for the records I was simply talking about scores. it s true that early morning/night capping has something to do with the scores but there is not much you can do about this. Players play when they can't or want: players from different time zones, players on holiday, strange work time, etc. I did that myself a few time during holiday when early morning is when I had most free time.
Lowering ap gain during non prime hours would unfairly penalize those players, and capturing an empty keep already gives less ap than a defended one.
I keep that increasing the stake for winning the campaign, and not always the same faction, would help.
Btw, don't forget that AD eu has Big Boss motivating the troops ☺.
vamp_emily wrote: »I've said this for 2 years now, but everyone calls me cry baby when I bring it up or gives me some "well every faction does it" excuse. The most OP thing in this game is having uneven population.
However, does TF really have uneven population? It seems to me every time I log in all 3 alliances are poplocked. To me TF has the most balanced campaign. Just the other day I went to AS and it was 1 bar vs 3 bars, and if you go to BwB good luck with EP ever making it past 2 bars.
Is this really fair? I quit playing PvP for 3 months because of this. The population was the same every day.
This was something I posted a while back
They do need to balance the pops with controls. I have lots of good ideas which I've posted lots, so I'm just going to say DC wins cause we fight legit and like warrior beasts, and ride off into the sunset with my popcorn.
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »Came to this thread for the salt. Was mildly disappointed. Was expecting much more salt. Guess I'll attempt to create some more.
DC has faction pride? Lol I'm glad you know how to tell a funny.
EP never wins because EP is too busy being exclusive and elitist, or just plain yolo brain dead with groups. There is no in between on EP. That's why EP can't win. Because to be honest it's more fun to gank other DC and AD fools, then it is to play with the EP guilds. Too much toxicity towards new blood. So the new blood just says screw them learn how to gank. And just do what's going to put more AP in their pockets rather then what's best for the faction.
DC is known bandwagon for win faction. Any and all who are looking for easy wins just bandwagons on to DC. Thus adding to their already imposing numbers more so in SEA, and OCX timezones, while most of the NA players are fast asleep. To be proud of winning for having more numbers while your enemies are mostly asleep is also pretty funny.
AD well I'm not going to talk about AD. I disowned them in Cyrodiil in the 4th quarter of last year. After being told to *** off by most of the guilds. Now instead of being salty towards them. I finds much more enjoyment in ganking them and making them salty. And oh do I love the whispers about how much of a try hard or *** gear/CP carried ganker I am. BTW guys can you send me more after killing yall, my ego will love you more for it.
So all and all yes a lot of players in Cyrodiil really have nothing interesting to be gained from the score. So we just ignores it and do what nets us the most AP/Hour when we are in Cyrodiil. Sorry to say but I have other competitive games that I play. When I want to worry about competitive play.
Okay guys and gals, enjoy and stay frosty.