NDA, the root of all the problems?

Looking over these forums, PTS and General there is a lot of anger and frustration in the community right now. It happens every major overhaul yes, but this seems like something of a different beast. Searching "Elder Scrolls Online" on YouTube the top two results are the Warden Anouncement trailer, followed by possibly the top YouTube streamer of this game (Like him or not Deltia is a household name in ESO, everyone knows of him) titled "Leaving The Elder Scrolls Online." Visiting the Facebook page of ESO is much the same, with many negative comments and inflammatory remarks at ZoS. This expansion was supposed to be the biggest update this game has ever seen. I mean it's "MORROWIND!" possibly the most nostalgia inducing game ever made, and arguably the backbone for this entire franchise. Just a few weeks ago the Hype was HUGE! everyone was excited for what was going to the biggest update ever. And frankly... ZoS you bombed this hard. The PR is a nightmare, and the negativity surrounding this is just INSANE, for something that should have people excited to play you instead have players (whether or not they will follow through) threatening to leave en masse.

My argument for this, is that the NDA is at the root of most of this out rage. The PTS was created as tool for developers to better test the game whilst simultaneously creating a dialogue between players and staff. It has allowed the more vocal and staunch supporters an outlet to discuss and voice opinions while knowing their advice though not always followed was at least being heard. It also allowed the community to work together in discussing the future of the games development and how the more committed player base would adapt with the ever changing environment of the game. This entire concept is in itself game changing and something other software developing communities should look up to. Unfortunately for whatever reason ZoS has decided as a company to take this beautiful amazing concept, set it on fire and throw it in the trash.

This is most obvious, because looking through the open PTS forums, there is for all intents and purposes zero response from staff. Every time you try to find concrete analysis of what is really going on, of how this change really affects the game you will inevitably end up hitting this locked wall that is the internal forum of Morrowind PTS "PERMISSION NOT ALLOWED." You have taken every major theory crafter, all the serious members of the community who love to play the numbers game and crunch data while coming up with the new "meta" and locked them behind this stupid NDA. You have done this while also taking every other player, be they paying member or not (Another HUGE! gripe i have atm, but needs a separate post of its own) and leaving them behind here to stew and boil over in confusion and frustration, as no one really has any clue what's going on. What on earth did you as a company expect was going to happen?!

I believe all of this could have easily been avoided would you have simply opened up the internal forum and relinquished this NDA while keeping it "read only." Allow the community to follow the changes and see the impact. You can keep the background noise down, as i believe was the goal of this closed beta, by only allowing select individuals to post an discuss, but the outrage i believe would mostly be assuaged should the discussion at least be transparent.

My two cents, as a humble mediocre and long time player,

MagBlade main since early Access. Long live the warlock.
  • Gilvoth
    they lifted the NDA sortof for certain things

    Hi everyone,

    As of right now, we are partially lifting the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) specifically for the balance changes made to the four existing classes. This means you’ll be allowed to talk publicly outside of this forum area about the changes for the four existing classes and how they affect your character on the PTS in different scenarios, including how your characters perform in the new Battlegrounds and Trial.

    Please note that the NDA still applies to any content in the Morrowind Chapter such as Vvardenfell, the Warden class, Battlegrounds, and Halls of Fabrication. For the latter two, it’s fine to discuss how your characters perform in them for the sake of class performance and balance discussions, but please refrain from divulging details about the Battlegrounds and Trial.

    If you have any questions about this, please don’t hesitate to ask.

    and they also did respond about some things about the templar and stuff,

    We’d like to provide some clarity on why we made some of the changes we did, specifically to the Templar. Reading about some of these changes can be a bit jarring at first, and we highly suggest you to log onto the PTS to give it a try first-hand; this may help you see how everything works together and in context.

    First, we want to reiterate why we’re making these global changes to abilities and resource management (and most of this will sound very familiar if you read the PTS patch notes). Our combat system features fast-paced action where resource management plays a large part in performing effectively. Player abilities in ESO specifically do not have cooldowns for this very reason - resource management is a core pillar of the system. Due to the number of balance changes we’ve made over time, this core pillar of resource management has become trivialized in that it’s become easier than ever to have nearly infinite sustainability while still being fully maximized for damage. The overall goal here is to have a combat system that reinforces decision making and resource management.

    With that being said, one of the main concerns we want to address is the worry that we’re nerfing Templars in order to make the Warden a stronger healing class, particularly by nerfing Major Mending and giving it to Wardens. We’ve made it so all classes have to meet conditional requirements to gain Major Mending. DK’s need to have their damage shields up, Wardens have to heal low health targets, and Resto Staff users have to complete a fully charged heavy attack. It’s also worth noting that we’re planning on adjusting the Warden passive, Accelerated Growth, because it’s currently too easy to keep it active for long periods of time.

    If you’re worried that there’s no reason to play a Templar over a Warden, or any other class, keep in mind that Templars have a stronger single target burst heal that’s easier to aim (Rushed Ceremony), they have a faster healing spammable ability with Healing Ritual, and their Ultimate heal hits targets in a 28m radius instead of 8 meters. In addition, have also have a free heal with Repentance, can cleanse allies with the Cleansing Ritual synergy and can remove 5 effects from themselves. Rushed Ceremony is also still the strongest heal in ESO, so Templars still have a lot going for them.

    Lastly, we know there’s some apprehension that we’re balancing PvE and PvP gameplay simultaneously without separating the two. We are 100% committed to supporting a single unified game where mechanics and abilities work consistently, with the goal being for players to learn how play efficiently and be able to transfer those skills to other environments. This is one of the reasons we added CC immunities to monsters; when ESO originally launched, you could knock the same mudcrab down over and over. The balance changes we made in this update are aimed at making gameplay more interesting in all areas of the game.

    Again, we encourage everyone to hop on the PTS and give these changes a try in both PvE and PvP scenarios rather than just reading about the changes. Once you’ve had a chance to try everything out, we’d love to hear your feedback about what you played.
  • Gaggin
    I couldn't agree more. This was supposed to be a really exciting thing, and instead it's causing people anxiety about the future of the game. The whole process is ridiculous, not to mention when you give some players access and not other players, you show clear favoritism and defeat the whole idea of 'competition'. It makes this game seem more like a good ole boy's club than anything else.
  • Gilvoth
    it was the nerfs to us stamblades and our stealth attack damage that completely just messed me up and the fact sorcerer is allowed have zero nerfs and stuff that makes me pretty much,
    and also the fact that this is morrowind's 15 year anniversary in their hands and they did this. i will never forget the already bad stuff like the removal of fast sneak speeds, but to add destruction of morrowind's memory and it's anniversary like this ?

    i mean that just ...


    Edited by Gilvoth on April 21, 2017 6:02AM
  • Turelus
    I don't think NDA is the root of things.

    People would have freaked regardless because these are big changes which hurt a lot of people.

    I think people are using the NDA and Warden as a means to back up their arguments. Sadly that's not helping though.
    Edited by Turelus on April 21, 2017 6:14AM
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Capt_Morgan
    Gaggin wrote: »
    I couldn't agree more. This was supposed to be a really exciting thing, and instead it's causing people anxiety about the future of the game. The whole process is ridiculous, not to mention when you give some players access and not other players, you show clear favoritism and defeat the whole idea of 'competition'. It makes this game seem more like a good ole boy's club than anything else.

    MagBlade main since early Access. Long live the warlock.
  • Capt_Morgan
    Also I think this goes hand in hand with @Alcast take on the developer comments. How the whole buff not buff, that they think the majority of us are stupid or inadequate. It is unfortunate, but this whole thing reeks of elitism. To ZoS there are adults whom they value and trust their opinion, and then there is everyone else.

    Personally, I'll admit it, I feel insulted. It feels like I have been conned. As you can probably tell, I've never posted to these forums, though I have played since launch, have been subbed the entirety of this games life, and have been an absolute avid reader. I have followed along with every aspect of ESO's development, and one of my greatest enjoyments has been following along and gathering my own incites from others analysis and data collection. To be left out, not picked, and ignored is quite frankly appalling.

    This is a game I have been playing for for nearly three years, and have been continually PAYING for, and I am sure I am not alone. A very big part of games like this is the ever changing and progressing systems and themes which define meta and balance. To be, in the midst of the games life, suddenly set aside and left out of this process while still a paying member, for ANY reason is wrong. I've gotten better customer service from Comcast.
    Edited by Capt_Morgan on April 21, 2017 7:17AM
    MagBlade main since early Access. Long live the warlock.
  • Onefrkncrzypope
    NDA was mostly for their super secret pixels. The NDA doesn't hender my comprehension of the patch notes. The only reason to partial lift is to make us forget the nerfs and drool over something shiny like sets.... That also goes so well with Wardens so buy now and continue the grind for the new BS BIS. Well until next dlc.. cough.. I mean chapter.... Wardens are the first P2W please , best sets and weapons are all behind a paywall already. Sorry what was I talking about. Oh yes NDA is the lowest complaint I have seen on the forums lately. Heck even nonpatch note related threads are more popular.
    -Immortal Redeemer-
    -Extinguisher of Flames-
    -Gryphon Heart-

    If I edited a post, it was for spelling. It is always because of spelling....
  • Publius_Scipio
    My thoughts are that everyone is entitled to their opinions and constructive criticism always welcome. A lot of the omg the world is ending is very premature imo, seeing as though this is only the first rounds of patch notes.

    As far as the Deltia thing goes, he can do as he pleases. Complete strangers losing it because someone with the ability to make his opinions as wide spread and known as Deltia is a bit crazy.
    Edited by Publius_Scipio on April 21, 2017 1:55PM
  • smacx250
    Also I think this goes hand in hand with @Alcast take on the developer comments. How the whole buff not buff, that they think the majority of us are stupid or inadequate. It is unfortunate, but this whole thing reeks of elitism. To ZoS there are adults whom they value and trust their opinion, and then there is everyone else.

    Personally, I'll admit it, I feel insulted. It feels like I have been conned. As you can probably tell, I've never posted to these forums, though I have played since launch, have been subbed the entirety of this games life, and have been an absolute avid reader. I have followed along with every aspect of ESO's development, and one of my greatest enjoyments has been following along and gathering my own incites from others analysis and data collection. To be left out, not picked, and ignored is quite frankly appalling.

    This is a game I have been playing for for nearly three years, and have been continually PAYING for, and I am sure I am not alone. A very big part of games like this is the ever changing and progressing systems and themes which define meta and balance. To be, in the midst of the games life, suddenly set aside and left out of this process while still a paying member, for ANY reason is wrong. I've gotten better customer service from Comcast.
    PTS is open to all - jump on. I don't know the selection criteria they set for the closed beta, but if you jump on the PTS and test and give feedback, possibly you'll get into subsequent rounds? Regardless, all the class and CP changes can be tested on the regular PTS.
  • Shader_Shibes
    Not the NDA, but ZOS themselves.
  • visionality
    I disagree with your assessment, OP. Not NDA was the root of the problem, the instant break of NDA was. In one of my guilds (500 members), guild officers INSTANTLY clogged guild chat with everything they could disclose about Morrowind after they got the inv to beta. Even worse, those guild officers are not the brightest lights on earth, blindly following meta builds other theorycraft, so they were alarmist to the extreme because they saw their "perfect build" crumble and had no clue how to fix it.

    I suppose these "catastrophe! catastrophe!"-leaks happened in other big guilds too, and rumor started spreading instantly throughout the community about how the new update would crush any sensible gameplay.

    Maybe Zenimax could ask themselves why they invited total morons for a beta test, but now that NDA has been broken in the worst possible way, there is only 2 chances to deal it.

    - Open beta for everybody. This will not stop the alarmism and hard crying that is already out in the world, but at least the more intelligent players will be able to make up their own mind. (But still many will not understand that they are testing a BETA.)

    - Just go on with the beta test. Soothe the crying of the clueless with some infos that the world will not be ending on 06/06 and try to minimize the damage that has already be done. (By players, mind you, not by Zenimax.) I think that's pretty much what Zenimax tries with their partial lift of NDA.
    Edited by visionality on April 21, 2017 2:34PM
  • Ojustaboo
    Also I think this goes hand in hand with @Alcast take on the developer comments. How the whole buff not buff, that they think the majority of us are stupid or inadequate. It is unfortunate, but this whole thing reeks of elitism. To ZoS there are adults whom they value and trust their opinion, and then there is everyone else.

    Personally, I'll admit it, I feel insulted. It feels like I have been conned. As you can probably tell, I've never posted to these forums, though I have played since launch, have been subbed the entirety of this games life, and have been an absolute avid reader. I have followed along with every aspect of ESO's development, and one of my greatest enjoyments has been following along and gathering my own incites from others analysis and data collection. To be left out, not picked, and ignored is quite frankly appalling.

    This is a game I have been playing for for nearly three years, and have been continually PAYING for, and I am sure I am not alone. A very big part of games like this is the ever changing and progressing systems and themes which define meta and balance. To be, in the midst of the games life, suddenly set aside and left out of this process while still a paying member, for ANY reason is wrong. I've gotten better customer service from Comcast.

    Meanwhile a friend of mine that quit nearly a year ago, and has since moved on to other games, gets an invite???

    Also when you log on and play with the same small group of people every day (the same group of people you've got to know very well over the years and have played many other games with) and some of that group gets an invite and some don't, the NDA is a bit awkward
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