Looking for Guilds or Group

Soul Shriven
New to ESO but not MMOs. Play often and looking to grind, level, and learn mechanics of game..oh and have fun. I'll PvE, PvP, Farm or whatever. *No squeaker invites please*

Xbox NA
GT: grimreaper iiii
Level 50 Stam DK (Werewolf)
  • Abunai_808
    66Reaper wrote: »
    New to ESO but not MMOs. Play often and looking to grind, level, and learn mechanics of game..oh and have fun. I'll PvE, PvP, Farm or whatever. *No squeaker invites please*

    Xbox NA
    GT: grimreaper iiii
    Level 50 Stam DK (Werewolf)


    This is our Ohana information. Let me know if this would be of interest to you.
    Da Melting Pot [DmP]
    FFXIV Midgardsormr

    Hawaiian Kanak Attack [HKA]
    FFXI Lakshmi
  • flguy147ub17_ESO
    66Reaper wrote: »
    New to ESO but not MMOs. Play often and looking to grind, level, and learn mechanics of game..oh and have fun. I'll PvE, PvP, Farm or whatever. *No squeaker invites please*

    Xbox NA
    GT: grimreaper iiii
    Level 50 Stam DK (Werewolf)

    Hey man, i am DC as well. Just came back to ESO from playing on both PC and PS4. Just started brand new, with a Magicka Sorc. Longtime MMO player as well, also love both PVE and PVP. Hit me up, Gamertag is Vrodan
  • montiferus
    I'd be happy to help when I am available.

    GT : montiferus
  • FenwayF8thful
    Greetings! Hudson's Bay Company is a FAST GROWING trading Guild that is looking for more member's. We're a fun and respectful group of players with experience giving you the opportunity to trade, socialize and group together. Please check out our post on the forums as well. If you'd like to be a part of something new and fresh we'd love to have you aboard!

  • Marginis
    If you can handle a bit of RP, Magicka's always looking for fresh blood. Don't worry though, we're mostly not vampires trying to drain your blood until you collapse and die.

    Find us Here for more info or contact "Senpai Fluffy" on xbox live for an invite.
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
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