I just came back to ESO after a long break from the game and I am looking to join 1 or more fun and skilled guilds. I enjoy both pve and pvp. I am on every morning from ~7am-1pm. If need be i can adjust my sleep schedule to be on later in the day but I do work nights 10pm-6am CST. Please Message me on xbox if my resume is appealing to you

•GT: Savage Audacity
•587 CP
•vMSA clear
•Cleared all trials except vMoL (been to last boss of vMoL)
•Proficient in all roles (fully geared and trials ready)
•50s Bloodspawn DPS test
•Level 50 in all crafts and all traits researched. (Most styles learned)
•PvP rank: Sergeant
Edited by Savage_Audacity on February 16, 2017 3:26PM