Title says it all, if you met one of the characters you created on ESO, and you had a love interest for them, what would be your pickup line for them? Quite interested in how smooth ESO players are
"I don't remember you and i have no idea what the f**k you are talking about"
Worked for me and my girlfriend. We've been together for 10 years now ...
I don't think anything would work, my char is almost asexual, perhaps he would just smirk, laugh or blush.
PC NA server
¡Hablo español!
|vet trial #1|vet trial #2|vet trial #3 HM|Another vet trial|a hard-to-get achievement| My characters: <List of characters that no one cares to know with their classes and roles>
I wouldn't drop a pick up line on my charcaters as they are females as am I, but what rarely fails is either a really confident delivery of a very of a bad line, like the previous post , or the guy trying to be confident and charming during that delivery while recovering from just having tripped over his own feet.