*Whispering Alchemists* (pc/mac eu)

Maintenance for the week of March 31:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 31, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Due to many of our members losing interest in the game over the last few months our numbers have declined to such an extent that we now struggle to get more than a dozen online at any one time.

Sadly there's not much point in keeping the guild open unless there's a desire from those still left to keep it going along with ideas and suggestions on how we might make it work. If enough people respond positively then we'll see what we can do to build it back up again.

Edited by Rowjoh on August 20, 2017 11:48PM
  • NormaCenva
    I just recently joined and this is one of the friendliest, most helpful guilds I've found. Thank you for setting it up :smile:
  • Rowjoh
    Thank you for your kind comment, NormaCenva ! much appreciated :)

    Any guild that anyone joins will never be for everyone, so after experiencing the whole range of negatives in so many guilds it was important to draw on that experience in setting up Whispering Alchemists and to just keep it simple, helpful and easy for everyone :)
  • mariskaas
    Hi. I am a returning player after several months of absence (With the new system I am 120 CP or something). I am looking for a guild for trading and maybe dungeoneering. I am not experienced in dungeoneering though. I am mostly looking for a guild who won't be mad if I am not online every day since I am not able too. Is this guild good for that? If yes I would like to join :)
  • Rowjoh
    Hello Mariskaas,

    Thanks for your post - it's easy to find or organise a group for dungeons in our guild and everyone is patient and happy to give advice on mechanics and tactics and there are no offline restrictions, you play when you want or are able to play, so we're definitely the right guild for you!

    Invite sent :)

    Best wishes,
    Edited by Rowjoh on February 7, 2017 9:13AM
  • mariskaas
    Hi, I just accepted the invite in-game, thanks!
  • Rowjoh
    great! Welcome aboard and have fun !
  • RedYuri
    Soul Shriven

    I have played this game for quite some time now and have Experience with most of the Content.
    Now I am looking for People to do Pledges, Trials and other Stuff with.

    Your guild seems to be, what I am looking for.

    If you have a free spot in your guild, I would be pleased to join.


  • TD1197
    Soul Shriven
    Would love to join, in game name is Chrret
  • SirKemer
    Soul Shriven
    Hi! I am not experienced player. I want to join: @SirKemer
  • TD1197
    Soul Shriven
  • zurx
    Soul Shriven
    I'd quite like to join if you'll take me. @dusse123
  • escabetxina
    Soul Shriven
    Hi! I'm quite new and I don't know much about guilds, but I'd like to join! @escabetxina
  • Sith
    Soul Shriven
    Do you have a discrod or teamspeak server? I am in a nice guild currently but they arnt too active on the voice coms. I have only been playing a couple weeks but I am level cp20, on AD alliance. Name Forlin.
  • rip_domin8erb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    hi! Im a returning player and i would like to join! @fokka
  • Rowjoh
    Hi guys ! thanks for your messages - will send out invites to you all as soon as I log back into the game on Thurs morning.

    @Sith: We have Discord and besides using it for some of the harder dungeons, there are a few who use it socially. I will send you an invite anyway and then it's up to you to decide if we're to your liking :)

  • neulen
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interested. Add me @neulen
  • stu34
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, Im a returning player and I'd like to join please - @Alg34
  • Kersyl
    Soul Shriven

    @Kersyl - me, and my friend @Chribe are interested in joining your guild.

    We're fairly new to ESO, being CP 171 and 175 respectively and would like to do all kinds of PVE content. Starting off with a guild that also has not done trials yet is something we were looking out for as we want to experience that content without being carried through.

    I am a sorceror tank and my buddy Chribe is a Templar healer and we would like to keep those roles if a trialgroup emerges and we become part of it.

    Thanks in advance for any answer,

    Kersyl + Chribe.
  • Rowjoh
    Thanks for your message @Kersyl

    Sounds like we are exactly what you're looking for :)

    Welcome to the guild!
  • sluske
    Im a new casual player who would like to join if possible! @sluske666
    Edited by sluske on February 26, 2017 2:15PM
  • Nebbles
    Just back to the game after a long break. Relaxed guilds are the best guilds. If there is room, I'd love an invite, @mortama101

  • Rowjoh
    Thanks for your post Nebbles and Sluske :)

    Invites will be sent as soon as maintenance is over.
  • Sru
    Sounds perfect. Far too rubbish at PvP to run with the 'leets :) Returning after 2 years so would welcome a friendly guild to get back into the swing of things. @Sru
  • Bleakraven
    I've also returned recently, looking for a nice guild and this seems to be it. I mostly play together with my boyfriend and we are both DDs, so we often can't do dungeons because we lack Tank and Healer. If you guys are willing to do dungeons with us, i'd welcome an invite @bleakraven :)
  • Rowjoh
    hi Bleakraven. yes, we run dungeons every day - normal, pledges and vet, plus some of the harder dlc content too. There's never any pressure to speed run or skip quests and if you need help with tactics or mechanics then we're very happy to take beginners and less experienced players through :)

    Invite sent :)
  • yuffira
    Soul Shriven
    Are you still recruiting members? I recently started playing again and I could use a friendly guild to help out with dungeons and the such. @yuffira is my ID.
  • neulen
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for adding me. Do you have a link to the Discord server so I can join there as well?
  • Rowjoh
    hi neulen, our Discord details are on the guild homepage along with lots of other useful info :)

    Have fun !
  • speedbumpb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    If still room, would appreciate an invite. I'ma returning mature casual player. @speedbump.
  • Trishata96
    Soul Shriven
    Permission to join? Somewhat Casual but want to be a bit more active.
    ID is @Trishata96
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