*Whispering Alchemists* (pc/mac eu)

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Tamantha
    Soul Shriven

    I play a DD Sorcerer and am at around 320CP. I am in another guild who are great people but their core are veteran 600CP players and they are a little more interested in housing than pledges and group content, which I understand.

    I would be interested in joining you when you have a slot available. I'm keen on veteran group content, Trials and assisting anybody else when possible. I'm filling my time currently on achievements and sneaking around Cyrodiil as I don't PVP.

    I am an evening and weekend player and my 52 year old age handicap only becomes obvious when I stand in red circles a lot.

    Looking forward to hearing from you,


    Tamantha (Mark)
  • Rowjoh
    haha, nice post @Tamantha ! Invite on its way...
  • MsTastyPastry
    Hello! My in-game name is @MsTastyPastry if you have any space available me & my friend @LjAnimalchin would both love to join your guild! :smile:
  • Boica
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, im looking for friendly guild for some evening dungeon runs or some other action, im play casual (when i dont play whit my kid, or after job) ATM i am 174CP Tank, i play whit my friend so we will be glad join your guild. @Boica
  • AH93
    Hello, I am a returning player after many months absence, looking for a guild like this to do dungeons and pvp with, I just play casually when I have the time (usually evenings). Would love an invite.

    Username - @AH93

    Thank you.
  • Z3nBall3r
    Soul Shriven
    Hello! We are a couple of newcomers (Breton Sorcerer and Redguard Dragonknight) who just bought the game. We are noobs in every way. At the moment, I have moved my pc in the living room, on a table in front of the sofa with the keyboard on my lap and a pillow for mouse pad. While my gf is playing the game on a laptop connected to our tv with an xbox gamepad. The living room looks like a dungeon with cables. This is probably delayed adolescence. We are casual at heart, but in the first few days we barely get up to eat. That will have to change soon because apples in crates do not help much.

    We are searching for a casual, friendly and helpful guild, and we promise we give back in whatever way we can. Currently, we have some inferior glyphs and half eaten roasted pigs. Really, what is CP, guys?

    If there is room for a couple of rookies, we would love to join you. Thank you.


    Edited by Z3nBall3r on March 14, 2017 9:31AM
  • Rowjoh
    Great post @Z3nBall3r and @Effi.s93!

    Hope you enjoy Whispering Alchemists :)
  • jackh5445
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, I'm an experienced player but new to the PvE side of things. I'd love to join if there's space :)
    In-game name
  • MutleyM
    Soul Shriven
    Hi my wife and I are looking to join, been playing on and off since launch.


    Looking forward to an invite.
  • Radonneke
    Soul Shriven

    I'm a 45 years old casual player whose main interest is PvE and crafting.

    I'm quite new to ESO; only been playing a month or so. I currently only have a DD sorcerer LvL50 with about 70CP now.

    Previous MMO experience with that other game and Eve online.

    Looking for a casual, social guild to do stuff together.

    So, if there's still room, I'd appreciate an invite; userid is @Radonneke

  • Rowjoh
    hi @Radonneke! Thanks for your message - Invite on its way :)
  • TheWarlock187
    Soul Shriven

    I'm new to the game and on most evenings and weekends.

    Currently have a CP140 Magic Sorc damage dealer and also working on a Templar healer, though he's only at lvl 19 so still a bit of work to do.

    Main interest is PVE and a bit of crafting. Not in a position to run any veteran stuff yet as haven't even started the DLCs yet, but looking to have a laugh and a joke and meet some new people as it's getting a bit lonely running around by myself.

    If there's room I think this could be the guild for me. User ID @TheWarlock187
  • Rowjoh
    hey @TheWarlock187 - sounds like you've got quite far on your Mag Sorc! my fav class atm btw :)

    Invite sent :)
    Edited by Rowjoh on March 23, 2017 4:59PM
  • quake89
    Hey guys looking for an active guild to hang with I'm CP 482 looking for a relaxed sociable home while I quest level alts and generally goof around Tamriel.

    PC -EU
  • Tin85
    Hello @quake89

    Thank you for considering Whispering Alchemists.

    Invite sent :)
  • sid-amosb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, returning player here. Quite rusty and fully re-noobed. Mostly interested in PvE and crafting. Do you still have spots available?
  • Tin85
    Hello @sid-amosb16_ESO

    Yes, we have spots available. You are welcome to join. I will send you an invite.

    What is your in-game UserID?

    Or if you wish, you can contact me in-game.
  • AdiBelmonte
    Soul Shriven

    You guys sound amazing! I'm a completely newbie to ESO but have played MMOs in Guilds before so I'm hoping it won't take me too long to catch on! Just looking for somewhere fun and a few friendly folks to put up with my occasional blondeness and possibly really stupid questions in between me (hopefully) helping them have fun too...
  • Tin85
    Hello @AdiBelmonte

    Thank you for the kind words. I am sure you will fit in well :)
    I will send you an invite as soon as I get home from work later today.

    Is your in-game UserID the same as here on the forum?
  • greenfoothops
    Soul Shriven

    Sounds like just the kind of guild I'm looking for. New to ESO but have been playing MMO's for many years, still learning the ropes (lvl 12) and having fun so far. Would love an invite if that can be arranged, in-game name is Zhenni.

    Thanks a bunch!
  • xineizer
    Soul Shriven
    Hi Folks,

    I'm 45 years old. I actually have a French firstname, and a Spanish lastname. Many people mistake me for someone from India, but I'm actually from the Philippines and currently residing in Singapore.

    I hope you followed all that! :smiley:

    When TESO came out, I bought a copy at launch day for the PS4. Unfortunately, I haven't touched the game again in years, and I haven't finished it. I bought another copy just a few weeks back for the PC (graphics on a GTX1060 6GB is awesome!), and I'm back playing actively again (starting from scratch). I'm currently a high-elf templar in the Aldmeri Dominion. Quite low-level at the moment since I had to restart my game from the beginning.

    I decided to look for a casual guild and hoping to bump into some new friends in Tamriel. Sad to say that I don't do crafting and PvP. I just like to roam around the world and complete quests as they come by.

    I hope I can join you here at the Whispering Alchemists, even though I don't craft.



    (I'm assuming my login name is my game ID. Is it?)
  • boxanata
    Would love to join, if possible, please!

  • Tin85

    Sounds like just the kind of guild I'm looking for. New to ESO but have been playing MMO's for many years, still learning the ropes (lvl 12) and having fun so far. Would love an invite if that can be arranged, in-game name is Zhenni.

    Thanks a bunch!
    Hello Greenfoothops

    Certainly, you are more than welcome to join. I tried to send an invite to Zhenni. But got an error that the account was not found. Can you double check the UserID. Or contact me in-game by PM or e-mail: @Tin85

    xineizer wrote: »
    Hi Folks,

    I'm 45 years old. I actually have a French firstname, and a Spanish lastname. Many people mistake me for someone from India, but I'm actually from the Philippines and currently residing in Singapore.

    I hope you followed all that! :smiley:

    When TESO came out, I bought a copy at launch day for the PS4. Unfortunately, I haven't touched the game again in years, and I haven't finished it. I bought another copy just a few weeks back for the PC (graphics on a GTX1060 6GB is awesome!), and I'm back playing actively again (starting from scratch). I'm currently a high-elf templar in the Aldmeri Dominion. Quite low-level at the moment since I had to restart my game from the beginning.

    I decided to look for a casual guild and hoping to bump into some new friends in Tamriel. Sad to say that I don't do crafting and PvP. I just like to roam around the world and complete quests as they come by.

    I hope I can join you here at the Whispering Alchemists, even though I don't craft.



    (I'm assuming my login name is my game ID. Is it?)
    Hi Xineizer

    Sound good. Not problem about the crafting at all. We have plenty of crafters.
    Invite sent.

    boxanata wrote: »
    Would love to join, if possible, please!

    Hello Boxanata

    Sure. Invite sent.
  • xineizer
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you, @Tin85! I have accepted the invite.

    Please pardon the ignorance. I saw from the thread that there is a guild homepage. Is there a separate site for the guild? If so, may I know the link, please?

    Thanks you!
  • Tin85
    xineizer wrote: »
    Thank you, @Tin85! I have accepted the invite.

    Please pardon the ignorance. I saw from the thread that there is a guild homepage. Is there a separate site for the guild? If so, may I know the link, please?

    Thanks you!

    Unfortunately we do not have a website for the guild at this time.
    The Guild Homepage refers to the in-game Guild page, where you can find useful information regarding the guild such as details for connecting to the guild Discord server etc.
    Just press G in the game to view the guild menu.
  • Aim_Mac
    Soul Shriven
    please invite looking for good pve guild, hard work on your own :pensive:
  • Bonetek
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, I'm completely new to the game, and loving it so far, but there's a lot of stuff to learn, so would love a friendly / helpful group that I can play along with! :smile:

  • Tin85
    Aim_Mac wrote: »
    please invite looking for good pve guild, hard work on your own :pensive:

    Sure. What is your UserID? @Aim_Mac was invalid.

    Bonetek wrote: »
    Hey, I'm completely new to the game, and loving it so far, but there's a lot of stuff to learn, so would love a friendly / helpful group that I can play along with! :smile:


    Sounds good. Invite sent.
  • xineizer
    Soul Shriven
    Tin85 wrote: »
    Unfortunately we do not have a website for the guild at this time.
    The Guild Homepage refers to the in-game Guild page, where you can find useful information regarding the guild such as details for connecting to the guild Discord server etc.
    Just press G in the game to view the guild menu.

    Thank you! I'll check it out later tonight!
  • DeKoeDoetBoe
    Soul Shriven

    New Eso player looking for a guild.
    Bought the gold edition last week and started a kajiit Nighblade. (ingame name Timotie)

    Im a casual player, as i go working every day (sometimes long hours) but play in evenings en weekends.

    Real name is Tim, im 42 years young and live in Belgium.

    Eso invites: @DeKoeDoetBoe
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