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is it common for players

  • MornaBaine
    Join a good guild and get to know them. None of our crafters charge guildies outside of mats.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • altemriel
    who can craft 9 trait armor sets to squeeze you for everything you are worth just to craft you some pieces? I was looking for a crafter to craft me a 9 trait set and he asked me what I thought was a fair price, so I said 5K, plus whatever materials I had leftover. (I have 1500 rubedite). and he responds with, "no thanks, it cost me a lot of gold to get 9 traits." which I get because I have 8 traits on everything myself, all but 1 piece nirn. but should I wait and try to find a friendly crafter who will do it for 5K or is this type of thing the norm?

    go and find an another crafter, my guildie crafter crafted me my first 5Hundings/3Nightmother PVE sets for my stam DK for free, another guildie crafted me cp160 gear only for the mats

  • xX_NachtJager_xx
    Wow this thread really took off. Just an update, I did pay him 30k for an armor master set. And I think people are missing the point of my thread, I wasn't complaining about the price, just that the FIRST guy I asked was trying to squeeze me dry. He asked me, "how much are you willing to pay" I said 5K per piece." To which he replied, "no thanks, I charge 8K per piece." Then I found the other guy willin to do it for 5K a piece. so thanks to the second guy, you are awesome. And a lot of people on here must think I am a freeloader by saying stuff like, "if you want it done then go research and craft it yourself." Well just to let you know, I have 8 traits researched, so I understand how much time goes into that.
    CP460 Magsorc, Stamblade, Templar Healer, DK Tank. AKA the drunken nord
  • MalakithAlamahdi
    I always craft the stuff for free if you give the mats. If you want to reward me for the time I'll leave it as an option for you to decide. Same for like vamp bites, I alwaysg ave them for free, so I refuse to pay for them. I see that sensual neck kiss as a community bonding moment.
  • DMuehlhausen
    Seems to be something that may be limited to the consoles as PC players are generally a lot nicer.

    It probably has to do mostly with the fact that console has been out just over a year. There are probably very few 9 trait crafters yet.

    On the PC it was the same thing right around a year or so. Now though that almost every few people you bump into are 9 trait crafters you can't charge as much.

    This is exactly why though I feel they need to restrict the number of crafting lines you can be in. Eventually nobody will need anything from anybody.
  • Caff32
    It takes a lot of time and effort to get to 9 traits. Why should you get something for nothing?

    5K sounds more than reasonable depending on the style. Often times those motif pages are extremely expensive and the crafter needs to pay for them somehow. So if you're wanting a rare style with 9 traits, I'd expect to pay quite a bit for that!
  • bigted209
    As a master crafter/enchanter/provisioner, I feel the need to jump in on this. If all mats are provided for an order, I charge nothing. When things are missing and I need to use my own(motif stones, tempers etc.) then we negotiate. Tips are greatly appreciated, but I demand no payment for my services. Yes, time and gold both were invested in getting to this point....but what good is a crafter that doesn't craft? With that said though...I'm not always on my crafter, and I'm often otherwise engaged. Not going to drop everything to make a random person gear. But if I'm not doing anything, I will. Just my thoughts... bigted_209 PS4 NA, AD.
  • ZombieZig
    who can craft 9 trait armor sets to squeeze you for everything you are worth just to craft you some pieces? I was looking for a crafter to craft me a 9 trait set and he asked me what I thought was a fair price, so I said 5K, plus whatever materials I had leftover. (I have 1500 rubedite). and he responds with, "no thanks, it cost me a lot of gold to get 9 traits." which I get because I have 8 traits on everything myself, all but 1 piece nirn. but should I wait and try to find a friendly crafter who will do it for 5K or is this type of thing the norm?

    Been playing since this game began. Just like any small town... people begin helpful and nice. Game has grown much and the population has more than trippled. As a result we have gone from a positive comunity to a *** one. I stand by that. People are rude, greedy and troll just because they can. Group ettiqutte is even worse.

    The standard for crafters including 9 trait has ALWAYS been 1k per piece plus your mats. Some tip additionally.

    Join a pve guild and im sure you will meet someone that doesnt want to exploit others.

  • hedna123b14_ESO
    another guy just tried to charge me 5K per piece plus 5k for the set location being and 30K. I understand the locaion being an inconvenience, but 30K to press the square button?

    You make a good point regarding the cost, however as an example: I have had 9 traits for over a year now, I do a lot of things in game so if I'm going to spend time away from my regular activities it has to be worth my while. I would also charge 5k per piece. However I do recognize that this is unreasonable. But I really don't feel like bothering to do it for less. So while you will find some craters like me, others would definitely do it for 5k total. Sometimes it's not a matter of greed it's a matter of lack of desire.
  • Glamdring
    I loved to Craft stuff to ppl in the beginning, now i dont. Im not your personal fashionguide, and u expect gear to be more than White? well it takes mats to do that too and yes each style needs a specific traitstone. 1 traitstone for each Peace. And i cant know in my head how many mats each piece needs at your level and where u can farm your lvl34 mats in Ad, dc and ep. And yes, i dont logg on to do nothing, sitting and waiting for someone that want me to Craft something for free. I logg on to play the game and its my gametime you occupying.....just wanted to get that out of my chest....phew

    and yes its a lot of grammae errors and misspellings here, but i guess u get my Point anyway
    Edited by Glamdring on September 26, 2016 10:52PM
  • ComboBreaker88
    akl77 wrote: »
    9 trait crafter is a specialty, a rare skill, I personally paid 40k for a whole setup, then 20k another time, and 20k another time. 3-5k per piece is a fair price.

    Seriously getting 9 traits takes dedication.a don't even get me started on the time and gold required to acquire all styles. You're talking millions of gold to become a true master crafter. So yeah, I'm gonna charge you 5k per peice and I will be using your mats. If you don't have mat and will be using mine, you'll be paying a premium. Don't like it, you put the time and effort into becoming a true master crafter and quit wasting mine.
  • KingMagaw
    I craft anything for my friends no problem. Sometimes i reach out to Guildies but all in all crafting is a thankless job, most say thanks and that's it, which is polite but doesn't compensate for the crafter's playtime.

    If i spend 10 minutes talking about the craft job, then 10 mins doing it that is 20 minutes of my game time sacrificed for someone. Plus knowing the rare motifs in game. Discounting the motifs, if i invested that 20 minutes of playtime into other aspects, i earn a lot, especially if i shop and resell.
  • Diminish
    who can craft 9 trait armor sets to squeeze you for everything you are worth just to craft you some pieces? I was looking for a crafter to craft me a 9 trait set and he asked me what I thought was a fair price, so I said 5K, plus whatever materials I had leftover. (I have 1500 rubedite). and he responds with, "no thanks, it cost me a lot of gold to get 9 traits." which I get because I have 8 traits on everything myself, all but 1 piece nirn. but should I wait and try to find a friendly crafter who will do it for 5K or is this type of thing the norm?

    I craft anything for free... it takes all of a few minutes. As long as the person provides the mats. 9 times out the 10, the person having the gear crafted tosses me a tip of some sort; rather it is spare mats, gold, etc. It's never requested, and never required. The same goes for crafting people gear to research. I have literally ran all the way across Wayrest to make someone gear with a specific trait that asked in chat.The guy you asked was being a ***; enough said. Move along, there are more friendly, non-elitist crafters out there.
  • Diminish
    Was it Armor Master? They deserved the gold if it was and you should respect their craft more. If it was from one of the DLC you're forgetting they had to pay or buy the DLC besides do the research to be able to make it for you.

    In reality, who buys DLC just to make in game currency by selling the gear that is craftable in a DLC area? If this were the case, then they should be advertising a cheaper rate if you also own the DLC... you know... since you bought it as well. Bottom line is, there are some people who are straight up ***, and others who will go out of their way to accommodate you because they are nice, friendly people. If someone tried to charge me an arm and a leg for crafting a set where I provided all the material to do so, they would quickly end up on every block list I could find to add them to. :)
    Edited by Diminish on September 27, 2016 1:37AM
  • Glamdring
    Diminish wrote: »
    Was it Armor Master? They deserved the gold if it was and you should respect their craft more. If it was from one of the DLC you're forgetting they had to pay or buy the DLC besides do the research to be able to make it for you.

    In reality, who buys DLC just to make in game currency by selling the gear that is craftable in a DLC area? If this were the case, then they should be advertising a cheaper rate if you also own the DLC... you know... since you bought it as well. Bottom line is, there are some people who are straight up ***, and others who will go out of their way to accommodate you because they are nice, friendly people. If someone tried to charge me an arm and a leg for crafting a set where I provided all the material to do so, they would quickly end up on every block list I could find to add them to. :)
    please add me to your blocklist.

  • altemriel
    bigted209 wrote: »
    As a master crafter/enchanter/provisioner, I feel the need to jump in on this. If all mats are provided for an order, I charge nothing. When things are missing and I need to use my own(motif stones, tempers etc.) then we negotiate. Tips are greatly appreciated, but I demand no payment for my services. Yes, time and gold both were invested in getting to this point....but what good is a crafter that doesn't craft? With that said though...I'm not always on my crafter, and I'm often otherwise engaged. Not going to drop everything to make a random person gear. But if I'm not doing anything, I will. Just my thoughts... bigted_209 PS4 NA, AD.

  • Elmour0Fudd
    Caff32 wrote: »
    It takes a lot of time and effort to get to 9 traits. Why should you get something for nothing?
    5K sounds more than reasonable depending on the style. Often times those motif pages are extremely expensive and the crafter needs to pay for them somehow. So if you're wanting a rare style with 9 traits, I'd expect to pay quite a bit for that!

    feel guilty over the help I got on a few items early on was clueless on the value of things , and probably unintentionally insulted a few guild/friend crafter's sorry bout that'
    but to the point and from own experience with glass style pages to get a glass page needs I think a level X writ reward (you get 644 gp) and need 10 of then for 1 chapter (as I found later),
    so got your 10 pages for a chapter joy , how do you put them together, oh joy a 10k gp glue
    now your 3k odd gold down plus all the mat's needed for the writ....
    and low and behold out pop's a glass chapter plus bonus for me was staves.

    and that's one chapter in one style book ...... you want what style.
    ( anyone know if alchemist is allowed to make the item needed)

    all adds up and I don't want to alienate the people that can make a research item for me ... would be a very dumb move on my part.
    to be honest if no style specified i'd make it out of the one I had the most bit's for, which probably wont be the one you where after waste of time on both ends then
    Try Cat herding it's fun thay said you'll love it it's a good honest job........ bollock's you need Silverweave body armour to stop em fighting, but a stuffed mouse on a string can help!

    • Snarrffffff

    [/PC NA mainly dead Breton magic sorcerer b]!Alg5EQDPhr8CemxApWeDYYkydrc

    oh what fun
  • linoge63
    I pay 45K for a gold set to my crafter and shes worth every fleck of that.

    Hours and hours of time went into all that researching...

    Its no different than being at a dinner party and someone asking my opinion of their xyz ...minimum of 12 years of training and study went into why they are asking me and not bob over by the punch bowl...yet they think it ought to be free or close to it.

    A 9 trait set for 5k is almost an insult even if unintended.
    Edited by linoge63 on September 27, 2016 5:13PM
  • Dojohoda
    I'm a 9 trait crafter and have not crafted for others in months. Every crafter that has crafted armor for others knows why.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Egonieser
    Nah, just a bumhole. In my guilds, asking for money would be considered to be an outrage even, obviously not against the rules, but it's sort of a unwritten rule here which falls under the category of "Try and help guild members as much as you can".

    I've created loads of things for loads of people in my guilds and even outside of them and even feel a bit insulted if they offer money. Since when being nice and doing a good deed had to be monetised, I will never know. But I suppose some people just can't seem to get their head around the fact that just taking 2 minutes of your time does not always have to have a cost...

    This is why I hate the world of today - everything is about money, people willing to sell their own mother's and sisters for money, money money money..... What happened to good ol' human decency and kindness?
    Edited by Egonieser on September 27, 2016 5:39PM
    Sometimes, I dream about...cheese...

    Dermont - v16 Pompous Altmer Sorcerer (With a very arrogant face!)
    Egonieser - v16 Nord Stamina Dragonborn Wannabe
    Endoly - v16 Tiny Redguard Sharpened MaceBlade
    Egosalina - v16 Breton Cheesus Beam Specialist
    Egowen - v16 Dunmer Whipping Expert (Riding crops eluded her)
    (Yes, I had to grind all these to v16)
    Akamanakh - lvl 22 Khajiit GankBlade (Inspired by Top Cat)
    Targos Icewind - lvl 34 Imperial (Future) Jabplar
    (CP 830+)

    PC - EU
  • ZOS_JohanaB
    Moved this thread to Crafting
    Staff Post
  • Diminish
    Glamdring wrote: »
    Diminish wrote: »
    Was it Armor Master? They deserved the gold if it was and you should respect their craft more. If it was from one of the DLC you're forgetting they had to pay or buy the DLC besides do the research to be able to make it for you.

    In reality, who buys DLC just to make in game currency by selling the gear that is craftable in a DLC area? If this were the case, then they should be advertising a cheaper rate if you also own the DLC... you know... since you bought it as well. Bottom line is, there are some people who are straight up ***, and others who will go out of their way to accommodate you because they are nice, friendly people. If someone tried to charge me an arm and a leg for crafting a set where I provided all the material to do so, they would quickly end up on every block list I could find to add them to. :)
    please add me to your blocklist.

    I ignored you. You on PS4 by any chance? If so, I have no issue blocking you there as well. Have a great day :)
  • JKorr
    I craft for guildies for free. I, will make research items for free except for nirnhoned. You supply the nirn for that. If you want a rare style that I know, you supply the charcoal of remorse/scutes/feathers/whatever style materials. If you want the normal blue motif stuff, I'll use my mats for that.Once you get to the higher levels, like cp100 and up, I usually ask for the mats; before that I'll make you a set of gear for free.. I always ask for the mats for cp 160 gear.

    I think, for the one guild at least, I know more motifs than any of the other crafters. I'm usually broke because I'm hunting down the motifs I don't have yet.

    I don't mind helping new players figure out a set that might work for them. I know they *don't* know what they are doing yet. Players who have been around for a while and give helpful directions like "make it look cool" make me quit crafting for them. Likewise the ones who want two pieces of hundings, three night mother, and the rest armor master, improved to purple, cp160, mixed heavy/medium, all divines, "make it look cool", oh by the way they have no mats, and just send it to them cod. I said, "no". I don't have the gold to buy that many mats, the time to spend shopping for all those mats, and even if I did, I'm not spending that much on the chance the person will actually pay the cod. Not to mention the cost of sending something like that cod,plus the gold he'd have needed to reimburse me.

    Edited by JKorr on September 29, 2016 11:50PM
  • Whiphid
    another guy just tried to charge me 5K per piece plus 5k for the set location being and 30K. I understand the locaion being an inconvenience, but 30K to press the square button?

    Why do people try to charge 50K for dro-m'Athra motif chapters? I understand doing the trial being an inconvenience, but 50K to press X button for handing in the quest?

    That being said, best bet is to join a good guild and get involved. I will always try to help guildies with crafting, even more for those people that are actively involved in activities and socializing. People that join the guild just to ask for free TBS... well they know where to shove it.
    Edited by Whiphid on October 3, 2016 9:08AM
    One land! One Emperor! Who among you will stand with me?

    PS4/EU - Breton Sorcerer / Breton Healplar / Khajiit Stamblade / Khajiit Stamplar / Altmer SorcTank
    Grand Master Crafter and Guild Master of the Aetherium Alliance.
  • Hempyre
    another guy just tried to charge me 5K per piece plus 5k for the set location being and 30K. I understand the locaion being an inconvenience, but 30K to press the square button?

    No... Not to push a button. For the months, and hundreds of thousands of gold to get to where you can push a button.

    There is a significant time and gold investment to get to 9 traits.

    Providing the materials is always a benefit, however, I think it's more than fair to ask a price that's in line with the effort and cost to achieve the skills required to make the piece that you're looking to purchase considering you are unable, or not wanting to put that time, effort and cost into it yourself. I would maybe charge 5k total for 5 trait, but 9 I'd prefer to see more.

    Keep in mind, nirn gear for research can be upwards of 25k per piece, and you want 5 pieces of 9 trait if not more.

    Correct me if im wrong but I believe there is a total of 35 pieces to 9 trait everything. You are potentially looking at well over 800k gold and at 30 days per ninth trait, (9 at a time best efficiency) 116 days, not including all the research prior to learning the last trait.

    Even if you farm your own nirn and have a buddy craft it for you to research, (keep in mind that they had to learn it somewhere) you still have a huge time sink. There is a large personal investment to get there.

    I frankly dont see a problem with 5k. The economy in this game doesn't sufficiently reward players that are willing to spend the time, money and materials to reach the top tier, and it should.

    Good work isn't cheap, and cheap work isn't good.
    Edited by Hempyre on October 3, 2016 9:44AM
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