Lowbies and CP People in Cyrodiil - Give Lowbies a Break

  • Qbiken
    I will attack anyone who isn´t my faction (unless it´s a really OP AD sorc) so just deal with it. It´s a PvP zone and those who step into that will have to play by the rules.
  • Lore_lai
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    I toy with lowbies. My group came across a level 10 argonian the other night and killed it with entropy spam.

    Through its Phoenix proc.

    It was glorious.

  • ShadowPhoenix15
    Even though there is a Cyrodiil campaign dedicated to low level people, you will still run into them in CP campaigns. Even though you can't tell how much cp they have, you can tell how new they are to the game by armor, mount, or the way they fight. I run into them on occasion when running in Trueflame or Haderus, and I can quickly tell if they new people or just alts. I don't usually engage unless they attack first, then I wreck them if I can (scaling can be a b**** at times). However, if they don't fight and just want to grind, quest, or explore, I either help them or go on my merry way. I don't see many other high cp people doing the same, which is a shame. We have a major advantage vs new players, and it hurts to see a poor lvl 15 newbie be wrecked.
    With this, I ask any other CP players to do a few things with little babies running around in Cyrodiil:
    - Tell them to go to Blackwater Blade, where it's safest for them.
    - Leave them alone if they're trying to flee.
    - Don't be a jerk to them by harrassing them. They're just babies compared to a capped player.

    :/ wish I was a lowbie again then :( I'm usually in Cyro on my nord stamplar to do the dolmen to get xp/stuff to sell in gs.. I try to stay away from the PvP aspect of the zone & the only time I do PvP is if I'm with guildies/friends and it's the "event" we're doing.. (though don't really join that stuff.. PvP is just not for me >.> )

    Did kill some guys today in IC but they were farming us (random group) when we were trying to farm molag for skin in sewers so got annoyed enough to actually help fight back.. >.>

    PvP just isn't for me at all..

    I have encountered some nice guys though that let me live if I manage to use /surrender fast enough :3
  • Darnathian
    God_flakes wrote: »
    If a lowbie is running in a zerg, they're fair game. If they try to attack me, they're fair game. If they have attacked me before and I'm alone and they're with several others...my memory is long and they're fair game. If they're just trotting by on their horse I generally don't attack from stealth.

    Everyone is fair game in pvp. Especially PVErs

    Thats how u get better.
  • Daggerfall_Bones
    Removing cross faction communication and locking your account to a campaign cycle would help with bringing in low levels. My guild invites low levels to join our guild to experience raiding but they are a liability with Vicious Death/Steath det bombs when you have players messaging the other faction with location and group composition. Take the recent 50,000k TV grief in IC. A group member cross faction messaging a streamer to setup a bomb to his own group/faction to score good boy points. That should be a permaban for both of them.

    The PvP mechanics for Cyrodil have such potential but the factions in current form are meaningless. A guild reputation system that rewarded faction loyalty would help but we're instead jumping the shark with housing and dank duels. /yawn. At least spellcrafting is still not completely dead.
    Edited by Daggerfall_Bones on August 31, 2016 8:26PM
    Bones - Dunmer DK
  • WuffyCerulei
    Darnathian wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    If a lowbie is running in a zerg, they're fair game. If they try to attack me, they're fair game. If they have attacked me before and I'm alone and they're with several others...my memory is long and they're fair game. If they're just trotting by on their horse I generally don't attack from stealth.

    Everyone is fair game in pvp. Especially PVErs

    Thats how u get better.

    That's called being an butthole
    Edited by WuffyCerulei on August 31, 2016 8:30PM
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
  • God_flakes
    Removing cross faction communication and locking your account to a campaign cycle would help with bringing in low levels. My guild invites low levels to join our guild to experience raiding but they are a liability with Vicious Death/Steath det bombs when you have players messaging the other faction with location and group composition. Take the recent 50,000k TV grief in IC. A group member cross faction messaging a streamer to setup a bomb to his own group/faction to score good boy points. That should be a permaban for both of them.

    The PvP mechanics for Cyrodil have such potential but the factions in current form are meaningless. A guild reputation system that rewarded faction loyalty would help but we're instead jumping the shark with housing and dank duels. /yawn. At least spellcrafting is still not completely dead.

    Notice all the QQ when they removed his video?

    :lol: <= me, because I knew exactly why they removed it and it wasn't the mild profanity. Seems more and more people are growing a little tired of *jerk* gameplay.
    Edited by God_flakes on August 31, 2016 8:38PM
  • God_flakes
    zyk wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    zyk wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    I toy with lowbies. My group came across a level 10 argonian the other night and killed it with entropy spam.

    Through its Phoenix proc.

    It was glorious.

    What's sad about this post is that it is a microcosm for what many competitive ESO players actually consider to be glorious.

    If you only knew who he pals around with you would understand.

    I have only very rarely encountered kena, so I have no idea. I wasn't really taking a shot at him but the 'farm randoms, ap/hr, taking candy from babies' mindset of competitive ESO players.

    Personally, I get more enjoyment from wiping a group with randoms than wiping randoms with a group.

    In my day, when one reached the point of owning public servers in an FPS, it was time to join a clan and value was based on success against other clans. Public server achievements were meaningless -- no one talked about pubs because no one cared.

    I'm disappointed competitive GvG has never really manifested itself in ESO. At least not in NA. Instead it's 8 hours of "let's see who we can goad into this choke (like we have been doing for 2 years)!!!!!!!"

    Or my personal favorite: let's cap this far northern keep of this underpopulated faction and lure ones and twos and unorganized groups of noobs up there and farm them and hee hee and haw haw in ts and then slap eachother on the backs cuz wersogud! We haz so much farming!
    Edited by God_flakes on August 31, 2016 8:54PM
    If you're in my way, sorry, you're in my way. If I'm taking Bruma and you're doing the dolman, sorry, you're in my way. If I'm riding to a keep and you're dueling, sorry, you're in my way. If you're picking flowers, sorry, you're in my way.

    And lastly, if you're in a 50 person Zerg ball with 134 CP and the guy next to you has 531 ... I'm killing you first even if you weren't in my way. Sorry.
    Edited by THEDKEXPERIENCE on August 31, 2016 8:49PM
  • altemriel
    Even though there is a Cyrodiil campaign dedicated to low level people, you will still run into them in CP campaigns. Even though you can't tell how much cp they have, you can tell how new they are to the game by armor, mount, or the way they fight. I run into them on occasion when running in Trueflame or Haderus, and I can quickly tell if they new people or just alts. I don't usually engage unless they attack first, then I wreck them if I can (scaling can be a *** at times). However, if they don't fight and just want to grind, quest, or explore, I either help them or go on my merry way. I don't see many other high cp people doing the same, which is a shame. We have a major advantage vs new players, and it hurts to see a poor lvl 15 newbie be wrecked.
    With this, I ask any other CP players to do a few things with little babies running around in Cyrodiil:
    - Tell them to go to Blackwater Blade, where it's safest for them.
    - Leave them alone if they're trying to flee.
    - Don't be a jerk to them by harrassing them. They're just babies compared to a capped player.

    there can be two options how to handle this:

    1. do not be a jerk and leave the newbies alone
    2. wait, there is a war going on - they know it is hard so what - fight or die!!
  • KenaPKK
    God_flakes wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    zyk wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    I toy with lowbies. My group came across a level 10 argonian the other night and killed it with entropy spam.

    Through its Phoenix proc.

    It was glorious.

    What's sad about this post is that it is a microcosm for what many competitive ESO players actually consider to be glorious.

    Lighten up bud.

    God_flakes wrote: »
    zyk wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    I toy with lowbies. My group came across a level 10 argonian the other night and killed it with entropy spam.

    Through its Phoenix proc.

    It was glorious.

    What's sad about this post is that it is a microcosm for what many competitive ESO players actually consider to be glorious.

    If you only knew who he pals around with you would understand.

    And who exactly might that be?

    Not going to name and shame. B)

    Then don't say anything in the first place. You don't even know the people I hang out with.
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    zyk wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    I toy with lowbies. My group came across a level 10 argonian the other night and killed it with entropy spam.

    Through its Phoenix proc.

    It was glorious.

    What's sad about this post is that it is a microcosm for what many competitive ESO players actually consider to be glorious.

    Lighten up bud.

    God_flakes wrote: »
    zyk wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    I toy with lowbies. My group came across a level 10 argonian the other night and killed it with entropy spam.

    Through its Phoenix proc.

    It was glorious.

    What's sad about this post is that it is a microcosm for what many competitive ESO players actually consider to be glorious.

    If you only knew who he pals around with you would understand.

    And who exactly might that be?

    Not going to name and shame. B)

    Then don't say anything in the first place. You don't even know the people I hang out with.

    You forget.... We were briefly in the same guild.

    You were very much never in my guild, though, and I do not hang out with anyone outside of my guild regularly. You'd be surprised how petty I find the crowd I think you're trying to associate me with.
    Edited by KenaPKK on August 31, 2016 9:07PM
    Legion XIII
    Excellence without elitism
    Premier small scale PvP

    NA/PC original dueling and general PvP community guild
    Now the hub of competitive dueling and the joined PvP communities of NA and EU/PC

    Apex Predator.

    Here's a great thread collecting community ideas for PvP updates.

    [MEGATHREAD] Feedback Threads for Class Reps

    Class Representative Feedback Discords:
    Nightblade Discussion:

    Dragonknight Discussion:

    Sorcerer Discussion:

    Templar Discussion:

    Warden Discussion:

    General Healing Discussion:


    Werewolf Discussion:

    Vampire Discussion:
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    I toy with lowbies. My group came across a level 10 argonian the other night and killed it with entropy spam.

    Through its Phoenix proc.

    It was glorious.

    This reminds me. Does anyone else find it annoying that you can enter Cyrodiil at level 10, but you can't weapon slot a second weapon until 5 levels later?
    Edited by dodgehopper_ESO on August 31, 2016 9:11PM
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • Sandman929
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    I toy with lowbies. My group came across a level 10 argonian the other night and killed it with entropy spam.

    Through its Phoenix proc.

    It was glorious.

    This reminds me. Does anyone else find it annoying that you can enter Cyrodiil at level 10, but you can't weapon slot a second weapon until 5 levels later?

    It's been awhile, but yes, I did find that annoying.
  • Luigi_Vampa
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    I toy with lowbies. My group came across a level 10 argonian the other night and killed it with entropy spam.

    Through its Phoenix proc.

    It was glorious.

    That is funny. Closest thing to that I've seen was five or so guys surround someone and just bash him to death. The poor guy was so confused.
    PC/EU DC
  • Thelon
    zyk wrote: »

    Let's face it. Generally speaking, competitive ESO players prefer to shoot fish in a barrel. It's been that way since I started PVPing in Aug 2014. Perhaps I missed something awesome before then, but I doubt it.

    No way man. The competitive dueling scene in ESO used to be amazing, and was probably at its best around 1.5. Since then, the game has been dumbed down, ZOS has introduced cheese after cheese meta, cheaters caused the community to cannibalise itself, etc etc to the point we're at now, where farming potatoes is the only way to pass the time till arenas arrive.
  • Kartalin
    If they're in Cyrodiil they need to be aware of the ramifications of being in a PVP-enabled zone. That said if I see a lowbie not bothering anyone I generally leave them alone.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    If you're in my way, sorry, you're in my way. If I'm taking Bruma and you're doing the dolman, sorry, you're in my way. If I'm riding to a keep and you're dueling, sorry, you're in my way. If you're picking flowers, sorry, you're in my way.

    And lastly, if you're in a 50 person Zerg ball with 134 CP and the guy next to you has 531 ... I'm killing you first even if you weren't in my way. Sorry.

    This is logical for a lot of reasons. I tried being nice a couple years ago in Cyrodiil, but I learned fairly quickly its war out there and red is dead. Its very rare someone will let you off without attempting to screw you over later by calling his friends, or sneaking behind and attacking you when you're fighting some npc. Its a lot more comfortable to just recognize its war out there, and not take it personally if someone kills you. I lost like 5,000 tel var last night, and it didn't bug me. That's life - too bad for me I need to suck it up. I did get a cp out of the deal, and it was more fun than doing a dungeon, so bonus for me even in loss.

    With regard to choosing a lower cp guy over the 531+ its understandable particularly in a fight scenario for the same reason people like to kill the healer first. Fighting one guy is a lot safer than fighting two, and if you can pick one off do it. I understand the mindset. I understand the mindset of being nice too, but Cyrodiil is like playing Halo - expect to be shot at.
    Edited by dodgehopper_ESO on August 31, 2016 10:24PM
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • Xerosus
    Nothing better than running around a Cyrodiil delve with no issues then suddenly getting attack from behind only turn and oh... that's so cute, you aren't even level 40 yet. I would have left you alone if you hadn't attacked me but painting the cave walls with your ashes sounds good too.
  • Aneca
    Darnathian wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    If a lowbie is running in a zerg, they're fair game. If they try to attack me, they're fair game. If they have attacked me before and I'm alone and they're with several others...my memory is long and they're fair game. If they're just trotting by on their horse I generally don't attack from stealth.

    Everyone is fair game in pvp. Especially PVErs

    Thats how u get better.

    You don't get better by competing against lesser skilled players, you improve by taking on superior opponents.
  • Wollust
    Removing cross faction communication and locking your account to a campaign cycle would help with bringing in low levels. My guild invites low levels to join our guild to experience raiding but they are a liability with Vicious Death/Steath det bombs when you have players messaging the other faction with location and group composition. Take the recent 50,000k TV grief in IC. A group member cross faction messaging a streamer to setup a bomb to his own group/faction to score good boy points. That should be a permaban for both of them.

    The PvP mechanics for Cyrodil have such potential but the factions in current form are meaningless. A guild reputation system that rewarded faction loyalty would help but we're instead jumping the shark with housing and dank duels. /yawn. At least spellcrafting is still not completely dead.

    gfto with that faction loyalty crap

    Zerg Squad
  • jarradarab
    Removing cross faction communication and locking your account to a campaign cycle would help with bringing in low levels. My guild invites low levels to join our guild to experience raiding but they are a liability with Vicious Death/Steath det bombs when you have players messaging the other faction with location and group composition. Take the recent 50,000k TV grief in IC. A group member cross faction messaging a streamer to setup a bomb to his own group/faction to score good boy points. That should be a permaban for both of them.

    The PvP mechanics for Cyrodil have such potential but the factions in current form are meaningless. A guild reputation system that rewarded faction loyalty would help but we're instead jumping the shark with housing and dank duels. /yawn. At least spellcrafting is still not completely dead.

    Calling for a permaban for that is completely stupid. Sure it might be scummy but its just a game and *** happens, dont get so butt hurt. I thought it was funny.
    Edited by jarradarab on September 1, 2016 12:41AM
  • KenaPKK
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    I toy with lowbies. My group came across a level 10 argonian the other night and killed it with entropy spam.

    Through its Phoenix proc.

    It was glorious.

    This reminds me. Does anyone else find it annoying that you can enter Cyrodiil at level 10, but you can't weapon slot a second weapon until 5 levels later?

    I rather enjoy my healing springs and chain spamming lvl 10 magicka DK. What more do ya need? =D
    Legion XIII
    Excellence without elitism
    Premier small scale PvP

    NA/PC original dueling and general PvP community guild
    Now the hub of competitive dueling and the joined PvP communities of NA and EU/PC

    Apex Predator.

    Here's a great thread collecting community ideas for PvP updates.

    [MEGATHREAD] Feedback Threads for Class Reps

    Class Representative Feedback Discords:
    Nightblade Discussion:

    Dragonknight Discussion:

    Sorcerer Discussion:

    Templar Discussion:

    Warden Discussion:

    General Healing Discussion:


    Werewolf Discussion:

    Vampire Discussion:
  • KenaPKK
    Aneca wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    If a lowbie is running in a zerg, they're fair game. If they try to attack me, they're fair game. If they have attacked me before and I'm alone and they're with several others...my memory is long and they're fair game. If they're just trotting by on their horse I generally don't attack from stealth.

    Everyone is fair game in pvp. Especially PVErs

    Thats how u get better.

    You don't get better by competing against lesser skilled players, you improve by taking on superior opponents.

    I think he meant the PvEers.
    Legion XIII
    Excellence without elitism
    Premier small scale PvP

    NA/PC original dueling and general PvP community guild
    Now the hub of competitive dueling and the joined PvP communities of NA and EU/PC

    Apex Predator.

    Here's a great thread collecting community ideas for PvP updates.

    [MEGATHREAD] Feedback Threads for Class Reps

    Class Representative Feedback Discords:
    Nightblade Discussion:

    Dragonknight Discussion:

    Sorcerer Discussion:

    Templar Discussion:

    Warden Discussion:

    General Healing Discussion:


    Werewolf Discussion:

    Vampire Discussion:
  • Soundwave
    Meilinka wrote: »
    Hey you kids, get off my lawn!

    *equips a rake and chases low levels*

    The other day I ran up to a level 11 that was on his horsey and I just made my kitty roar at him, then I did some sweet spins and ran off. I bet he was confused. I should have whispered him something about bacon.

  • FriedEggSandwich
    This might sound weird but, unless I'm actively attacking or defending something that should be attacked or defended, or I'm in a group (rare), I don't agro anyone. I run around and bump into people, if they start on me we fight, if they don't we don't fight. I don't even like attacking all that much, unless to take back home keeps/scrolls, would rather defend 95% of the time. I get so confused by all the politics/etiquette of who I should agro and who I shouldn't I just find it easier to leave that decision up to my opponent. I usually end up fighting though cos players get so thirsty. But if they agro me I'm not gonna give them a break regardless of rank.
    PC | EU
  • The-Baconator
    Anytime a lowbie dies in cyrodiil to anything other than bashspam d'tick looses a tear of divine sorrow.
    zyk wrote: »
    God_flakes wrote: »
    zyk wrote: »
    KenaPKK wrote: »
    I toy with lowbies. My group came across a level 10 argonian the other night and killed it with entropy spam.

    Through its Phoenix proc.

    It was glorious.

    What's sad about this post is that it is a microcosm for what many competitive ESO players actually consider to be glorious.

    If you only knew who he pals around with you would understand.

    I have only very rarely encountered kena, so I have no idea. I wasn't really taking a shot at him but the 'farm randoms, ap/hr, taking candy from babies' mindset of competitive ESO players.

    Personally, I get more enjoyment from wiping a group with randoms than wiping randoms with a group.

    In my day, when one reached the point of owning public servers in an FPS, it was time to join a clan and value was based on success against other clans. Public server achievements were meaningless -- no one talked about pubs because no one cared.

    I'm disappointed competitive GvG has never really manifested itself in ESO. At least not in NA. Instead it's 8 hours of "let's see who we can goad into this choke (like we have been doing for 2 years)!!!!!!!"

    The sense of competition between guilds is mostly dead because most objective based pvp guilds across all platforms\servers have died. There are just giant zergbad guilds that stack +48 semi organized on top of pugs and people who think they're good because they stack +20 on top of pugs and wipe the semi organized zerg 50% of the time. The same could be said for the small scale\dueling community when half of the population's idea of a dueling build is simply a stam\mag dk or magicka temp that is built with the sole purpose of not dying--basically having no chance to kill anything on there own--or some other variant of extreme cheese.
    First PS4 NA Grand Overlord, Stormproof, and Flawless Conqueror.
    Potato Lord of Atrocity
  • AmberLaTerra
    honestly the reason I enter Had or trueflame on my lowbie alts is for the fishing achievements. The very few ocean fishing spots are often camped in blackwater by the "elites' of the campaign. Those ones who avoid leveling to stay in that campaign as long as possible and farm people looking to get a key achievement needed for the master fisher and that unique dye and title.

    While I risk capped players crushing my little noobs even with their carried over CP since they are not in PVP gear it would be no contest it is far better then knowing a group is waiting in ambush to gank me for sure.

    As for attacking. When I am on my newb toons I will only attack someone if I see them setting up to grief a fishing hole or treasure map spot, and when on my CP toons will generally leave the low levels alone in less I see them doing that.

    I pretty easy to tell if someone is at a treasure map spot for the treasure or a fishing spot to fish by watching them and seeing if they are getting the chest or start fishing, is it goes to long with them just adjusting weapons that means they are trying to set bars to gank mode and find the one who was going to that treasure or fishing spot and sheathed up when seeing them turn the tables on them.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    CP 365 Nord DK DPS EP
    CP 365 Imperal DK Stam Tank EP
    Level 9 Imperial Stam Templar EP
    Cp 365 Khajiit Stam Blade EP

    For the glory of the Pact
  • NBrookus
    I leave lowbies alone, but they always seem to attack anyway. My favorite so far was stumbling across three level 15 sorcs. I stopped, waved at them, and mounted to ride away. They attacked. With just their scamps and lightning staffs. I killed them... then got rage tells that I was a bully. :/
    God_flakes wrote: »
    Or my personal favorite: let's cap this far northern keep of this underpopulated faction and lure ones and twos and unorganized groups of noobs up there and farm them and hee hee and haw haw in ts and then slap eachother on the backs cuz wersogud! We haz so much farming!

    I dunno, I usually see that as a "come fight me" sign hung on the map. Sometimes you get zerged down, but often I just find someone looking for a good fight.
  • Holycannoli
    Even though there is a Cyrodiil campaign dedicated to low level people, you will still run into them in CP campaigns. Even though you can't tell how much cp they have, you can tell how new they are to the game by armor, mount, or the way they fight.

    I always see how much cp they have?

    Hmm or is that because of an addon? Been so long I forget.

  • Rylana
    Last week a DR 10 man group ran into a baby level 14 outside of Alessia.

    We surrounded it and said "dance or die"

    They danced. We danced back and a couple people did a bow.

    We proceeded on our merry way, leaving it alive, never saw it again.

    However if it had attacked us or been part of a group attacking us, id have shown it no mercy.

    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
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