Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

LF active casual AD trade guild

Soul Shriven
Hello, I have played most of the elder scrolls, but newer to ESO. I am lvl 14 I am looking for an active but casual trade guild with no dues or minimum dues in AD. I have tamriel unlimited and the theives guild DLC. I have run guilds on many other games and have no problem donating what I can. My GT: Chaos047 please send me an invite if you want me to join. Thanks
  • Necromionicon
    Invites sent! Hope you like the guild!
    Sydea AD CP780 dps magblade
    Sydbuddy A EP CP780 stamdk tank
    Sprinkly Tinkler AD CP780 dps magplar
    Witterbug AD CP780 dps stam sorc
    Scinter EP CP780 dps magdk
    Sydbuddy B CP780 dps magsorc
    Storage Sam EP CP780 magplar healer
    Astr'ea DC CP780 dps stam sorc
    Ray'nara AD CP780 sap tank magblade
    J'nara DC CP690 780 stamblade
    J'Maru AD CP780 dps stamplar
    M'taabo AD CP780 dk tank
    Ar'Jynta DC CP780 warden tank
    Ulur'Aba DC CP780 dps magward
    Tor/nea DC CP780 dps stamward
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