PC Trueflame NA Today

  • Lord_Draevan
    TooskSG wrote: »

    Gist of each faction's current situation: EP severely lacks any organized,Oceanic presence(roughly 3 guilds DC, 3 guilds AD, 0 guilds EP).

    The weekend routine we usually get on EP:
    AD caps BRK and Ash about 9-10 am EST. EP doesn't take BRK back until 5 hours later minimum. Every attempt to recap it is met with overwhelming AD numbers, and we only get it back when DC finally pushes Ash in serious numbers, which they don't for hours due to pushing Chalman all morning.

    It's getting old.
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • Telel
    maxjapank wrote: »

    Good. That's exactly what it is. And I don't blame anyone for playing in their time zone or for trying to win a campaign. But I just couldn't accept you saying "Maybe if you didn´t spend so much on Forums you might be doing something to stop this." The fact is that blue just doesn't have the numbers.

    Interestingly though, where the heck were the Oceanic AD in the past? You can see the numbers were always there. But you guys just vanished until RAM went yellow. Some people are claiming that yellow have no inner spirit/strength until they vastly outnumber the enemy. But I'm pretty sure it was just a seasonal hibernation. :)

    This one can assure you that up the week or so those numbers were not there at the 2-7(EST) am time slot.

    Telel even has a few screenies here and there from the last few days of the last cycle, and a few from the start of this one. It was pretty routine for the dumbminion to have at most half of what the griffs were throwing up, and for the bloops to be most intently focused on taking black boot and Roe in a nightly event that always coincidentally occured around the same time another faction was hitting Faregyl, and Blood Mayne.

    Whomever is claiming that this one's faction actually had the same numbers during that time frame must have been looking at a different server, or on PS4.
    Character: Telel
    Class: Night Blade-Werewolf-viking-ninja-catgirl-mallet wielder
    Past times: Refusing to go full magika spec, hitting things with a big hammer, sniping, and speaking in khajiit
    Also: Gelel the Derp Knight, Altsel the streaker, and Filafel the temp temp.

    Khajiit has a twitch stream! https://twitch.tv/telel_khajiit feel free to come see how truly unskilled Telel is.
  • frozywozy

    The weekend routine we usually get on EP:
    AD caps BRK and Ash about 9-10 am EST. EP doesn't take BRK back until 5 hours later minimum. Every attempt to recap it is met with overwhelming AD numbers, and we only get it back when DC finally pushes Ash in serious numbers, which they don't for hours due to pushing Chalman all morning.

    It's getting old.

    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • maxjapank
    TooskSG wrote: »
    2. Oceanic primetime/Japanese primetime are utterly imbalanced. What is shown in the video at these times is the aftermath of full raids/raids+ of Wormhole,TKG (or colloquially known as the VanzanZerg o' RD spam), and Elder Skills.

    You are obviously ill-informed. TKG rarely has more than 12. We know that other factions think we have more, partly because we make ourselves look bigger. But if you check any of our videos, you will see the numbers for what they are. However, on raid nights, Wed/Sun, we are pushing to 16.

    Wormhole is a blessing. But they don't get started until near the end of our raid time. There is only about an hour where our forces overlap, which is great on Wed/Sat/Sun when RAM is running large along with the other yellows. Much like last night when yellow was pop-locked and blue was still only at two bars.
  • Lord_Draevan
    frozywozy wrote: »


    I'd rather some... Vladimir Puddin'

    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • TooskSG
    maxjapank wrote: »

    You are obviously ill-informed. TKG rarely has more than 12. We know that other factions think we have more, partly because we make ourselves look bigger. But if you check any of our videos, you will see the numbers for what they are. However, on raid nights, Wed/Sun, we are pushing to 16.

    Wormhole is a blessing. But they don't get started until near the end of our raid time. There is only about an hour where our forces overlap, which is great on Wed/Sat/Sun when RAM is running large along with the other yellows. Much like last night when yellow was pop-locked and blue was still only at two bars.

    Ill-informed? You're using your raiding schedule as a means to counter data collected within a specific 24 hour period? I can understand this lack of reasoning coming from an RD spamming templar who rolls in a 16 man raid, which zerg surfs as a group during the early morning hours NA. Don't worry, I understand your defense mechanism. I've seen you defend RD in the RD thread, which made me laugh quite a lot considering your playstyle. However, don't, for a second, think you can come following me around doing blatant posturing after I've made an attempt at getting faction imbalances to the forefront.

    If you think VanzanZerg is too harsh of a colloquialism, then take it up with the general population, not me. I most definitely will not be swayed when my firsthand experience (default ui showing guild tabards is a thing btw) and the data I've collected thus far provides a stark and contrary view to that which you are peddling. If you don't like getting called a zerg, then don't run in a group that's 20% of your population's numbers early morning NA, simple as that.
    Telel wrote: »
    @TooskSG This one has tried to fix the population issues a few times.

    Last time they did it was because they were asked to take their 'zerg' back to True Flame because Haderus was over run and all the Bloops and Griffs were either hiding in the sewers or zerging on TF.

    Now..this one is being told that it's their fault again and they should be the ones moving. This time to Haderus because DC is over running it and the griffs are....

    Well this one hopes you get the picture their humble words conjured up in between your ears. Though this time please do not put Telel in any weird outfits as your brain does the conjuring.

    Was it an EP player? If so, let me know.

    As for blaming a single guild for the entirety of a campaign's imbalance, that's asinine. Even in Wabba 1, it was more than one AD guild causing the issues. Same thing with the other factions in their respective campaigns of population dominance, it takes more than one guild raid to PvDoor the entire map in such a short time. Anyway, don't take those kind of comments to heart. A lot of players in this game speak from such a fixated ingroup view that it's nauseating.
    Edited by TooskSG on July 20, 2016 11:57PM
  • Telel
    Telel takes only two things seriously in this game.

    Placing your own siege, and Not standing in the breach.

    Though they also have a mighty stern opinion about those who don't stay near the crown and the healers.
    Character: Telel
    Class: Night Blade-Werewolf-viking-ninja-catgirl-mallet wielder
    Past times: Refusing to go full magika spec, hitting things with a big hammer, sniping, and speaking in khajiit
    Also: Gelel the Derp Knight, Altsel the streaker, and Filafel the temp temp.

    Khajiit has a twitch stream! https://twitch.tv/telel_khajiit feel free to come see how truly unskilled Telel is.
  • maxjapank
    TooskSG wrote: »

    Yes. You are.
    TooskSG wrote: »
    I can understand this lack of reasoning coming from an RD spamming templar who rolls in a 16 man raid, which zerg surfs as a group during the early morning hours NA.

    Good to see you acknowledge that we never run more than 16. (Often 12-14, but I won't make it confusing for ya). So now we see that your statement of "full raids/raids+ of Wormhole,TKG" was way off. The truth comes out.
    TooskSG wrote: »
    Don't worry, I understand your defense mechanism. I've seen you defend RD in the RD thread, which made me laugh quite a lot considering your playstyle.

    RD is an execute. I will execute you with it if you are low health. But thanks for attacking me personally and bringing up something completely unrelated to this thread. You are very classy.
    TooskSG wrote: »
    If you don't like getting called a zerg, then don't run in a group that's 20% of your population's numbers early morning NA, simple as that.

    I have no problem runnning in a group of 12-16. It's the optimal size for a group. And I very much enjoy fighting against numbers much larger than us. It's fun.
    Edited by maxjapank on July 21, 2016 1:30AM
  • ScooberSteve
    AD for the win
  • TooskSG
    maxjapank wrote: »
    Good to see you acknowledge that we never run more than 16. (Often 12-14, but I won't make it confusing for ya). So your now we see that your statement of "full raids/raids+ of Wormhole,TKG" was way off. The truth comes out.

    RD is an execute. I will execute you with it if you are low health. But thanks for attacking me personally and bringing up something completely unrelated to this thread. You are very classy.

    I have no problem runnning in a group of 12-16. It's the optimal size for a group. And I very much enjoy fighting against numbers much larger than us. It's fun.

    1. You don't understand what a plus sign after raid means? If you don't think a 16 man guild group stacked within the DC faction is a raid+, then you're the one who is ill-informed.

    2. Completely relevant as it establishes a pattern of behavior on your part to vehemently defend yourself and your ingroup even when there is overwhelming evidence against your ingroup view. Simple really tbh and also quite hypocritical on your part to speak of irrelevancy as you thought posturing for your ingroup was relevant to anything I stated about faction population imbalances. That is, unless you're more self-aware about your zerging than I give you credit for...

    3. 16 man is an optimal size for a group during the wee hours weekdays/weekends ET... you have to be trolling. No one is that ignorant of population. It's akin to me claiming that an NA primetime group should stay as big when the enemy factions are at 2 bars. That's absurd and part of the problem we've faced in PvP since release. If you need 16 people to be competitive while zerg surfing early morning ET, that speaks more negatively about you as a player than any insult could ever hope to achieve.

    Brb, getting a 16 man set up and gonna zerg surf the rest of my faction during NA off hours and get upset when I get called out for zerging


    Edited by TooskSG on July 21, 2016 1:30AM
  • maxjapank

    All I got was "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah." You win.
  • ScooberSteve
    If you cant stand the heat play a less populated campaign thats what their there for. So stop complaining
  • vanzan
    What is the point of this discussion? What is the outcome you want?
    • We moved factions because AD zerged it up during our TZ
    • We cap our group to 16 during our two raid nights. Other nights its a 12 man.
    • We only play 3.5 hours a night
    • We don't play the map
    • We rarely push for EMP because it kills PVP
    • We don't PVDoor because we are a PVP guild
    • We look for outnumbered fights
    • We even assist EP and push AD out of keeps at times - if we get a fight.

    What other rules do you want to impose on us during your non peak-time to help you win and Ill see if we can accommodate?

    Vanzan Lizardman - TKG

  • Lucky28
    vanzan wrote: »
    What is the point of this discussion? What is the outcome you want?
    • We moved factions because AD zerged it up during our TZ
    • We cap our group to 16 during our two raid nights. Other nights its a 12 man.
    • We only play 3.5 hours a night
    • We don't play the map
    • We rarely push for EMP because it kills PVP
    • We don't PVDoor because we are a PVP guild
    • We look for outnumbered fights
    • We even assist EP and push AD out of keeps at times - if we get a fight.

    What other rules do you want to impose on us during your non peak-time to help you win and Ill see if we can accommodate?

    your group isn't the problem. i really enjoy fighting your group when i have the opportunity.
  • TooskSG
    maxjapank wrote: »

    All I got was "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah." You win.

    At least your zergling self recognized that basic reading comprehension eludes you and admitted defeat.
    vanzan wrote: »
    What is the point of this discussion? What is the outcome you want?
    • We moved factions because AD zerged it up during our TZ
    • We cap our group to 16 during our two raid nights. Other nights its a 12 man.
    • We only play 3.5 hours a night
    • We don't play the map
    • We rarely push for EMP because it kills PVP
    • We don't PVDoor because we are a PVP guild
    • We look for outnumbered fights
    • We even assist EP and push AD out of keeps at times - if we get a fight.

    What other rules do you want to impose on us during your non peak-time to help you win and Ill see if we can accommodate?

    Because stacking an entire faction at Chal mine every weekday and weekend during the early hours of NA doesn't kill PvP? Do you think that stacking an entire faction at Chal for hours doesn't help AD push EP? I hope you don't believe such a disingenuous claim. If you wanted a fight, you'd go fight the numerous AD guilds instead of stacking at Chal mine on a daily basis to fight non-guild pugs. You can claim whatever you want, but when your actions disprove your words, then they are as empty as the keeps you have PvDoored before--I legitimately laughed at you claiming you don't PvDoor. That's akin to Pact Militia claiming they don't PvDoor, cute lie either way.

    Also, don't try to externalize the blame for your choices. No one is forcing you to play in any way you don't want to--you're free to play as you wish. However, you're not free from peer criticism for your actions.You say you swapped from AD because they zerged during your timezone but only do the same thing on your new faction. You don't look for fights since Ash can be yellow for hours when you're online. If you were truly looking for an outnumbered fight, you'd be after AD on a daily basis, but the community, regardless of faction, knows that doesn't happen. Lastly, you don't play the map but recently crowned an Emp, conflicting claims much?

    If I cared about EP winning, then I would have already went through the motions to make that a thing again. What I care about is a healthy,tenable pvp campaign, which Trueflame during Oceanic/SEA primetime IS NOT. Instead of these Oceanic guilds actually fighting each other, they move northeastwardly daily regardless of campaign scoring(happened consistently even when EP was 3rd last cycle). I give my own faction *** for anti-competitive play, and I sure as hell will do the same to the other factions. This *** isn't sustainable.
    Edited by TooskSG on July 21, 2016 2:14AM
  • vanzan
    TooskSG wrote: »
    This *** isn't sustainable.

    See you at chal mine xoxo

    Vanzan Lizardman - TKG

  • Celas_Dranacea
    give peace a chance

    Edited by Celas_Dranacea on July 21, 2016 2:23AM
    A Bosmer Nightblade Werewolf
  • TooskSG
    vanzan wrote: »

    See you at chal mine xoxo

    Can't wait to record that beautiful zerg for the forums. Nothing like passive-aggressive in-game actions when you cannot argue a point on the forums lol
  • Nogawd
    Why dont you run your own group instead of complaining about what other groups do?
    Because he's not good at it.....
  • Akgurd
    Blaming TKG or any other oceanic guild is total none sense. They focus on fights more than the map itself and they'd go anywhere if there's a huge battle for them.

    And RAM will go anywhere to win the campaign regardless of pvdoor or last emp keep with full Zerg defending. It's an alliance "war" and not an alliance "sport" for us. We go into lazy combat freak mode only when we are already winning the campaign.

    Feel free to trash talk, name and shame us all day long. It doesn't make any change though.
  • TooskSG
    Akgurd wrote: »
    Blaming TKG or any other oceanic guild is total none sense. They focus on fights more than the map itself and they'd go anywhere if there's a huge battle for them.

    And RAM will go anywhere to win the campaign regardless of pvdoor or last emp keep with full Zerg defending. It's an alliance "war" and not an alliance "sport" for us. We go into lazy combat freak mode only when we are already winning the campaign.

    Feel free to trash talk, name and shame us all day long. It doesn't make any change though.

    And when you log into even more of a dead game, then cue a mental "I told you so", AK. Lately, I've been regretting welcoming you back after you got a new PC. This *** isn't healthy for the campaigns, and you know it.
  • ScooberSteve
    Lets just recap the last 6 campaigns.
    1 ep
    EP didnt just win they won by a mile and AD was pvdoored the whole time. Sore losers should recap the history of recent past campaigns before shooting off their big mouths.
  • K4RMA
    *cough* BFTP zergling *cough*
    nerf mdk
  • dashima
    I once jokingly told vanzanzerg they were zerging IC and they literally apologized and said they'd go. Comparing this to every other guild on DC, that zerg down resources and single players with 20+, pvdoor empty keeps, wipe to numbers three times smaller than them, and run away at the slightest resistance. Should feel lucky to see a pvp guild that actually pvps, zerg or not. There's not many of them left.
    Venatus | Hagnado

    AD | Revân Stamina Nightblade AR35 scrub
    AD | Rëvan Stamina Sorcerer fotm
    DC | Ain Ghazal Magicka DK
    tfw too lazy to grind
    AD | Ain Ghazal Magicka DK
    AD | Run I Triggered Them Magicka Templar
    DC | Inner Postern Wall Stamina Templar
    DC | Kaivalanth Magicka Nightblade
    DC | Rëvân Stamina Nightblade
  • Elong
    maxjapank wrote: »

    Yes. You are.

    Good to see you acknowledge that we never run more than 16. (Often 12-14, but I won't make it confusing for ya). So now we see that your statement of "full raids/raids+ of Wormhole,TKG" was way off. The truth comes out.

    RD is an execute. I will execute you with it if you are low health. But thanks for attacking me personally and bringing up something completely unrelated to this thread. You are very classy.

    I have no problem runnning in a group of 12-16. It's the optimal size for a group. And I very much enjoy fighting against numbers much larger than us. It's fun.

    Your entire zerg is full of people who spam RD on people at full health, usually targeting the same player with multiple RDs. But you guys keep doing you.
  • Elong
    Akgurd wrote: »
    Blaming TKG or any other oceanic guild is total none sense. They focus on fights more than the map itself and they'd go anywhere if there's a huge battle for them.

    And RAM will go anywhere to win the campaign regardless of pvdoor or last emp keep with full Zerg defending. It's an alliance "war" and not an alliance "sport" for us. We go into lazy combat freak mode only when we are already winning the campaign.

    Feel free to trash talk, name and shame us all day long. It doesn't make any change though.

    If by anywhere you mean Chal mine then we agree.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    give peace a chance


    Dirty hippies have no place in forum PvP ..!
  • Akgurd
    Yeah. TKG is very classy guild and should be honored for what they've been doing.

    Like I said, trash talking on any other oceanic guild is total none sense. Oceanic guilds has been playing the same way they are doing right now for more than a year now. Only difference is that RAM left EP. Nothing has changed other than that.
  • TooskSG
    Akgurd wrote: »
    Yeah. TKG is very classy guild and should be honored for what they've been doing.

    Like I said, trash talking on any other oceanic guild is total none sense. Oceanic guilds has been playing the same way they are doing right now for more than a year now. Only difference is that RAM left EP. Nothing has changed other than that.

    Don't ever remember seeing RAM have 24 players+ PvDooring on EP. Only ever saw you at Chal mine fighting the VanzanZerg, same people you're defending now. But you do you, AK. Just don't be like the Wabba 1 AD and whine about "not having competitive fights" while doing everything in their power to destroy healthy PvP. No better than the EP who did it prior cycles, same with DC
  • Telel
    give peace a chance


    Peace doesn't buy this one fancy new impenetrable molag kena pieces.

    Also elf tastes better when gutted and snacked upon amidst the heat of the battlefield. It's like they were blessed by Hircine to be nature's Gorp.
    Character: Telel
    Class: Night Blade-Werewolf-viking-ninja-catgirl-mallet wielder
    Past times: Refusing to go full magika spec, hitting things with a big hammer, sniping, and speaking in khajiit
    Also: Gelel the Derp Knight, Altsel the streaker, and Filafel the temp temp.

    Khajiit has a twitch stream! https://twitch.tv/telel_khajiit feel free to come see how truly unskilled Telel is.
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