Roehamad_Ali wrote: »
Minnesinger wrote: »
Check the scrore it is unbelievably balanced. Well DC is still 3rd but just now AD took over EP. Maybe if you didn´t spend so much on Forums you might be doing something to stop this. AD deals with DC and EP all the time.
Minnesinger wrote: »
Check the scrore it is unbelievably balanced. Well DC is still 3rd but just now AD took over EP. Maybe if you didn´t spend so much on Forums you might be doing something to stop this. AD deals with DC and EP all the time.
Rofl. I'm having fun regardless of being outnumbered. But with AD poplocked and blue down to 2 bars and even red at one bar for a while, you have little room to talk. AD was PvDoor all the way, and yet you still got wiped at Aleswell. Only reason you got it was quite a few blue had to log for the night.
Again, we enjoy the fights. But don't kid yourself. You are winning by numbers.
Minnesinger wrote: »
Check the scrore it is unbelievably balanced. Well DC is still 3rd but just now AD took over EP. Maybe if you didn´t spend so much on Forums you might be doing something to stop this. AD deals with DC and EP all the time.
If you would spend less time trying to defend AD in the forums and more time playing the game (especially during the morning or at primetime), you would realize that EP was lead on the scoreboard by 1k 3days ago on AD. The only reason why AD catched up on the scoreboard is because they have 3 oceanic guilds running in the morning with large groups (RAM, Dominion Knights and very recently Venatus that came back with a small group but still organized).
From 7:00am EST to noon, EP has NO guild running. Just pugglets using bows and max magicka. After noon, BFTP, Pact and small Invictus groups start forming up and taking objectives back. At primetime, AD gets wrecked because of their poor behaviours of taking the map with absurd numbers over the early morning.
Same thing, same result as what happened last week when EP decided to take one scroll from both AD and DC over night. The day after at primetime, we got gate camped. Poor sportsmanship, poor behaviour lead to being double teamed at primetime. Yeah of course AD is going to win the campaign because they hold the map from 7:00am to noon eastern with absurd numbers. Well done guys. Oh and special thanks to that oceanic AD guild who rerolled to make sure the populations were balanced. I can see how healthy and competitive the populations are right now. Especially with 75% of the DC population playing on Haderus.
Wtb dynamic populations.
If you would spend less time trying to defend AD in the forums and more time playing the game (especially during the morning or at primetime), you would realize that EP was lead on the scoreboard by 1k 3days ago on AD. The only reason why AD catched up on the scoreboard is because they have 3 oceanic guilds running in the morning with large groups (RAM, Dominion Knights and very recently Venatus that came back with a small group but still organized).
From 7:00am EST to noon, EP has NO guild running. Just pugglets using bows and max magicka. After noon, BFTP, Pact and small Invictus groups start forming up and taking objectives back. At primetime, AD gets wrecked because of their poor behaviours of taking the map with absurd numbers over the early morning.
Same thing, same result as what happened last week when EP decided to take one scroll from both AD and DC over night. The day after at primetime, we got gate camped. Poor sportsmanship, poor behaviour lead to being double teamed at primetime. Yeah of course AD is going to win the campaign because they hold the map from 7:00am to noon eastern with absurd numbers. Well done guys. Oh and special thanks to that oceanic AD guild who rerolled to make sure the populations were balanced. I can see how healthy and competitive the populations are right now. Especially with 75% of the DC population playing on Haderus.
Wtb dynamic populations.
Roehamad_Ali wrote: »I blame Telel . He's probably giving inspirational RP speeches about Razum'Dar and the mighty Dumminion being best for everyone . Handing out bows like party stamps at a rave .
Trueflame NA - Wednesday July 20 - 10:28 AM EST
Roehamad_Ali wrote: »I blame Telel . He's probably giving inspirational RP speeches about Razum'Dar and the mighty Dumminion being best for everyone . Handing out bows like party stamps at a rave .
Thanks for stepping up in the game as soon as possible to dethrone and make the emperor reign as short as possible with as much lag as possible (between 500ms and 1k ms spikes) for the whole duration giving no chance to defend it. That was alot of fun to enjoy those 5 seconds weapon swaps after so much hard work to be on top of the leaderboard. Please bring your zerg guilds everyday. It is the way the game was intended to be played after all.
If you would spend less time trying to defend AD in the forums and more time playing the game (especially during the morning or at primetime), you would realize that EP was lead on the scoreboard by 1k 3days ago on AD. The only reason why AD catched up on the scoreboard is because they have 3 oceanic guilds running in the morning with large groups (RAM, Dominion Knights and very recently Venatus that came back with a small group but still organized).
Khajiit is thinking you may have missed the joke. And the point. And the fact Khajiit was referencing a certain TV show from the 90s.
But it okay as Telel is but a humble one with a very simple mind that some can not comprehend.
Yes, obviously this one commenting on how EP would be lost but for its consistent population lock and night capping tendencies spurred a massive revolution in online digital strategicerizing. This one got that last word from Cadwell by the way.
Telel's many bold speeches such as the classic 'get off my $%$#$## siege!' or the often quoted sermon 'stop running up to the front door and letting them kill you' caused a paradigm shift in the dumbminion's playstyles. This shift caused many many many people to get on earlier to help oppose the griffs traditional over night games of 'take the empty keeps/avoid the ones being defended'.
However this one can not take credit for the migration of Griffs to other locales. As we all know no member of the super superior, never zerging, and always totes legit, army do not simply begin fleeing en masse once their opponents start fighting back. In fact this one has been assured its just a normal ancient migration pattern that the pacters follow and that it's merely coincident that this seems to happen at certain times.
Also khajiit will not be bringing up the topic of how the griffs got over one thousand points in the lead. After all we've been assured that all those weeks wherein they had the consistent population advantages are just proof that their opponents are jealous and need to L2P....
This one had brain bleach handy but others may not be so fortunate.
Once again, here's Frozn complaining about what he participates in. You're happy to zerg down other factions with Nikolai Numbers and other EP guilds when you have a decisive population advantage and then cry when it happens to you.
The only reason EP had a big lead a few days ago was from the same type of noncompetitive capping -- way more than any other faction this cycle.
Minnesinger wrote: »
Check the scrore it is unbelievably balanced. Well DC is still 3rd but just now AD took over EP. Maybe if you didn´t spend so much on Forums you might be doing something to stop this. AD deals with DC and EP all the time.
You're also talking about "Pact having a decisive population advantage". Could you help me figure out when exactly you're reffering to? I don't recall EP outnumbering AD for the past week or two. I have also stopped playing passed 10:00pm entirely for the past month. With the exception of the night I was crown emperor. It is simply too laggy for me and I just can't stand it anymore from 10:00pm to 2:00am EST.
Are you sure? After getting zerged down @ Alessia farm by approximately 32,768 EP @ 1:13 AM EDT last night, I thought it was cute that you were blowing kisses at a girl, so I took a screenshot.
You complain about depose lag, yet from what I've seen, EP has PVdoored far more emps this cycle than any other faction. No other faction has Pvdoored more scrolls. Further, when I see you, it is embedded in a PM zerg. No other single guild I am aware of creates more strain on the server than PM.
Usually when I play on TF between 10PM and 3AM EDT, it is normal for AD to have its forces split between DC and a poplocked EP.
Keep drinking the kool-aid.
Minnesinger wrote: »...I don´t kid myself believeing it was anything other than numbers. The game is about numbers nowadays.