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Believing Crafting Bags shouldn't be behind a sub wall is clearly the most outrageous belief ever.

  • Volkodav
    Tarante11a wrote: »

    Oh,did it make you feel superior to add that little dig about my own behavior?

    Kinda cute.

    Says the person who's spent most of this thread undermining, mocking and dismissing other players opinions. Again my apologies, that's far too strong. But I do think that just dismissing other people's real concerns as 'silly' is a bit rude and patronizing.

    However, I'm genuinely sorry if I've misunderstood your standpoint re the bags. It's not the impression I had.

    But a further apology is required from me for getting cross at you. I've been fairly amazed and depressed by a lot of what's been said back and forth about this topic. I over-reacted to your comment and it was misplaced. My bad.[/quote]

    There is no need for apologies,none at all. :)
    Sometimes our ire is risen and we speak out.I took what you said as a bit rude,and replied in kind is all.You left off that bit where you said was I reflecting my own behavior.I took that as snarky and responded back with those same words.
    Perhaps we are both being silly in taking it a bit too serious?
  • Teronell
    What's crazy about this is, for a lot of people, the sub just works out better unless you really stick to only buying the basic

    A three month sub nets 4500 crowns. If you pay 2k for the current DLC and never touch the store, you're better off not subbing. If you so much as buy a non-basic mount and a costume pack in those three months, you come out behind. Not to mention the sub perks you miss out on.

    Maybe I'm just projecting my own spending, but (being honest with myself) I easily use more than 4500 crowns every three months.
  • acw37162
    ZOS decided to let people like you buy a la carte if you wanted to. And you did.

    ZOS decided to make crafting bags. Which they did.

    ZOS decided the value of a crafting or more to the point the cost would be. A subscription. And they did.

    The cost for a crafting to dump all your stuff in is a one month sub.

    The cost to hav unlimited access to a crafting bag is a sub.

    Call it a sub wall, whine, moan, constructively complain that is the cost until ZOS decides to change it.

    Pay it or don't pay it.

  • acw37162
    I like how all you subbers think you keep the lights on at ZoS. I hope you realize they made something like $315 million just off base games purchases...

    You mean like actually 315 million.

    Like 315 million, assuming your right, after 5 years of development costs, start up, insurance, benefits, buildings, electricity, rent, computers, servers, networks, hardware, software, licensing, infrastructure, advertising, marketing, travel expenses, salaries for hundreds of employees all before a single dollar was gathered you mean that 315 million.
  • wolfie1.0.
    My input time. I am new to the forums because I only recently got access to an issue whit an email address. I have been playing over a year now. you can say that i took the orignal economy route and subbed to gain access to DLC with the intent to purchase said DLC's with the supplied crowns. which I have done. Along the way I have also purchased crowns on the side as well. However, I was off and on again with the sub. so here is my input on the subject:

    Sub Players need some additional incentive to keep paying and playing if ZOS wants to keep that revenue stream going. Which they do. What business wouldn't? its garunteed funds as long as they keep the interest of the subbers. which is the real issue that ZOS is trying to address there is not much incentive NOW to keep a sub (with training trait changes that 10% boost can be made up in game easy) and MOST subbers have had that sub for more than 6 months and some for a over a year so the research bonus is probably not doing much for them. So what is left? DLC and the crowns. and if they are like me they use the crowns from the sub to buy DLC so they are not stuck to the sub. The crowns themselves are a nice touch and its a $1 USD to 100 crown conversion which is nice but the 5500 crown package is 137.5 crowns per $1 USD. which is only slighty worse and you have crowns that you dont have to wait 30 days to get.

    Taken all of the above into account subbers don't get very much in the long wrong crafting bags does a lot to encourage people to keep their subs and maybe even get more people to do it. That said here is an idea to appease both parties:

    A variant of the Bag could be implemented in game. The difference being put a limit on the bag. put it in the base game, but have it work similar to the current pack management system. The limit could be a max stack-able amount per crafting type. Then allow people to expand it using crowns or in game gold. Subs can keep the unlimited option, but others would have to expand by paying.
  • Paazhahdrimaak
    I was hoping the crafting bag would eventually make its way to the crown store, I would pay 5,000 crowns for that.
  • VodkaVixen1979
    Why do you subbers keep insisting on creating these new flaming threads, insulting everyone who doesn't do exactly what you do? Inciting anger and getting the thread locked is the only result.

    This is getting so boring already....
  • Vangy
    Why do you subbers keep insisting on creating these new flaming threads, insulting everyone who doesn't do exactly what you do? Inciting anger and getting the thread locked is the only result.

    This is getting so boring already....

    LOL.... Go read the OP first... Subbers dont create threads about craft bags except to say how much we love it.. These threads are created by non-subs who spend all day whining and flaming.......

    Kinda getting boring.....
    (2)V16 Dk- stam dps/stam tank/mag dps
    (2)V16 Sorc- mag dps/stam dps
    (2)V16 nb- stam dps/mag dps
    (1)v16 temp- mag tank/mag dps
    CP: 610 and counting

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates! Viva la revolutionz
  • RandalMarrs
    Smh. Guess this thread is getting hard for people to follow. Maybe time to put an end to it.
  • Balibe
    Hey everyone,

    As some of you know, we don't normally comment on datamined content but we're making an exception to clear up something.

    Craft Bags are not going to be sold in the Crown Store. They are strictly an ESO Plus perk. The Craft Bag image that has been datamined is to only accompany the ESO Plus perk.
    Hopefully this will put an end to this thread and others like it .....
  • Some_Guy
    This is old news and it STILL gets 5 pages? lol
    OP, you got what you paid for. Read that again, you got what you paid for.
    If you wanted unlimited storage in the form of a crafting bag, then you should have paid for it.
    You $200+ pales in comparison to what I and other "loyal" customers have paid. And after all the things we've "been through" with this game, I would LOVE to take this opportunity to thank ZOS for giving me SOMETHING that I really feel rewards me for my loyalty.
    In the grand scheme of things, it might not be worth the hundreds (more) of dollars I have paid into this game, but... I GOT WHAT I PAID FOR. And so I can't be too mad :smile:
    We Wipe On Trash
    Vivian Naiviv CP Altmer Sorcerer
    Shivnado the Potato CP Redguard Sorcerer
    Cüddle Mönster CP Argonian Sorcerer
    Ebonheart Pact Spy CP Dunmer Dragonknight
    Delilah Blackheart CP Redguard Dragonknight
    My Best Friend CP Argonian Dragonknight
    Sensual Heals CP Dunmer Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant Spy CP Redguard Templar
    Föcùs-Thê-Hælèr CP Argonian Templar
    Goes-the-Wrong-Way CP Dunmer Nightblade
    Anu'Thir Phuh'Kinspy CP Redguard Nightblade
    Works-in-Sweatshop CP Argonian Nightblade
    Anu'thir Phuh'kin Bearpun CP Altmer Warden
    Bubble Crumbles CP Redguard Warden
    A'driån Kin'hör CP Argonian Warden
    Clearly, your egg was left in the shade too long.
  • JohnnyQuantum
    I was hoping the crafting bag would eventually make its way to the crown store, I would pay 5,000 crowns for that.

    Agree. I don't think anyone objects to the bag being behind a paywall, but there are two paywalls: subscription and crown store. I see this as something similar to the banker and merchant already in the store.
  • FuriousChef
    Soul Shriven
    Some_Guy wrote: »
    If you wanted unlimited storage in the form of a crafting bag, then you should have paid for it.

    Did they increase the cost of the sub due to the addition of the crafting bag? No? Then no one has actually paid for it specifically.

    After reading numerous threads on this issue here and other websites I've come to a couple of conclusions. First there is a strong elitest attitude amongst many people who sub. I was kind of shocked with this considering there are many ways to support the game financially. Subbing isn't the only way. Second, many people are willing to pay money for this item to buy it without renting it. ZOS could provide a limited crafting bag at a cost to them but they choose to ignore that segment of their market. For me, I am getting tired of the game. My main focus was gathering mats and working on improving crafting skills. Crafting was fun casually but if you get really into it, it becomes tedious once you try multiple crafts with multiple characters. Purchasing even a limited crafting bag would bring me back but as it now stands the Dark Britherhood will be my last DLC.

  • qrichou
    Azurya wrote: »
    when you your maths right:
    ESO-plus costs 11 Euro a month if you take the 6 months thing.
    in addittion you get access to all dlcs and an 1500 crowns per month, so 9000 crowns.
    and the crafting bags now as well, plus more exp, faster more AP and CP

    so it is always an advantage to make your decision to have a ESO-plus membership.
    and I pay me membership always with paysafe, so I choose every time to take it any longer.

    Alot of eu player have trouble with esoplus not being activated after buying.
    support does not react on time .
    refund dont. aply . etc etc .
    because its possible
  • Hearsay_
    I daresay it's incentive to remain subscribed. Instead of paying a lot of money for bits and pieces, here and there, maybe just cough up the $15 a month. Havin' a whinge because subscribers get a bonus is just silly. People subscribe to get the bonuses.
  • Seratopia
    Everyone who purchased content from ESO has no doubt supported the game in some way either through that costume purchase, DLC purchase or subscription.

    With that I have to thank everyone who had because you are what's making my favorite game stay afloat and running albeit buggy atm.

    Every customer is valuable here. But eso plus is like any VIP bonus, you get a little something extra for becoming a member. Just like in any other mmo I've played. I'm surprised it's only a craft bag people are fussing over that has little impact on game experience DLC buyer vs subber.

    Eso plus is a guaranteed way to ongoingly support the game, I've been playing this game for more than a year with a sub every month, sure I could've just bought all the dlcs instead with all the money I've spent already and not have to sub but I didn't. I'm not saying this is a bad idea for those who want to save some money but subbers constantly provide steady funding for the game. If everyone just went the individual dlc purchase route how would zos get the money they need to fix these bugs running rampant? Sure, you've gave money but after a certain time an eso member would have contributed a lot more to funding.

    You don't buy premium insurance and get the same benefits as a *** insurance.

    Edited by Seratopia on July 2, 2016 1:46PM
  • JohnnyQuantum
    I'd like to see the bag in the crown store. I'm about to give up on crafting - in most games I've found it is not worth the time and cost given the gear you can get from just playing the game.
  • Smitch_59
    I started an ESO+ subscription in June mainly to get the crafting bag. It was great, I really liked it. But I'm on Xbox and when my sub renewed yesterday I lost access to all ESO+ perks (currently a common problem on Xbox). So after spending 45 minutes troubleshooting with Xbox support, I cancelled my sub. I really want to sub, mainly for the crafting bag. But I refuse to sub if I'm going to have to contact support every month when my sub renews. It's simply not worth the hassle. When and if they fix the broken ESO+, I will consider re-subscribing.
    By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!
  • NolaArch
    PLEASE! Stop whining about this! Please. You "couldn't find a thread" among the many insufferable threads that have existed since craft bags launched?

    Sub = get craft bag. Don't sub = don't get craft bag.

    But, sssshhhhhhh! Just be quiet!

    Craft bag is love; craft bag is life.
    Edited by NolaArch on July 4, 2016 4:41AM
    Ardat-Yakshii EP Stam NB
    36k anchovy club
    Mash the buttons, hope for the best!
    I have some achievements
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