a one time alliance change would have no effect on balance.
no reason it shouldn't be available.
It doesn't take that long to get to level 50.
lore is a weak argument, we can already choose any race any faction with a crown purchase. changing races/sex/appearance should have been added awhile ago. are those against just looking for something to go against?
Yeah, so? Why does that matter? Me changing my race doesn't affect your gameplay at all. You're still exactly the same. I understand the games are different, but there's no difference in terms of how it affects your game if I change my character. That's what I meant by no difference.
For instance, why is it okay for me to reroll another race, but not simply change race? From another player's perspective there is no difference. How do you know if I rerolled or simply changed the race? That's what I don't get. People just want to deny others a simple convenience for no valid reason.
paulmapp8306 wrote: »
I find that really condesending to the casual gamer.
I am relativley new to eso, and havent plsyed an rpg for years since skyrim. I had no real idea on classes, skils, race etc at the start.
I have a wife, kids, job etc so I didnt spend the time I should have designing my characture. with limited time to pIay I wanted to get into the game. There are things I would now change a little and id spend more time in creation now.
RE role is an option, but my char is level 24, and its taken all my play time over 8 weeks to get there. See, some of us cant justify living this world constantly. I get roughly 6 hours per week on average to play.
Ultinately I will create 3 charactets, one for each alliance to play all quest lines, but it will take a long time. Being able to change choices that dont affect gameplay, so sex and appearance, would be important to me. I get changing alliance shouldnt be available, and can see sn argument fir race, but in most cases I agree with the op.
notimetocare wrote: »
Spoiler on faction quests48 hours of gameplay is almost enough to have a mid vet rank. This is time to level, it does not matter if oyu are casual or hardcore. I get that people want to do it all, and I did when i first played, but that does not insult a casual gamer by stating the truth.Spoiler1 character can play every faction
notimetocare wrote: »
Effort vs cash. There, found a difference for you. Race change is p2w.
notimetocare wrote: »Race change is p2w.
Electroheadz wrote: »@Azurephoenix999 I agree with that all of these features should be available to us. The more options and freedom we have the better for us. And giving us these options at reasonable price will leave both sides, the devs and players happy.
And what about all those people that are against it ?
Well, it's quite easy to explain. You can split them into few groups. You either have a group of people that had to reroll multiple characters and they don't really care for You/Us since they already done it and are not in a need of such feature. It's called being an egoist.
The second group of people had probably done the same thing - rerolled a few times to fix their "mistakes". But their reason behind voting against it is that they envy the others will have an option to instantly do changes. Unlike our unfortunate group that had to put time and effort to achieve this.
Another one would be people that simply won't be able to or will not want to to pay extra money (considering that race change for example will be a crown store item) for it.
As for the group that screams: "PEOPLE WILL KEEP HOPPING TO FOTM". It's a dev job to avoid having such an imbalance in game so people won't "migrate" with each new patch. In reality we all know how most of the time that "balance" turns out, but should a player feel handicapped due to a game imperfections ? I'll leave that to answer for Yourself
So as You can see even thou we are all here to have some fun in virtual world, the difficulties we face are quite same as in everyday life. Majority of people You'll meet will be selfish, envious and stubborn mules that limit their vision only to one perspective.
In regards to the topic - ability to change Your body/hair visuals is coming for sure as it was confirmed. And if You ask i'd say that race/class are coming here too sooner or later as it will a great way for ZoS to earn some more coin.
I wish some choice in the real world wasn't permanent, but oh well, right?
Yeah, so? Why does that matter? Me changing my race doesn't affect your gameplay at all. You're still exactly the same. I understand the games are different, but there's no difference in terms of how it affects your game if I change my character. That's what I meant by no difference.
For instance, why is it okay for me to reroll another race, but not simply change race? From another player's perspective there is no difference. How do you know if I rerolled or simply changed the race? That's what I don't get. People just want to deny others a simple convenience for no valid reason.
Normally I dislike changing things. I feel face and name changes lead to abuse and trolling imho.
That said I agree with the op, in this game we should be allowed because game mechanics shift so dramatically it is unfair not to allow some flexibility.
Name? Sure. I can see that happening. Someone gives themselves a bad reputation, so they change their name. But face? How does that make sense?
Honestly, all they would have to do is allow Ignoring to transfer over if that player gets a name change. For example, some guy named Billy-Bob- Poohead is a huge troll, gets ignored by many people, and changes his name to Fiona, it should still have that player on ignore.
Sometimes you grow out of the character you created and want to update it's looks.Nothing wrong with that.
Umm...The guy I was quoting said people will use face changes to abuse and troll. I'm not against a "barber shop"
Azurephoenix999 wrote: »The one thing I absolutely hate in this game is how once you've made your character, there are a few crucial choices that you're not allowed to return to.
- You come to regret the race you've chosen later down the line? "reroll [Snip]".
- Your character has a goofy hairstyle? "Lol, just roll an alt".
- Your class gets screwed over in the most recent update and you want to play as a different one? "start a new character."
- Your character's name no longer appeals to you? "Just make a new one!"
- Your friends are all in a different alliance and you want to play with them outside of a group delve or trial? "REROLL!"
dtm_samuraib16_ESO wrote: »Bringing such in would undo the very essence of that ESO is about
newtinmpls wrote: »Name...I put thought into my character names. Why would I want to change them. Someone who has characters named "Pack mule" or "storage alt", well....that was their choice.
Fair enough, it was in Skyrim.
If that was the case, then it would never have been added in Skyrim.
There really is no reason to not let players change minor details on their characters. And if you, or anyone else doesn't like the idea of a "barber shop" well, just don't use it. Just because a player has access to it, doesn't mean you're forced to use it, or even pay any attention to it.