No choice regarding one's character should be 100% permanent.

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  • strikeback1247
    Lylith wrote: »
    a one time alliance change would have no effect on balance.

    no reason it shouldn't be available.

    How would this not affect balance? Imagine every PvP player using their one time alliance change to move to DC. That would wreck PvP. Perhaps a one time change pre level 20 could be reasonable.
    P.A.W.S. - Positively Against Wild Sasquatches - NO TO BIGFOOT!
  • Magdalina
    You can ask for your name to be changed and more often than not it will(both account and character names).
    Appearance wise, yes, absolutely, I'm sure they'll release a barber shop to Crown Store eventually.

    Alliance change...I am kinda wary about that one, perhaps it is something that should be allowed just and only once per character. You realized you made a mistake with alliance choice? You can correct it, but no second guesses and no changing alliance every month to whoever is winning.

    Race change should be allowed, although it will make most everyone magicka roll Altmer/Breton and most everyone stamina Redguard/Khajiit but, say, Argonian passives as is are just not fair, especially to all the people who chose them to be healers because of the description It shouldn't be something easy to acquire though and that's one thing I wouldn't mind seeing in Crown Store.

    Class change, no. Some choices should matter at least. ZOS screwing at least one class an update up bad time is not news(seems to be sorcs' turn now) but even still...if you want to try a different class...reroll. And learn the class at least some on the way. Besides, how'd class change even work? I'm a sorc who wants to be an NB, do I get all NB skills(that I know absolutely nothing about) for free? Or do I have to level them all? Or do I only get "corresponding" skills unlocked/leveled?
  • Buffler
    A one time only alliance change is fair. You are tied in before knowing anything. I made 2 AD characters, both got to v16 and full yellow gear.......then, i made really good friends in EP who i now have a v16 with thx to cake week but dungeons aside my 2 mains are useless to me so a one off changewould be nice
  • Turelus
    Personally I think almost all major choices should be permanent.

    Then again I have been gaming since back in the days before respecs, class changes, race changes etc.

    They're adding some changes stuff for race, appearance etc. however let's please not push this game towards a one character which can be fully changed to FOTM for a small (we wish) crown cost.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • paulmapp8306
    Gidorick wrote: »

    It doesn't take that long to get to level 50.

    I find that really condesending to the casual gamer.

    I am relativley new to eso, and havent plsyed an rpg for years since skyrim. I had no real idea on classes, skils, race etc at the start.

    I have a wife, kids, job etc so I didnt spend the time I should have designing my characture. with limited time to pIay I wanted to get into the game. There are things I would now change a little and id spend more time in creation now.

    RE role is an option, but my char is level 24, and its taken all my play time over 8 weeks to get there. See, some of us cant justify living this world constantly. I get roughly 6 hours per week on average to play.

    Ultinately I will create 3 charactets, one for each alliance to play all quest lines, but it will take a long time. Being able to change choices that dont affect gameplay, so sex and appearance, would be important to me. I get changing alliance shouldnt be available, and can see sn argument fir race, but in most cases I agree with the op.

  • TheShadowScout
    I believe choices should matter.
    I also believe adjustments should be possible...

    In that spirit, I am all in favor of some more options. In fvor of them chareging crowns to let us recustomize character appereance, name, gender, even race. I personally might not be tempted by the latter two, though I have some adjustments to make for some of my characters with the former two - things that looked all right in chargen, and then proved to be suboptimal in live game... a hip shape here, a hand shape there, a voice change here, a adornment change there... and of course, some names I spent less thought on then I ought to have.

    But if someone wants to change their race - sure, why not? It even fits the lore, there are several instances of racechange in the game. As long as the crown price is high enough that people wopuld think twice about such fundamental changes...

    And ZOS has stated that these are coming.

    Then there is alliance change, which is a bigger can of worms... and which they are still merely thinking about. As I have stated before in other such discussions, I'd like to see it - if done right, with a "defection" questline, and some lingering "traitor" drawbacks...

    And finally, class change, and that is where I draw the line. Since that one would not only be a huge can of worms to do, but also is very much a fundamental part of your character. Not like the point isn't near-moot, since ZOS is on record stating they never want to add this option.
  • Turelus
    @paulmapp8306 I don't think the "it doesn't take long to get to 50" is meant for players like yourself though. More for players without any interest in enjoying the content at a pace their life allows and who just want to be max level to play endgame content. For those people it really doesn't take long and can be done in a day with a partner, if it was your interest to be level 50 only I am sure you would have managed it by now, however I get the feeling you play for more than just max level.

    Also without any spoilers as to how/why you won't actually need more than one character to play all the factions stories. You'll be able to experience all the games quests on a single character once you finish the main story.

    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • notimetocare
    Mojmir wrote: »
    lore is a weak argument, we can already choose any race any faction with a crown purchase. changing races/sex/appearance should have been added awhile ago. are those against just looking for something to go against?

    Lore completely supports any race, any alliance. It is the 'people' in the alliance, not specifically the race. Morrowind is primarily Dunmer, this is why Dunmer are part of the Pact, not that all dunmer are part of the Pact because dunmer.
  • notimetocare
    Junkogen wrote: »

    Yeah, so? Why does that matter? Me changing my race doesn't affect your gameplay at all. You're still exactly the same. I understand the games are different, but there's no difference in terms of how it affects your game if I change my character. That's what I meant by no difference.

    For instance, why is it okay for me to reroll another race, but not simply change race? From another player's perspective there is no difference. How do you know if I rerolled or simply changed the race? That's what I don't get. People just want to deny others a simple convenience for no valid reason.

    Effort vs cash. There, found a difference for you. Race change is p2w.
  • dtm_samuraib16_ESO
    Well, it's quite odd, we do have such change whatever system implemented.
    It's called DELETE (yes, in caps, dunno why, myself). :)
    So, just why would we need yet another system to alter the above mentioned?
    Earthdawn Game Master Role Play Quotes by me:
    "If it looks like a bear, if it feels like a bear, smells and tastes like a bear, then be VERY aware, it could be something ENTIRELY different..."
    "Be careful what you wish for, you might get plenty of it..."
  • notimetocare

    I find that really condesending to the casual gamer.

    I am relativley new to eso, and havent plsyed an rpg for years since skyrim. I had no real idea on classes, skils, race etc at the start.

    I have a wife, kids, job etc so I didnt spend the time I should have designing my characture. with limited time to pIay I wanted to get into the game. There are things I would now change a little and id spend more time in creation now.

    RE role is an option, but my char is level 24, and its taken all my play time over 8 weeks to get there. See, some of us cant justify living this world constantly. I get roughly 6 hours per week on average to play.

    Ultinately I will create 3 charactets, one for each alliance to play all quest lines, but it will take a long time. Being able to change choices that dont affect gameplay, so sex and appearance, would be important to me. I get changing alliance shouldnt be available, and can see sn argument fir race, but in most cases I agree with the op.

    Spoiler on faction quests
    1 character can play every faction
    48 hours of gameplay is almost enough to have a mid vet rank. This is time to level, it does not matter if oyu are casual or hardcore. I get that people want to do it all, and I did when i first played, but that does not insult a casual gamer by stating the truth.
  • paulmapp8306

    Spoiler on faction quests
    1 character can play every faction
    48 hours of gameplay is almost enough to have a mid vet rank. This is time to level, it does not matter if oyu are casual or hardcore. I get that people want to do it all, and I did when i first played, but that does not insult a casual gamer by stating the truth.

    Meh - the comment "doesnt take long" would imply that you can re-roll and get your new architecture to the level of your old one is 48 hours. Sure thats the same for all - BUT while some may be able to do that in a weekend, for a lot of us (id even say the majority of players) 48 game play is a lot longer. Personally, 48 hours is somewhere around 8-10 weeks.... Thats a lot of "real time life" to make some adjustments to things that dont affect game play. Id still have my main character playing as I do now - but I may have chosen a different race that better reflects how I play. At the start when I had to make these choices, much pertinent info that could affect your choices arnt available. You find it through places such as this (which a lot of casual game players wont even visit( or through playing the game - by which time its too late.

    Ultimately, what is the same amount of time "gameplay" wise to effectively get to where you already are, is not the same "real time" for everyone. Do I want to spend weeks just getting to the same point? not really - I have a real life as well. This is a fun distraction. Should the fact I cant plough hours and hours a week into the game mean I cant correct minor choices made early on with no information as to how those choices would actual look or affect how a character plays? I wouldnt think twice if I could do this in a weekend - but nearly 1/4 of a year.......

    The flip side, and something I dont think has been mentioned, If re-roling isnt an issue because it doesnt take long to level you character up (game time) and can be dont in a couple of days (real time for gamers), then re-rolling to change your character isnt an issue and can be dont quickly - so wheres the difference between between doing it that way - or changing you existing character? Its quick to do either way for the more hardcore gamer, so makes no odds. For the casual gamer it means we can do it too without committing months to the process.
    Edited by paulmapp8306 on May 15, 2016 11:58AM
  • Junkogen

    Effort vs cash. There, found a difference for you. Race change is p2w.

    How is it pay to win? Or are you saying that some races are just so much better that it would be pay to win? In that case, ZOS needs to balance the races more, but in no way is it pay to win. Your response reveals something about your bias, though. You just don't want others to have the same advantage you have, no matter how small. That's the real problem I think many people have. You just happened to pick a race that was enhanced, not ruined, by the removal of soft caps and now you think you put in more "effort" than others? Lmao!
  • Sogreth
    Race change is p2w.

    Bahaha! What? I'm not quite sure you know what P2W actually means.

    For one, what exactly are you "winning"? Does changing your class automatically make the game crash and everyones character dies and you get a big "VICTORY" on your screen? Like wtf.

    For players who care a lot about min/max, they should be allowed to change their race. People do it on WoW all the time. The racials on WoW aren't going to make or break a character, but for someone that wants that extra 0.2% damage they will make the change.

    Or maybe someone just wants to play a different race but don't want to level up a character again. Maybe they are lazy, or maybe they just don't have the time. Who are you to judge what someone wants to do with their own money?
  • Electroheadz
    @Azurephoenix999 I agree with that all of these features should be available to us. The more options and freedom we have the better for us. And giving us these options at reasonable price will leave both sides, the devs and players happy.

    And what about all those people that are against it ?

    Well, it's quite easy to explain. You can split them into few groups. You either have a group of people that had to reroll multiple characters and they don't really care for You/Us since they already done it and are not in a need of such feature. It's called being an egoist.

    The second group of people had probably done the same thing - rerolled a few times to fix their "mistakes". But their reason behind voting against it is that they envy the others will have an option to instantly do changes. Unlike our unfortunate group that had to put time and effort to achieve this.

    Another one would be people that simply won't be able to or will not want to to pay extra money (considering that race change for example will be a crown store item) for it.

    As for the group that screams: "PEOPLE WILL KEEP HOPPING TO FOTM". It's a dev job to avoid having such an imbalance in game so people won't "migrate" with each new patch. In reality we all know how most of the time that "balance" turns out, but should a player feel handicapped due to a game imperfections ? I'll leave that to answer for Yourself ;)

    So as You can see even thou we are all here to have some fun in virtual world, the difficulties we face are quite same as in everyday life. Majority of people You'll meet will be selfish, envious and stubborn mules that limit their vision only to one perspective.

    BUT !

    In regards to the topic - ability to change Your body/hair visuals is coming for sure as it was confirmed. And if You ask i'd say that race/class are coming here too sooner or later as it will a great way for ZoS to earn some more coin.
  • Tandor
    One of the worst aspects of MMOs is the tendency for the min/maxers especially to expect the game to be designed around them so they can change their character every time something changes in a game which is expected to evolve over time - which is the whole essence of an online game intended to be played for years. You can never expect to get every aspect of character creation right, certainly not for all time, but the whole point of RPGs is to create a character and then run with it.

    Choose your character and build, then roll with the punches. I'm not bothered about cosmetic things like hair and facial features, by all means have a barber shop for those who failed to check the character they had created within a few minutes or days of playing so they could re-roll and learn from their mistakes, but don't cater to those who decide months down the line that although they've been perfectly happy thus far they'd rather do it differently from now on. Builds should also be up for respec whenever updates rebalance skills and attributes (although not every update regardless), but such things as class and race should be fixed. Likewise names, as the ability to change a name simply allows jerks to jettison their reputation which is in no-one's interest. As for alliances, well it just beggars belief that anyone would want to change that in a MMORPG let alone expect to be able to.
    Edited by Tandor on May 15, 2016 4:04PM
  • xblackroxe
    @Azurephoenix999 I agree with that all of these features should be available to us. The more options and freedom we have the better for us. And giving us these options at reasonable price will leave both sides, the devs and players happy.

    And what about all those people that are against it ?

    Well, it's quite easy to explain. You can split them into few groups. You either have a group of people that had to reroll multiple characters and they don't really care for You/Us since they already done it and are not in a need of such feature. It's called being an egoist.

    The second group of people had probably done the same thing - rerolled a few times to fix their "mistakes". But their reason behind voting against it is that they envy the others will have an option to instantly do changes. Unlike our unfortunate group that had to put time and effort to achieve this.

    Another one would be people that simply won't be able to or will not want to to pay extra money (considering that race change for example will be a crown store item) for it.

    As for the group that screams: "PEOPLE WILL KEEP HOPPING TO FOTM". It's a dev job to avoid having such an imbalance in game so people won't "migrate" with each new patch. In reality we all know how most of the time that "balance" turns out, but should a player feel handicapped due to a game imperfections ? I'll leave that to answer for Yourself ;)

    So as You can see even thou we are all here to have some fun in virtual world, the difficulties we face are quite same as in everyday life. Majority of people You'll meet will be selfish, envious and stubborn mules that limit their vision only to one perspective.

    BUT !

    In regards to the topic - ability to change Your body/hair visuals is coming for sure as it was confirmed. And if You ask i'd say that race/class are coming here too sooner or later as it will a great way for ZoS to earn some more coin.

    I all on board for everything but class change and alliance change.
    Class change will just bring so much imbalance in this game. The problem is there will always be something thats best you can only change that with removing everything but 10 abilities 2 ultimates only 1 gear choice and attribute distribution. That wouldn´t be fun though removing 99% of the game. And as long as there is something best make people at least work for it if they want to change. People with 8 alts have worked for that and everybody should else there would be like 90% NB´s next patch.
    Alliance change ofc could be nice if the whole PvP is build on those. So having Alliance change would just destroy that whole system.
    Member of HODOR

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
  • Mettaricana
    Hair cuts and faction change shouldn't be permanent my hair grows I cut it. I get tired of a faction or a job peace I'm goin elsewhere lol maybe allow a cooldown on faction like 6 months.

    Maybe allow a race change once per character free when you beat molag bal like a gift from meridia before starting vet content as a redguard mag sorc or something you may regret.

    Though vet removal makes it all less painful to re roll though we need to hurry up on appearence redos money wise it should top of zos priority.
  • theher0not
    Kammakazi wrote: »
    I wish some choice in the real world wasn't permanent, but oh well, right?

    In real life we can change gender, apearance(plastic surgery, training changing diet), name, nationality. So most things can be changed. Also ESO is a game and not IRL. In real life there is no magic, elves, cat humans, lizzard humans.

    Your argument is invalid.
    Edited by theher0not on May 15, 2016 4:29PM
  • Annalyse
    I definitely agree with appearance change, primarily because I have found that none of my characters look the same in the game as they did on the creation screen. In other games that I have played, you had three days or so in which you could return to the creation screen to make adjustments, so this did not matter much. Here, you are stuck with it. It makes it very difficult to create a character that looks how you want it to look. That said, they have said that a barbershop is being worked on, so eventually this should no longer be an issue.

    Race change - maybe. I can understand the frustration on that one. When I started, I really had no idea what I was doing, and since I hadn't played before I didn't know about how the skills worked or if I would be stamina or magicka based, so the race I chose for my templar is rather useless now. However, I didn't really realize it until I had played her for too long and didn't want to reroll her (I also have limited gameplay time), so I just stuck with it. I would love to be able to change her to something beneficial, but at the same time I'm not too bothered by being stuck with it because I'm just a casual PvE player.

    Class change is too major, and also something you can't really screw up at the start because of not knowing about skills and gameplay. If you choose one you don't like, you know it pretty much right away, and can just start a new character. If you are more angry because you have a high level character and ZOS went and changed the skills of that class so that you now feel they are useless.... that sucks, but it happens to every class at some point, and it will likely keep happening. But there is always the possibility that they will redo skills again in the future and make that class more desirable, in which case if you had chosen to change you would then want to change back... best to just play one of each class and be prepared!

    Alliance change I'm not really sure about. I don't PvP but from what others have said it could affect things in a negative way. Personally I don't really find it an issue because I make a point of playing at least one character in each alliance anyway.
  • Volkodav
    Junkogen wrote: »

    Yeah, so? Why does that matter? Me changing my race doesn't affect your gameplay at all. You're still exactly the same. I understand the games are different, but there's no difference in terms of how it affects your game if I change my character. That's what I meant by no difference.

    For instance, why is it okay for me to reroll another race, but not simply change race? From another player's perspective there is no difference. How do you know if I rerolled or simply changed the race? That's what I don't get. People just want to deny others a simple convenience for no valid reason.

    This is perfectly understandable. Personally,I have no issues with the way it is now.However,I cant think why these changes shouldnt be allowed. None at all.
  • Eirikir
    Normally I dislike changing things. I feel face and name changes lead to abuse and trolling imho.

    That said I agree with the op, in this game we should be allowed because game mechanics shift so dramatically it is unfair not to allow some flexibility.
    Edited by Eirikir on May 15, 2016 6:05PM
    Server: PS4-NA
    PSN: Eirikir
    Name: Eirikir "Erik" Kololf
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Race: Nord (Lycanthrope)
    Class: Dragonknight (Range DPS)
    Playstyle: Crafter, PVE, PVP, Roleplayer
  • Sogreth
    Eirikir wrote: »
    Normally I dislike changing things. I feel face and name changes lead to abuse and trolling imho.

    That said I agree with the op, in this game we should be allowed because game mechanics shift so dramatically it is unfair not to allow some flexibility.

    Name? Sure. I can see that happening. Someone gives themselves a bad reputation, so they change their name. But face? How does that make sense?

    Honestly, all they would have to do is allow Ignoring to transfer over if that player gets a name change. For example, some guy named Billy-Bob- Poohead is a huge troll, gets ignored by many people, and changes his name to Fiona, it should still have that player on ignore.
  • Volkodav
    Sogreth wrote: »

    Name? Sure. I can see that happening. Someone gives themselves a bad reputation, so they change their name. But face? How does that make sense?

    Honestly, all they would have to do is allow Ignoring to transfer over if that player gets a name change. For example, some guy named Billy-Bob- Poohead is a huge troll, gets ignored by many people, and changes his name to Fiona, it should still have that player on ignore.

    Sometimes you grow out of the character you created and want to update it's looks.Nothing wrong with that.
  • Sogreth
    Volkodav wrote: »

    Sometimes you grow out of the character you created and want to update it's looks.Nothing wrong with that.

    Umm...The guy I was quoting said people will use face changes to abuse and troll. I'm not against a "barber shop"
    Edited by Sogreth on May 15, 2016 7:33PM
  • Volkodav
    Sogreth wrote: »

    Umm...The guy I was quoting said people will use face changes to abuse and troll. I'm not against a "barber shop"

    Clarification taken. :)
  • dtm_samuraib16_ESO
    Bringing such in would undo the very essence of that ESO is about, I think.
    No character is ever perfect.
    One does with what he's given, with what he wrought.
    I am unpleased with my Khajiit, but just this pleases me.
    I nearly "wronged" him on purpose.

    Perfection lies within imperfection!

    Example: a perfect symmetrical face, is NOT appealing.
    I can bring up a billion times itself of examples, but I have a game to play... :P
    Earthdawn Game Master Role Play Quotes by me:
    "If it looks like a bear, if it feels like a bear, smells and tastes like a bear, then be VERY aware, it could be something ENTIRELY different..."
    "Be careful what you wish for, you might get plenty of it..."
  • newtinmpls
    The one thing I absolutely hate in this game is how once you've made your character, there are a few crucial choices that you're not allowed to return to.
    • You come to regret the race you've chosen later down the line? "reroll [Snip]".
    • Your character has a goofy hairstyle? "Lol, just roll an alt".
    • Your class gets screwed over in the most recent update and you want to play as a different one? "start a new character."
    • Your character's name no longer appeals to you? "Just make a new one!"
    • Your friends are all in a different alliance and you want to play with them outside of a group delve or trial? "REROLL!"

    I disagree.

    Yes, part of my reasoning is "it's an MMORPG" - and that is based on the fact that stuff changes. Different "best" or "FOTM" things will happen at different times. The challenge is to adapt . This addresses the race/class/"screwed" stuff.

    Hairstyle - well we are all waiting for the "Barbershop"TM

    Playing with friends? Did you or they some how not know what alliance the other was in? Seems silly. OTOH part of why some folks are here is to make new friends. Stretch comfort zones a bit. I think that can be good.

    Name...I put thought into my character names. Why would I want to change them. Someone who has characters named "Pack mule" or "storage alt", well....that was their choice.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Sogreth
    Bringing such in would undo the very essence of that ESO is about

    If that was the case, then it would never have been added in Skyrim.

    There really is no reason to not let players change minor details on their characters. And if you, or anyone else doesn't like the idea of a "barber shop" well, just don't use it. Just because a player has access to it, doesn't mean you're forced to use it, or even pay any attention to it.
    newtinmpls wrote: »
    Name...I put thought into my character names. Why would I want to change them. Someone who has characters named "Pack mule" or "storage alt", well....that was their choice.

    Then don't change your name. I really don't understand the logic of some people. If you don't want to change your name, then don't do it. If name/race changes were added, no one is forcing you to do it. If you're happy with your name, then great. I'm happy for you. But not everyone is. And if there was a name change in the Crown Shop, why would it matter how another player wants to spend THEIR money?
    Edited by Sogreth on May 15, 2016 7:45PM
  • dtm_samuraib16_ESO
    Sogreth wrote: »

    If that was the case, then it would never have been added in Skyrim.

    There really is no reason to not let players change minor details on their characters. And if you, or anyone else doesn't like the idea of a "barber shop" well, just don't use it. Just because a player has access to it, doesn't mean you're forced to use it, or even pay any attention to it.
    Fair enough, it was in Skyrim.
    However, this is ESO, hardly Elder Scrolls.

    Aside: where does one draw the line?
    Is it OK to take a new hairstyle?
    Would it be nice to get a moustache?
    Hmmm, maybe I'd like to change the colour of my eyes.
    While we're at it, let's fix our boobs and bum.

    Thing is: Elder Scrolls, in my knowledge, had nothing like a plastic surgeon.
    Could be wrong, maybe they use magicka to "weed out flaws", who knows?

    But once you change the thing you are, being it a Nord, a South, a kitten or a toad, it stops being you.
    It ends being what you made.
    Some Gods will not be pleased, I am sure.

    You were made as they see you, imperfections and all.
    Earthdawn Game Master Role Play Quotes by me:
    "If it looks like a bear, if it feels like a bear, smells and tastes like a bear, then be VERY aware, it could be something ENTIRELY different..."
    "Be careful what you wish for, you might get plenty of it..."
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