I've said it before, if ZOS can make money off something you may want, it will probably be available in the Crown Store soon.
I wish some choice in the real world wasn't permanent, but oh well, right?
Molag_Crow wrote: »
Azurephoenix999 wrote: »The one thing I absolutely hate in this game is how once you've made your character, there are a few crucial choices that you're not allowed to return to.
- You come to regret the race you've chosen later down the line? "reroll [Snip]".
- Your character has a goofy hairstyle? "Lol, just roll an alt".
- Your class gets screwed over in the most recent update and you want to play as a different one? "start a new character."
- Your character's name no longer appeals to you? "Just make a new one!"
- Your friends are all in a different alliance and you want to play with them outside of a group delve or trial? "REROLL!"
Every time someone suggests an alliance change, a class change, or even a race change or the ability to re-customise your character, they're pounced on by a ton of people telling them to reroll and move on.
"It's an MMO, people are supposed to have more than one character."
Who cares if it's an MMO? That doesn't automatically mean that it needs to be like every other MMO. Even if we're "supposed" to have more than one character, under no circumstances should it be mandatory to start an entirely new one in order to change just one thing about it.
So here, I've provided reasons why we should be allowed to change each aspect of our characters without being forced to reroll.
If we want to change our character's name, hairstyle, or gender (things that don't affect gameplay in the slightest I might add) we should not be forced to start the whole game again purely so we can create the exact same character as our current one with one minor alteration.
Being able to change a character's alliance cold turkey might be a little much, but there is no reason to be against cross-alliance play outside of dungeons.
With regards to Alliance, it might be difficult to implement cross-alliance play in all areas, but there have been literally tons of suggestions on the matter in these forums, and quite a few that I've seen would be preferable to what we have now ("Roll an alt or you'll only be able to play with your friends in a series of repetitive linear dungeons").
Oh, and to those idiots that keep whining "lorebreaking", don't forget that the Light of Meridia we currently have breaks the lore in exactly the same way. If your first reaction after reading that was to jump to the light's defense in anyway ("BUT IT'S MAGIC!!1!"), then I'd like to point out that all ZOS has to do to make cross-alliance play lore-friendly is to slap a similar explanation onto it. You don't like that, you can shut your hypocritical pie hole.
Race shouldn't be too much of a stretch either. Regrettably, the people yelling "lorebreaking" are still present for this one, so I'll just quickly remind them that we live in a fantasy world where magic exists and move on. To those who think this would make the game unbalanced, it wouldn't. Race has relatively little impact on a character's playstyle, and people should be able to make their character any race they want it to be.
This is the one people seem to find the most controversial as it has the biggest impact on gameplay. I've taken the time to summarise the biggest complaints here:
- It's lorebreaking
- It would unbalance the game, everyone would flock to the class that was deemed the best in that current update.
For the group that use the first argument, no. We know next to nothing about these classes and how they get their abilities or where their magic comes from. Prior to this game, they did not exist in TES canon. Regarding these classes, there is no lore to break.
For the group that use the second argument, it's a valid concern, but we already have systems in place to allow players to rechoose their skill and attribute points. You can even cure Vampirism and Lycanthropy! These are both things things that NPCs in the TES universe fret over constantly, but the player is allowed to go back on a huge decision like this for the sake of convenience.
If I wanted I could switch from a dual wielding DPS to a staff wielding mage. It'd cost me a pretty penny in gold, but I'd certainly be able to do it. Considering we can already do this, why not go the extra mile and allow people to change classes?
In the event that everybody does flock to one class, it'd be because of a severe inbalance that would need addressing. If ZOS monitored the feature, they could use it to collect data and improve the game. Do you hear me? This could actually be a good thing!
For the group that use the third argument, you're in the wrong game. ESO is supposed to evolve, not stay in the same state forever. If it did, it'd get old and boring real fast.
"If people could change everything about their character, they'd only ever need one!"
Not true. I mean, it would be if changing these things was super easy, but it doesn't need to be. Putting any kind of difficulty and inconvenience in front of things like this will be enough to deter most players (i.e. the people who just want to abuse it) unless the thing they're looking to change is really important to them.
No choice regarding one's character should be 100% permanent. I don't believe that the game would be made inherently worse by at least making changes like this possible.
Instead of insisting that people reroll when they make a mistake during character creation, support them in their quest to attract ZOS' attention. In the end, it's up to them whether or not changes are made to the game.
[Edit for censor bypass]
I would love to get the option to revisit my main. She was my first character and I have been playing since BETA. Even just to be able to change her sliders would be nice. Because her face needs a lil' refining and I really want to fix her height and weight.
DaveMoeDee wrote: »Sounds like you have a gut dislike for something and are trying to fabricate some moral argument to justify your feelings.
I wonder if it's the case that players who roll characters want their choices to be permanent, while players who roll toons want their choices to be flexible? Just a thought!.
tryia3b14a_ESO wrote: »I agree with the OP. The character I made when I first bought this game has changed dramatically, it is no longer the play style that I enjoy due to class balance changes.
I disagree solely on the fact that we can make alternate characters.
I would question why someone who spends 500 hours on a character suddenly decides they don't like him anymore.
And in ESO the point is almost moot because CPs are shared.
It doesn't take that long to get to level 50.
I have been playing only 1 character. That is becouse focusing on 1 character I can keep up with the updates and be in the top players. If I was playing with 8 characters, none of them would be able to craft 9-trait sets, best food, best potions and all styles.