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Experienced PC players looking for cool humans to join new XB1 DC guild "The Lionshead Syndicate"

Soul Shriven
Hey people! So here's the deal

Like the forum title suggests, The Lionshead Syndicate is a guild formed by my buddy and I, who both happen to be veterans of the PC version of ESO. We started way back in beta and took our toons all the way to Vet 14, but have recently been dabbling on Xbox because we find having the ESO experience on our tv's/couches is a pretty awesome!

We've messed around with different toons on different alliances, but have recently settled on developing our DC characters (Lvls 15 & 16) and will hopefully be sticking with them until end game.

Now here's the point of the post! We haven't had the best experience in finding players who are both mature/even have mics. We are not looking to have an overbloated roster with a crazy amount of people, just a small few who are mature, (preferably) have a good understand of the game, and can communicate effectively (Have non-glitchy mics).

Again, this is a work in progress as our characters are lower level, so characters around the same place/non-vets that are willing to grow together is what we're looking for, (although we wouldn't be opposed to adding players at a higher level if they were interested). We don't have a lot to offer (guild stores, sick motifs, free vampire/werewolf bites, 72 virgins), but I do have a pretty experienced crafter that has quite a few traits through woodworking, blacksmithing, and clothing. Overall, we're cool dudes who love video games of all kinds and just want to have fun without having to deal with rage-quitting/crazy profanity hurling.

My gamertag is Lord Janitor to anyone who wants to contact me through XB. If not just comment on this post and I can elaborate!
  • fordmit14
    I actually am just getting back into the game now and started a newer character in DC a lvl 25 sorcerer. GT: mit14
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