Tired of being the only person online in your time zone? (Aussie guild interest)

I'm an Aussie who misses out on groups/chat/undaunted during the week because my play time rarely syncs up with my American friends, and I'm thinking of starting/looking for an Aussie/New Zealand/whoever else guild. Is there enough interest to make this a feasible guild? I'm thinking pretty casual, preferably mature.

Anyway, let me know if you're interested/already have this kind of setup.
  • CheznicP
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, I am a Canadian who is currently leaving in China and still play on the NA server; so I am in a very similar situation. I just recently joined my first guild so I am still not entirely sure how they function but would like to learn more! I often try to link up with random groups for dungeons but, again, have the same issue that no one is online/willing to participate.

    My gamertag is GdoubleU1600, if you are interested in connecting online!
  • Mojmir
    I'm on west coast USA,my hours are similar.it's nice that's it's quiet, but sometimes toooo quiet.
  • enjoyingcoma9
    Thanks for the interest! If we get a few more I'll look at setting up a guild :)
  • CheznicP
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds great! Is there a lot of work that goes into creating a guild? I am looking forward to linking up and doing some dungeons. It is frustrating trying to find people online through the group activity finder when I am able to play, as you all have likely experienced.
  • XxCartsxX
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there,
    Love the idea, it's hard to find anyone to group with in my guilds as well. I'm based in Sydney, and usually log on after work (around 4-6.30pm) weekdays, and if I'm not doing anything, maybe weekends too. I'm fairly new and have a vr7 Templar, EP, and a level 42 Sorc, AD.

    If this fits your guild, sign me up. Gt is: XxCartsxX
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