Vicious Death WTH ???!!!!!

  • Xsorus
    GRxKnight wrote: »

    Agreed with the first amount of spell damage and magicka will allow you to burst a smart group when they're composed of 10 templar healers

    While this is true in regards to one nightblade... It is not true in regards to two or three nightblades
  • GRxKnight
    Xsorus wrote: »

    While this is true in regards to one nightblade... It is not true in regards to two or three nightblades

    Guess i need more nightblade friends
    Member of Victorem, RÁGE ; Decibel Alumni (RIP)

    Kalista Schefer: VR16 AD Sorcerer; Alliance Rank 22

    Noxus-Katarina: VR16 AD NB; Alliance Rank 30

    Grxknight: VR16 AD DK; Alliance Rank 16

    Lorelie Aedel: VR16 AD Templar; Alliance Rank 8
  • Satiar
    Xsorus wrote: »

    While this is true in regards to one nightblade... It is not true in regards to two or three nightblades

    The answer is called "block and CC".

    Most good groups are *built* to take on massive aoe damage and live. You'll get a lucky hit in time to time (usually because that group is already under pressure from a larger group) but mostly you're just exploding potatoes.
    Vehemence -- Commander and Raid Lead -- Tri-faction PvP
    Knights Paravant -- Co-GM and Raid Lead -- AD Greyhost

  • Mrs_Quietus
    Satiar wrote: »

    The answer is called "block and CC".

    Most good groups are *built* to take on massive aoe damage and live. You'll get a lucky hit in time to time (usually because that group is already under pressure from a larger group) but mostly you're just exploding potatoes.

    Aldmeri Dominion HeisenZerg & Fantasia
    Templar *Lyric Quietus*
    Night Blade *E'ryyn Quietus*
    Sorcerer *Kira Quietus*

    Daggerfall Covenant K Hole GM
    Templar Healer *Lyryc*
    Templar DPS *Lyrikida*
    Night Blade *Lyric Amaryllis*
    DragonKnight *Lyric Enya*


    Youtube Channel:
    *Mr. & Mrs. Quietus*
  • Jimbohere
    I just think it's working like it's supposed too. Plus it's pretty sad that they would add something like this into the game. The concept of the pvp is great but it's so unbalanced it's not even funny and to be honest I don't think there's a way for them too balance it. There's way too many factors for them to balance it. Earopean players getting on American servers at 2 a.m. And zerging is one. Not having a balanced server population is another one. There's way too many more to list. I just don't think adding a set that does massive amounts of damage like this is helping.
  • Lettigall
    Vicious Death set was created by completely taking stamina builds out of equation. Magicka builds got buffed proxy det, strong magicka gear set with all five good set bonuses to fight stacking, in hope to reduce lag. VD set wasn't meant to balanced, it was meant as a band aid solution.

    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Jimbohere
    Lettigall wrote: »
    Vicious Death set was created by completely taking stamina builds out of equation. Magicka builds got buffed proxy det, strong magicka gear set with all five good set bonuses to fight stacking, in hope to reduce lag. VD set wasn't meant to balanced, it was meant as a band aid solution.

    It's a horrible bandaid though cause all it did was make zergs stronger. Plus when your 1v1 someone and it hits you out of nowhere for 14 k is complete bs. It's supposed to explode in death and a bunch of times I was nowhere near death until that hit. That's why I said it's broken and rediculious that they would put something like that in. It's sad really cause every time there's a good Mmo the creators go and mess it up. Look at WOW. It had great pvp till they gave all the players that crying about ganking a base resilence that made you hard earned pvp gear useless and caused half the players to quit the game. Putting in op gear and moves doesn't fix the problems. All it does is cause people who like competitive pvp to rage quit.
  • Lettigall
    Jimbohere wrote: »
    It's a horrible bandaid though cause all it did was make zergs stronger. Plus when your 1v1 someone and it hits you out of nowhere for 14 k is complete bs. It's supposed to explode in death and a bunch of times I was nowhere near death until that hit. That's why I said it's broken and rediculious that they would put something like that in. It's sad really cause every time there's a good Mmo the creators go and mess it up. Look at WOW. It had great pvp till they gave all the players that crying about ganking a base resilence that made you hard earned pvp gear useless and caused half the players to quit the game. Putting in op gear and moves doesn't fix the problems. All it does is cause people who like competitive pvp to rage quit.

    Agree, it failed as every band aid fix. Zergs are still here and lag got even worse, it only created OP builds that can kill large amount of players in the blink of eye.

    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Astrotaz
    REMOVE VD and Proxi det combo --- cheep 1 shot kill
  • coolermh
    Astrotaz wrote: »
    REMOVE VD and Proxi det combo --- cheep 1 shot kill

    You are not getting 1 shot by just those 2 things...there is probably soul tether in there as well.
    Max Chars:
    Magika Sorc AD
    Stamina NB AD
    Stam DK AD
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    Stam Warden
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  • GRxKnight
    Astrotaz wrote: »
    REMOVE VD and Proxi det combo --- cheep 1 shot kill

    So we can have a stale tornado meta instead?
    Member of Victorem, RÁGE ; Decibel Alumni (RIP)

    Kalista Schefer: VR16 AD Sorcerer; Alliance Rank 22

    Noxus-Katarina: VR16 AD NB; Alliance Rank 30

    Grxknight: VR16 AD DK; Alliance Rank 16

    Lorelie Aedel: VR16 AD Templar; Alliance Rank 8
  • PURPLE245
    ↓♛The Fam♛↓
    AD/High Elf-NB=Chip-D-I-P-S
    AD/High Elf-Sorc=Why Play
    AD/High Elf-Templar=Star Bucks
    AD/High Elf-DK=D-I-P-S
    DC/Orc-DK=Super Nub
    AD/Wood Elf-Templar=L M A O
    AD/Wood Elf-NB=ßoß
    AD/Wood Elf-sorc=Tarzan
    EP/Argonian-dk=Swimming Like A Shark
    PC☜═㋡630+cp ㋡═☞EU
    User ID=@PURPLE97
  • Ghost-Shot
    GRxKnight wrote: »

    So we can have a stale tornado meta instead?

    What did DAOC have?
  • GRxKnight
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »

    What did DAOC have?

    DAOC did things differently...they implemented changes to combat systems and did.......oh who the hell am i kidding....i never played DAOC...though DAOC did some good stuff i hear
    Member of Victorem, RÁGE ; Decibel Alumni (RIP)

    Kalista Schefer: VR16 AD Sorcerer; Alliance Rank 22

    Noxus-Katarina: VR16 AD NB; Alliance Rank 30

    Grxknight: VR16 AD DK; Alliance Rank 16

    Lorelie Aedel: VR16 AD Templar; Alliance Rank 8
  • Emma_Overload
    I got killed this way while sewer grinding with just one other person... am I a zerg now? This set is ridiculous in combination with Proxy Det, which works on mobs as well as players and actually gains strength from all the mobs you pull.
  • _Chaos
    I got killed this way while sewer grinding with just one other person... am I a zerg now? This set is ridiculous in combination with Proxy Det, which works on mobs as well as players and actually gains strength from all the mobs you pull.

    You were with another person?
    Yup, zerg.

    Cleaver game-play to kill the mobs with enemies around though, that would put out some huge damage.
  • Talcyndl
    They should have removed Prox Det and made two morphs like Inevitable Det (ie, cast on others). One morph would be magicka and one stamina. That would have made it possible to use the skill against large stacked groups, but removed the abusive use of it by those same groups.
    Tal'gro Bol
    PvP Vice Officer [Retired] and Huscarl of Vokundein
  • GRxKnight
    Talcyndl wrote: »
    They should have removed Prox Det and made two morphs like Inevitable Det (ie, cast on others). One morph would be magicka and one stamina. That would have made it possible to use the skill against large stacked groups, but removed the abusive use of it by those same groups.

    So stam users can have access to proxy, rally, vigor, caltrops, rapids, and nado? Ok bud

    And when i say access i mean able to use it on their bar a magicka build none of those skills are viable since your stamina is only for blocking, cc break, and one dodge roll
    Member of Victorem, RÁGE ; Decibel Alumni (RIP)

    Kalista Schefer: VR16 AD Sorcerer; Alliance Rank 22

    Noxus-Katarina: VR16 AD NB; Alliance Rank 30

    Grxknight: VR16 AD DK; Alliance Rank 16

    Lorelie Aedel: VR16 AD Templar; Alliance Rank 8
  • bowmanz607
    Jimbohere wrote: »
    There's no way this is working as intended. It's supposed to explode when you kill a enemy player but I just got hit for 11k with no other players around. Yes I was getting ganked. Pvp is so unbalanced to begin with and they go and throw this in. Good god are they trying to ruin pvp all together ?

    It s a visual bug. Tested by the community and confirmed by zos. IT will show up in death recap, but did not proc on you until you were dead. stay tuned, sypher said he would make a video on it.
    Was there a deer, wolf, or any other rat like creature near you? I would not put it pass them that these things dieng would cause it.

    It is supposed to only proc on players not npc. that said, whether or not it unintentionally procs on critters am not sure. However, i do know it wont proc on npc outside o the little critters

    Zheg wrote: »

    They also said they'd never do away with subs, and that vet levels wouldn't be removed. The latter happened because there was a strong enough and a prolonged enough outcry. You can't get a strong enough outcry when they test the waters with a stupid set like VD and people tacitly or outright approve of it; that tells ww2 that it's sufficient when it's not.

    [minor edit for quote]

    The driving force behind sub removals and b2p was because zos was not going to make console players pay for their monthly online subscriptions and a game subscription. it is bad business. The removal of vet ranks decision actually occured before launch date. It was just too late and close to launch when the decision was made.

    To those people saying get rid of set and remove aoe caps....
    I am 100% in support of removal of aoe caps. However, this will not cure the issue many people associate with this set. In fact, it will make it worse. Many people complain that it is a cheese one shot to groups. this issue will be worse with aoe cap removal.Think about it. A player using is set with say proxy and soul tether have to kill players first before the set works. The set then explodes causing more damage to others. The intial kills that proc this set are minimal. say 3-6. why? because aoe caps protect the others. so this set is a way aound aoe caps because the players that received less damage now have less protection from aoe caps and upon teammate death take full damage from vd and killing them. So, the initial damage before vd proc was enough to kill most players, but many dont die because of aoe caps.

    Lets say we remove aoe caps and the player is running proxy and soul tether combo without vd. Now that player can bomb that group and not need a proc of vd to wipe most of the group. As stated above, the damage before vd is enough to kill most players, but aoe caps protect them. In this case, there is no protection from aoe caps and the whole raid will likely wipe without having to realy on a set. Which means the player can get even more raw damage from another set and wipe even more people then before.

    Ultimately, championing the removal of this set and adding aoe caps to address the issue of one shot raids, but it will make that particular issue worse. So, dont use that as a reason for removing this set and aoe caps. Again, i am for aoe cap removal, just not based on this logic proposed in many threads thus far.
  • GRxKnight
    bowmanz607 wrote: »

    It s a visual bug. Tested by the community and confirmed by zos. IT will show up in death recap, but did not proc on you until you were dead. stay tuned, sypher said he would make a video on it.

    It is supposed to only proc on players not npc. that said, whether or not it unintentionally procs on critters am not sure. However, i do know it wont proc on npc outside o the little critters

    The driving force behind sub removals and b2p was because zos was not going to make console players pay for their monthly online subscriptions and a game subscription. it is bad business. The removal of vet ranks decision actually occured before launch date. It was just too late and close to launch when the decision was made.

    To those people saying get rid of set and remove aoe caps....
    I am 100% in support of removal of aoe caps. However, this will not cure the issue many people associate with this set. In fact, it will make it worse. Many people complain that it is a cheese one shot to groups. this issue will be worse with aoe cap removal.Think about it. A player using is set with say proxy and soul tether have to kill players first before the set works. The set then explodes causing more damage to others. The intial kills that proc this set are minimal. say 3-6. why? because aoe caps protect the others. so this set is a way aound aoe caps because the players that received less damage now have less protection from aoe caps and upon teammate death take full damage from vd and killing them. So, the initial damage before vd proc was enough to kill most players, but many dont die because of aoe caps.

    Lets say we remove aoe caps and the player is running proxy and soul tether combo without vd. Now that player can bomb that group and not need a proc of vd to wipe most of the group. As stated above, the damage before vd is enough to kill most players, but aoe caps protect them. In this case, there is no protection from aoe caps and the whole raid will likely wipe without having to realy on a set. Which means the player can get even more raw damage from another set and wipe even more people then before.

    Ultimately, championing the removal of this set and adding aoe caps to address the issue of one shot raids, but it will make that particular issue worse. So, dont use that as a reason for removing this set and aoe caps. Again, i am for aoe cap removal, just not based on this logic proposed in many threads thus far.

    People are saying to remove aoe caps AND this set...we all are aware what would happen if caps were just removed...nothing would change except groups would probably die that much quicker...we want both removed (and if they remove the set i want compensation for my upgrade mats i used on VD) not just caps...anyone that's knowledgeable of pvp right now knows that stacking multiple people in close proximity to each other is how to win...remove caps and unless you're full potato you'll spread out a bit more in fights to avoid the proxy (which also should probably go if we remove caps and vd)

    Edit: added more to the statement
    Edited by GRxKnight on April 6, 2016 6:20PM
    Member of Victorem, RÁGE ; Decibel Alumni (RIP)

    Kalista Schefer: VR16 AD Sorcerer; Alliance Rank 22

    Noxus-Katarina: VR16 AD NB; Alliance Rank 30

    Grxknight: VR16 AD DK; Alliance Rank 16

    Lorelie Aedel: VR16 AD Templar; Alliance Rank 8
  • bowmanz607
    GRxKnight wrote: »

    People are saying to remove aoe caps AND this set...we all are aware what would happen if caps were just removed...nothing would change except groups would probably die that much quicker...we want both removed (and if they remove the set i want compensation for my upgrade mats i used on VD) not just caps...anyone that's knowledgeable of pvp right now knows that stacking multiple people in close proximity to each other is how to win...remove caps and unless you're full potato you'll spread out a bit more in fights to avoid the proxy (which also should probably go if we remove caps and vd)

    Edit: added more to the statement

    Right, I am saying that many people, not all, are basing their reasoning on removal of aoe caps to replace vd are basing it on the fact that vd is a one shot to groups. I am simply saying that removing this set and aoe caps will simply make that particular issue worse. People will be able to one shot raids without vd and removal of aoe caps more often than with aoe caps and vd set.
  • Zheg
    bowmanz607 wrote: »

    Right, I am saying that many people, not all, are basing their reasoning on removal of aoe caps to replace vd are basing it on the fact that vd is a one shot to groups. I am simply saying that removing this set and aoe caps will simply make that particular issue worse. People will be able to one shot raids without vd and removal of aoe caps more often than with aoe caps and vd set.

    I've posted about aoe caps quite a bit, and always follow it with a caveat that dmg needs to go down in tandem with that change because then you run into an even worse aoe dps meta. I despise the direction wrobel has pushed us all in over the past year.
  • GRxKnight
    bowmanz607 wrote: »

    Right, I am saying that many people, not all, are basing their reasoning on removal of aoe caps to replace vd are basing it on the fact that vd is a one shot to groups. I am simply saying that removing this set and aoe caps will simply make that particular issue worse. People will be able to one shot raids without vd and removal of aoe caps more often than with aoe caps and vd set.

    As Zheg has just also said damage will need to be scaled down a bit as well...but IMO the close tight stacking that we're seeing in this game is causing lag and if the removal of AoE caps means that it'll be just as easy, if not easier, to wipe these groups then they should stop being potatoes. If AoE caps were done away with you won't see groups like Haxus, VE, Victorem (I.E. the elite guilds) running tightly stacked. They'll adapt and figure out what's best. But to the other groups out there that rely on numbers to win (you know who you are) they'll be slaughtered left and right and forced to adapt. This game was fine back without damage mitigation in the AoE caps, why change what wasn't broken
    Member of Victorem, RÁGE ; Decibel Alumni (RIP)

    Kalista Schefer: VR16 AD Sorcerer; Alliance Rank 22

    Noxus-Katarina: VR16 AD NB; Alliance Rank 30

    Grxknight: VR16 AD DK; Alliance Rank 16

    Lorelie Aedel: VR16 AD Templar; Alliance Rank 8
  • bowmanz607
    GRxKnight wrote: »

    As Zheg has just also said damage will need to be scaled down a bit as well...but IMO the close tight stacking that we're seeing in this game is causing lag and if the removal of AoE caps means that it'll be just as easy, if not easier, to wipe these groups then they should stop being potatoes. If AoE caps were done away with you won't see groups like Haxus, VE, Victorem (I.E. the elite guilds) running tightly stacked. They'll adapt and figure out what's best. But to the other groups out there that rely on numbers to win (you know who you are) they'll be slaughtered left and right and forced to adapt. This game was fine back without damage mitigation in the AoE caps, why change what wasn't broken

    as i said i agree. i also agree with zheg. my statements were directed at the individuals in this thread and else where which rely on the single issue i discussed. there are many reasons to remove aoe caps. just the one reason i spoke of which other use as a reason to remove them is illogical.
  • Zheg
    GRxKnight wrote: »

    As Zheg has just also said damage will need to be scaled down a bit as well...but IMO the close tight stacking that we're seeing in this game is causing lag and if the removal of AoE caps means that it'll be just as easy, if not easier, to wipe these groups then they should stop being potatoes. If AoE caps were done away with you won't see groups like Haxus, VE, Victorem (I.E. the elite guilds) running tightly stacked. They'll adapt and figure out what's best. But to the other groups out there that rely on numbers to win (you know who you are) they'll be slaughtered left and right and forced to adapt. This game was fine back without damage mitigation in the AoE caps, why change what wasn't broken

    I think it's optimistic to say stacking won't happen. It's already dangerous to stack, but you need to do so to focus your dps and quickly kill, so you drop a nova and yell at everyone to hold block. Then you get hit by bugged emperor siege for 40k damage because #ww2trololol xD

    Also, if we're being honest, are elite pvp guilds even going to be a thing much longer? All of them have said they're leaving the game, and on average I see fewer and fewer of their members playing. I know people will disagree, but I see the degradation of maps and explosion of numbers at fights in this meta being due at least in part to the exodus of pvp guilds.
  • klink012
    It is NOT just a UI bug or visual bug. VD set is a terrible design and its proc'ing early causing damage to the person when they are not dead. Go test it 1v1 for awhile and you'll find out of the truth. Why did I die suddenly when I had 15k life and was only hit for 5k? Ooooh!! VD proced on me for 13k before that hit.
  • Satiar
    I swear it's not just a recap glitch. I see the VD explosion prox on medium/low health targets and blow them away all the time.
    Vehemence -- Commander and Raid Lead -- Tri-faction PvP
    Knights Paravant -- Co-GM and Raid Lead -- AD Greyhost

  • Ghost-Shot
    Satiar wrote: »
    I swear it's not just a recap glitch. I see the VD explosion prox on medium/low health targets and blow them away all the time.

    Every time I get the big chain kills my kill counter shows the VD kills first then the prox det or deep breath or whatever
  • bowmanz607
    klink012 wrote: »
    It is NOT just a UI bug or visual bug. VD set is a terrible design and its proc'ing early causing damage to the person when they are not dead. Go test it 1v1 for awhile and you'll find out of the truth. Why did I die suddenly when I had 15k life and was only hit for 5k? Ooooh!! VD proced on me for 13k before that hit.
    Satiar wrote: »
    I swear it's not just a recap glitch. I see the VD explosion prox on medium/low health targets and blow them away all the time.

    provide poof please. as it stands, many many people in the community have tested and confirmed that it is ui. Zos has stated it is ui error. I have tested it myself and confirmed the same. Additionally, another thread has a video confirming this. although the thread OP thinks it procs early, when you slow down the video it proves the opposite. Sypher also tested live on his stream. Stay tuned for a video on it.

    some people seem to still believe this nonsense, but i have yet to see one drop of evidence confirming this. until otherwise, the evidence is overwhelming that it is ui error.
  • GRxKnight
    Zheg wrote: »

    I think it's optimistic to say stacking won't happen. It's already dangerous to stack, but you need to do so to focus your dps and quickly kill, so you drop a nova and yell at everyone to hold block. Then you get hit by bugged emperor siege for 40k damage because #ww2trololol xD

    Also, if we're being honest, are elite pvp guilds even going to be a thing much longer? All of them have said they're leaving the game, and on average I see fewer and fewer of their members playing. I know people will disagree, but I see the degradation of maps and explosion of numbers at fights in this meta being due at least in part to the exodus of pvp guilds.

    Well yeah the elite guilds are on their way out...but it's not like if they were to come back in a month or two later they would struggle...the elites are elite because they're the quickest to adapt to the meta and wreck the face of the lesser guilds while going toe to toe with the other elite guilds.

    In terms of the stacking you probably would see less of it when dancing around and looking for an engagement and then a collapse to focus damage.

    But yes the guilds are on their way, slaxis and myself are all playing paragon at the moment, but like I said if we were to come back and something was changed it wouldn't take us long to adjust.

    Member of Victorem, RÁGE ; Decibel Alumni (RIP)

    Kalista Schefer: VR16 AD Sorcerer; Alliance Rank 22

    Noxus-Katarina: VR16 AD NB; Alliance Rank 30

    Grxknight: VR16 AD DK; Alliance Rank 16

    Lorelie Aedel: VR16 AD Templar; Alliance Rank 8
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