Maintenance for the week of June 17:
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good new Fengrush video for you

  • Sallington
    Popular streamer with a very strong understanding of the game tries to point out what is wrong, and what needs to be improved, and people on the forums have nothing to add but insults.


    This dude communicating as much as he does does more for the progress of the game than people sticking their head in the sand and saying everything is going great.
    Edited by Sallington on April 5, 2016 7:28PM
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • Cadbury
    Sallington wrote: »
    Popular streamer with a very strong understanding of the game tries to point out what is wrong, and what needs to be improved, and people on the forums have nothing to add but insults.


    So he's Pewdiepie now?
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Kalante
    This video demonstrates what pvp was capable off. Honestly any person that is passionate about eso or any game for that matter and see what they love the most being squandered it's obviously going to go trough disappointment and rant. In dust 514 a game i used to play we called closed beta players, bitter vets. They would always say how Dust 514 was so much better during closed beta, and i agree with them because i am or was a bitter vet myself. I wasn't here when eso started, but I have been in similar situations with past games and trust me it makes you feels like you lost something. The feeling of not being able to do anything about it is what makes it worse. All you can say is "well it could had been great man" and that's about it.

    Now, i can not have the same feelings as he has about eso's golden age of pvp because i wasn't here when pvp was at it's best. That i'll never know. He knows what good pvp feels like and it's just not up there anymore. With that i do sympathize because i know what it feels like when developers lower the performance of the game and skill to play. Right now he is into paragon and i completely understand. Also in wanting to grow his channel too. Even then he still plays eso from time to time and frequents the forums because that's how much he cares even during not the best of times for pvp just as i still play Dust 514 even though it's getting shut down next month. Any other normal player would had just call it quits. Yet people want to give him the cold shoulder that's fkd up and that is something that it truly bothers me.
    Edited by Kalante on April 5, 2016 11:29PM
  • Sallington
    Cadbury wrote: »
    Sallington wrote: »
    Popular streamer with a very strong understanding of the game tries to point out what is wrong, and what needs to be improved, and people on the forums have nothing to add but insults.


    So he's Pewdiepie now?

    who? is that some other ESO streamer?
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • waterfairy
    I don't have the time to sit and listen to him rant (even righteous ranting) for an hour. He really needs to break up his points into smaller, easy to chew segments.
  • Cadbury
    Sallington wrote: »
    Cadbury wrote: »
    Sallington wrote: »
    Popular streamer with a very strong understanding of the game tries to point out what is wrong, and what needs to be improved, and people on the forums have nothing to add but insults.


    So he's Pewdiepie now?

    who? is that some other ESO streamer?

    Yes. Maybe
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • rotaugen454
    Actually I liked this video overall . He didn't just go off on an expletive filled rant, he gave video examples of the problems, and even admitted if he were ZOS he's make the same overall business decisions. I enjoy the PvE side of the game a lot, but I can agree with his observations. I remember PvP at launch. I remember going into Cyrodiil and seeing zone messages about where the battle was. I remember getting there and seeing a huge number of players on each side. I remember it working. I miss that, but hated the bots on the PvE side. I would be happy if there was a way to drown the boys while keeping Cyrodiil playable.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Waffennacht
    Actually I liked this video overall . He didn't just go off on an expletive filled rant, he gave video examples of the problems, and even admitted if he were ZOS he's make the same overall business decisions. I enjoy the PvE side of the game a lot, but I can agree with his observations. I remember PvP at launch. I remember going into Cyrodiil and seeing zone messages about where the battle was. I remember getting there and seeing a huge number of players on each side. I remember it working. I miss that, but hated the bots on the PvE side. I would be happy if there was a way to drown the boys while keeping Cyrodiil playable.

    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Moglijuana
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:
  • Waffennacht
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Are you kidding me x_x promoting an hour long video of a player who quit this game a good while ago, yet continues to earn money off of it.
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    You know - theres a lot of trailers for it. You dont have to look hard. Ill grab you one.

    That game in that video doesnt exist today. It doesnt work if you tried to play the game in that video.

    Did you ever play this game on PC? Or are you xbox only? If so - the part of the video directed towards console-only players should resonate a bit more with you.

    I followed this game for years, and a lot of PC/console players did. Also - pointing out these issues dont exist on console really isnt accurate. The biggest xbox streamer agrees that performance is hindered in a big way, and many players from console have messaged and commented how they experience these issues as well. Discussion is welcome - denial is embarrassing.
  • oxxalejandroxxo
    I wonder where are these irrational fanboys from
  • flguy147ub17_ESO
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    You know - theres a lot of trailers for it. You dont have to look hard. Ill grab you one.

    That game in that video doesnt exist today. It doesnt work if you tried to play the game in that video.

    Did you ever play this game on PC? Or are you xbox only? If so - the part of the video directed towards console-only players should resonate a bit more with you.

    I followed this game for years, and a lot of PC/console players did. Also - pointing out these issues dont exist on console really isnt accurate. The biggest xbox streamer agrees that performance is hindered in a big way, and many players from console have messaged and commented how they experience these issues as well. Discussion is welcome - denial is embarrassing.

    I was just about to post the same thing but you beat me to it. That is a gameplay video not a cinematic video which the other guy claimed there was no such thing. Agree with almost everything you have said Fengrush. I played PC beta, PC Launch and recently came back on PS4. PVP performance is horrible compared to what it use to be, also it was packed. Assuming most PVP players quit due to the performance.
    Edited by flguy147ub17_ESO on April 5, 2016 8:04PM
  • jkemmery
    My personal feelings about Fengrush aside (I'm not a fan, to say the least, and I'm also a DC PVP player), he does make some good points, and, if you watch the whole video, you really wouldn't have anything negative to say about it.

    I do disagree though that the time to fix PVP is over. I just think it's been passed off for other, more revenue increasing areas. I think if they took a good look at it, there are things they could do to fix it. Here are my suggestions: Put Cyrodiil and it's instances in a separate server area. Remove all crafting nodes from Cyrodiil ... no one goes to Cyrodiil to farm mats anyway, unless you enjoy being ganked repeatedly. This will remove the incentive for bot farming. Use the game launch net code for the Cyrodiil instances.

    This just seems to be one way that we could have our cake and eat it too.

    PVP in this game is pretty fun, but, the only other games I've done any PVP in are Eve Online and Life is Feudal. And I sucked much worse at those than I do at this one. Still, there are active guilds who PVP every night, so I would think there would be at least some incentive to keeping them happy. As it is, the lag gets old, the framerate gets old ... It's really just not as much fun as it could be. It's still better than most though.
  • Jaronking
    mb10 wrote: »
    What he wants is to ultimately hold ZOS at ransom by creating a support base of followers that are all apparently "anti ZOS and anti PVE" and want ZOS to meet all of their demands. It wont happen.

    Begins with talking about how long he's been playing for and says BS such as "I can see whats coming with ESO"

    All I see is a very large ego that cant handle ZOS not listening to a word that comes out of his mouth.

    The horrible game footage the whole "The game is gone, they cant bring it back. There is no amount of changes that can bring it back" hahah it literally sounds like he's trying to do everything to stop people playing ESO. Its all for pride because ZOS wont give his lame ass the time of day. He's lucky Im not a part of the company because I would simply ban or delete his account or even make the RNG or his damage ridiculously to stress him out even more.

    Dark Brotherhood/Player housing so what? Because it isn't PVP ZOS shouldnt bring two of the highest demanded additions to the game?
    ZOS make PVE DLC because TES are PVE games. If you dont like the PVP, TES or ZOS just get on your bike and play the many other games you compare it with on the forums every other day.

    and btw, wtf do you people even want added to PVP? All I EVER see is "I miss the good old days of PVP" but WHAT do you even want added? All your ideas conflict with each other but ultimately its because "Fengrush" says so. Its like a little rebellion against ZOS haha "lets all join the rebels because that means we have our own voice!" the complete opposite effect is happening you crowd following rats
    Wow the conspiracy theory is real with this one.

    Really did you even watch the video?Tell the truth now man because your post shows that you did not.

    You know that horrible game footage that everyday for us PVPers we have to deal with that everyday. You can watch almost any video on YouTube and you will see how bad it is on consoles and PC watch a live stream of someone PVPing its do laggy its unplayable by most people who enjoy PVP.At a time for both consoles and PC their wasn't any lag and every patch they made it worst.When this game released on Consoles it was a PVP game and PVE second For about the first 3 months every Campaign was full with wait times in 500+ to get into a campaign.So many people have left the game on consoles because of poor management by Zos and @Fengrush touches on that.They have made so many changes to this game to cater to the solo casual player they alienated their most dedicated and hardcore fan base in the hardcore PVE raiders,Dungeon Divers and PVP player that the majority of these groups have left.So sorry people are upset and when enough people are upset about the same exact thing don't you think its something wrong?You want to know one of the biggest mistake ZOs is making by catering to these people is that when the next Elder Scrolls game come out the vast majority of them will leave in a heart beat for at least 3+ months if not more and you know what that will kill thks game right their.You know what's funny the only game ESO has to worry about is TES6,not BDO,Camelot unchain,Fallout or any other game but TES6 and Zos know it and that's why their milking players like yourself.

    Also if you don't know what PVPers want then you don't read our post.We just want a game that works like you PVer have.Also Dueling and Battle Grounds most PVPers ask for would make a lot of people hapoy.Mainly if our one zone worked without lagging so bad that half of your abilities no longer work then the majority of PVPers would be happy.We just want a working product is that to much to ask for?

  • rotaugen454
    It's a shame people feel you can only be pro PvE or PvP. I am admittedly mostly PvE and don't care for the numerous "ESO is dying" threads. PvP is dying, not PvE. However, I can fully understand the frustration of PvP players seeing the increasing problems on their part of a game that was marketed initially as having a strong PvP element. To each his or her own on which part of the game means the most to them. Personally, I do very little PvP anymore as it is semi deserted except for the occasional VR16 Zerg. I do miss the large scale battles.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • IcyDeadPeople
    jkemmery wrote: »
    Remove all crafting nodes from Cyrodiil ... no one goes to Cyrodiil to farm mats anyway, unless you enjoy being ganked repeatedly.

    Cyrodiil is the only place only place you can get V16 mats if you don't have DLC.
  • Ajax_22
    Actually I liked this video overall . He didn't just go off on an expletive filled rant, he gave video examples of the problems, and even admitted if he were ZOS he's make the same overall business decisions. I enjoy the PvE side of the game a lot, but I can agree with his observations. I remember PvP at launch. I remember going into Cyrodiil and seeing zone messages about where the battle was. I remember getting there and seeing a huge number of players on each side. I remember it working. I miss that, but hated the bots on the PvE side. I would be happy if there was a way to drown the boys while keeping Cyrodiil playable.


    Are you serious? I'm a PvP player on Xbox and Cyrodiil lag is atrocious. Currently, during peak hours it's even worse than the PC streams that I watch. It doesn't stop there either. When ICP was the daily a few days ago I had some friends tying to do it, but couldn't get past trash packs due to the entire group suffering from 10-15 second lag. 10-15 second lag in an instanced area that only contains four players how is that in any way acceptable.
  • Cathexis
    I agree with @FENGRUSH entirely. I do think most new players dont have a clue what pvp used to be like or how awesome it used to be. I remember spending like 4 or 5 hours defending keeps with a tiny group of half ass pugs and some forwards camps with 3 walls down against wave after wave of zerging onslaught. That *** just doesn't happen anymore.

    Also to all the people who bash on Feng for "hating," you clearly aren't paying attention at all to the discussion he is trying to create and you do the game a disservice by being in denial about the problems and the horrendous state of PvP. The purpose of having a forum is to acknowledge that is happening and work towards creating a better community, not white wash everything. People need to get over being hurt because someone has a different opinion. Grow up. The world is a diverse place, talking about and understanding what people think in the community is a tool for growing and creating change.

    Yeah haters are going to hate on every side, but that doesn't mean what's being said isn't valid.
    Edited by Cathexis on April 5, 2016 8:15PM
    The Tomb of FPS Alteration Magic - Everything You Need to Know About FPS
    Praise Malacath.
    jkemmery wrote: »
    My personal feelings about Fengrush aside (I'm not a fan, to say the least, and I'm also a DC PVP player), he does make some good points, and, if you watch the whole video, you really wouldn't have anything negative to say about it.

    I do disagree though that the time to fix PVP is over. I just think it's been passed off for other, more revenue increasing areas. I think if they took a good look at it, there are things they could do to fix it. Here are my suggestions: Put Cyrodiil and it's instances in a separate server area. Remove all crafting nodes from Cyrodiil ... no one goes to Cyrodiil to farm mats anyway, unless you enjoy being ganked repeatedly. This will remove the incentive for bot farming. Use the game launch net code for the Cyrodiil instances.

    This just seems to be one way that we could have our cake and eat it too.

    PVP in this game is pretty fun, but, the only other games I've done any PVP in are Eve Online and Life is Feudal. And I sucked much worse at those than I do at this one. Still, there are active guilds who PVP every night, so I would think there would be at least some incentive to keeping them happy. As it is, the lag gets old, the framerate gets old ... It's really just not as much fun as it could be. It's still better than most though.

    Its a good thought - problem is that code runs on the client level. Itd be 2 functionally different games which they wont do for many reasons. It all has to run on the same thing, or playing in Cyro and playing outside of it would be 2 different games (clients). And it would break the seamless movement between.

    Breaking Cyro up would take a lot of work.. maybe the most painless one. A lot of PVP players would opt for that though absolutely.

    I still think doing something in IC in the short term is the most feasible option. It is actually broken up (into 6 districts and sewer segments). Break those up, limit districts to size for "invasion type battles of groups fighting groups for *something*". And sewers for a more open experience the way it is now. I dont mind the mobs in sewers, districts should be focused on players, and take out most or all of the mobs and revamp for group v group v group battle. Thats something a lot of PVPers would love.
    It's a shame people feel you can only be pro PvE or PvP. I am admittedly mostly PvE and don't care for the numerous "ESO is dying" threads. PvP is dying, not PvE. However, I can fully understand the frustration of PvP players seeing the increasing problems on their part of a game that was marketed initially as having a strong PvP element. To each his or her own on which part of the game means the most to them. Personally, I do very little PvP anymore as it is semi deserted except for the occasional VR16 Zerg. I do miss the large scale battles.

    I am PVP and PVE pro! B) I dont think see a reason to segment the community on these discussions.. something I pointed out and saw in the last video that I talked about. Its not a PVP vs. PVE playerbase environment. Its a discussion about ESO. To your point though, like I said in the video.. I think PVE will grow this year and thrive. I dont think the same will be true for PVP - I dont think it will have huge fall off though, because there isnt much there right now anyway. Many players have a poor experience and do not go back there. A lot of the long term playerbase of Cyro has left, and the rest have all but quit and are waiting for the next thing. Not meant to be dramatic, just a common theme Ive seen from EU/NA. Console market is different for sure. They dont have the same options available.
  • WillhelmBlack
    Typical "If things arent exactly the way I want them then Im going to cry" kind of video. He really does a disservice to newer players that enjoy the game for more than just the pvp component. So sick of people whining that ZOS doesnt make things exactly to their specifications, as if the entire game should be built on their opinions. I love that after blasting the game he says hes still going to play ... lmao gtfoh

    Some of us bought and played this game for months as it was advertised and it was exactly to our specifications. So what if he does a disservice to newer players, end of the day it's ZOS who's done a disservice to us.
    PC EU
  • strikeback1247
    I still love eso, but I'm getting bored of PvE and the laggy PvP. I'll be trying The Division later this month after the new updates have launched. I may be back for the Dark Brotherhood, because that seems like the update that is going to improve a lot (mainly the removal of vet ranks)
    P.A.W.S. - Positively Against Wild Sasquatches - NO TO BIGFOOT!
  • jkemmery
    jkemmery wrote: »
    Remove all crafting nodes from Cyrodiil ... no one goes to Cyrodiil to farm mats anyway, unless you enjoy being ganked repeatedly.

    Cyrodiil is the only place only place you can get V16 mats if you don't have DLC.

    I didn't realize that. I get mine in Wrothgar and Hew's Bane because I still subscribe. Well, crap.

    In that case, add VR15 and 16 crafting nodes to Craglorn, Bangkorai, The Rift and Reaper's March.
  • Moglijuana
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    You know - theres a lot of trailers for it. You dont have to look hard. Ill grab you one.

    That game in that video doesnt exist today. It doesnt work if you tried to play the game in that video.

    Did you ever play this game on PC? Or are you xbox only? If so - the part of the video directed towards console-only players should resonate a bit more with you.

    I followed this game for years, and a lot of PC/console players did. Also - pointing out these issues dont exist on console really isnt accurate. The biggest xbox streamer agrees that performance is hindered in a big way, and many players from console have messaged and commented how they experience these issues as well. Discussion is welcome - denial is embarrassing.
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    LOL. @FENGRUSH did my work for me. And you're on console too @Waffennacht are you happy with the way the performance is right now? I can't even go to 2 bar'd campaign because of a 2 second bar swap. To me, that is just a lack of caring for the community on the developers part. It hurts to say the game I love is crap, but the truth hurts. FENGRUSH speaks the truth, and I agree with him. I don't even watch his streams either. I'm just smart enough to realize the direction the game has headed (not to where it was promised) has not been a positive one.
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:
  • Xjcon
    Xjcon wrote: »
    I have nothing against Fengrush but isn't it possible if we cared enough we would go to his stream or channel to get this? Why do his followers keep pushing these in the ESO forums?

    I appreciate them posting his videos because I don't visit YouTube for same reason I don't visit imgur on my own free will. I'll wake up from a stupor and realize I just wasted 5 hours of my life browsing videos and pictures.

    Plus I really enjoyed his TG review. It resonated the same feeling I have.

    Like I said I have nothing against him or his videos. But what I've seen from people who consider him (Lord Fengrush) they are usually angry and disruptive, they get very combative when others don't agree. Several threads were closed due to this.

    I agree with some of what he says but don't agree with the mass who follow him trying to combat players who don't share the same view as them.
    Briza Do'urdenx V16 Dunmer DK
    Jcon V16 Orc DK
    Vierna Do'urdenx V16 Bosmer NB
    Jarlaxle Baenrex V16 Dunmer NB
  • WillhelmBlack
    jkemmery wrote: »
    My personal feelings about Fengrush aside (I'm not a fan, to say the least, and I'm also a DC PVP player), he does make some good points, and, if you watch the whole video, you really wouldn't have anything negative to say about it.

    I do disagree though that the time to fix PVP is over. I just think it's been passed off for other, more revenue increasing areas. I think if they took a good look at it, there are things they could do to fix it. Here are my suggestions: Put Cyrodiil and it's instances in a separate server area. Remove all crafting nodes from Cyrodiil ... no one goes to Cyrodiil to farm mats anyway, unless you enjoy being ganked repeatedly. This will remove the incentive for bot farming. Use the game launch net code for the Cyrodiil instances.

    This just seems to be one way that we could have our cake and eat it too.

    PVP in this game is pretty fun, but, the only other games I've done any PVP in are Eve Online and Life is Feudal. And I sucked much worse at those than I do at this one. Still, there are active guilds who PVP every night, so I would think there would be at least some incentive to keeping them happy. As it is, the lag gets old, the framerate gets old ... It's really just not as much fun as it could be. It's still better than most though.

    This. And make PvP subscription only, it would pay for itself and keep it maintained and up to date. No PvP'ers buy fluff so it makes sense plus everyone would pay it and many would come back to the game if they knew the lag had gone.
    PC EU
  • oxxalejandroxxo
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    jkemmery wrote: »
    My personal feelings about Fengrush aside (I'm not a fan, to say the least, and I'm also a DC PVP player), he does make some good points, and, if you watch the whole video, you really wouldn't have anything negative to say about it.

    I do disagree though that the time to fix PVP is over. I just think it's been passed off for other, more revenue increasing areas. I think if they took a good look at it, there are things they could do to fix it. Here are my suggestions: Put Cyrodiil and it's instances in a separate server area. Remove all crafting nodes from Cyrodiil ... no one goes to Cyrodiil to farm mats anyway, unless you enjoy being ganked repeatedly. This will remove the incentive for bot farming. Use the game launch net code for the Cyrodiil instances.

    This just seems to be one way that we could have our cake and eat it too.

    PVP in this game is pretty fun, but, the only other games I've done any PVP in are Eve Online and Life is Feudal. And I sucked much worse at those than I do at this one. Still, there are active guilds who PVP every night, so I would think there would be at least some incentive to keeping them happy. As it is, the lag gets old, the framerate gets old ... It's really just not as much fun as it could be. It's still better than most though.

    Its a good thought - problem is that code runs on the client level. Itd be 2 functionally different games which they wont do for many reasons. It all has to run on the same thing, or playing in Cyro and playing outside of it would be 2 different games (clients). And it would break the seamless movement between.

    Breaking Cyro up would take a lot of work.. maybe the most painless one. A lot of PVP players would opt for that though absolutely.

    I still think doing something in IC in the short term is the most feasible option. It is actually broken up (into 6 districts and sewer segments). Break those up, limit districts to size for "invasion type battles of groups fighting groups for *something*". And sewers for a more open experience the way it is now. I dont mind the mobs in sewers, districts should be focused on players, and take out most or all of the mobs and revamp for group v group v group battle. Thats something a lot of PVPers would love.
    It's a shame people feel you can only be pro PvE or PvP. I am admittedly mostly PvE and don't care for the numerous "ESO is dying" threads. PvP is dying, not PvE. However, I can fully understand the frustration of PvP players seeing the increasing problems on their part of a game that was marketed initially as having a strong PvP element. To each his or her own on which part of the game means the most to them. Personally, I do very little PvP anymore as it is semi deserted except for the occasional VR16 Zerg. I do miss the large scale battles.

    I am PVP and PVE pro! B) I dont think see a reason to segment the community on these discussions.. something I pointed out and saw in the last video that I talked about. Its not a PVP vs. PVE playerbase environment. Its a discussion about ESO. To your point though, like I said in the video.. I think PVE will grow this year and thrive. I dont think the same will be true for PVP - I dont think it will have huge fall off though, because there isnt much there right now anyway. Many players have a poor experience and do not go back there. A lot of the long term playerbase of Cyro has left, and the rest have all but quit and are waiting for the next thing. Not meant to be dramatic, just a common theme Ive seen from EU/NA. Console market is different for sure. They dont have the same options available.

    PVE is getting more and more performance issues by the date, and lag spikes in PVE zones are getting more and more noticeable.
  • Reevster
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    You know - theres a lot of trailers for it. You dont have to look hard. Ill grab you one.

    That game in that video doesnt exist today. It doesnt work if you tried to play the game in that video.

    Did you ever play this game on PC? Or are you xbox only? If so - the part of the video directed towards console-only players should resonate a bit more with you.

    I followed this game for years, and a lot of PC/console players did. Also - pointing out these issues dont exist on console really isnt accurate. The biggest xbox streamer agrees that performance is hindered in a big way, and many players from console have messaged and commented how they experience these issues as well. Discussion is welcome - denial is embarrassing.

    Your wrong about that video, played PvP the last few days for like 8 to 10 hours straight each day and its pretty close to that video, only difference is you move around a lot more then in that one scene in the video when they are standing there fighting each other.

    Only problem I had was long loading screen at peak hours. Which is quite annoying for sure. Plus the game crashed maybe 2 times each day.

    This was vet non CP campaign.
    Edited by Reevster on April 5, 2016 8:30PM
  • flguy147ub17_ESO
    Reevster wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    LoL @ everyone complaining about a video of someones opinion (even if they are right). Do any of these anti PvPers realize there are FAR better PvE games...LOL. Oh wait...they're on these forums patrolling the waters of peoples opinions and must speak up to show they can kill tons of A.I. controlled monsters who give little to no challenge :D . Go play Dark souls or something and lmk how your "monster hunter" title fairs in there. The advertisement of PvP battles was a MAIN FEATURE when ESO was being released. It is very unique and offers one of the best (definitely the best on console) group PvP possible. If some of these people pulled their cheeto peppered, carpal tunneled, sun deprived fingers out of their opinionated booty holes, these discussions would move in a better direction. But nah, someone has to defend their Stormproof title or something and never watch the posted video and just complain about someone complaining B) .

    All I remember is a cinematic short film for ESO advertising. Not once did I see anything that had, gameplay footage, or a description, or anything other than clearly an impossibly good looking film

    Like all games, nothing looks like the advertising

    You know - theres a lot of trailers for it. You dont have to look hard. Ill grab you one.

    That game in that video doesnt exist today. It doesnt work if you tried to play the game in that video.

    Did you ever play this game on PC? Or are you xbox only? If so - the part of the video directed towards console-only players should resonate a bit more with you.

    I followed this game for years, and a lot of PC/console players did. Also - pointing out these issues dont exist on console really isnt accurate. The biggest xbox streamer agrees that performance is hindered in a big way, and many players from console have messaged and commented how they experience these issues as well. Discussion is welcome - denial is embarrassing.

    Your wrong about that video, played PvP the last few days for like 8 to 10 straight each day and its pretty close to that video, only difference is you move around a lot more then in that one scene in the video when they are standing there fighting each other.

    Only problem I had was long loading screen at peak hours. Which is quite annoying for sure. Plus the game crashed maybe 2 times each day.

    This was vet non CP campaign.

    Not sure what platform you are on, but i am on PS4 and PVP has been unplayable for me since TG. My animations dont show half the time, weapon swap is horrible and insane lag. I also played PC launch and the game ran 100 times better then it does now.
    Edited by flguy147ub17_ESO on April 5, 2016 8:31PM
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