ForlornBeliever wrote: »@PatriarchaLex and @IZZY 244: In case you're both still looking for a guild, I've invited you to join the Bloodborne Rogues. We're always looking for more members. We welcome all alliances and levels, but could use some more Vet Lvl players.
PatriarchaLex and IZZY 244. I recruit for Citadel of Insanity. We have 125 active members across DC, AD and EP. We are trying to find members who are active and willing to join us in guild chat or on LINE. Our Goal: PVE, Doing the daily pledges, helping new and old ESO players, dungeon farming, trails, DSA, Cryodiil quest and etc. We Use LINE Chat, a Mobile Free Chatting App; that helps us stay in touch with our members, form parties, pvp/pve groups a head of time. Share photos and ask for things to be crafted. This is where we stay in touch while everyone is at work or not online. Post your GT for add. Or message directly on Xbox Kid Whimsical [Recruiter] Lady Velius xK [Guildmaster] Message on line chat to be added to the group. LINE ID: mrsvelius