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New Dro-m'athra Senche Mount

  • Malmai
    They showed once again what is important to them not fixing bugs and lag but keep pushing stuff into broken game... Its so sad...
    Edited by Malmai on March 22, 2016 8:03AM
  • AlienSlof
    To all these whiners about bugs and lag, I say this: LET'S SEE YOU DO BETTER. Put your skills where your mouth is and do a better job of making a whole, bug-free game.

    Me, I'm looking forward to my glowy senche. Oooh shiny! :D
    Bionic Crazy Cat Lady
  • flguy147ub17_ESO
    Malmai wrote: »
    They showed once again what is important to them not fixing bugs and lag but keep pushing stuff into broken game... Its so sad...

    Yep and this is what has happened to the MMO genre when all games now stopped being sub games like they use to. Companies have to have these things to make money. But then fixing the game isnt always top priority so the game suffers and then players leave. I would be long gone, if i still had my PC and wasnt playing PS4 now, just not many MMO options for me on PS4.
  • Vaoh
    Edited by Vaoh on March 22, 2016 8:21AM
  • Turelus
    Malmai wrote: »
    They showed once again what is important to them not fixing bugs and lag but keep pushing stuff into broken game... Its so sad...

    Yep and this is what has happened to the MMO genre when all games now stopped being sub games like they use to. Companies have to have these things to make money. But then fixing the game isnt always top priority so the game suffers and then players leave. I would be long gone, if i still had my PC and wasnt playing PS4 now, just not many MMO options for me on PS4.

    Can't fix the game if you can't pay your developers, makes sense they want to earn money.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Duiwel
    Doncellius wrote: »

    Don't get me wrong I have most of the premium mounts, but if this turns out to be 5k forget it the fact that some mounts are 3k or even 100 crowns over 2k is pushing it. Mounts should be 1,5-2k.

    The crown store is obviously run by skooma addicted Khajiits since they need to make a ton of money.

    There are various business models in this world : some are meant for large scale sales i.e. Coca Cola and similar products.

    Some are meant for premium audiences i.e. Premium liquor such as a fine Colovian wine which obviously most people cannot afford. Now I am not saying that their business model is flawed whatsoever...

    What i am saying though is that if they charged slightly less for certain items in the store a minimum increase of 30% more people would buy it.

    Who's richer : McDonalds or a fancy restaurant chain ? Case in point, my Imperial merchantile skills have given me the foresight to recognise that paying 5k is selling my soul to Akatosh & Sithis would never forgive me so I would gladly decline such an outrageous price ( RPers are gonna hate me for using McDonalds in this post lmao :mrgreen: )

    Join ORDER OF SITHIS We're recruiting! PC EU

    "Dear Brother. I do not spread rumours. I create them..."
  • flguy147ub17_ESO
    Turelus wrote: »
    Malmai wrote: »
    They showed once again what is important to them not fixing bugs and lag but keep pushing stuff into broken game... Its so sad...

    Yep and this is what has happened to the MMO genre when all games now stopped being sub games like they use to. Companies have to have these things to make money. But then fixing the game isnt always top priority so the game suffers and then players leave. I would be long gone, if i still had my PC and wasnt playing PS4 now, just not many MMO options for me on PS4.

    Can't fix the game if you can't pay your developers, makes sense they want to earn money.

    Oh i am not disagreeing at all, its a business. And they need these things to make money to pay their employees and continue to develop the game. I am just a fan of the mandatory subs with everything earned within the game. I know that system is gone now from MMOs but doesnt change my opinion. So i totally understand and this mount will sell like crazy too, it is badass. Guess i just see so much potential in the game.
  • Loralai_907
    I want it. I don't even care how much it is lol. I'm waiting on this mount, the assistants, and the Bosmer outfits I saw.

    I think I missed the new Bosmer outfits.

    Deltia tweeted it last month sometime. Here is the link:
    PC-NA - formerly, mommadani907Guild: Weeping Angels - Co-GMTwitter: @ Loralai_907 several Alt accounts....CP 1700+
    Active characters:Fauna Rosewood ( Bosmer Stam DK - Master Crafter/AD)///Loralai Darknova (Drunken Zombie Bosmer Stam Sorc - PvP/AD)Lilith Darknova ( Dunmer Mag DK - Master Crafter - PvP/AD)///and roughly 1billion alts
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Malmai wrote: »
    They showed once again what is important to them not fixing bugs and lag but keep pushing stuff into broken game... Its so sad...
    Yep and this is what has happened to the MMO genre when all games now stopped being sub games like they use to. Companies have to have these things to make money. But then fixing the game isnt always top priority so the game suffers and then players leave. I would be long gone, if i still had my PC and wasnt playing PS4 now, just not many MMO options for me on PS4.
    Because the company can't do both?


    Fixing a bug or two and adding some new flavor to the Crown Store are not mutually exclusive. Zeni can work on both at once, and adding in a new skin to the existing Senche model is most likely faster than fixing some bugs. Hence; we get new Mounts faster than we get bug fixes. That's just the nature of coding and programming.

    Also: this game is far from "broken". It plays just fine for a vast, vast majority of people. Broken implies that the game cannot be played.

    Quite frankly, IMO; if you're not happy in ESO...
    Vorcil wrote: »
    Honestly what is wrong witha flame or ice horse? Our characters are so powerful that we're able to summon up/converse with Shalidor. Some of us can even summon atronachs. Why is this so amazing?

    Because they don't exist in any lore, in any stories anywhere.

    If there were old books and stories about frost horses that nords rode then maybe. But there isn't.

    Atronachs and all the other daedric creatures actually have hundreds of backstories about their creation, why they've come to exist, their behaviorism, metaphysics and literally everything you can think of in Elderscrolls Cannon.

    Fire horses and frost horses were just made up for a quick buck
    Absence of proof =/= Proof of Absence.

    This is a realm and game world deeply entrenched in "High Fantasy" akin to the works of Tolkien, D&D's Forgotten Realms setting, and so many more. We're also deeply within the Second Era, and more specifically in an age of centuries where even Bethesda has said that there's almost zero Lore. Thus, Bethesda themselves have given Zeni a wide margin to introduce new and exciting things into this High Fantasy, Magick-rich setting.

    A bit of suspension of disbelief is called for. Being so rigid on what is/is not "Cannon" will only lead to disappointment for you, not everyone else.

    Personally; I've been playing The Elder Scrolls since Daggerfall, and I've been playing MMO's since they became a thing (my first was Asheron's Call and Ultima Online). These additions into ESO bother me none, even from a Lore/Cannon standpoint. As well; I find no issue with Zenimax keeping some extra cash flowing in via Crown Store additions such as these Mounts, while still working on the few issues plaguing this game. The game is far from "broken", and they're actively working on fixes. Those fixes will get here when they get here, and until then, enjoy the game.

    If that isn't possible for you, well... there's other MMO's out there. I'm pretty positive of that.

    Patience. Patience all around, gentlemen.
    Edited by Uriel_Nocturne on March 22, 2016 7:50PM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • starkerealm
    I want it. I don't even care how much it is lol. I'm waiting on this mount, the assistants, and the Bosmer outfits I saw.

    I think I missed the new Bosmer outfits.

    Deltia tweeted it last month sometime. Here is the link:

    Okay, so I did see that... well, the Bosmer outfits. I just forgot they were on their way, and though they'd actually hit live, when you said you saw them.
  • Waseem
    Robo_Hobo wrote: »
    Tempting just because of that animation-intro effect.

    I thought I had enough Senche-mounts, but I think I might get this one too.

    2.5k for the mount
    2.5k for the intro animation
    PC EU

  • starkerealm
    Duiwel wrote: »
    What i am saying though is that if they charged slightly less for certain items in the store a minimum increase of 30% more people would buy it.

    Yeah, I agree. The crown store's kinda weird. In some things it's actually really competitive, then a lot of stuff is just a little bit too expensive. I suspect even just a 20% discount on some things would make them a lot more appealing. And, it's really kind of random.

    I guess it boils down to the pricing in the store, between different items, feels kind of random. Within a type, like costume packs, it's fine. But with stuff like mounts, or even some of the pets? It gets a bit pricey.
    It's gonna be 2.5. Just like all the other exclusive mounts.

    I own all 4 Senche mounts. My 3 char are all kajiit as well. My point is I love the big cats and using them on this game.

    That said, it's gonna be hard for me to buy this mount as everyone will have it but, at the same time, I own them all now (minus the tiger) and will
    Kick myself if I let this pass me by.
  • Gidorick
    N0TPLAYER2 wrote: »
    It's gonna be 2.5. Just like all the other exclusive mounts.

    I own all 4 Senche mounts. My 3 char are all kajiit as well. My point is I love the big cats and using them on this game.

    That said, it's gonna be hard for me to buy this mount as everyone will have it but, at the same time, I own them all now (minus the tiger) and will
    Kick myself if I let this pass me by.

    The Senche mounts aren't technically Khajiit @N0TPLAYER2 , but this new one seems as if it would have to be...
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
    Gidorick wrote: »
    N0TPLAYER2 wrote: »
    It's gonna be 2.5. Just like all the other exclusive mounts.

    I own all 4 Senche mounts. My 3 char are all kajiit as well. My point is I love the big cats and using them on this game.

    That said, it's gonna be hard for me to buy this mount as everyone will have it but, at the same time, I own them all now (minus the tiger) and will
    Kick myself if I let this pass me by.

    The Senche mounts aren't technically Khajiit @N0TPLAYER2 , but this new one seems as if it would have to be...

    I realize this. I just meant I love all of the "big cats" in the game (mounts, character etc) because I do in real life lol. Thanks for the clarification.
  • LiquidSchwartz
    DonoVDV wrote: »
    Where's the evidence for the 5K crown cost? I like it but I will never pay that price.

    If you buy crowns now you can get it for half essentially

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_CoriJ on March 22, 2016 10:03PM
    May the Schwartz be with you.

  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Finally, Ill feel like playing WoW in ESO ;)
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • Necrelios
    Playing my Dunmer mostly I'm holding out for some kind of special Guar obviously, but the Dro-m'athra Senche Mount is definitely really cool and I love the way it spawns as well!
    Terms & Conditions ["We revoke permission to fictional legal constructs or private/public persons for selling of any private data, censorship, surveillance, personage or conversion as a trespass of law. We prohibit the practice of "procedural law" or corporate statues in place of divine law."]
  • goatlyonesub17_ESO
    Vorcil wrote: »
    Because they don't exist in any lore, in any stories anywhere. If there were old books and stories about frost horses that nords rode then maybe. But there isn't.
    There are stories about Snow Elves, and among them there was a prince who probably rode a Frost Horse. I remember reading the book about his downfall while playing Skyrim.
    "Argonians have fat, scaly tails." —Rissa Manyclaws.
    "Once upon a time there were three sisters: Delicious, Delightful, and Disgusting. Now, Delicious and Delightful were both very pretty girls..." —Brendalyn Jurarde.
    "I smell to the nobility." —Indrasa Avani.
    "A bargain with an animal is not a contract made." —Haderus Atrimus.
    "Redguard makeup for sale. Free samples. Secret ingredients. Unique application method. Lots of satisfied customers." —The Mudball Goblin (aka, Cognac Vinecroft)
    "Your armor looks like underwear." —Shuns-the-Knife.
  • timidobserver
    Kinda disappointing that this thread has a ZOS symbol but not ZOS post. I was hoping for an answer.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • goatlyonesub17_ESO
    N0TPLAYER2 wrote: »
    It's gonna be 2.5. Just like all the other exclusive mounts.

    I own all 4 Senche mounts. My 3 char are all kajiit as well. My point is I love the big cats and using them on this game.

    That said, it's gonna be hard for me to buy this mount as everyone will have it but, at the same time, I own them all now (minus the tiger) and will
    Kick myself if I let this pass me by.

    See? The update kicked me off the game until I can get my new computer set up, and by the time that happens the crown sale will be over and probably the dro'mathra senche will be gone. The change inflicted on me all kinds of nasty.

    I do have the tiger, though. His name is Ambrose. He's Gobani's cousin. You remember Gobani from that farm on Auridon. He ate too much moon-sugar and became too lazy to hunt rats. Well, my tiger Ambrose is his cousin, then.
    "Argonians have fat, scaly tails." —Rissa Manyclaws.
    "Once upon a time there were three sisters: Delicious, Delightful, and Disgusting. Now, Delicious and Delightful were both very pretty girls..." —Brendalyn Jurarde.
    "I smell to the nobility." —Indrasa Avani.
    "A bargain with an animal is not a contract made." —Haderus Atrimus.
    "Redguard makeup for sale. Free samples. Secret ingredients. Unique application method. Lots of satisfied customers." —The Mudball Goblin (aka, Cognac Vinecroft)
    "Your armor looks like underwear." —Shuns-the-Knife.
  • Artis
    AlienSlof wrote: »
    To all these whiners about bugs and lag, I say this: LET'S SEE YOU DO BETTER. Put your skills where your mouth is and do a better job of making a whole, bug-free game.

    Me, I'm looking forward to my glowy senche. Oooh shiny! :D

    So if in a restaurant they bring you a steak covered in urine you won't complain because you can't cook a better steak? Clients can and should criticize the company for doing stuff like that: prioritizing mounts over important stuff like class balance, lags, bugs, new content. After all, it's the clients who pay their salary and it's not clients' job to do those things. In a way, clients are employers/bosses. And they have all rights to complain if they don't like the product they are paying for.

    Edited by Artis on March 22, 2016 10:47PM
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    I want it. I don't even care how much it is lol. I'm waiting on this mount, the assistants, and the Bosmer outfits I saw.

    I think I missed the new Bosmer outfits.

    Deltia tweeted it last month sometime. Here is the link:

    Okay, so I did see that... well, the Bosmer outfits. I just forgot they were on their way, and though they'd actually hit live, when you said you saw them.

    Like the looks of the treasure hunter costume.
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Artemis wrote: »
    AlienSlof wrote: »
    To all these whiners about bugs and lag, I say this: LET'S SEE YOU DO BETTER. Put your skills where your mouth is and do a better job of making a whole, bug-free game.

    Me, I'm looking forward to my glowy senche. Oooh shiny! :D

    So if in a restaurant they bring you a steak covered in urine you won't complain because you can't cook a better steak? Clients can and should criticize the company for doing stuff like that: prioritizing mounts over important stuff like class balance, lags, bugs, new content. After all, it's the clients who pay their salary and it's not clients' job to do those things. In a way, clients are employers/bosses. And they have all rights to complain if they don't like the product they are paying for.

    You cant really assign your cosmetics team to work on network code or class balance. Also... where do you think the money to pay coders' salaries comes from? You cant have the important stuff done without the fluff bringing in cash to pay for it.

    With that said, I agree that you dont have to be a carpenter to notice your table is missing a leg. The customers have every right to express their dissatisfaction with a product even if they dont have the skill-set to design a better one themselves. Also, ZOS should probably hire a few more people for the balance team - I have a feeling the current lead dev has way too many responsibilities to be able to do his work well.
    Edited by khele23eb17_ESO on March 22, 2016 11:04PM
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • LadyNalcarya
    Actually it would be nice to have some lore for unique mounts, like nightmare courser or ice horse. Just a mention in a book or note, or maybe dialogue... Soul shriven and zombie horses make the most sense because there are soul shriven and zombie npcs. Dro-m'Athra also seems plausible since there are such npcs.
    Some of mounts were mentioned in earlier TES games.
    Guar mounts, for example, are mentioned in "Poison song":
    Accompanied by his lieutenants, Jasrat drove his guar forward to investigate what appeared to be an Ashlander man and woman.
    said Triffith, pointing out into the distance where a figure was riding a guar toward the volcano.
    ESO senche mounts are a bit weird, since they share the name with Khajiit species while they arent Khajiit. Though there are developer's comments on this confusion.
    And the idea about "senche mounts" was around since Morrowind.
    Jobasha wrote:
    When Masser and Secunda are full, the Senche is born. The Senche is very large, but similar to the Pahmar-raht. They stand as tall as an Altmer, and can weigh as much as twenty Altmer. Other Khajiit ride them.

    When Masser is full and Secunda is waxing, the Senche-raht is born. The Senche-raht is much larger and slower than the Senche. Their legs are straighter and their body is not as long. They stand as tall as two Altmer and can weigh more than fifty Altmer. These are also ridden, especially in battle. Imperials call them "Battlecats," but again, Jobasha does not suggest calling a Senche-raht a "Battlecat."
    I dont know of any mentions of bear mounts though, but its not like I remember every book. :D
    Edited by LadyNalcarya on March 23, 2016 2:19AM
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • Prabooo
    Actually it would be nice to have some lore for unique mounts, like nightmare courser or ice horse. Just a mention in a book or note, or maybe dialogue... Soul shriven and zombie horses make the most sense because there are soul shriven and zombie npcs. Dro-m'Athra also seems plausible since there are such npcs.
    Some of mounts were mentioned in earlier TES games.
    Guar mounts, for example, are mentioned in "Poison song":
    Accompanied by his lieutenants, Jasrat drove his guar forward to investigate what appeared to be an Ashlander man and woman.
    said Triffith, pointing out into the distance where a figure was riding a guar toward the volcano.
    ESO senche mounts are a bit weird, since they share the name with Khajiit species while they arent Khajiit. Though there are developer's comments on this confusion.
    And the idea about "senche mounts" was around since Morrowind.
    Jobasha wrote:
    When Masser and Secunda are full, the Senche is born. The Senche is very large, but similar to the Pahmar-raht. They stand as tall as an Altmer, and can weigh as much as twenty Altmer. Other Khajiit ride them.

    When Masser is full and Secunda is waxing, the Senche-raht is born. The Senche-raht is much larger and slower than the Senche. Their legs are straighter and their body is not as long. They stand as tall as two Altmer and can weigh more than fifty Altmer. These are also ridden, especially in battle. Imperials call them "Battlecats," but again, Jobasha does not suggest calling a Senche-raht a "Battlecat."
    I dont know of any mentions of bear mounts though, but its not like I remember every book. :D

    thank you that is deep
  • Dredlord
    Vorcil wrote: »
    Honestly what is wrong witha flame or ice horse? Our characters are so powerful that we're able to summon up/converse with Shalidor. Some of us can even summon atronachs. Why is this so amazing?

    Because they don't exist in any lore, in any stories anywhere.

    If there were old books and stories about frost horses that nords rode then maybe. But there isn't.

    Atronachs and all the other daedric creatures actually have hundreds of backstories about their creation, why they've come to exist, their behaviorism, metaphysics and literally everything you can think of in Elderscrolls Cannon.

    Fire horses and frost horses were just made up for a quick buck

    Ahah sooo punny dood!
  • Vorcil
    Dredlord wrote: »
    Vorcil wrote: »
    Honestly what is wrong witha flame or ice horse? Our characters are so powerful that we're able to summon up/converse with Shalidor. Some of us can even summon atronachs. Why is this so amazing?

    Because they don't exist in any lore, in any stories anywhere.

    If there were old books and stories about frost horses that nords rode then maybe. But there isn't.

    Atronachs and all the other daedric creatures actually have hundreds of backstories about their creation, why they've come to exist, their behaviorism, metaphysics and literally everything you can think of in Elderscrolls Cannon.

    Fire horses and frost horses were just made up for a quick buck

    Ahah sooo punny dood!

    Lol, was hoping someone would see that :P
  • Nerouyn
    Duiwel wrote: »
    I wouldn't pay 5k crowns for a mount if they gave me the 5k crowns free...

    Yeah 5k would be absurd. But many of the items in the crown store are absurdly over-priced so it wouldn't shock me if that does turn out to be the price.

    If it's something more reasonable I might buy it. It's mystical but less flamboyant than the fire / ice horse. I wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen riding one.
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