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Your wish list for 2016 Crown Store

  • phreatophile
    - Anything to make inventory less of a pain
    - Male lion mount
    - A couple more flying pets
    - Create your own costume using whatever armor or clothing peices and dies you have access to
    - Cosmetic changes/face sculptor/barber shop
    - some way for Vamps to look less hideous
  • pipelighter
    I would like to see the ability to craft a complete set of armour then place it in a box and then sell the box. It is ridiculous that you can craft a whole set but only sell the itms individually. Too many Guild stores stock only the one item from a set making 'set' purchase impossible for newbies. Crafting takes too long and continually asking friends etc to craft for you while you learn is embarrassing.
    ^ cp 549 characters - best game ever playerd ( actually the ONLY game ever played so who am I to judge others).:D
  • pipelighter
    Another small point - enable players to sit on the chairs that are dotted all around the place. Stupid sitting on the floor when there is a perfectly good chair beside you.
    ^ cp 549 characters - best game ever playerd ( actually the ONLY game ever played so who am I to judge others).:D
  • Iove
    I just want the white bear and mind shriven horse to be brought back for another limited sale. So sad I missed them.
  • RoyalPink06
    A tauntaun mount (I know I know, royalties, but a girl can dream)
    A direwolf mount and/or pet
    Little baby dragon pets (that fly in the air, like those baby netches or twilight matriarchs)
    Some kick-ass new mount armor would be awesome too.
    NA PS4
  • Eradrann
    Cheaper prices.

    According to a data mine or whatever they are called, some Dragonborn (not the actual name) and Dragon Priest costumes are coming... probably the only things I'd spend money on besides DLC packs.
    Xbox Series X - GT: VintageVinyl450 NA Player on the EU Server (always looking for help with dungeon/job dailies)Main - Eradrann, AD, Wood Elf, Bow/Bow Stamblade, 1500+CP
  • Cillion3117
    I'm still hoping for motif style mounts. I would love barbaric or daedric style saddles and rains on my horse.
  • Lyrebon
    theher0not wrote: »
    Razum-dar morph


    But seriously:

    * Name change
    * Appearance change (think they should go the route of Guild Wars 2 on this one and offer both a hair style or a complete make-over kit, the latter giving you the option to completely change your characters' appearance (but not race or class - class changes I find are very cheap and don't have a place in MMOs)).
    * Lamia pet

    The first two are staples of most MMOs and allow for mistakes and waning interest in aspects of your characters. I don't think we need more than 8 character slots (with that you can create two of every class, one PvE, one PvP character). Extra slots being purchasable might be nice though but only one at a time.
  • Katmondi
    nightingale gear
    fus rah doh
  • WeerW3ir
    What we need is

    What we NOT need is
    Edited by WeerW3ir on March 3, 2016 12:10AM
  • LadyNalcarya
    WeerW3ir wrote: »
    What we need is

    What we NOT need is

    Would be nice if dragon priest costume had a separate option for a mask. Just like Vosh Rakh mask.
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • Toorlokviing
    WeerW3ir wrote: »
    What we need is

    What we NOT need is

    if they changed the dragonborn costume to look more like this era i wouldnt mind but skyrim is 2k years into the future. zos you even paying attention to the timeline anymore? the dragon priest costume is fine since technology never advanced for them after they were wiped out.

    on the dragon priest note...i would love to see miraak someday if we ever have a dlc about herma mora...with a costume either purchasable or obtainable in game after you meet him...he dont have to do much really but it would be cool to see him...even if he is *theorycrafting here* still recovering from his battle with vahlok at this time.
    Edited by Toorlokviing on March 7, 2016 2:03PM
  • c.p.garrett1993_ESO
    More reasonable prices.

    I would be dropping cash on crowns like crazy if they didn't want upwards of $15-$20 for everything... I'm only in the crown store for the cosmetics, pets, mounts, outfits, etc. Sometimes even one of those is ridiculous, and here I am wanting all of them.

    Just found out about the Nord Hero armor I missed while I was away from the game. I was pretty disappointed I missed it, but almost glad I did since it was like $20 for a stinkin' outfit.

  • sentientomega
    On my wish list:

    1. Character customisation veteran armour sets (similar to the ones seen here, for instance: as costumes in the crown store, especially to aid RP.

    2. The ability to have the above costumes change our characters' currently-equipped weapons styles, based on the above selected costumes' racial motifs.

    3. The ability to view our characters, in costume, rather than in gear, on the character selection screen, so that better screenshots can be taken.

    4. More RP costumes, and other such costumes associated with the playable races, again, to aid RP.
    Edited by sentientomega on March 23, 2016 4:20PM
  • WhimsyDragon
    Same stuff as last year and the year before...

    - Appearance change + new hairstyles
    - Name change
    - RP costumes that are less fancy/occasional... and on that note, I just want to point out that something about the idles on females just makes a lot of the fancy stuff look odd, with the one bent leg... the cleavage changes also make them look odd :\
    - Emote packs? I'm fine with these being free as well :P
  • SpiderKnight
    No white lion mount. :( Was really hoping to see this in there with TG.
  • Katsibrokos
    IMHO it needs to be a discount in the past DLC's. Paying always 100% of the price for any of the past DLC's, will keep away new players, as they must play it only as subbed to access the content, or they will need a huge amount of Crowns. Its different to ask from a player ~10k Crowns in a years period and the same amount in much less time.

    It will also allow to other ppl who things a certain DLC doesn't meet the price / quality, to buy it in a later time when it will cost less. I think its better for the Zenimax too if someone who lets say doesn't like Thieves Guild much and thinks 2k Crowns are too much, to buy it after 6 months for 1k Crowns than not buy it at all.

    So how i see it? Prices must be like:
    100% current DLC
    75% 1 DLC back
    50% 2 DLC back
    25% older DLC's
    Wood Elf Templar
  • Samsayia
    Baby assassin beetle pet ;__;

    and I shall name her Raolly.
  • Branovices
    It's bizarre that they don't have a name change service at this point. I can't think of a single other MMO that doesn't provide that service.

    Anywho, my most wanted features:

    1. Name Change

    2. Barbershop

    3. Being able to save your own outfits as cosmetic costumes
  • SpiritedBlaize
    Wolves!! Wolf mount, and wolf pet.
    Pretty pretty please with a sweet roll on top.
  • Laplace
    A Maormer skin.

    A Dremora polymorph (or the Xivkyn ones you can get from Imperial City because nobody runs sewers/IC anymore).

    The Soul Shriven skin (see above).
  • LadyNalcarya
    Laplace wrote: »
    A Maormer skin.

    A Dremora polymorph (or the Xivkyn ones you can get from Imperial City because nobody runs sewers/IC anymore).

    The Soul Shriven skin (see above).

    I agree about maormer skin. :) Or maybe a nereid skin. :D
    But you can still get dremora polymorph from vMA and grind tel var stones for xivkyn.
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • Laplace
    But you can still get dremora polymorph from vMA and grind tel var stones for xivkyn.

    Dremora, not Dro'm'Athra.
  • sentientomega
    To amend what I said, above, specifically, point 1, may be out of date, as even though I say that the character creation veteran armours as costumes would be nice, I think there'd be too much rage from people with characters with tier 4 outfits, saying that they feel diminished because.

    And I suggested the character creation ones because the textures already exist, so it'd not be much trouble to make them costumes. However, to appease everyone, I suggest that the outfits that should be for sale in the Crown Store should have the Dwarven metal/Thick Leather/Spidersilk models, but more natural colours.

    Metallic grey for all metal-looking armours (Argonian and Bosmer are exceptions to this, regarding appearance), brown/beige/tan or similar colours for leather ones, and earthy colours for clothing, in two variants: skirt and shirt.

    Above all, the textures should be unique (or, as different as reasonably possible), and not share any of the undyed texture colours on any lvl 36+ outfit of any quality for any of the playable races. Failing creating different textures, using all the textures from level 36 normal quality gear might not be so unreasonable.

    And why? Because adventuring costumes are important, and I've found it really sad that, for instance, my Redguards have no adventuring outfits unique to their race. And the Crown Store is actually totally devoid of any kind of Khajiit costumery (the Khajiit I have and the one I'll make with DB use Soul Shriven costumes because of this, even though only one of them is an in-character mercenary type).

    Ideally though, the character creation veteran armour textures (exactly as they appear there) to go with the same models would be great, as they're so stunning.

    Also, a slot in collections for weapon/shield skins of the level 36+ variety, so that your level 14 iron sword and maple shield, for instance, will actually match your veteran costume.
    Branovices wrote: »
    It's bizarre that they don't have a name change service at this point. I can't think of a single other MMO that doesn't provide that service.

    Anywho, my most wanted features:

    1. Name Change

    2. Barbershop

    3. Being able to save your own outfits as cosmetic costumes

    Failing the above, feature 3 in the quote would be great, so long as the level limit applied to the outfit parts does not apply to the costume window (that is, while a character fresh from the Wailing Prison would not be able to wear level 36 outfit parts as gear, they would be able to wear them as costume pieces).

    I would also like to add one more item to my wishlist: Dremora skin (not polymorph, and definitely not race, just skin), so we could see our outfits/costumes with it.
    Edited by sentientomega on May 6, 2016 4:22AM
  • Domino44G
    Malukah as a traveling bard to accompany me through my travels. If you have a mount, she's on one. If you walk or run, she does. It would be cool to actually have a traveling bard with me and IF music can actually ever be synced properly, you could play along with her, earning money from players and NPCs alike. Without out her as an item, you would not be able to entertain for profit but, she would enable a sort of entertainment account linked to your bank, making performance role playing an actuall and profitable reality. Since Malukah has already contributed to Elder Scrolls Online music, it would be cool if she was the bard.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Auction Horse

  • Domino44G
    Ooo, good idea! With that said, auctions in general!
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Domino44G wrote: »
    Ooo, good idea! With that said, auctions in general!

    I never said that an do not wish to flogged and walked across the map with people from the trade guilds shouting SHAME either ...
  • Domino44G
    I don't understand what you mean...
  • DevonoftheDrakeSeal
    I'd like race changes for console for people who want to explore different set ups with the same character 1000 crowns would pay often
    Edited by DevonoftheDrakeSeal on May 6, 2016 6:40PM
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