Hey guys! Thanks for looking at my post, so lets get started! First off my GT is Daedxz, I am the Guild Master of Cannon Fodder and I have been playing TESO since before the release of the public beta on PC. I just recently switched over to Xbox One, the move was hard and sad in some cases with my characters but well worth it. I have had a great many adventures with tons of friends and overall I have enjoyed this game a lot both on PC and Xbox. Our guild which is new has both experienced players and new players. We do not discriminate for ignorance of the game. If you are a new player and have all of the requirements below then this is the place for you! With all of that being said.... Let it be known that this is not a trade guild; we do not even allow members to sell in the guild store. This is purely a mature friendly helpful environment (with a twist of sick humor) type of guild. We PVP together, we do dungeons together, we plan on raiding once we have more people. And above all else we help one another. This is a family guild. We watch out for our own.
Here are the requirements to join!
1. MUST be 21 years or older to join.
2. MUST have a working headset and be active in our little community.
3. All levels are welcome.
If you wish to join us leave your GT below and give us a little explanation of your experiences inside TESO or any mmorpg. New player? Experienced? Pvper? Raider? Are you familiar with any other elder scrolls games? We like to see detail, I will not simply invite someone who leaves their GT and only that. Show some pride people!
GT-Daedxz, Guild Master of "Cannon Fodder" Xbox One, American Servers/DC for lyfe. I kill I steal I conquer