I corrected this for you. Now can you tell us why do you think that DKs has the best stand your ground defense?CatchMeTrolling wrote: »Dks had the best stand your ground defense
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
I corrected this for you. Now can you tell us why do you think that DKs has the best stand your ground defense?CatchMeTrolling wrote: »Dks had the best stand your ground defense
I corrected this for you. Now can you tell us why do you think that DKs has the best stand your ground defense?CatchMeTrolling wrote: »Dks had the best stand your ground defense
just linking an example:https://youtu.be/i1TzE54GVm4