Hi, a little about our guild....
- We have completed Hel Ra and AA for both speed run and leaderboard score, currently placing in the top 2% for AD and getting a weekly v14 legendary item for doing so.
- We have multiple groups that complete VDSA multiple times a week
- We are a guild that has a strong community and high activity to total player ratio, on weekends it's not uncommon to have 100+ members online out of the total 280 in guild, no other guilds can provide this level of activity for pure PVE
- Our guild chat 1 is how you find groups within minutes, we have anywhere from 10-30 active players in chat lounging and socializing until a group is being formed for anything
- We run two trial groups every Wednesday and Saturday at 9PM EST
- Our officers are some of the most helpful players you'll ever meet, often if you're in a group with one and an item that's highly sought after they'll either sell it to you for dirt cheap or give it to you
Now what we seek from our members
- Use this guild as a tool to find groups
- Mic is requires, not a kinect
- Must be veteran rank
- Be active in guild chat
- If looking for trials group ensure you must be v14 with high level of skill and gear
For questions or an invite leave your GT here and I'll get with you before the day is over