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AD - NA - Everlasting Conquest - The guild that replaces LFG! Veteran Rank Only!

Hi, a little about our guild....
- We have completed Hel Ra and AA for both speed run and leaderboard score, currently placing in the top 2% for AD and getting a weekly v14 legendary item for doing so.
- We have multiple groups that complete VDSA multiple times a week
- We are a guild that has a strong community and high activity to total player ratio, on weekends it's not uncommon to have 100+ members online out of the total 280 in guild, no other guilds can provide this level of activity for pure PVE
- Our guild chat 1 is how you find groups within minutes, we have anywhere from 10-30 active players in chat lounging and socializing until a group is being formed for anything
- We run two trial groups every Wednesday and Saturday at 9PM EST
- Our officers are some of the most helpful players you'll ever meet, often if you're in a group with one and an item that's highly sought after they'll either sell it to you for dirt cheap or give it to you

Now what we seek from our members
- Use this guild as a tool to find groups
- Mic is requires, not a kinect
- Must be veteran rank
- Be active in guild chat
- If looking for trials group ensure you must be v14 with high level of skill and gear

For questions or an invite leave your GT here and I'll get with you before the day is over
  • lightsourced
    Hello! This sounds like exactly what I'm looking for! I'm a Vet 1, but am on every day and progressing quickly. I love dungeons and am looking to progress towards VDSA. I'm mature and friendly, looking for fun people to PvE with!! Thank you for your consideration.

    Please invite: LightSourced
  • SirAndy
    no other guilds can provide this level of activity for pure PVE
    Oh really? And how exactly would you know that?
  • Hordemasterr
    You're right Andy , I don't know it to be an absolute truth, but I know it's true for the members in this guild and their experiences with others
  • Serendipitie
    Soul Shriven
    Hi! I am V9 & would like to join. GT - serendipitie
  • Wolfians
    Soul Shriven
    I am VR11 and would like to join. GT Wolfians11
  • Hordemasterr
    Invites sent! Running two trial groups!
  • zeroxan
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interested in a PVE guild, would my vet 1 Templar be ok? Still learning but definitely want to progress through vet content more.

    gt is zeroxan if you would throw an invite
  • Nystora
    GT: Nystora
    VR 6 healer
    Edited by Nystora on August 31, 2015 12:00AM
  • Hordemasterr
    Any vet level is welcome to join the guild, v14 is REQUIRED to participate in trials!
  • Hordemasterr
    Guild Fact - We run V14s (That have shown high activity and a desire to be a critical player of the guild) through VDSA to test them out for hard mode trials!
  • Hordemasterr
    Guild Fact - We avarage 80 members online during weeknights and as high as 120+ on weekends, and we only have 300 total members!
  • Carterboy254
    Gt XxD Cart3rxX
    Vet 16 Stam Nightblade
    Was in this guild when the game came out but accident left it
    Would love another invite
    This guild makes finding groups so much better
    Gt on Xbox One: OhMyItsSlim

    Hello My fellow Gaming brothers && sisters I host gameplay of all kind of games such as ESo, Battlefront, Rainbow 6 siege, 2k, COD, and many more While streaming I offer gameplay hints and tips on anything your heart desire such as combos, money making tips, fast grinds etc. I will answer all questions and absolutely love all my viewers. All I ask is that you come watch me stream from time to time and tell your friends to come watch and follow my Twitch and twitter.

  • TiJayO
    Soul Shriven
    AD v11 sorc v5 healer...looking for active guilds. Mature group of people playing a game and having fun...I'm at 50 on blacksmithing woodworking and light armor..42 on enchanting...happy to make gear at mats cost for all guildies..

    GT is GunNRunz
  • NinjaCatherine
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I am a v16 templar healer and would love to run dungeons and trials. I have an alt character with 8 traits in heavy and 7-8 traits in light and 8-9 traits in woodworking. I have 50 in all crafting skills and can also make psijic ambrosia.
  • NinjaCatherine
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry I am 'A Stormy Night' lol
  • mhasanbulli
    Hello. I am a VR14 Templar healer/DPS. Looking for a guild to do PvE including Craglorn group activities. If you are still active, can I get an invite? Thank you.

    GT: Thyones.
  • Flyinshoe
    V16 Magicka NB.. DPS or healing. Superflyinshoe is my tag please shoot an invite!
  • TheFirk
    V16 Dps invite The Firk please!
  • ChristianChip
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, I am also interested in joining
    I am a v16 Sorcerer DPS
    GT: cHip o62
    Thank you
  • Hordemasterr
    Guild Fact, we are one of the only AD guilds that has all trials completed, and 2/3 of the hard modes competed!
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