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Which Class do YOU feel is Overpowered?

  • Ecstatica
    Chibs wrote: »
    Dear Zeni,

    Please nerf rock, paper is fine.


    This ^^
    Filthy Gorgeous
  • Flameheart
    None of the Above
    I vote for:
    1. NPC archers, because if you let them do their skill shots they do a freaking amount of damage on light armor wearers. NPC archers are the secret boss mobs in this game
    1. Xyvkin healers in WGT, because all healer classes/builds just pale in compare to them.
    Edited by Flameheart on October 28, 2015 4:17PM
    Sometimes the prey turns and nips us... it's a small thing.

    So let the snow flakes and unicorns dance alone until they melt or vanish from existence, we will finish up with those smart enough to stay in the glowing circle of love.

    Selissi - CP 1k+ Redguard Stamina Nightblade (Ebonheart Pact)
    Silmerel - CP 1k+ Breton Magicka Templar (Ebonheart Pact)
    Sunja - CP 1k+ Dunmer Magicka Nightblade (Ebonheart Pact)
    Suldreni - CP 1k+ Dunmer Magicka Dragonknight (Ebonheart Pact)
    Sulhelka - CP 1k+ Altmer Magicka Sorcerer (Ebonheart Pact)
    Sylundine - CP 1k+ Breton Magicka Warden (Ebonheart Pact)

  • xXNesTXx
    None of the Above
    Tholian1 wrote: »
    xXNesTXx wrote: »
    None of the above = Nightblades

    They're the majority and on denial.

    Nightblades = guys who needs a tons of L2P

    The people who vote "None" is simply because know their own faults when are killed by a different class....

    When NB gets nerfed? who is the next? Sorcs? or DK? Templar obviously not, because you are a templar......

    NB players will adapt if/when cloak gets nerfed, just like they did before cloak was "fixed". But it won't stop there. They will demand more nerfs to the class, until it is basically ineffective as a Rogue/Assassin type and all the bad players can easily win against them.

    Yep Surprise Attack needs a nerf, Mass Hysteria needs a nerf, Stealth damage bonus needs a nerf, speed bonuses needs a nerf, and basically all useful skills of NB needs a nerf...until NB class are turned in a dummy class who can be killed by those kind of players who only knows play running in front of enemies spamming one single skill until they are killed by a huge group....turning into forum warriors claiming nerfs for all instead learn to play....
    EU PS4 Ebonheart Pact

    NB Stam VR16 Breton
    NB Stam VR16 Khajiit
    NB Mag VR16 Breton
    Templar Mag VR16 Nord
    Sorc Mag VR8 High Elf
    DK Stam VR10 Red Guard
  • americansteel
    As a PvP magicka templar I feel really bad for dragonknights. They are just cannon fodder to me. If it was an under-powered poll I would vote for them.
    yup even a Templar nord magic dps I am I still feel underpowered.
    ku5h wrote: »
    when i play nightblade: sorcerer is over powered, all those shields stop my crits so my damage sucks and they can bolt through me if i try to stealth or just to get away. not to mention phoenix set with reduced crit damage when it does land.

    when i play sorc Dk is overpowered: reflecting all my spells back at me, and roots to drain my stamina till i cant escape.

    when i play DK templar is overpowered, I cant reflect channeled abilities, the jabs knock back wastes my stamina if i try to block or because i need to cc. and my damage is so low and has no burst they heal through it and purge any dots.

    When i play templar nightblade is overpowered. the stealth burst opener using lethal arrow to debuff my healing on top of it weave with disease enchant on bow, and there is no visual indicator. if i dont purge as soon as it hits they ambush in and stun lock me, and if i get a purge and heal off and counter, they stealth or fear and just repeat.

    When is Sorc op then haha or you don't play them?

    This just shows how much you read posts before you start your cry nerf talk... Answer to your question is in first part of first sentence. But why read post, right, when you can just not read it, and go straight to trolling and crying nerf NBs, like i see you are doing all over this forum.
    sorcs are the ones crying they don't need a nerf because they don't want to lose those precious ability functions they have, excuse me while I leave this here (shield stacking) and ridiculous amount of CP

  • xXNesTXx
    None of the Above
    sorcs are the ones crying they don't need a nerf because they don't want to lose those precious ability functions they have, excuse me while I leave this here (shield stacking) and ridiculous amount of CP

    That is obvious, nobody who are claiming nerfs, claim nerfs of her own class, and curiously her class is the most nerfed/ forgotten by devs of the game....but you never can see any comment talking about her own lack of skill.....

    Forum warriors.... destroying games since internet beginnings.....
    EU PS4 Ebonheart Pact

    NB Stam VR16 Breton
    NB Stam VR16 Khajiit
    NB Mag VR16 Breton
    Templar Mag VR16 Nord
    Sorc Mag VR8 High Elf
    DK Stam VR10 Red Guard
  • pjwb16_ESO
    Dragon Knight
    Magicka DKs can solo whole raid, dropping banner every 10 s spamming talons and impulse and reflecting everything with scales, clearly op pls nerf zeni
    ~ here since Beta

    My Youtube Channel:

    EU Server PC @Elendiel
    Fyrusha - NB AD
    Auri-ele - Sorc AD
    Watch me Nae Nae - Magicka DK AD
    Watch me Whip - Magicka DK DC
    Schnuggii - Bubble Templar AD
  • Cody
    None of the Above
    pjwb16_ESO wrote: »
    Magicka DKs can solo whole raid, dropping banner every 10 s spamming talons and impulse and reflecting everything with scales, clearly op pls nerf zeni

    you mean Premared, an Ad emp back in the days of Wabbajack. No DK could possibly do that nowadays unless their enemies just stood there.
    None of the Above
    pjwb16_ESO wrote: »
    Magicka DKs can solo whole raid, dropping banner every 10 s spamming talons and impulse and reflecting everything with scales, clearly op pls nerf zeni

    Don't forget! Us DK's can fly over the entire map and pop out magic skittles that burn everything down! ;)
  • Senaxu
    None of the Above
    AfkNinja wrote: »

    "Templar has strong CC." No, Templar has decent SINGLE TARGET crowd control. No aoe crowd control and our snare is on our Ultimate "Nova".
    Templar has strong CC. Well, lets start count my friend:
    1. Puncturing Strikes -> AoEline knockback
    2. Piercing Javelin -> Single knockback -> Single knockdown
    3. Explosive Charge/Toppling Charge -> Single interrupt/stun // Single interrupt/stun/set of balance
    4. Spear Shards -> AoE Stun
    5. Solar Prison -> AoE Snare
    AfkNinja wrote: »

    "Templar has strong gap closer." NO, we have an average gap closer that often bugs out and causes us to get stuck in the animation.
    Which other class has a gapcloser with a knockback and a knockdown?
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    "Best execute in game" Hahahaha no. Radiant Destruction is a loss in dps until 15% enemy HP, can now be dodged as well AND this execute is for Magicka only. It has also been nerfed in every patch since it was released to us. It needs to be removed and Blinding Flashes added back.
    Are you serious? If you compare it (same amount of spelldamage and magica) with Impale or Mages' Wrath its the best if the target is below 30% HP. Maybe its more usefull in PvE than in PvP cause of the channel, but thats the reason that it beat the other two executes. And i dont know about impale but you can dodge the Mages' Wrath too and also there is not stamina morph for Mages' Wrath.
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    "Blazing Shield on max HP saves the day." Hahahahahahaha NO. To even use blazing shield you have to dump all your points into health and sacrifice sustain AND damage. So you have 2 options sacrifice all your dmg and sustain to get a good shield or just don't use it at all. Most Templar go for the latter.

    Ok you have to get more knowledge about the templar and try different builds cause with 5 pieces twicebornstar (use atronach and a 2nd what you like), 2 pieces of endurance, 1 undaunted and you will get over 35k HP in PvP with about 30k magica. and also you should have enough sustain. but well it's an option and if you dont play it its up to you.

    Unbroken EU
    Senaxu - AD Sorcerer
    Senaxu's Smurf - DC Sorcerer
    PvE-Scores(2.1): AA: 1182439 - 06:58 | HR: 114065 - 06:56 | SO: 151067 - 12:27 | DSA: 23457 - 34:36
    "There is still room up"
  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    Classes with no instant cast abilities got hit quite hard with the new 50% dmg mitigation.
    Still I think Sorc is the strongest in burst in pvp atm and they have mobility+shields like a pro and no problemo killing ppl.
    Edited by Alcast on October 29, 2015 1:03PM - Builds & Guides - Sets, Skills, Guides & News - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  • AfkNinja
    None of the Above
    Senaxu wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »

    "Templar has strong CC." No, Templar has decent SINGLE TARGET crowd control. No aoe crowd control and our snare is on our Ultimate "Nova".
    Templar has strong SINGLE TARGET CC. Well, lets start count my friend:
    1. Puncturing Strikes -> Single Target knockback .5 sec gives CC Immunity
    2. Piercing Javelin -> Single knockback/3 sec knockdown
    3. Explosive Charge/Toppling Charge -> Single interrupt/stun // Single interrupt/stun/set of balance
    4. Spear Shards -> Single Target Stun
    5. Solar Prison -> AoE Snare (Ultimate, lol)

    Notice a theme? SINGLE target? As I said in the line you quoted...why are you proving my points for me?
    AfkNinja wrote: »

    "Templar has strong gap closer." NO, we have an average gap closer that often bugs out and causes us to get stuck in the animation.
    Which other class has a gapcloser with a knockback and a knockdown? All classes have a gap closer, you still haven't proven a point. Why does it being a knockdown matter? NB has Ambush, 1.5 sec stun and Empower and never bugs out. Sorc has Bolt Escape 1.5 sec stun and doesn't require a target. DK has chains 1.5 sec stun and gap close.

    AfkNinja wrote: »
    "Best execute in game" Hahahaha no. Radiant Destruction is a loss in dps until 15% enemy HP, can now be dodged as well AND this execute is for Magicka only. It has also been nerfed in every patch since it was released to us. It needs to be removed and Blinding Flashes added back.
    Are you serious? If you compare it (same amount of spelldamage and magica) with Impale or Mages' Wrath its the best if the target is below 15% HP. Maybe its more usefull in PvE than in PvP cause of the channel(correct), but that's the reason that it beat the other two executes(Compare it to more please). And i don't know about impale but you can dodge the Mages' Wrath too and also there is no stamina morph for Mages' Wrath. If you are right and it's the best execute I will concede the point, however you didn't prove anything you only compared it to NB and Sorc class executes. What about the rest?
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    "Blazing Shield on max HP saves the day." Hahahahahahaha NO. To even use blazing shield you have to dump all your points into health and sacrifice sustain AND damage. So you have 2 options sacrifice all your dmg and sustain to get a good shield or just don't use it at all. Most Templar go for the latter.

    Ok you have to get more knowledge about the templar and try different builds cause with 5 pieces twicebornstar (use atronach and a 2nd what you like), 2 pieces of endurance, 1 undaunted and you will get over 35k HP in PvP with about 30k magica. and also you should have enough sustain. but well it's an option and if you dont play it its up to you.

    I have to get more knowledge huh? Let's take a look.

    35,000 health you say? OH WOW SO IMPRESSIVE! You realize in pvp that's a shield of like 5200 right? For 6 seconds. OMG IT'S SO GOOD! Most Templar have moved on from this skill because it just got double nerfed. Yet here you are singing it's praises for a shield that will at BEST absorb 1 attack. To get the shield to this pathetic value you also have to sacrifice some of your stats and lose DPS. But you're right, clearly I am the one who doesn't know what he's talking about. To make it work requires CP, if something REQUIRES CP to work it's broken and you should instead be using those CP to buff something that's already good.

    You only compare our execute with Magic class executes yet you claim it's better than all executes period. All I was arguing is that statement is false. If I am wrong just show me it's better than ALL executes as you stated. Also Radiant Destruction is worthless to a Stamina Templar.

    Pardon my sarcasm, I'm not targeting you personally I just disagree with you. Please don't try the "L2P" again.
    Edited by AfkNinja on October 29, 2015 3:57PM
  • TheNephilimCrow
    None of the Above
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    Senaxu wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »

    "Templar has strong CC." No, Templar has decent SINGLE TARGET crowd control. No aoe crowd control and our snare is on our Ultimate "Nova".
    Templar has strong SINGLE TARGET CC. Well, lets start count my friend:
    1. Puncturing Strikes -> Single Target knockback .5 sec gives CC Immunity
    2. Piercing Javelin -> Single knockback/3 sec knockdown
    3. Explosive Charge/Toppling Charge -> Single interrupt/stun // Single interrupt/stun/set of balance
    4. Spear Shards -> Single Target Stun
    5. Solar Prison -> AoE Snare (Ultimate, lol)

    Notice a theme? SINGLE target? As I said in the line you quoted...why are you proving my points for me?
    AfkNinja wrote: »

    "Templar has strong gap closer." NO, we have an average gap closer that often bugs out and causes us to get stuck in the animation.
    Which other class has a gapcloser with a knockback and a knockdown? All classes have a gap closer, you still haven't proven a point. Why does it being a knockdown matter? NB has Ambush, 1.5 sec stun and Empower and never bugs out. Sorc has Bolt Escape 1.5 sec stun and doesn't require a target. DK has chains 1.5 sec stun and gap close.

    AfkNinja wrote: »
    "Best execute in game" Hahahaha no. Radiant Destruction is a loss in dps until 15% enemy HP, can now be dodged as well AND this execute is for Magicka only. It has also been nerfed in every patch since it was released to us. It needs to be removed and Blinding Flashes added back.
    Are you serious? If you compare it (same amount of spelldamage and magica) with Impale or Mages' Wrath its the best if the target is below 15% HP. Maybe its more usefull in PvE than in PvP cause of the channel(correct), but that's the reason that it beat the other two executes(Compare it to more please). And i don't know about impale but you can dodge the Mages' Wrath too and also there is no stamina morph for Mages' Wrath. If you are right and it's the best execute I will concede the point, however you didn't prove anything you only compared it to NB and Sorc class executes. What about the rest?
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    "Blazing Shield on max HP saves the day." Hahahahahahaha NO. To even use blazing shield you have to dump all your points into health and sacrifice sustain AND damage. So you have 2 options sacrifice all your dmg and sustain to get a good shield or just don't use it at all. Most Templar go for the latter.

    Ok you have to get more knowledge about the templar and try different builds cause with 5 pieces twicebornstar (use atronach and a 2nd what you like), 2 pieces of endurance, 1 undaunted and you will get over 35k HP in PvP with about 30k magica. and also you should have enough sustain. but well it's an option and if you dont play it its up to you.

    I have to get more knowledge huh? Let's take a look.

    35,000 health you say? OH WOW SO IMPRESSIVE! You realize in pvp that's a shield of like 5200 right? For 6 seconds. OMG IT'S SO GOOD! Most Templar have moved on from this skill because it just got double nerfed. Yet here you are singing it's praises for a shield that will at BEST absorb 1 attack. To get the shield to this pathetic value you also have to sacrifice some of your stats and lose DPS. But you're right, clearly I am the one who doesn't know what he's talking about. To make it work requires CP, if something REQUIRES CP to work it's broken and you should instead be using those CP to buff something that's already good.

    You only compare our execute with Magic class executes yet you claim it's better than all executes period. All I was arguing is that statement is false. If I am wrong just show me it's better than ALL executes as you stated. Also Radiant Destruction is worthless to a Stamina Templar.

    Pardon my sarcasm, I'm not targeting you personally I just disagree with you. Please don't try the "L2P" again.

    I think you are missing understanding his argument and allot of it comes from personal experience versus numbers. Anything can be made to be overpowered, as I'm sure you are smart enough to understand. Radiant Destruction is one of the top used Executes. Even for a time, when energy beams were turned off by mistake, it became even worse. You couldn't find out who was hitting you with what, but that's not part of the topic, just an observation. Anyway, the point is, Radiant Destruction is not as bad as you are saying it is. I know top level players who use it to add the finishing touches to a combo. I've seen others use it as a back up attack and execute all at the same time. It eats through allot of people.

    The shield he is talking about is greater than allot of other shields. Let me give you an example. Nightblades. The glorified "OP" class, has no damage shields. The only ones we can get is through weapons. Allot of people fall back on Healing Ward or Ally Ward for anything and a few times, Harness Magicka, because mainly people run Mag builds. These wards cover less than the 5200 you say is crap. Healing Ward, for my VR10, lvl 50 Resto, NB is 1,120 damage shield and heals for a percentage. Those would argue the heal is the greatest part, which it is, but it is not a sustainable damage shield.

    Even stacked with Harness Magicka, which is a spell damage exclusive, will add an additional 3k spell shield. So... you may think its crap and that it isn't a L2P issue, but Nightblades are "over-powered" because its the best adapting class. Where you are FORCED to survive. Though, it is the most undershield, under-selfhealing, squishy class in the game.

    Where as I do not agree with some of his chosen words, he isn't wrong about the facts he has presented.
    PSN, Youtube & Twitch: TheNephilimCrow
    [NA] ESO EP Guild (GM): The Order of Crows (PvE) - 300+ Members (Discontinued)
    [NA] ESO AD Guild (GM): The Blades of Ayrenn (PvP) - 45 Members (Actively Recruiting)

    |:Veteran Rank:|
    VR16 - AD Breton - S&S/Bow Werewolf Stamina Nightblade - Title "Savage Shadow"
    VR 1 - AD Altmer - DW/Resto Magicka Sorcerer - Title "Spellsword"

    LVL 45 - DC Bosmer - Jack of Trades (Master Provisioning, Blacksmithing, etc.)
    Lvl 22 - AD Breton - Templar - Hybrid Build - PvE - Title "The Holy Knight"
    LVL 21 - AD Imperial - Dragonknight - Tank Build (In Progress)- Title "The Copper Knight"
    Lvl 13 - AD Khajit - DW Magicka Nightblade - Title "Mystical Thief"

  • Tannakaobi
    None of the Above
    But I would add that DK's are underpowered.
  • AfkNinja
    None of the Above
    I think you are missing understanding his argument and allot of it comes from personal experience versus numbers. Anything can be made to be overpowered, as I'm sure you are smart enough to understand. You missed my point too, he is focusing on making Blazing Shield work but to get it to work you sacrifice too much. Instead of tanking your build to get a 5200 dmg 6 second shield he could instead invest in something that's not been nerfed to hell. It's just not that good of a skill, defending it is just reinforcing the fact that you don't play Templar.

    Radiant Destruction is one of the top used Executes. Even for a time, when energy beams were turned off by mistake, it became even worse. You couldn't find out who was hitting you with what, but that's not part of the topic, just an observation. Anyway, the point is, Radiant Destruction is not as bad as you are saying it is. (I never said it was bad, just denied that it's the best and explained why I feel that way) I know top level players who use it to add the finishing touches to a combo. I've seen others use it as a back up attack and execute all at the same time. It eats through allot of people. This means nothing and does not add to the argument. People use it...that makes it the best? Also, it's for Magic Templar's only.

    The shield he is talking about is greater than allot of other shields. Let me give you an example. Nightblade's. The glorified "OP" class, has no damage shields. (Doesn't need one) The only ones we can get is through weapons. Allot of people fall back on Healing Ward or Ally Ward (Magic NB only) for anything and a few times, Harness Magicka (Magic NB only), because mainly people run Mag builds. (Stamina NB is quite popular and gets way better class utility than Stamplar and can use their primary defense without losing effectiveness even if they drop nothing into MP.) These wards cover less than the 5200 you say is crap (In PVP 5200 IS crap). Healing Ward, for my VR10, lvl 50 Resto, NB is 1,120 (This seems incredibly small for a magic NB), damage shield and heals for a percentage. Those would argue the heal is the greatest part, which it is, but it is not a sustainable damage shield. Doesn't need to be, you can stealth and let it burst heal you.

    Even stacked with Harness Magicka, which is a spell damage exclusive, will add an additional 3k spell shield. So... you may think its crap and that it isn't a L2P issue, but Nightblade's are "over-powered" because its the best adapting class. (I disagree NB are OP, I believe NB are balanced and the other classes should be moved to a position where they feel complete like NB does.) Where you are FORCED to survive. Though, it is the most undershielded, under-selfhealing, squishy class in the game.

    Where as I do not agree with some of his chosen words, he isn't wrong about the facts he has presented.

    Here's the thing though. You're not a Templar, are you sure you understand the class? Explain to me how sacrificing your damage or resources to make use of a WEAK 6 SECOND shield helps. Also to GET that shield he also had to invest into MP. He said 35,000 hp and 30,000 mp. How does this help a Stamina Templar? You now have nothing invested in Stamina, you're just a gimped Magicka Templar. Going full magic and getting Breath of Life's for 2-3x that shield amount is much more effective. You also don't lose any dmg. None of this helps the Stamina Templar though. Stamina Templar is the only class whose primary built in class defense, heals, gets taken away for being a Stamina class. NB's CC all work just as well with less mana, you just can't cast them as much. Sorcerer is making huge progress on the Stamina front. Dragon Knight and Templar need serious review and re-balancing. At the very least at least let our class healing passives work with stamina heals, as it stands right now the NB's Rally, the Sorc's Rally and the DK's Rally all heal the same as the Templar ESO's supposed "HEALING SPECIALIST".
    Edited by AfkNinja on October 29, 2015 4:47PM
  • TheNephilimCrow
    None of the Above
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    I think you are missing understanding his argument and allot of it comes from personal experience versus numbers. Anything can be made to be overpowered, as I'm sure you are smart enough to understand. You missed my point too, he is focusing on making Blazing Shield work but to get it to work you sacrifice too much. Instead of tanking your build to get a 5200 dmg 6 second shield he could instead invest in something that's not been nerfed to hell. It's just not that good of a skill, defending it is just reinforcing the fact that you don't play Templar.

    Radiant Destruction is one of the top used Executes. Even for a time, when energy beams were turned off by mistake, it became even worse. You couldn't find out who was hitting you with what, but that's not part of the topic, just an observation. Anyway, the point is, Radiant Destruction is not as bad as you are saying it is. (I never said it was bad, just denied that it's the best and explained why I feel that way) I know top level players who use it to add the finishing touches to a combo. I've seen others use it as a back up attack and execute all at the same time. It eats through allot of people. This means nothing and does not add to the argument. People use it...that makes it the best? Also, it's for Magic Templar's only.

    The shield he is talking about is greater than allot of other shields. Let me give you an example. Nightblade's. The glorified "OP" class, has no damage shields. (Doesn't need one) The only ones we can get is through weapons. Allot of people fall back on Healing Ward or Ally Ward (Magic NB only) for anything and a few times, Harness Magicka (Magic NB only), because mainly people run Mag builds. (Stamina NB is quite popular and gets way better class utility than Stamplar and can use their primary defense without losing effectiveness even if they drop nothing into MP.) These wards cover less than the 5200 you say is crap (In PVP 5200 IS crap). Healing Ward, for my VR10, lvl 50 Resto, NB is 1,120 (This seems incredibly small for a magic NB), damage shield and heals for a percentage. Those would argue the heal is the greatest part, which it is, but it is not a sustainable damage shield. Doesn't need to be, you can stealth and let it burst heal you.

    Even stacked with Harness Magicka, which is a spell damage exclusive, will add an additional 3k spell shield. So... you may think its crap and that it isn't a L2P issue, but Nightblade's are "over-powered" because its the best adapting class. (I disagree NB are OP, I believe NB are balanced and the other classes should be moved to a position where they feel complete like NB does.) Where you are FORCED to survive. Though, it is the most undershielded, under-selfhealing, squishy class in the game.

    Where as I do not agree with some of his chosen words, he isn't wrong about the facts he has presented.

    Here's the thing though. You're not a Templar, are you sure you understand the class? Explain to me how sacrificing your damage or resources to make use of a WEAK 6 SECOND shield helps. Also to GET that shield he also had to invest into MP. He said 35,000 hp and 30,000 mp. How does this help a Stamina Templar? You now have nothing invested in Stamina, you're just a gimped Magicka Templar. Going full magic and getting Breath of Life's for 2-3x that shield amount is much more effective. You also don't lose any dmg. None of this helps the Stamina Templar though. Stamina Templar is the only class whose primary built in class defense, heals, gets taken away for being a Stamina class. NB's CC all work just as well with less mana, you just can't cast them as much. Sorcerer is making huge progress on the Stamina front. Dragon Knight and Templar need serious review and re-balancing. At the very least at least let our class healing passives work with stamina heals, as it stands right now the NB's Rally, the Sorc's Rally and the DK's Rally all heal the same as the Templar ESO's supposed "HEALING SPECIALIST".

    I may not be a Templar, but I've played the game and know what I've seen. I've experienced enough situations against Templars to know that Radiant Destruction and their shields aren't garbage. You complain about having to sacrifice DPS for Shields. It's the same argument people have for not wanting to slot a Cloak counter, because they feel it will take from the DPS they do. You don't realize it may be taking away from DPS, but it makes you survive longer. You can have all the DPS in the world, but without any shields, you will be dead. And when you are dead, you do zero DPS.

    It's the same reason Nightblades are forced to run Cloak because we lack in any self heals or shields. I'm sure if we had other options for us, most wouldn't run Cloak.

    You aren't worse off being Magicka or Stamina then the Nightblade class. I do not want to hear whining, because you are Stamplar and don't know how to run your class or you don't want to make adjustments like any good player would. Like the rest of us have to.
    PSN, Youtube & Twitch: TheNephilimCrow
    [NA] ESO EP Guild (GM): The Order of Crows (PvE) - 300+ Members (Discontinued)
    [NA] ESO AD Guild (GM): The Blades of Ayrenn (PvP) - 45 Members (Actively Recruiting)

    |:Veteran Rank:|
    VR16 - AD Breton - S&S/Bow Werewolf Stamina Nightblade - Title "Savage Shadow"
    VR 1 - AD Altmer - DW/Resto Magicka Sorcerer - Title "Spellsword"

    LVL 45 - DC Bosmer - Jack of Trades (Master Provisioning, Blacksmithing, etc.)
    Lvl 22 - AD Breton - Templar - Hybrid Build - PvE - Title "The Holy Knight"
    LVL 21 - AD Imperial - Dragonknight - Tank Build (In Progress)- Title "The Copper Knight"
    Lvl 13 - AD Khajit - DW Magicka Nightblade - Title "Mystical Thief"

  • americansteel
    Alcast wrote: »
    Classes with no instant cast abilities got hit quite hard with the new 50% dmg mitigation.
    Still I think Sorc is the strongest in burst in pvp atm and they have mobility+shields like a pro and no problemo killing ppl.

    some one above mention DKs and their OP talons, give me a break the DKs and Templars have been nerfed to the ground.

  • Ezareth
    After getting my ass handed to me by Sabre Ali with his shield breaker Stamblade several times last night, I'm going to have to swing my vote back to Nightblade.
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • AfkNinja
    None of the Above

    I may not be a Templar, but I've played the game and know what I've seen. I've experienced enough situations against Templars to know that Radiant Destruction and their shields aren't garbage. You complain about having to sacrifice DPS for Shields. It's the same argument people have for not wanting to slot a Cloak counter, because they feel it will take from the DPS they do. You don't realize it may be taking away from DPS, but it makes you survive longer. You can have all the DPS in the world, but without any shields, you will be dead. And when you are dead, you do zero DPS.

    It's the same reason Nightblades are forced to run Cloak because we lack in any self heals or shields. I'm sure if we had other options for us, most wouldn't run Cloak.

    You aren't worse off being Magicka or Stamina then the Nightblade class. I do not want to hear whining, because you are Stamplar and don't know how to run your class or you don't want to make adjustments like any good player would. Like the rest of us have to.

    First of all no need to resort to personal attacks. I am not "whining", I am pointing out flaws in your argument the same way you are attempting to do to mine. Second you don't HAVE to even be in this discussion as it is about TEMPLAR's and you admitted you don't even play the class so get out of here if you don't wanna hear it. I don't respond to your Nightblade posts accusing you of crying or whining.

    I'm pointing out flaws with the class because if no one points them out they become "features".

    Also Stamina Templar has nothing on Stamina NB, you play NB you should know this. Your heals, Rally/Vigor, are just as effective as a Templar's. My point is that Nightblade heals should be less than a Templar, you know because HEALING is supposed to be our strength? But for a Stamina Templar to have any use from his healing tree we have to go hybrid. THIS IS NOT FAIR. Tell me, does your Cloak stop working when you go Stamina? No. Does a Sorc lose mobility when they go stamina? No, in fact they even get better healing as Stamina Sorc than a Templar does as they have access to an extra heal which works just as good as a stamina class(Crit Surge). Does Dragon Knight lose their ability to go full turtle when they go stamina?

    I have a right to compare all stamina classes against each other, and when you do compare them the Stamina Templar comes up lacking. It's so obvious these threads pop up multiple times a week. Why are you so against the class having a review from ZOS? Stop acting like I am asking for nerfs for other classes, stop acting like I am saying Templar is a bad class, stop trying to put words in my mouth and just read what I wrote. Compare abilities side by side for each stamina class, notice how Templar is totally boned over and has been nerfed during every major patch this year.

    Make a Pro/Con list for the reasons to go as one Stamina Class over another and notice there is no reason to pick a Templar over Sorcerer. There is no reason to pick Stamplar over Stamblade, Stamblade is just better. Biting Jabs is not enough of a reason to be a Templar. I want ZOS to give the class it's identity back. Let our passives effect all heals we give, this would immediately give a REASON to chose Templar, better heals.
  • AfkNinja
    None of the Above

    I may not be a Templar, but I've played the game and know what I've seen. I've experienced enough situations against Templars to know that Radiant Destruction and their shields aren't garbage. You complain about having to sacrifice DPS for Shields. It's the same argument people have for not wanting to slot a Cloak counter, because they feel it will take from the DPS they do. You don't realize it may be taking away from DPS, but it makes you survive longer. You can have all the DPS in the world, but without any shields, you will be dead. And when you are dead, you do zero DPS.

    It's the same reason Nightblades are forced to run Cloak because we lack in any self heals or shields. I'm sure if we had other options for us, most wouldn't run Cloak.

    You aren't worse off being Magicka or Stamina then the Nightblade class. I do not want to hear whining, because you are Stamplar and don't know how to run your class or you don't want to make adjustments like any good player would. Like the rest of us have to.

    First of all no need to resort to personal attacks. I am not "whining", I am pointing out flaws in your argument the same way you are attempting to do to mine. Second you don't HAVE to even be in this discussion as it is about TEMPLAR's and you admitted you don't even play the class so get out of here if you don't wanna hear it. I don't respond to your Nightblade posts accusing you of crying or whining.

    I'm pointing out flaws with the class because if no one points them out they become "features".

    Also Stamina Templar has nothing on Stamina NB, you play NB you should know this. Your heals, Rally/Vigor, are just as effective as a Templar's. My point is that Nightblade heals should be less than a Templar, you know because HEALING is supposed to be our strength? But for a Stamina Templar to have any use from his healing tree we have to go hybrid. THIS IS NOT FAIR. Tell me, does your Cloak stop working when you go Stamina? No. Does a Sorc lose mobility when they go stamina? No, in fact they even get better healing as Stamina Sorc than a Templar does as they have access to an extra heal which works just as good as a stamina class(Crit Surge). Does Dragon Knight lose their ability to go full turtle when they go stamina?

    I have a right to compare all stamina classes against each other, and when you do compare them the Stamina Templar comes up lacking. It's so obvious these threads pop up multiple times a week. Why are you so against the class having a review from ZOS? Stop acting like I am asking for nerfs for other classes, stop acting like I am saying Templar is a bad class, stop trying to put words in my mouth and just read what I wrote. Compare abilities side by side for each stamina class, notice how Templar is totally boned over and has been nerfed during every major patch this year.

    Make a Pro/Con list for the reasons to go as one Stamina Class over another and notice there is no reason to pick a Templar over Sorcerer. There is no reason to pick Stamplar over Stamblade, Stamblade is just better. Biting Jabs is not enough of a reason to be a Templar. I want ZOS to give the class it's identity back. Let our passives effect all heals we give, this would immediately give a REASON to chose Templar, better heals. [/quote]

    P.S. All of your arguments revolve around switching to Magicka Templar which is not something I'm going to do. I will not reroll my favorite class just because ZOS messed up Stamina Templar. I will keep pushing for adjustments until I feel Templar and Dragon Knight are as balanced as Nightblade and Sorcerer.
    Edited by AfkNinja on October 29, 2015 6:52PM
  • TheNephilimCrow
    None of the Above
    AfkNinja wrote: »

    I may not be a Templar, but I've played the game and know what I've seen. I've experienced enough situations against Templars to know that Radiant Destruction and their shields aren't garbage. You complain about having to sacrifice DPS for Shields. It's the same argument people have for not wanting to slot a Cloak counter, because they feel it will take from the DPS they do. You don't realize it may be taking away from DPS, but it makes you survive longer. You can have all the DPS in the world, but without any shields, you will be dead. And when you are dead, you do zero DPS.

    It's the same reason Nightblades are forced to run Cloak because we lack in any self heals or shields. I'm sure if we had other options for us, most wouldn't run Cloak.

    You aren't worse off being Magicka or Stamina then the Nightblade class. I do not want to hear whining, because you are Stamplar and don't know how to run your class or you don't want to make adjustments like any good player would. Like the rest of us have to.

    First of all no need to resort to personal attacks. I am not "whining", I am pointing out flaws in your argument the same way you are attempting to do to mine. Second you don't HAVE to even be in this discussion as it is about TEMPLAR's and you admitted you don't even play the class so get out of here if you don't wanna hear it. I don't respond to your Nightblade posts accusing you of crying or whining.
    Firstly, you insult my intelligence of the matter, because I haven't VR16'd a Templar and taken him into battle myself. Which is quite uncalled for. Just because I don't have experience playing the class, I have hundreds of hours fighting the class. Which makes me qualified to debate this.

    Also Stamina Templar has nothing on Stamina NB, you play NB you should know this. Your heals, Rally/Vigor, are just as effective as a Templar's.

    Our heals? Those aren't our heals. Those are Weapon and Alliance War skills, accessible to everyone, even you.

    My point is that Nightblade heals should be less than a Templar, you know because HEALING is supposed to be our strength? But for a Stamina Templar to have any use from his healing tree we have to go hybrid. THIS IS NOT FAIR.

    Again, Nightblades do not have heals. So, I'm assuming if the effects of Vigor and Rally stay the same for each class, then Templar is not excluded from that. So you could use these same abilities like Nightblades are forced to.

    Tell me, does your Cloak stop working when you go Stamina? No.

    Actually, it does get majorly effected. The skill cost increases with every level from what I've discovered. If you are a Stamblade then your "infinite" use of the ability gets cut in half to maybe 4-5 casts, if your recovery for Magicka is at least semi decent.
    Does a Sorc lose mobility when they go stamina? No, in fact they even get better healing as Stamina Sorc than a Templar does as they have access to an extra heal which works just as good as a stamina class(Crit Surge).

    Okay, so, what I am not understanding is that you are saying this class can heal better then you, too? Just because they have extra healing they can access? The only thing that class has specifically is Exchange and that comes at the cost of either Magicka or Stamina and it isn't an instant cast.

    If you are having all these issues being out healed because someone uses a skill that is publically accessible, then one can only assume the best fix for it is using that skill. Since, again, it is accessible to everyone once unlocked.

    Does Dragon Knight lose their ability to go full turtle when they go stamina?

    Well, considering how all DKs have been saying they can't tank anymore, yes, yes they do.
    I have a right to compare all stamina classes against each other, and when you do compare them the Stamina Templar comes up lacking. It's so obvious these threads pop up multiple times a week. Why are you so against the class having a review from ZOS? Stop acting like I am asking for nerfs for other classes, stop acting like I am saying Templar is a bad class, stop trying to put words in my mouth and just read what I wrote. Compare abilities side by side for each stamina class, notice how Templar is totally boned over and has been nerfed during every major patch this year.

    I haven't told you that they shouldn't review it. I didn't say you were asking for nerfs. If anything, you would be asking for a buff. So, not sure why you felt the need to address this to me.
    Make a Pro/Con list for the reasons to go as one Stamina Class over another and notice there is no reason to pick a Templar over Sorcerer. There is no reason to pick Stamplar over Stamblade, Stamblade is just better. Biting Jabs is not enough of a reason to be a Templar. I want ZOS to give the class it's identity back. Let our passives effect all heals we give, this would immediately give a REASON to chose Templar, better heals.

    I plan on doing Templar next, so, these reasons don't apply to everyone. Please do not speak for the community.

    P.S. All of your arguments revolve around switching to Magicka Templar which is not something I'm going to do. I will not reroll my favorite class just because ZOS messed up Stamina Templar. I will keep pushing for adjustments until I feel Templar and Dragon Knight are as balanced as Nightblade and Sorcerer.

    I'm not telling you to re-roll at Magicka Templar. I'm just showing you that you misunderstand his original argument. Your angry overtook your approach to this and it is clearly obvious in your response to me now. So...

    Edited by TheNephilimCrow on October 29, 2015 8:01PM
    PSN, Youtube & Twitch: TheNephilimCrow
    [NA] ESO EP Guild (GM): The Order of Crows (PvE) - 300+ Members (Discontinued)
    [NA] ESO AD Guild (GM): The Blades of Ayrenn (PvP) - 45 Members (Actively Recruiting)

    |:Veteran Rank:|
    VR16 - AD Breton - S&S/Bow Werewolf Stamina Nightblade - Title "Savage Shadow"
    VR 1 - AD Altmer - DW/Resto Magicka Sorcerer - Title "Spellsword"

    LVL 45 - DC Bosmer - Jack of Trades (Master Provisioning, Blacksmithing, etc.)
    Lvl 22 - AD Breton - Templar - Hybrid Build - PvE - Title "The Holy Knight"
    LVL 21 - AD Imperial - Dragonknight - Tank Build (In Progress)- Title "The Copper Knight"
    Lvl 13 - AD Khajit - DW Magicka Nightblade - Title "Mystical Thief"

  • Cody
    None of the Above
    Ezareth wrote: »
    After getting my ass handed to me by Sabre Ali with his shield breaker Stamblade several times last night, I'm going to have to swing my vote back to Nightblade.

    you are going to vote the NB because a famously skilled player, who is better than most, did well with a class? that would be like me saying BE is OP because you did well with it.
  • AfkNinja
    None of the Above

    Firstly, you insult my intelligence of the matter, because I haven't VR16'd a Templar and taken him into battle myself. Which is quite uncalled for. Just because I don't have experience playing the class, I have hundreds of hours fighting the class. Which makes me qualified to debate this.

    First, you started the personal attacks by trying to "dismiss" my argument as whining. I didn't insult your intelligence, I merely pointed out you have no first had experience with the class which is true.
    Also Stamina Templar has nothing on Stamina NB, you play NB you should know this. Your heals, Rally/Vigor, are just as effective as a Templar's.

    Our heals? Those aren't our heals. Those are Weapon and Alliance War skills, accessible to everyone, even you.

    Yes that is exactly what I was saying. Stamina classes have to rely on specific heals cause they are the only stamina heals. Did you miss the part where I emphasized that a Stamina NB has the same healing capacity as a Stamina Templar? So not only can the Stamblade heal as well as I can but they get cloak and fear on top as a bonus. My point is the Healing class can not heal better than the others meaning when you chose Stamina Templar you lose your class identity.
    My point is that Nightblade heals should be less than a Templar, you know because HEALING is supposed to be our strength? But for a Stamina Templar to have any use from his healing tree we have to go hybrid. THIS IS NOT FAIR.

    Again, Nightblades do not have heals. So, I'm assuming if the effects of Vigor and Rally stay the same for each class, then Templar is not excluded from that. So you could use these same abilities like Nightblades are forced to.

    Nightblade absolutely has heals, do you play it? Funnel Health? Sap Essence? Clearly I am not as aware of NB capabilities as you but don't deny you have heals. A Magicka NB can heal quite well according to all the healer NB's all over these forums.
    Tell me, does your Cloak stop working when you go Stamina? No.

    Actually, it does get majorly effected. The skill cost increases with every level from what I've discovered. If you are a Stamblade then your "infinite" use of the ability gets cut in half to maybe 4-5 casts, if your recovery for Magicka is at least semi decent.

    Yes I am aware of this. I was pointing out though, that the spell is still 100% effective even if you can't cast it as much. You don't lost it by choosing Stamina. Would you feel it fair for your NB if when you chose stamina the cloak changed from 2.9 secs to 1? Just for being stamina? Same with your fear, would it be fair if it was cut to 1/2 effectiveness because you chose stamina?
    Does a Sorc lose mobility when they go stamina? No, in fact they even get better healing as Stamina Sorc than a Templar does as they have access to an extra heal which works just as good as a stamina class(Crit Surge).

    Okay, so, what I am not understanding is that you are saying this class can heal better then you, too? Just because they have extra healing they can access? The only thing that class has specifically is Exchange and that comes at the cost of either Magicka or Stamina and it isn't an instant cast.

    For Sorcerer I was specifically referring to Critical Surge which heals you 40% of dmg done on a crit. Stamina Sorc's have more healing available than a Stamina Templar. Notice the theme? Notice why I want changes?

    If you are having all these issues being out healed because someone uses a skill that is publically accessible, then one can only assume the best fix for it is using that skill. Since, again, it is accessible to everyone once unlocked.

    Does Dragon Knight lose their ability to go full turtle when they go stamina?

    Well, considering how all DKs have been saying they can't tank anymore, yes, yes they do.

    And it needs to be fixed, if you actually read everything I wrote today you would know I want Dragon Knight looked at just as badly even though it's not a class I play. I want BALANCE for everyone.
    I have a right to compare all stamina classes against each other, and when you do compare them the Stamina Templar comes up lacking. It's so obvious these threads pop up multiple times a week. Why are you so against the class having a review from ZOS? Stop acting like I am asking for nerfs for other classes, stop acting like I am saying Templar is a bad class, stop trying to put words in my mouth and just read what I wrote. Compare abilities side by side for each stamina class, notice how Templar is totally boned over and has been nerfed during every major patch this year.

    I haven't told you that they shouldn't review it. I didn't say you were asking for nerfs. If anything, you would be asking for a buff. So, not sure why you felt the need to address this to me.

    Because you were dismissing my arguments as whining when clearly what I am doing is asking for balance changes.
    Make a Pro/Con list for the reasons to go as one Stamina Class over another and notice there is no reason to pick a Templar over Sorcerer. There is no reason to pick Stamplar over Stamblade, Stamblade is just better. Biting Jabs is not enough of a reason to be a Templar. I want ZOS to give the class it's identity back. Let our passives effect all heals we give, this would immediately give a REASON to chose Templar, better heals.

    I plan on doing Templar next, so, these reasons don't apply to everyone. Please do not speak for the community.

    I am happy you are going to try it out, it is a Fun class don't let my comments dissuade that fact. But please answer me one question. What specifically about Stamina Templar attracted you? What's unique about it to you?

    P.S. All of your arguments revolve around switching to Magicka Templar which is not something I'm going to do. I will not reroll my favorite class just because ZOS messed up Stamina Templar. I will keep pushing for adjustments until I feel Templar and Dragon Knight are as balanced as Nightblade and Sorcerer.

    I'm not telling you to re-roll at Magicka Templar. I'm just showing you that you misunderstand his original argument. Your angry overtook your approach to this and it is clearly obvious in your response to me now. So...

    I am not angry, I have no idea where you got that from. All of my responses have been quite civil.

    If you feel I insulted you I apologize, it's just I want Stamplar's to be on par with other Stamina classes. I don't want my whole class to revolve around Biting Jabs. I want my class to have an identity again. Change our healing passives to work with all heals regardless of stam/magic and I would be happy. Breath of life would still suck as a Stamina Templar but Rally and Vigor would be slightly stronger leading to Templar being the best class at "healing" both as Stamina and Magicka. As it should be, because if we aren't the best at healing (the role ZOS chose for us) what are we good at?
  • Levo18
  • Artis
    Sorcs. If constantly reapplying Harness Magicka+Healing ward is not enough to survive against a simple LMB spam, then something is wrong. I'm talking about overload of course.
  • winterbornb14_ESO
    NPC's and the Dev. teams Nerfs.

    This is why PvP always makes a MMO worse.
  • SemiD4rkness
    69% nightblades
    Nerf that class before its too late ZOS
    (I noticed half the none of tha above voters are the same people that goes around telling people to l2p and counter their so weak nbs hahaha)
  • TheNephilimCrow
    None of the Above
    69% nightblades
    Nerf that class before its too late ZOS
    (I noticed half the none of tha above voters are the same people that goes around telling people to l2p and counter their so weak nbs hahaha)

    You again? I'll consider your vote invalid until you play more than one class. You can't serious count your word as creditable without the experience.
    PSN, Youtube & Twitch: TheNephilimCrow
    [NA] ESO EP Guild (GM): The Order of Crows (PvE) - 300+ Members (Discontinued)
    [NA] ESO AD Guild (GM): The Blades of Ayrenn (PvP) - 45 Members (Actively Recruiting)

    |:Veteran Rank:|
    VR16 - AD Breton - S&S/Bow Werewolf Stamina Nightblade - Title "Savage Shadow"
    VR 1 - AD Altmer - DW/Resto Magicka Sorcerer - Title "Spellsword"

    LVL 45 - DC Bosmer - Jack of Trades (Master Provisioning, Blacksmithing, etc.)
    Lvl 22 - AD Breton - Templar - Hybrid Build - PvE - Title "The Holy Knight"
    LVL 21 - AD Imperial - Dragonknight - Tank Build (In Progress)- Title "The Copper Knight"
    Lvl 13 - AD Khajit - DW Magicka Nightblade - Title "Mystical Thief"

  • AfkNinja
    None of the Above
    69% nightblades
    Nerf that class before its too late ZOS
    (I noticed half the none of tha above voters are the same people that goes around telling people to l2p and counter their so weak nbs hahaha)

    You again? I'll consider your vote invalid until you play more than one class. You can't serious count your word as creditable without the experience.

    "Just because I don't have experience playing the class, I have hundreds of hours fighting the class. Which makes me qualified to debate this."

    You called me out for discounting your experience cause you haven't played Templar, shouldn't you avoid doing the same thing?

    However, I do agree with you, Nightblade is fine as is and needs no nerfs. It's a very well designed class, both Stamina and Magicka has tons of options and the passives are synergistic and that's likely why the rest of us are jealous. Sorc also needs no nerfs. Nerfs need to stop.
  • Tryxus
    Yup, ppl call the NB "OP" simply cuz it's the only well balanced class out there (tried 3/4, haven't played Temp yet)

    And it's not just that the other classes need boosts, a lot of things need to change
    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • Cody
    None of the Above
    69% nightblades
    Nerf that class before its too late ZOS
    (I noticed half the none of tha above voters are the same people that goes around telling people to l2p and counter their so weak nbs hahaha)

    Have you played the NB class yet?
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