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Which Class do YOU feel is Overpowered?

  • Waffennacht
    I don't believe NBs are OP, they just have great synergy. To me they are how each class should be, each ability is a viable option with other abilities to compliment what ever strategy you have decided to go for.

    This is completely un-true for the sorcs. Their abilities are just stand alones. Here is a straight buff, here is a straight attack. Does velacious curse have any synergy with any buff? There is no true interaction, I can exchange curse for frag or wrath and have the exact same interaction. At best there is synergy with encase or the other cc with Liquid Lightning or mines, but again that's just the interaction between game mechanics and not the abilities themselves.

    NBs have abilities that influence what your next ability should be, guaranteed crit for the next attack, armor reduction, health manipulation, cloak that has abilities changing on if you are hidden or not.

    I do not believe NB is OP, I believe it is just the most well done class. Templars and DK don't come close to OP, not since the poor DK got nerfed. As a sorc I've always felt for the poor DKs.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • eliisra
    None of the Above
    I dont think any class is OP. Problem is rather how different meta in PvP, makes certain classes and builds way more beneficial to play.

    Than there's ZoS, not taking these things into consideration when they adjust classes and skills. They just look at skill v.s skill or counter, not how PvP plays or will play out in reality.

    Right now you need burst, escape options and max mobility in Cyrodiil and IC, for example. Which forces magicka DK+ templar to always play in groups, to get access to those things from other classes. Also makes stamina > magicka, unless sorc.

    Best example of fail class balance would be IC. I mean Cloak is not overtuned on it's own. But in that map it's on crack and why the population is like 90% NB's. Had ZoS taken more things into consideration when they created IC, like making the map fitting for all classes, objectives where all classes had a place, friendly for various builds, there wouldn't be a new "nerf cloak" thread every single day.

    If this game had things like 10 v.s 10 battle ground or whatnot, I think class balance would look a lot better.
    Edited by eliisra on October 26, 2015 5:42PM
  • Ara_Valleria
    None of the Above
    Tryxus wrote: »
    Alright then, let's take away all DPS possibilities from each class

    Problem solved

    Or let's balance them out. Sorcerers doing 50k dps is ridiculous

    Then how can you say that Nightblades are more overpowered?

    to this scrub, everything is overpowered.
    °‡° ÁDAMANT °‡°
    The Addon Abusers, Exploiters & Macro'ers Refuge
    •••• | Ara Valleria - AD NightBlade | Templàra Valleria - AD Templar | Åra Valleria - AD DragonKnight | Ára V - AD DragonKnight | Ara Laifu - DC NightBlade | Ara Waifu - EP Sorcerer | ••••

    ••••••| YOUTUBE |••••••
    Want to take a break from all the Lagging|Crashing|Cancer ?
    Play Albion Online
  • Chibs
    None of the Above
    Dear Zeni,

    Please nerf rock, paper is fine.

    None of the Above
    DK's....they got buffed so hard since launch..

    Joking right? Lol
  • Tryxus
    Well... believe it or not, but I actually have another couple of good suggestions regarding both class balance and the battle leveling

    Might make another thread for them
    (At least when Joker Tryxus finishes my speech notes)

    Serious Tryxus out
    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • Skiserony
    None of the Above
    I really don't feel like any class is OP, merely a few skills perhaps. The major problem is the class imbalance, not the OP'ness.
  • 13igTyme
    Levo18 wrote: »
    I bet all Of the people who voted 'none' are NBs.....

    I bet all the people that voted NB are bad.
    PS4 | NA | l3igTyme

    Thinking about coming back to play...
  • Gern_Verkheart
    None of the Above
    This question doesn't work. It doesn't take into consideration the various builds and armor sets. A magicka NB in full medium armor with Hunding's rage, night's silence and agility staffs is not going to even be effective, let alone overpowered.
    Chibs wrote: »
    Dear Zeni,

    Please nerf rock, paper is fine.


    Absolutely perfect analogy.
    Edited by Gern_Verkheart on October 26, 2015 8:44PM
  • Huckdabuck
    DK's....they got buffed so hard since launch..

    Joking right? Lol

    I was about to ask him to share whatever it is that he's got!
    Texashighelf - VR16 Sorcerer EP NA - FILTHY BARBARIAN
    Texasimperial - VR16 Dragonknight EP NA - How do you like your DK?
    Texas'Imperial - VR16 Dragonknight DC NA - How do you like your DK?
    Texas-Imperial - VR16 Templar DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    Texas Highelf - VR16 Sorcerer DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    Texas Imperial - VR16 Nightblade DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    It's a very grey area.
  • LaughingJack
    None of the Above
    depends entirely on how you build. but more important is how effectively you play that build, and weather you are a very good player or not.

    either of my charaters may very well be OP in the hands of someone who is very good at playing the game. in my hands they are probably considered average, even though i can smash stuff pretty well most of the time.
    Seeker of Shiny Objects
    Vapour Vehiculo De Dolor
    I7-920(2.6GHz), Win7-64, 8GB, HD4870-512, 40-90fps.
  • Cody
    None of the Above
    when i play nightblade: sorcerer is over powered, all those shields stop my crits so my damage sucks and they can bolt through me if i try to stealth or just to get away. not to mention phoenix set with reduced crit damage when it does land.

    when i play sorc Dk is overpowered: reflecting all my spells back at me, and roots to drain my stamina till i cant escape.

    when i play DK templar is overpowered, I cant reflect channeled abilities, the jabs knock back wastes my stamina if i try to block or because i need to cc. and my damage is so low and has no burst they heal through it and purge any dots.

    When i play templar nightblade is overpowered. the stealth burst opener using lethal arrow to debuff my healing on top of it weave with disease enchant on bow, and there is no visual indicator. if i dont purge as soon as it hits they ambush in and stun lock me, and if i get a purge and heal off and counter, they stealth or fear and just repeat.

    When is Sorc op then haha or you don't play them?

    you missed the point. every class has its weakness.

    for my NB, sorcerers are a nightmare to fight. they can stack shields to the point they get a 2nd health bar; and, can still dish out high damage to boot. As a stam blade, I don't have the survivalbility nor sustainability to contend with that. however, the other three class really don't give me that much of an issue. Heck other NBs I usually beat easily because a majority of them are players that hopped on the NB hype train and have no idea how to play the class:/

    As a DK, (I played one for quite some time right before 1.6 and am on one now) sorcerers are a breeze once I get reflective scales. As a sorc the one class I had trouble with was a DK, due to scales, and as any non-mobile class like a DK or a Templar, Nightblades were/are always the highest threat. oh and templars also give me trouble on my DKs. Jabs is tough to avoid as a slow DK. lol.

    No class is OP. they are all perfectly counterable. you just have to be willing to realize that you can't win every single fight and be willing to practice and get better. All of these NBs that you see destroying people; are most likely people that have played them for a VERY long time. I can assure you that, when I first played a NB back during launch, I was crap with it. It took a lot of practice to get where i am with it today. Its not an OP class nor is it easy to learn/play.
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    Sorcerer because all they did to nerf Sorc's was give us a set to counter them, instead of actually balancing them.

    Nightblades will always list high in polls like these because they are the gankers.
    PS4 NA DC
  • xXNesTXx
    None of the Above
    Levo18 wrote: »
    I bet all Of the people who voted 'none' are NBs.....

    I bet all people who voted "NB" have 3 fingers in each hand.....
    EU PS4 Ebonheart Pact

    NB Stam VR16 Breton
    NB Stam VR16 Khajiit
    NB Mag VR16 Breton
    Templar Mag VR16 Nord
    Sorc Mag VR8 High Elf
    DK Stam VR10 Red Guard
  • xXNesTXx
    None of the Above
    None of the above = Nightblades

    They're the majority and on denial.

    Nightblades = guys who needs a tons of L2P

    The people who vote "None" is simply because know their own faults when are killed by a different class....

    When NB gets nerfed? who is the next? Sorcs? or DK? Templar obviously not, because you are a templar......
    EU PS4 Ebonheart Pact

    NB Stam VR16 Breton
    NB Stam VR16 Khajiit
    NB Mag VR16 Breton
    Templar Mag VR16 Nord
    Sorc Mag VR8 High Elf
    DK Stam VR10 Red Guard
  • Sureshawt
    Massive shield stacking for great survivability and still DPS a target - check
    Excellent mobility skill and can be offensive, reveals stealth, deals damage and stuns - check (LOL!)
    Great burst DPS - check

    They don't call it Elder Sorcs Online for nothing. Hands down the best faceroll keyboard and still win class ever created.

    Edited by Sureshawt on October 27, 2015 4:21PM
  • NaviS
    Sureshawt wrote: »
    Massive shield stacking for great survivability and still DPS a target - check
    Excellent mobility skill and can be offensive, reveals stealth, deals damage and stuns - check (LOL!)
    Great burst DPS - check

    They don't call it Elder Sorcs Online for nothing. Hands down the best faceroll keyboard and still win class ever created.

  • winterbornb14_ESO
    Dev's because they keep Nerfing *** into the ground!
  • Tholian1
    None of the Above
    xXNesTXx wrote: »
    None of the above = Nightblades

    They're the majority and on denial.

    Nightblades = guys who needs a tons of L2P

    The people who vote "None" is simply because know their own faults when are killed by a different class....

    When NB gets nerfed? who is the next? Sorcs? or DK? Templar obviously not, because you are a templar......

    NB players will adapt if/when cloak gets nerfed, just like they did before cloak was "fixed". But it won't stop there. They will demand more nerfs to the class, until it is basically ineffective as a Rogue/Assassin type and all the bad players can easily win against them.
    PS4 Pro NA
  • Cathexis
    Tholian1 wrote: »
    xXNesTXx wrote: »
    None of the above = Nightblades

    They're the majority and on denial.

    Nightblades = guys who needs a tons of L2P

    The people who vote "None" is simply because know their own faults when are killed by a different class....

    When NB gets nerfed? who is the next? Sorcs? or DK? Templar obviously not, because you are a templar......

    NB players will adapt if/when cloak gets nerfed, just like they did before cloak was "fixed". But it won't stop there. They will demand more nerfs to the class, until it is basically ineffective as a Rogue/Assassin type and all the bad players can easily win against them.

    Speaking for myself, I wont be asking for further nerfs to nightblades, as my perspective on cloak specifically addresses the capacity to evade entire raids (contrary to what many people paint me to believe).
    The Tomb of FPS Alteration Magic - Everything You Need to Know About FPS
    Praise Malacath.
  • MasterTenacious
    Soul Shriven
    First they nerfed the DK - but i didn't speak up because I wasn't a DK.

    Then they looked at nerfing the Templars - but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Templar.

    Then they moved on to nerfing the NB - but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a NB.

    Finally they nerfed the sorcs - but no one else spoke up, because they had all been nerfed.

  • Farorin
    None of the Above
    None, they are all decent, and they all have underpowered and near useless skills that need buffing.
  • jebuspowers
    When I pvp I play as a magicka Nightblade and Sorcerers give me some issues because of the shield stacking. Sometimes templars too with spamming jabs. DK's usually give up because they don't do much damage and none of my abilities can be reflected. The problem I have right now is I have low burst but high sustain. It was the opposite when I was stamina Nightblade. From what I can tell its really the player and not the class. The only time I feel overpowered is when someone hits the 25% health mark because impale at level 4 hits up to 18 meters and is dirt cheap.
    Edited by jebuspowers on October 28, 2015 7:54AM
  • kayPOW
    None of the Above
    As a Magicka DK I feel there would be more sense in this being a poll for who is the least powerful... (Us)

    ✨🫖 (This is my old Signature, but I can't bring myself to change it! I'm now mainly PC/EU Templar Khajiit and run the Insani-tea Party Guild.)🫖✨

    Lestari / Dunmer / EP / Xbox One - kayPOW / EU
    Dragonknight DPS - Magicka - Vampire // Bite : Available / On Cooldown //
    Guild : [ADMIN] Charitable Crafting Co-op <- Everything is FREE NO CATCH!
    I like to play games and drink tea. I sure love the T.
  • Lutallo
    The general consensus seems to be: NB/Sorc OP and DK/Templar garbage.
    I think ZOS should look at buffing the Templar and DK.
    Edited by Lutallo on October 28, 2015 8:23AM
    "Rock is too OP, please nerf"
    Sincerely, Scissors.
  • Waseem
    Dragon Knight
    this class can take over a keep without siege, its a great feature none of you appreciate
    PC EU

  • Asmael
    Waseem wrote: »
    this class can take over a keep without siege, its a great feature none of you appreciate

    *cough* Ambush *cough*

    Oh, and you cant' cap the flags without tagging the keep first.
    PC EU - Zahraji of the Void, aka "Kitty", the fluffiest salmon genocider in town.
    Poke @AsmaeI (last letter is uppercase "i") on PC EU or Asmael#9325 on Discord and receive a meow today.
  • Senaxu
    None of the Above
    Well all who cry about other classes op should just focus on there own class. Zenimax did a great job of balancing the last year. and every class has some specials and weakness.

    Sorcerer has great burst single target dps, shields yes but low aoe and less sustain DPS then other classes.

    NB have amazing CC, stealth and great DPS output in few seconds (if right played) but no really defense or shields.

    DK has incredible sustain, high sustain DPS and strong AoE, but really bad mobility and no escape(except vamp)

    Templar has strong CC and gapcloser best execute ingame, average DPS, but his strongest abilitys are channels (dark flare, Jabbs/Sweeps, radiant Destr.) and he has no really excape. blazing shield on max HP saves the day.

    But, yes alltogether i would say the templer is the group player and clearly the best support/heal but solo he is slight behind the other classes. Sorc/DK/NB are pretty even
    Edited by Senaxu on October 28, 2015 11:38AM
    Unbroken EU
    Senaxu - AD Sorcerer
    Senaxu's Smurf - DC Sorcerer
    PvE-Scores(2.1): AA: 1182439 - 06:58 | HR: 114065 - 06:56 | SO: 151067 - 12:27 | DSA: 23457 - 34:36
    "There is still room up"
  • AfkNinja
    None of the Above
    Senaxu wrote: »
    Well all who cry about other classes op should just focus on there (there is a place, you're looking for their) own class. Zenimax did a great job of balancing the last year. Very debatable. and every class has some specials (strengths) and weakness.

    Sorcerer has great burst single target dps, HUGE shields yes but low aoe what? lol and less sustain DPS then other classes.

    NB have amazing CC, stealth and great DPS output in few seconds (if right played) but no really defense or shields. Wrong Stamblade has the same heals that a Stamina Templar has access too plus more resource sustain, as magicka they have shields and cloak and SAP Skills. Also fear is the best AOE CC around as it is unblockable. NB is the best designed class.

    DK has incredible sustain(Less than Sorc and NB), high sustain DPS and strong AoE This is wrong in PVP., but really bad mobility and no escape(except vamp)

    Templar has strong CC and gapcloser best execute ingame, average DPS, but his strongest abilitys are channels (dark flare, Jabbs/Sweeps, radiant Destr.) and he has no really excape. blazing shield on max HP saves the day.

    But, yes all together I would say the Templar is the group player and clearly the best support/healer but solo he is slightly behind the other classes. Sorc/DK/NB are pretty even. No DK is way behind Sorc and NB in PVP

    You obviously don't play Templar.

    "Templar has strong CC." No, Templar has decent SINGLE TARGET crowd control. No aoe crowd control and our snare is on our Ultimate "Nova".
    "Templar has strong gap closer." NO, we have an average gap closer that often bugs out and causes us to get stuck in the animation.
    "Best execute in game" Hahahaha no. Radiant Destruction is a loss in dps until 15% enemy HP, can now be dodged as well AND this execute is for Magicka only. It has also been nerfed in every patch since it was released to us. It needs to be removed and Blinding Flashes added back.

    "Blazing Shield on max HP saves the day." Hahahahahahaha NO. To even use blazing shield you have to dump all your points into health and sacrifice sustain AND damage. So you have 2 options sacrifice all your dmg and sustain to get a good shield or just don't use it at all. Most Templar go for the latter.

    Edited by AfkNinja on October 28, 2015 2:49PM
  • Vyle_Byte
    None of the Above
    They have nerfed the hell out of every single class since launch. Every class has its (barely) perks and its (many)downfalls.

    The whole damn game is nerfed. From our classes to the world.

    Nothing is truely overpowered. In fact, we are ALL underpowered.

    No one is OP. Everyone is UP. :unamused:
    Member of the Old Guard
    Mother of the Byte Family
    Vyle Byte||Ivana Byte||Vyible Byte||Hakate Vampler Former EMPRESS BWB||Haan Zolo {Retired} (He swung first)||Lunari ||Wardyn Chalyk Tahno||Dirti Dianah||Bonnie||
    Viva la Byte
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