This. Sure, their health pool is pretty big, but that's only going to get you so far with a base 900 magicka/stamina regen and sub-standard weapon/spell damage. Even though I'm an Imperial, my max stamina isn't that high either. We're talking 17-19k. VR16s can get that around 30-35k.Sithisvoid wrote: »Okay first off 900 regen is not some huge number and neither is the spell/weapon dmg you get for battle level. Second they are changing it already with Orsinium they posted some mention of it to where your gear will matter and something to that effect. I ran a magika NB battle leveled from VR4 until now I'm VR16 and 16 feels way stronger I have may more magika and regen just less health and stamina which i didn't need anyway. Battle level isn't a big deal I mean they should at least be able to compete. The stats they get aren't really all that IMO.
This. Sure, their health pool is pretty big, but that's only going to get you so far with a base 900 magicka/stamina regen and sub-standard weapon/spell damage. Even though I'm an Imperial, my max stamina isn't that high either. We're talking 17-19k. VR16s can get that around 30-35k.
If what the OP is trying to do is nerf battle levelling to gimp it even more, that's pretty idiotic.
That's right. So if you're new to the game, PVP and don't know what crafting is, you're going to have an even harder time and most likely quit. On the flipside, I like this change personally (not because it will discourage new players).If you have crappy gear your stats won't be as good as someone with good gear.
That's right. So if you're new to the game, PVP and don't know what crafting is, you're going to have an even harder time and most likely quit. On the flipside, I like this change personally (not because it will discourage new players).
This new battle leveling system does not teach new players how to play. They are using fake stats. Fighting a low level player is simply a chore. They don't have enough damage to kill you but they have so much health it's a bother to deal with them. I just sit there and SA spam until they die. They have no reason to learn the concepts of cc, block, dodge roll, or special class mechanics because they think they are doing so well lasting against a v16. It's sad that I kill v16's, who actually know how to play, faster than I kill vet 1's lol.
ColoursYouHave wrote: »
I think you mean the current battle-leveling system. The new battle-leveling system will be based on your stats outside of Cyrodiil, meaning unless you stack health (which I don't see why anybody other than a tank would), you'll have a much more normal health pool inside Cyrodiil. Although beware, while battle-leveled players may not have the massive health pools that they currently do, they'll actually be able to achieve competitive damage and regen stats, meaning they might actually be able to kill you rather than stand there and scratch you while you unload DPS on them.
I meant new as in new for IC. Prior to IC, people did not get battle leveled to v14. Once you were vet you needed to learn your class and how to gear.
That's right. So if you're new to the game, PVP and don't know what crafting is, you're going to have an even harder time and most likely quit. On the flipside, I like this change personally (not because it will discourage new players).
Well, any player who has at least half a brain or has played any other competitive'ish online game would know by now that a newbie who just started playing would not and will not beat a seasoned, well geared player no matter how you twist it.
Of course they will have a harder time if they flat out refuse to level, learn, adapt and gear themselves better - that is nobody's fault but their own. Except for a very few MMO's, this is and always has been the case in PvP, PvE or any other aspect of the game.
By removing the learning curve, it will not help anyone learn to pvp. Playing with artificially inflated stats is not learning, it's misleading if anything, because when the cap is reached and stats are back to the base values - they wonder why they suddenly get instagibbed, when they "did so well" just 2 levels ago... Because they didn't learn the game and mechanics with their actual stats, they didn't learn what the true capability of their characters is, instead they learned how to play with fake stats that are completeley contradictory to their build and what they're wearing.
With this change - they will learn how a build they use now will perform at later levels, which is a more accurate representation of what thei character is truly capable of and they can start building their pvp skill and strategies from there.
Anyone who can play won´t lose to a battle-leveled opponent. You´re like a dps-dummy with hp when you´re battle leveled. Any choice you make with sets, attributes, etc. loses its meaning when battle-leveled and what´s worse there is no possibility for new players to learn sth about the game as it is.A great example is my NB which has nearly 40K health at V1... he annihilates v14s most of the time in his level 35 armour
That thread that was closed regarding battle leveling was relevant simply for the fact that it addressed a key problem circulating PvP right now. You guys ask us for feedback, feedback was given (from myself both in game and now in the forums which is specifically designed for debate on this sort of topic) and yet you close the thread? Why?
A great way to understand some of the specific problems with the games and some of the patches is to give examples, which were given. So here is a continuation of that thread, because quite simply, you were wrong to close it... to sum it up; BATTLE LEVELING IS BROKEN.
A great example is my NB which has nearly 40K health at V1 in Vet zone PvP with no points invested into health (yes he's imperial and it's not just his health that's too high either, damage, regen and his other max resources are out of sync too)... he annihilates v14s most of the time in his level 35 armour... and while it's cool to be able to beat people, I also think it's so unbalanced as to be bordering on exploiting a mechanic that's obviously bad.
If I were a new player I would also fully expect to lose to seasoned, fully leveled and geared opponents, not be wrapped in cotton wool and babied through the learning curve. Yes, if you're more skilled than the other player you might beat higher leveled players (I used to in previous patches and that felt a lot fairer and more balanced), which is fair enough, but it's just ridiculous that the seasoned players are now being punished for being leveled properly.
This. Sure, their health pool is pretty big, but that's only going to get you so far with a base 900 magicka/stamina regen and sub-standard weapon/spell damage. Even though I'm an Imperial, my max stamina isn't that high either. We're talking 17-19k. VR16s can get that around 30-35k.
If what the OP is trying to do is nerf battle levelling to gimp it even more, that's pretty idiotic.
Riko_Futatabi wrote: »@JaJaLuka
On the most recent ESO Live they said that the Battle leveling system was getting an overhaul. They went on to say that instead of battle leveled characters getting a flat boost to Health, Stamina and Magicka; the boost would now vary depending on the amount of attribute points you put into each stat.
xskinzcity wrote: »Barack Obama does not care about battle leveling.
Battle levelling is as broken as the top tear of players. In my view people should be rewarded for playing, putting in time and getting gear. However the difference between a person starting PvP and someone in all elite gear should be about 10%, someone in all elite gear and an elite players gear again 10%. We should be rewarded for gearing up and playing but we should not be unstoppable.
The issue is that some players are so over powered 1 of them can beat 10 others. I have seen DK's leap into a keep and kill all the defenders 2 or 3 vs 20 and we just couldn't harm them.
Battle level should make new people able to compete, the issue is that it has to be so powerful because of the uber 1% that it is a bit too good.
Address the top 3% of players who can beat 20 others solo then you can gage the battle level to be appropriate.
Everyone who has battle leveling on has the exact same stats.... nice try though:)Waffennacht wrote: »
See the bolded text, that's all the explanation you need.
SleepyTroll wrote: »Everyone who has battle leveling on has the exact same stats.... nice try though:)
ColoursYouHave wrote: »
That's not true. Passive skills, 5 piece sets, and mundus stones all change battle-leveled stats.