Seems like my buddies (a tank and a rogue) collecting the other two armor types have looted from the vaults several times now while I'm still waiting to do just my first with dark ethers and bone shards. So feel free to send those extra trophies my way lol.
Pretty certain it's based on the RNG and luck of the draw.
I play on pc.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »The more important question to ask is why we only have THREE endgame V16 jewelry sets.
Last patch we had over 15 and there was tons of build diversity.
codybrewer78b14_ESO wrote: »It's just my luck that I would make a tank and a stamina DPS for my main characters and the most difficult V16 jewelry sets to get are for tanking and stamina!! Meanwhile the magicka sets are everywhere! Just look at the price difference between the magicka vs. stamina jewelry! The drop rates are so bad that I've resorted to leveling my magicka DPS character in hopes that I will one day get to use V16 gear.
Stam DPS PVP and PVE and I run Endurance jewelry. I just make sure they are Robust and enchant for weapon damage, works really well for me since I want health and regen in my build somewere.
Plus I got all my jewelry in 3 days instead of some people that are still waiting on their agility pieces.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »The more important question to ask is why we only have THREE endgame V16 jewelry sets.
Last patch we had over 15 and there was tons of build diversity.
[Emphasis added]cazlonb16_ESO wrote: »
Damage control to put it bluntly, limiting the fallout of scrapping soft caps. Removing them was without a question the most damaging decision in regards to pvp in the history of this game. To be fair, very few, if any, players saw that coming either, but then again we aren't getting paid to do so.
Stacking two full sets plus a 2 set bonus plus cp clearly broke the system. This was only possible because of armour + jewelry sets, so ZOS in their typical fashion put on a band aid "fix" ... It will last only till more people get 1k+ cp of course.
Is there a mapping of what trophies drop which items? I have only collected planar scraps and bloody claws so far, so I have not seen what the other trophy vaults drop.
Master_Kas wrote: »
Bloody Claw||Monstrious Tooth = agilty
Bone Shard || Dark Ether = willpower
Planar + Mark of legion = Endurance
Master_Kas wrote: »
This is so true. 3 endgame v16 jewerly sets? ZOS you want build diversity? Yea right
I play as AD on EU PS4 mainly farming in the sewers and the drop rate seems fairly even (monster teeth drops are lower for me but that could just be RNG).
So far:
Blood Claws 75
Bone shards 59
Dark Ether 42
Mark of Legion 56
Monster tooth 13
Planer Armor Scraps 83
codybrewer78b14_ESO wrote: »So the patch notes say that they increased the drop rate of Bloody Claws and Monstrous Teeth. I just spent 2 hours farming Daedroth, Clanfear, Harvesters, and Ogrims in the sewers and Have 9 Bloody Claws and 0 Monstrous teeth to show for it. Did they only increase the drop rate for certain areas of IC or is this a flat out lie?
IKilled007 wrote: »
Dude, ZOS has made it quite clear since beta that you can play your way, but that their preference is everyone wear skirts and sticks. I think the devs grew up watching Harry Potter or something. Skirt/stick magicka builds will always get the best treatment in this game.
The drop rates are still way too low... 1 hour of farming zombies got me like 20 Ether and 15 Shards, 1 hour of farming deadroth, Clanfear etc. got me 3 Claws and 0 Teeth...
Sounds as bad as it was before 2.1.7 to me.
The drop rates are still way too low... 1 hour of farming zombies got me like 20 Ether and 15 Shards, 1 hour of farming deadroth, Clanfear etc. got me 3 Claws and 0 Teeth...
Sounds as bad as it was before 2.1.7 to me.