After patch: Sorcerer PvP

So after the patch, sorcs have less spell damage, less spell crit, 50% less shield life, bolt escape costs twice as much, and less magicka recovery.

My vet 13 wearing elite gear with 96 champion points is getting dominated by a level 22 NB? (Yes I get the battle leveling) No matter how many champion points he carried over from other char.. at level 22.. his skills cannot be maxed out nor could he afford ALL the passives.

It just seems that my char could not hit hard enough.. and I'm built around magicka and frag.
Edited by Demon_Knight on September 19, 2015 9:28PM
  • rokrdt05

    lol that post has no relevance as it was a PvE mob and that sorcs particular build is completely glass cannon and not completely viable for PvP.

    This is a relevant post.
    Server: PC - North America - Daggerfall/Ebonheart

    Guilds: Order of the Bear | From The Dust

    Blaze | Sorcerer | DC | Former Empress
    Ulterior Motive | Templar | DC
    Detka's Tank | Dragon Knight | DC
    Tëmpëst | Sorceror | EP | Former Emperor
    Fíre | Nightblade | EP
    'Fire| Nightblade | DC
    Spëctrë | Templar | DC
    Ashléy Olsén| Dragon Knight | EP
  • Demon_Knight
    Always nice to see when a mage uses every weapon EXCEPT a staff to increase their build.

    Is she wearing light armor in that clip?
  • rokrdt05
    Always nice to see when a mage uses every weapon EXCEPT a staff to increase their build.

    Is she wearing light armor in that clip?

    Staffs are soooooo 1.6... kidding aside, she is wearing light and maybe 2 heavy (if she is using a similar build to mine).

    Besides, who says mages can't rock a 2H sword?
    Server: PC - North America - Daggerfall/Ebonheart

    Guilds: Order of the Bear | From The Dust

    Blaze | Sorcerer | DC | Former Empress
    Ulterior Motive | Templar | DC
    Detka's Tank | Dragon Knight | DC
    Tëmpëst | Sorceror | EP | Former Emperor
    Fíre | Nightblade | EP
    'Fire| Nightblade | DC
    Spëctrë | Templar | DC
    Ashléy Olsén| Dragon Knight | EP
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