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UI Scaling reset on map load / game restart

This is incredibly annoying.

This wasn't happening before today's patch.

Everytime I login to the game or change map (different zone, ie: rift to eastmarch), my UI scaling will reset.

I've checked and my settings file is where it should be, it's not set to read only (though I did try to turn that on to see if it would prevent this from dice), also the setting in that file doesn't seem to be changing when this is happening. It's always set to the correct scale I prefer (84%) regardless of what I actually see in game.

Anyone else having this issue? or know of a fix?



From the other thread that got moved to the recruitment section of all places...
Baumlaus wrote: »
I have the same problem. Every UI reset/loggout/teleport resets my scaling
  • hypr.fusionub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Same issue as here.
  • drathanne
    Soul Shriven
    Ditto, quite annoying
  • Huggernaut
    from @MissBizz in my other thread that got moved:
    •[Working on a fix] If you change your UI scale to something other than default size, it will revert back to default size when loading into a new zone.
  • m4keyourself
    Happening for me... and I'm losing my mind. This can't be a very difficult fix.
    Edited by m4keyourself on September 2, 2015 11:50AM
  • m4keyourself
    Still happening :(
    Edited by m4keyourself on September 2, 2015 11:51AM
  • m4keyourself
    @ZOS_YigaelK @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_JasonLeavey @ZOS_MichaelServotte @ZOS_aoliver

    Can we please get this fixed?! I can't play when my UI scale size keeps resetting! :(
  • Huggernaut
    I appreciate the bumps, but as I mentioned, they are aware of it and working on a fix.

    It certainly doesn't require multiple bumps every 10 minutes =)
  • m4keyourself
    I'll bump it every day until it gets fixed :) As being aware of the issue is one thing... fixing it is another matter.
    Edited by m4keyourself on September 2, 2015 12:54PM
  • Huggernaut
    Everyday is one thing, 3x in 10mins ... whole other story =)

    All I am saying.
  • lutinfarceur78

    same here
  • ZOS_Alex

    Please refrain from replying to discussion threads for the sole purpose of “bumping” them. This is considered to be a form of spam because it does not add to the discussion in a constructive or meaningful way, and it is against the Forum Rules.

    Thank you for understanding.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Moderation Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • m4keyourself
    ZOS_Alex wrote: »

    Please refrain from replying to discussion threads for the sole purpose of “bumping” them. This is considered to be a form of spam because it does not add to the discussion in a constructive or meaningful way, and it is against the Forum Rules.

    Thank you for understanding.

    My purpose hasn't been to bump anything for the sole purpose of bumping it - my purpose in commenting in these threads is to simply state my frustration and bring attention to the problem. If thats bothering people I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.. I'm not spamming. I'm not swearing. I'm not harassing anyone. I'm not doing anything against any forum rules. If I'm being ridiculed because I'm posting a frustration over a glitch that shouldn't be happening, and hoping other people are aware as well, then what is the point of this forum?
    Edited by m4keyourself on September 2, 2015 8:41PM
  • Huggernaut
    ZOS_Alex wrote: »

    Please refrain from replying to discussion threads for the sole purpose of “bumping” them. This is considered to be a form of spam because it does not add to the discussion in a constructive or meaningful way, and it is against the Forum Rules.

    Thank you for understanding.
    I'm not doing anything against any forum rules.

    The mod LITERALLY just told you, you are breaking the rules. Once again. I thank you for your support in getting this problem solved, but please, stop posting. I don't want my thread locked.


    Ps. if you'd like to keep track of what is going on, or a discussion you can participate in regularly, please visit the official ZOS thread located here:

    that deals with the known issues (this issue is included in those notes, in fact it's marked as "tentatively fixed").

    Edited by Huggernaut on September 2, 2015 10:26PM
  • DanielNorman
    However the UI scaling issue has still not been "dealt" with, it is still apparent and hence the understandable frustration of people such as M4keyyourself. @ZOS_Alex Do you, Gina or any of the team actually understand this, as it appears no direct, thorough or honest answer on the matter has been given other than it will likely be resolved in the next "tentatively scheduled" patch for next week. However again this is simply not good enough.At least an apology should be given to the customers with an explanation to delay for such a severe bug, amongst many others.

    So therefore please understand @ZOS_Alex that when your only input is to correct a complaining customer of a known severe fault in bumping the topic is in itself not constructive. Why not resolve the issue by providing a detailed explanation as to why the problem was not identified beforehand and why it cannot be resolved until the next scheduled patch. Surely this should be a priority?

    Furthermore as an analogy, a customer persistently (and truth be told understandably annoyingly to the shop assistant) complains in the shop about a faulty product he/she cannot get replaced or fixed for over a week, to which he gets the rather trivial reply from the assistant he is complaining about it too much or not in the correct format. Certainly not the best way to respond to customers and surely you should instead be looking to again resolve the grievance or provide an explanation why not immediately in detail?

    However as with previous issues raised including this one previously and based upon the staff commentary on this issue, its more likely I or others will get a reply concerning our format of criticism rather than an actual detailed response over the issue itself. Prove me wrong or have the decency to at least insult me with a /lurk.


  • m4keyourself
    Huggernaut wrote: »
    ZOS_Alex wrote: »

    Please refrain from replying to discussion threads for the sole purpose of “bumping” them. This is considered to be a form of spam because it does not add to the discussion in a constructive or meaningful way, and it is against the Forum Rules.

    Thank you for understanding.
    I'm not doing anything against any forum rules.

    The mod LITERALLY just told you, you are breaking the rules. Once again. I thank you for your support in getting this problem solved, but please, stop posting. I don't want my thread locked.


    Ps. if you'd like to keep track of what is going on, or a discussion you can participate in regularly, please visit the official ZOS thread located here:

    that deals with the known issues (this issue is included in those notes, in fact it's marked as "tentatively fixed").


    Wicked cool story bro, I really appreciate the continuous condescending undertone of your every post.. but he said spam is against the rules. I'm not spamming, I'm participating in the thread YOU started. Also, your thread getting locked is not of my concern. If this upsets you, that's not going to bother me :) If I am breaking any rules I'm sure I will get a message or will get banned. But.. atlas, none of what I have mentioned have occurred. And if I do get banned because I'm voicing a legitimate concern of the ESO community, I'll be sure to spread the word far and wide that the developers and forum moderators don't care what their players think, the community cuts each others throats, and that ESO is not a game anybody should spend money on. So, I shall continue to contribute to this thread. You can always DELETE this thread of this is so outrageous to you.
    Edited by m4keyourself on September 3, 2015 12:08AM
  • m4keyourself
    However the UI scaling issue has still not been "dealt" with, it is still apparent and hence the understandable frustration of people such as M4keyyourself. @ZOS_Alex Do you, Gina or any of the team actually understand this, as it appears no direct, thorough or honest answer on the matter has been given other than it will likely be resolved in the next "tentatively scheduled" patch for next week. However again this is simply not good enough.At least an apology should be given to the customers with an explanation to delay for such a severe bug, amongst many others.

    So therefore please understand @ZOS_Alex that when your only input is to correct a complaining customer of a known severe fault in bumping the topic is in itself not constructive. Why not resolve the issue by providing a detailed explanation as to why the problem was not identified beforehand and why it cannot be resolved until the next scheduled patch. Surely this should be a priority?

    Furthermore as an analogy, a customer persistently (and truth be told understandably annoyingly to the shop assistant) complains in the shop about a faulty product he/she cannot get replaced or fixed for over a week, to which he gets the rather trivial reply from the assistant he is complaining about it too much or not in the correct format. Certainly not the best way to respond to customers and surely you should instead be looking to again resolve the grievance or provide an explanation why not immediately in detail?

    However as with previous issues raised including this one previously and based upon the staff commentary on this issue, its more likely I or others will get a reply concerning our format of criticism rather than an actual detailed response over the issue itself. Prove me wrong or have the decency to at least insult me with a /lurk.



    Exactly! Thank you for understanding where I'm coming from! It's literally like I'm expressing a complaint with a product and another customer comes up to me and tells me I'm complaining incorrectly. I don't care what another customer tells me - i would like the person in charge to update me on the status of a resolution. Not be told that... if I continue to voice my complaint it's against store policy by an employee. What a joke.
    Edited by m4keyourself on September 2, 2015 11:51PM
  • Marques
    To everyone's attention, this issue has been previously raised here:

    Please voice your concerns there and join the discussion as this thread should be merged or locked since it's a duplicate.
    I'm also experiencing this bug and understand how frustrating it can be. I trust ZOS will provide us with a fix as soon as possible.
  • Huggernaut
    I'll reply in order:

    @DanielNorman First off, the bug is not game breaking. It takes literally like 3 seconds to fix it. Is it annoying? sure, does it prevent you from playing the game at all? No. So get off your high horse please.

    Secondly, I think you are delusional if you think that Zos owes you an apology every time you come across a bug in their game. If companies had to issue a formal apology for this sort of nonsense, they'd never get any work done, ya know, fixing the bugs or maybe preventing future ones.

    Lastly, they have a fix (tentatively) in the next available patch for this issue. Not sure what you are crying about. There is no reason to ask for a Dev to come into the forums and break down, step by step, exactly what caused each bug, and how each of those bugs effects each system of the game. That is a colossal waste of time. You are complicating an extremely simple process, which is as follows:

    1. Report the bug (Acknowledgement)
    2. Fix the bug
    3. Release the fix (patch day)

    Why does it need to be any more complicated then that?

    Not sure what planet you people come from, but I don't think you're from round these parts. On Earth, there are reasonable expectations of bugs with any new content release and all in all, for such a large amount of content, the bugs have been fairly tame, with the vast majority already fixed and ready to be patched next week.

    Switch to decaff, go get laid, do something, but enhance the chill factor by about a million please.


    Now, on to our most persistent guest, @m4keyourself , as I clearly stated, as did the Mod, you were breaking the rules. While YOU might not have classified what you were doing as spam, others, such as the mod, and myself, most certainly did.

    You had 3 replies, all in a row, within a 10 minute time frame. There was no new information added by you, or by the devs, and it boiled down to you simply whining about needing to take 3 seconds out of your busy life of complaining about useless crap, to actually fix the problem yourself and resize the UI.

    In fact, you spent more time crying on the forums about the issue, then it would've taken to actually fix the issue yourself. Think about that for a second.

    As it has been stated numerous times. The devs are aware of the issue, they feel they have (probably) fixed the issue, and the fix will be released with the next patch. Try investing in some patience or stop dealing with the general public.

    Your choice.

  • Huggernaut
    Marques wrote: »
    To everyone's attention, this issue has been previously raised here:

    Please voice your concerns there and join the discussion as this thread should be merged or locked since it's a duplicate.
    I'm also experiencing this bug and understand how frustrating it can be. I trust ZOS will provide us with a fix as soon as possible.

    Um, mine is actually posted in the bug section. Where it should be. As it is a bug, that was being reported. The thread you linked to is posted in the general section for whatever reason.

    If anything, that thread would be merged with this one, since this one is actually in the proper section, but thanks for your input all the same.
  • m4keyourself
    Huggernaut wrote: »
    I'll reply in order:

    @DanielNorman First off, the bug is not game breaking. It takes literally like 3 seconds to fix it. Is it annoying? sure, does it prevent you from playing the game at all? No. So get off your high horse please.

    Secondly, I think you are delusional if you think that Zos owes you an apology every time you come across a bug in their game. If companies had to issue a formal apology for this sort of nonsense, they'd
    never get any work done, ya know, fixing the bugs or maybe preventing future ones.

    Lastly, they have a fix (tentatively) in the next available patch for this issue. Not sure what you are crying about. There is no reason to ask for a Dev to come into the forums and break down, step by step, exactly what caused each bug, and how each of those bugs effects each system of the game. That is a colossal waste of time. You are complicating an extremely simple process, which is as follows:

    1. Report the bug (Acknowledgement)
    2. Fix the bug
    3. Release the fix (patch day)

    Why does it need to be any more complicated then that?

    Not sure what planet you people come from, but I don't think you're from round these parts. On Earth, there are reasonable expectations of bugs with any new content release and all in all, for such a large amount of content, the bugs have been fairly tame, with the vast majority already fixed and ready to be patched next week.

    Switch to decaff, go get laid, do something, but enhance the chill factor by about a million please.


    Now, on to our most persistent guest, @m4keyourself , as I clearly stated, as did the Mod, you were breaking the rules. While YOU might not have classified what you were doing as spam, others, such as the mod, and myself, most certainly did.

    You had 3 replies, all in a row, within a 10 minute time frame. There was no new information added by you, or by the devs, and it boiled down to you simply whining about needing to take 3 seconds out of your busy life of complaining about useless crap, to actually fix the problem yourself and resize the UI.

    In fact, you spent more time crying on the forums about the issue, then it would've taken to actually fix the issue yourself. Think about that for a second.

    As it has been stated numerous times. The devs are aware of the issue, they feel they have (probably) fixed the issue, and the fix will be released with the next patch. Try investing in some patience or stop dealing with the general public.

    Your choice.


    Once again, cool story bro. I don't really care what you think :) And if you actually knew what you're talking about, my first post was on September 1st, and then my next two posts were on September 2nd. Go ahead and scroll up and look at the dates if you don't believe me - since you're so insistent that I'm "spamming". If you're going to accuse me of breaking any rules, perhaps you should have a clue of what you're even talking about.

    Back to the actual issue... this glitch effects everyone differently. Some WAY more than others. This impacts people who have large displays with extremely high quality graphics much more than it will your average user. For many people, this glitch makes the game almost unplayable; certainly not enjoyable. People with large displays and high quality graphics need to turn up the scale as much as possible in order to read. People with smaller displays need to turn down the scale so they have more environmental awareness. Just because it's not so difficult for you to play with the glitch, other people have an extremely hard time.. so maybe you should consider what other people are experiencing and get out of your own bubble. The developers have said that the fix will come in a future patch. Unfortunately, me and many other players don't think that's good enough. I want a hotfix, not a patch. I will continue to bring attention to the problem until it's fixed - regardless of your pointless insistence that we're going about it the wrong way. I don't even know what you're trying to achieve.
    Edited by m4keyourself on September 3, 2015 11:38AM
  • DanielNorman
    I agree, and besides @huggernaut I find your post quite insulting, not just to me but another and ironically probably against the rules of this forum. It's well within my rights and others to criticise, that and having a long career in IT and the military I have an appreciation of what can be done, timescales and manning constraints.What is your background and what what gives you the right to make such defamatory remarks or recommendations of what i drink or sexual practices? Seriously answer me that, I am indeed from planet earth and actually served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, including Bosnia and Kosovo, having an appreciation of other cultures and witnessing some hard very educational realities. All I am asking is that clearer clarification be given on the issue and consideration of the impact it has on players. @m4keyourself is correct that the issue does indeed impact others differently and and each has a different opinion on any impacts significance, therefore your assessment that the issue is not game breaking is narrow in view. I myself have an Alienware 18 in SLI, so it may indeed be more prominent an issue for those running in higher resolutions. Regardless a lot of people are complaining of the issue and have stated that it makes the game very difficult if not impossible to play based on your tolerance of having to change the UI scale after each load and also suffer some related issues to add-ons that are affected by this.

    Again though the issue stems from a lack of information by ZOS and it's representatives who again on this forum should be as informative and willing to resolve customer grievances as has been shown in other areas. I have had fantastic responses historically with its customer service, unfortunately what posts I have made previously on this forum have been unanswered by the moderators and therefore it is quite infuriating when a moderator criticises another users post, arguably harshly, but in my opinion ignorantly of that more importantly he should be instead addressing the user's issue. Hence the analogy, which for you I apologise may have bored you. Regardless I genuinely appreciate the hardwork of such people like @GinaBruno and her colleagues and it is fantastic to see such support and appreciation by others towards them. However the right to constructively criticise (not insult or make childish remarks) is there and also I still strongly believe the team or rather their hierarchy should authorise them to be a little more forthcoming about why such timescales are in place before a patch can be implemented.
    Edited by DanielNorman on September 3, 2015 3:34PM
  • ZOS_MollyH
    Greetings all,

    Thank you for your reports regarding issues you are experiencing in the new update. We are currently working on a resolution for the UI scaling problems, as reported here in our known issues thread.

    Please refrain from bumping this thread without new information, or from creating new threads about this issue. We will be sure to keep the community informed as we progress with a fix.

    Thank you again
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • Huggernaut

    Dude, I was here when you made the posts lol.

    The first post, yes, was on sept 1st, but as you can clearly see, it was edited on the 2nd, at the time you made the other 2 posts, directly below. Which is why the mod spanked you for spamming like a child.

    If you could still see the time stamps on those posts, and not just the dates, it would show the 2 posts below, were posted within the same 10 minute window and the first post, edited during that same time frame.

    Thus, 3 posts in ten minutes.

    I know, I know, "cool story bro". Perhaps when you decide to stop acting like a child flailing your arms around screaming "I want my fix RIGHT NOW!" you'll see I'm right, chill out, wait a few days and the patch will be out .

    Regardless, your actions make you look like a child throwing a tantrum because you can't get a hot fix NOW. The issue is simple and it doesn't matter how large your display is (mine is quite large), takes a couple of seconds to go into the options and resize it and get back to playing. Honestly have no idea why you are losing your mind so badly over such a minor inconvenience.

    As for you Dan, I honestly don't care about your military service (you seem to think I'm from the USA and I'm not), honestly see little point in bringing it up in fact other then you are trying to puff your chest out (also you seem to think that you're the only one that has travelled and "seen things" lol absurd). I said what I said, because both of you need to relax. How you choose to relax is up to you. Don't like my suggestions? pick one of your own. Think I broke a rule? report me.

    The both of you have turned a simple bug report thread into your personal moaning ground.

    As I've said numerous times. RELAX. It's being handled. Wait for the patch, or take the 3 seconds to resize the UI yourself on zone changes. Acting like spoiled children throwing a tantrum on the forums isn't going to make it get fixed any faster.

    If you want to complain just for complainings sake, try joining reddit, heck make your own reddit, seems you got time to kill.

    Edited by Huggernaut on September 3, 2015 8:07PM
  • ZOS_Tarina
    Hi there, everyone. Due to repeatedly disruptive behavior in this thread, we are going to close it. We understand that people will disagree from time to time, but we ask that trolling, insulting, and spam are not acceptable behavior on the ESOTU forums. We encourage everyone to take a few minutes and read our Code of Conduct. It outlines the guidelines and expected conduct on our forums.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Moderation Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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This discussion has been closed.