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Loved it, hated it....

Imperial City is great and I hate it!

The bits I have seen are everything that was promised, close quarters encounters with both players and NPCs. The NPC encounters seem challenging although it is hard to judge things like health etc without my add ons.

I had a poke around the DC base, checked out the vendors and then I took a scouting mission and started, what I assume is, the main quest line (nice touch bringing back *the* classic TES quest givers) and went off to seek my fortune.

I got about 3 steps before stumbling into a rolling skirmish between DC & AD but decided to dodge it because I wanted to at least try a quest... but my cloak failed me (why do I not expect that by now??) and I got sucked in to the skirmish, killed a guy, helped kill another and then died... back to the entry point I go with 10 stones.

Cam down from there again and got immediately attacked by a ganker waiting outside. Burnt his (or her) face off (go team me!) and went to find some chapel key I was after... turns out resource management is going to be harder for me in this release 'cos i manage to lay down about 5 steelnados before I ran out of juice and had to throw down a Veil to finish off the mobs but I got me a key dammit. And about 20 TV stones on top of my measly 10.

I'm feeling like a champ now, this is OK after all... another 3 or 4 hours of this and I'll be able to buy an ingot or a potency rune, then I'm just a few weeks away from being able to craft a piece of VR16 armour... sure, work will miss me but I expect they'll cope...

So off I trot, take down another couple of mob groups, join in another skirmish and help kill a couple of AD and an EP with my new best homies from the DC massif... I haven't found that brand the quest blokey wants yet but I feel I'm on the right track... and I'm getting close to 100 TV stones...

And that it happens, I'm coming out of a NPC skirmish, a little low on resources but not critical and BOOM! Gank sqaud! Down before I can even pop a cloak to see if it really does work now... from nearly a hundred stones down into the teens with no chance to really do much at all..

And it hits me - this is great content but I can't play in a system where I can lose it all so fast, because however good I may or may not be there is always someone better waiting in the shadows, or simply someone bad who gets lucky when I am low on health and that is before the lag and other game things.

And I go from fun to logging out and writing this post while I sit and wonder whether I can face playing this when it goes live, whether I care enough to see my hard won gear become worthless only to have to grind a system I will hate to get new gear, whether I want to keep subscribing to this game that I have played for a seriously unhealthy number of hours any more.

TL;DR - tried it with my main toon, content seems great but as I expected the TV system is not pushing my fun buttons.
GM - Malazan
Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
Legio Mortuum
  • Rune_Relic
    I could have sworn I wrote this post for a moment.
    I thinks they said this was designed around two person teams in ESO live.... or tough solo.
    That's without coming across other players of course.

    Perhaps it would be far more enjoyable with a buddy ?
    Mobs shouldn't be anyway near such an issue then.
    Having someone watch your back might give you more survivability for the spawn campers with detection pots.

    I swear there was an old travellers proverb about never travel alone :)

    I have been in there 3 or 4 times.
    Just to see how the bug fixes are going really and see how different my current build feels.
    ZOS has put a shift in...give them that.
    I struggled...tried a template.. struggled more.

    I have upped my game to its limits to cope solo.
    Its not a stroll in the park for me.
    But then I am no pro either.

    I am tanky stamina NB build with mediocre DPS and mitigation.
    Resource recovery is an issue for me having do dish out all the damage and mitigation.
    Two men would halve the workload so..../shrugs..maybe not so bad if 2 man was the aim.

    Some people talk of soloing sweepers..#mindblown lol

    Anyway yeah, struggling so hard to have all the telvar ganked from you....kind of depressing.
    The pointlessness of it all when you consider the grind involved too.. even more so.
    As a tank build you're never gonna gank anyone...and solo....rofl.
    I will probably just stay the hell out without a partner lol.
    I imagine its a lot more fun for couples or small tight groups.
    Good luck to them.

    Looking forward to orsinium anyway.
    Edited by Rune_Relic on August 22, 2015 6:40PM
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • Wreuntzylla
    Wait till the zerg groups hit! All ur stones belong to zergs!
  • Sentinel
    Wait till the zerg groups hit! All ur stones belong to zergs!

    To be honest though, with the way the tel var system works, zergs will get the least amount of stones for their time. The best tel var stone gain in this entire system will be from groups of two fighting NPCs. Gankers might gain some tel vars from kills every once and a while, but it's doubtful the amount they can obtain is even close to duo pve'rs. PvPing will have less tel vars in circulation, and while it has the potential for the greatest gains in a small period of time, it also has the potential for the greatest losses.

    Fastest way to gain Tel Vars: Solo PvE (if adept)>Duo PvE>Small group PvP>Ganking>Zerging.

    (To put it in perspective, I can pve for 1 hour and gain ~2000 tel var stones)
  • Tavore1138
    @Rune_Relic - the mob groups are tougher than say, the Rift - but that is a good thing. Didn't stop me beating them but did make it non-trivial - which was a plus point. With 2 you could probably rip through them fairly well.

    What it came down to was that one encounter, just one, removes all you have done (or almost all in this variant) - I can have killed a thousand mobs and a hundred players and just one has to get lucky or hit me when lagged to take al that I have achieved.

    Sure 2 (or 3 or 24) would change the equation but even then if 1 of the team dies all their stones are gone.

    I just don't have the time for that... I am married, I work... I can't play something that just starts me back at square one at the drop of a hat, I need to see some results for my time or it is wasted time (and yes, I get that that is ironic when that time is spent playing a game but...).

    I think part of it is that this is the first solo enabled questing since the original release... nearly 18 months since there was a new quest I could just do without having to have a group of 4 on precisely the same stage... and I am going to have to deal with being stabbed in the back every single step of the way and losing any chance of getting any new armour or crafting stuff into the bargain.

    My guess is very few people will actually like this system, more will find ways to beat the system... many more will just ignore it or quietly fade away from the game...

    Many times I have been concerned that ZOS listen to only the hardest of the hardcore players and guilds - but money comes from the 'casuals'...
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • ScruffyWhiskers
    Access rules are going to make the flavor of play in IC a lot different when it goes live. Unless you are on the server where everybody gets full access no matter how many keeps they have, you are going to find a much different ebb and flow to the IC than the current free for all. This won't put an end to ganking or zerg trains but it will be a negative feedback mechanism on each factions populations inside IC.

    It's been explained elsewhere in more detail but the basic concept is that if everybody in faction (which shares pop caps between cyrodiil and the IC) rushes into the sewers and the IC then they will quickly lose access because they will be outnumbered and lose keeps. Cut off without the ability to respawn inside the IC they will dwindle until they can regain access by taking back keeps.

    It's really quite an elegant design and should provide some epic fun. It's also proven in execution if the experiences that I have read of players in DAOC and the Darkness Falls dungeon are anything to go by.
  • Stikato
    Access rules are going to make the flavor of play in IC a lot different when it goes live. Unless you are on the server where everybody gets full access no matter how many keeps they have, you are going to find a much different ebb and flow to the IC than the current free for all. This won't put an end to ganking or zerg trains but it will be a negative feedback mechanism on each factions populations inside IC.

    It's been explained elsewhere in more detail but the basic concept is that if everybody in faction (which shares pop caps between cyrodiil and the IC) rushes into the sewers and the IC then they will quickly lose access because they will be outnumbered and lose keeps. Cut off without the ability to respawn inside the IC they will dwindle until they can regain access by taking back keeps.

    It's really quite an elegant design and should provide some epic fun. It's also proven in execution if the experiences that I have read of players in DAOC and the Darkness Falls dungeon are anything to go by.

    Yeah, that's how it was going to work.

    ZOS announced there will be unlimited access to IC in every campaign on launch a couple days ago.

    Darkness Falls was one of the most successful concepts I have seen in a MMO. I don't mean pvp concept, or pve concept. I'm talking as an idea, period. It's a shame what is happening now.
    Edited by Stikato on August 22, 2015 11:19PM
    Mordimus - Stam Sorc
  • Elder_III
    Stikato wrote: »
    Access rules are going to make the flavor of play in IC a lot different when it goes live. Unless you are on the server where everybody gets full access no matter how many keeps they have, you are going to find a much different ebb and flow to the IC than the current free for all. This won't put an end to ganking or zerg trains but it will be a negative feedback mechanism on each factions populations inside IC.

    It's been explained elsewhere in more detail but the basic concept is that if everybody in faction (which shares pop caps between cyrodiil and the IC) rushes into the sewers and the IC then they will quickly lose access because they will be outnumbered and lose keeps. Cut off without the ability to respawn inside the IC they will dwindle until they can regain access by taking back keeps.

    It's really quite an elegant design and should provide some epic fun. It's also proven in execution if the experiences that I have read of players in DAOC and the Darkness Falls dungeon are anything to go by.

    Yeah, that's how it was going to work.

    ZOS announced there will be unlimited access to IC in every campaign on launch a couple days ago.

    Darkness Falls was one of the most successful concepts I have seen in a MMO. I don't mean pvp concept, or pve concept. I'm talking as an idea, period. It's a shame what is happening now.

    Yep, this removed my tepid enthusiasm for the Imperial City altogether. I pretty much am not planning on using any of the Tel Var Stone gear at all, which sucks since I would like to show my Alliance support with the new styles of Alliance gear. :( Maybe it will be more fun during off peak hours, but it doesn't sound too promising with this awful mechanic they backpedaled on to placate those who "don't wan't to be barred from access ever since they payed for it" --- truth to be told I can't blame those people for feeling that way, but it's certainly not in the best interest of making the new content be fun and effective at keeping you playing longer due to enjoying it rather then a frustrating grind. It's like self stimulation with a cheese grater --- slightly amusing, but mostly painful.
    Semi retired from the trading aspects of the game.
  • ScruffyWhiskers
    Stikato wrote: »
    Yeah, that's how it was going to work.

    ZOS announced there will be unlimited access to IC in every campaign on launch a couple days ago.

    Darkness Falls was one of the most successful concepts I have seen in a MMO. I don't mean pvp concept, or pve concept. I'm talking as an idea, period. It's a shame what is happening now.

    Wow missed that one. Why give up the foundation of the entire IC design. So they won't even have some campaigns with different access rules? I can't believe Wheeler would sign off on this unless he was being forced to drink Skooma after work. :)

    This has got to be a rumor like the detect potions no longer working on cloak that had more lives than a Khajiit.

    EDIT: Wow again! Not a joke. I've got to get out from under my rock

    Thus spake Wheeler

    He leaves some wiggle room for later adjustments. But I have to say that if the IC is going to be like the Call of Duty experience that it is right now, I'm really going to be an unhappy cat. Cyrodiil will be a ghost town wherever you go. Guess I could hang out at the sewer entrances.

    Maybe they just want to let everybody get hooked on the IC and then after they have had a taste of it, start making the players earn the right to access like they should by taking keeps. Without that negative feedback loop, I fear IC will be a real mess.

    Sorry to derail this thread. As you were.
    Edited by ScruffyWhiskers on August 22, 2015 11:51PM
  • MrBeatDown
    Imperial City is great and I hate it!

    The bits I have seen are everything that was promised, close quarters encounters with both players and NPCs. The NPC encounters seem challenging although it is hard to judge things like health etc without my add ons.

    I had a poke around the DC base, checked out the vendors and then I took a scouting mission and started, what I assume is, the main quest line (nice touch bringing back *the* classic TES quest givers) and went off to seek my fortune.

    I got about 3 steps before stumbling into a rolling skirmish between DC & AD but decided to dodge it because I wanted to at least try a quest... but my cloak failed me (why do I not expect that by now??) and I got sucked in to the skirmish, killed a guy, helped kill another and then died... back to the entry point I go with 10 stones.

    Cam down from there again and got immediately attacked by a ganker waiting outside. Burnt his (or her) face off (go team me!) and went to find some chapel key I was after... turns out resource management is going to be harder for me in this release 'cos i manage to lay down about 5 steelnados before I ran out of juice and had to throw down a Veil to finish off the mobs but I got me a key dammit. And about 20 TV stones on top of my measly 10.

    I'm feeling like a champ now, this is OK after all... another 3 or 4 hours of this and I'll be able to buy an ingot or a potency rune, then I'm just a few weeks away from being able to craft a piece of VR16 armour... sure, work will miss me but I expect they'll cope...

    So off I trot, take down another couple of mob groups, join in another skirmish and help kill a couple of AD and an EP with my new best homies from the DC massif... I haven't found that brand the quest blokey wants yet but I feel I'm on the right track... and I'm getting close to 100 TV stones...

    And that it happens, I'm coming out of a NPC skirmish, a little low on resources but not critical and BOOM! Gank sqaud! Down before I can even pop a cloak to see if it really does work now... from nearly a hundred stones down into the teens with no chance to really do much at all..

    And it hits me - this is great content but I can't play in a system where I can lose it all so fast, because however good I may or may not be there is always someone better waiting in the shadows, or simply someone bad who gets lucky when I am low on health and that is before the lag and other game things.

    And I go from fun to logging out and writing this post while I sit and wonder whether I can face playing this when it goes live, whether I care enough to see my hard won gear become worthless only to have to grind a system I will hate to get new gear, whether I want to keep subscribing to this game that I have played for a seriously unhealthy number of hours any more.

    TL;DR - tried it with my main toon, content seems great but as I expected the TV system is not pushing my fun buttons.

    Ya, this release is going to be horrible. They have tons of bugs, exploits, and broken skills that will get released live to go along with it all. Fortunately for me, I was able to test my Live character on there before the templates came, And I found out that, GET THIS, I don't even need to buy this tripe.

    The lag on the servers is my number 1 priority on determining if I am going to be able to spend money for a game. IF the server is unstable and unplayable, Im not going to dump any money into company that will net get their priorities straight and fix one the most annoying aspects of the game.

    They wont be polishing this game fast enough to warrant me buying the IC update. And, a few months after this, They want to release another one. Then were all back to square one of a broken game that never gets fixed. TO much emphasis on making more content instead of fixing broken mechanics and server issues for the quick money grab.

    Luckily for me, the only things I need from IC I can buy from a guild store. Ill let everyone else work for me, then ill just buy it from them. I save $25 and I don't have to pay for things im not interested in.

  • olsborg
    I think currently you loose 80% of your carried telvar stones. IMO tho, that number should be at and around 50%

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Tavore1138
    MrBeatDown wrote: »

    Luckily for me, the only things I need from IC I can buy from a guild store. Ill let everyone else work for me, then ill just buy it from them. I save $25 and I don't have to pay for things im not interested in.


    In an ideal world - but wait... what happens if no PvE players buy/play it? You are then dependent of PvP adrenaline purists to get gear... but they won't want to PvE so they won't actually have any TV stones... so they will gank each other and never actually get any stones from it.. so they will not buy armour to sell to those that think the TV system sucks... without people doing PvE and getting ganked the system fails (which is why ZOS have tweaked the game play with necessary sets and higher ranks to force people who don't like it to go in anyway).

    Frankly if their marketing & accountancy departments understood what the devs were doing they would have stopped it cold.

    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • MrBeatDown
    MrBeatDown wrote: »

    Luckily for me, the only things I need from IC I can buy from a guild store. Ill let everyone else work for me, then ill just buy it from them. I save $25 and I don't have to pay for things im not interested in.


    In an ideal world - but wait... what happens if no PvE players buy/play it? You are then dependent of PvP adrenaline purists to get gear... but they won't want to PvE so they won't actually have any TV stones... so they will gank each other and never actually get any stones from it.. so they will not buy armour to sell to those that think the TV system sucks... without people doing PvE and getting ganked the system fails (which is why ZOS have tweaked the game play with necessary sets and higher ranks to force people who don't like it to go in anyway).

    Frankly if their marketing & accountancy departments understood what the devs were doing they would have stopped it cold.

    I just need the Ingots and the Runes. I don't need any sets that are IC exclusive. They failed on that aspect of the game. I'll be running Dungeons to get the updated V16 Engine Guardian which is still going to be the the most OP sustain helm in the game. They didn't make anything for sustain in imperial city, all that the crew that designed this junk could think of, was how to destroy and gimp characters. Then didn't want to improve the game. If they did, they would not have added all this damage/healing reduced, non stamina regenerating crap mechanics to the game. Its a band aid to fix problems that they don't know how to fix. They just churn out more problems and crap mechanics. Would have been more beneficial to fix bugs/exploits that have been around since beta and also fix the new ones that they created along the way, then to trash the game the way that they did. Luckily for me, Its only semi painful, I just need V16 versions of current setup and Ive been saving tempers for upgrades, so IC is not something I need to continue playing in cyrodiil.
    Edited by MrBeatDown on August 23, 2015 6:34AM
  • Rune_Relic
    I guess at the end of the day it depends what you think IC is for.
    If you are PVP going there for the urban style kills and not really bothered about TV stones there is no issue as its just a scoring thing to brag about.
    If you are PVE going there for TV stones and trying not to get killed in the process so you can craft there is an issue.
    If you swing somewhere between....

    I don't think its for me anyway.
    Would it bomb like making craglorn forced group content ?
    I don't think so because most PVP players come from cyrodiil anyway.
    I don't think its a place for solo dungeon crawlers and it was never designed to be that to be fair.
    Roll on Orsinium.
    I just hope the v16 gear is balanced and not OP making everything else obsolete.
    Edited by Rune_Relic on August 23, 2015 8:52AM
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • Tavore1138
    I'm one of those that splits their time between all aspects of the game so, on paper, this was dream content for me... new single person quests, new group dungeons and new PvP areas all rolled into one tasty package - but on closer examination almost all the good stuff is locked behind this absurd TV system... so I can play this insane system or I can stack a vast mountain of gold in my bankl ready to be held hostage by those that do want to play this thing.

    One of the biggest aspects of this game was the choice to play as you wanted - this DLC changes that to be 'play this system we think is great or go away and don't get any new toys'. I think I will be voting by cancelling my sub.

    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • Saturn
    It may seem like a dumb system to begin with, but it didn't seem like you tried more than once to find enjoyment in it. I have had some awesome moments on the PTS, like me and a mate killing a PvE grinder and getting a ton of stones, followed by an hour's worth of fleeing from AD turf all the way back to our DC base, lol. I love it and I mainly PvE on live, which is the strangest part to me.

    Also I doubt you will see much zerging, with Horrors roaming the districts and Sweepers roaming the sewers it is very hard to zergball anywhere, plus in the districts you respawn very close to the battle. On the PTS it is like a constant tug of war, for a bit one alliance is zerging around, then another, then another, until eventually you just have all out team deathmatch, heh.

    Also, this kind of post reminds me of the threads I have seen some PvE tanks make. Log on PTS for 10min test out blocking changes, ragequit cuss your setup sucks for Update 7's changes and then *** about it on the forums :p
    Edited by Saturn on August 23, 2015 3:01PM
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • Tavore1138
    Saturn wrote: »
    It may seem like a dumb system to begin with, but it didn't seem like you tried more than once to find enjoyment in it. I have had some awesome moments on the PTS, like me and a mate killing a PvE grinder and getting a ton of stones, followed by an hour's worth of fleeing from AD turf all the way back to our DC base, lol. I love it and I mainly PvE on live, which is the strangest part to me.

    Also I doubt you will see much zerging, with Horrors roaming the districts and Sweepers roaming the sewers it is very hard to zergball anywhere, plus in the districts you respawn very close to the battle. On the PTS it is like a constant tug of war, for a bit one alliance is zerging around, then another, then another, until eventually you just have all out team deathmatch, heh.

    Also, this kind of post reminds me of the threads I have seen some PvE tanks make. Log on PTS for 10min test out blocking changes, ragequit cuss your setup sucks for Update 7's changes and then *** about it on the forums :p

    I had tried it before but on template toons so I wanted to try with my actual main.

    I think it is a taste thing, if I'd got a bunch of stones of a player I would have felt bad for them (unless they attacked me, obviously). But I can't even complete the Crime Pays achievement because I feel for sorry for a bit of code I would be robbing...

    Like I said I thonk the PvP on IC is fresh and new and mixing it with plentiful mobs and questing is epic - I just don't wsnt to lose stones or loot stones. I don't think that it is needed to make this good, it just feels like an afterthought and a distraction. Even with TV stones not being lootable it would take ages to get stuff if that was their goal but this system is going to make people rage quit... i know I will try it on live and I know it will make me rage, especially when dying to lag, exploits or bugs. I suspect it will make me leave the game because I will not be having fun which is the only point of being here
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    MrBeatDown wrote: »

    Luckily for me, the only things I need from IC I can buy from a guild store. Ill let everyone else work for me, then ill just buy it from them. I save $25 and I don't have to pay for things im not interested in.


    In an ideal world - but wait... what happens if no PvE players buy/play it? You are then dependent of PvP adrenaline purists to get gear... but they won't want to PvE so they won't actually have any TV stones... so they will gank each other and never actually get any stones from it.. so they will not buy armour to sell to those that think the TV system sucks... without people doing PvE and getting ganked the system fails (which is why ZOS have tweaked the game play with necessary sets and higher ranks to force people who don't like it to go in anyway).

    Frankly if their marketing & accountancy departments understood what the devs were doing they would have stopped it cold.

    It will be fine, Orsimer will hit in a few months and the gear cap will go up to 18 or something. The PVE players can just take a break for a month or two and then just leapfrog the gear. PVE is so easy in this game one of my VR8 alts is still running around wrecking stuff in level 45 gear which i won't bother to replace till vr12 where I have a ton of old sets banked.

    PVE players really don't have to worry about this patch, nor do they have to buy it, they are just fretting over nothing. Unfortunately that fretting has changed the access rules for IC to where it is now just going to be the new place to zerg hard.
    -Unknown American
  • Tavore1138
    MrBeatDown wrote: »

    Luckily for me, the only things I need from IC I can buy from a guild store. Ill let everyone else work for me, then ill just buy it from them. I save $25 and I don't have to pay for things im not interested in.


    In an ideal world - but wait... what happens if no PvE players buy/play it? You are then dependent of PvP adrenaline purists to get gear... but they won't want to PvE so they won't actually have any TV stones... so they will gank each other and never actually get any stones from it.. so they will not buy armour to sell to those that think the TV system sucks... without people doing PvE and getting ganked the system fails (which is why ZOS have tweaked the game play with necessary sets and higher ranks to force people who don't like it to go in anyway).

    Frankly if their marketing & accountancy departments understood what the devs were doing they would have stopped it cold.

    It will be fine, Orsimer will hit in a few months and the gear cap will go up to 18 or something. The PVE players can just take a break for a month or two and then just leapfrog the gear. PVE is so easy in this game one of my VR8 alts is still running around wrecking stuff in level 45 gear which i won't bother to replace till vr12 where I have a ton of old sets banked.

    PVE players really don't have to worry about this patch, nor do they have to buy it, they are just fretting over nothing. Unfortunately that fretting has changed the access rules for IC to where it is now just going to be the new place to zerg hard.

    That may be true for the PvE only players although being denied a whole level of materials and even up to level non-IC gear is not going to be cool for crafters or people running trials or vet dungeons.

    But I do play PvP and was really looking forward to this until they added this system to an otherwise great piece of content.
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    MrBeatDown wrote: »

    Luckily for me, the only things I need from IC I can buy from a guild store. Ill let everyone else work for me, then ill just buy it from them. I save $25 and I don't have to pay for things im not interested in.


    In an ideal world - but wait... what happens if no PvE players buy/play it? You are then dependent of PvP adrenaline purists to get gear... but they won't want to PvE so they won't actually have any TV stones... so they will gank each other and never actually get any stones from it.. so they will not buy armour to sell to those that think the TV system sucks... without people doing PvE and getting ganked the system fails (which is why ZOS have tweaked the game play with necessary sets and higher ranks to force people who don't like it to go in anyway).

    Frankly if their marketing & accountancy departments understood what the devs were doing they would have stopped it cold.

    It will be fine, Orsimer will hit in a few months and the gear cap will go up to 18 or something. The PVE players can just take a break for a month or two and then just leapfrog the gear. PVE is so easy in this game one of my VR8 alts is still running around wrecking stuff in level 45 gear which i won't bother to replace till vr12 where I have a ton of old sets banked.

    PVE players really don't have to worry about this patch, nor do they have to buy it, they are just fretting over nothing. Unfortunately that fretting has changed the access rules for IC to where it is now just going to be the new place to zerg hard.

    That may be true for the PvE only players although being denied a whole level of materials and even up to level non-IC gear is not going to be cool for crafters or people running trials or vet dungeons.

    But I do play PvP and was really looking forward to this until they added this system to an otherwise great piece of content.

    When Orsimer comes out they will have new crafting materials, new motifs, more levels, more sets, and if IZ gets a lukewarm reception from half their player-base they may not make the same mistakes. I like both aspects of the game as well, and will likely toss out the crowns for this if a lot of my friends do, but I don't know if I will put much time into it as other games have captured my imagination, however I haven't closed the door yet. If crafters make a big enough stink you might not see the same approach twice.
    -Unknown American
  • Junipus
    Don't go Tav. Don't forget that we'll have your back and will be pooling everything together to make sure we won't go without in the guild and everyone can have a chance to get whatever sets they want.

    Also don't forget that aside from getting style stones, Tel Var stones aren't going to be that useful for getting the best sets out there in PTS and hopefully live. It's annoying as hell, but there'll always be someone there to watch your back if you ask :)
    The Legendary Nothing
  • nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO
    I so looked forward ti IC until I saw the Telvar player loot and then I lost my faith in the developers. Just hope that pvp in cyrodiil doesn't die out.
  • Tavore1138
    Don't go Tav. Don't forget that we'll have your back and will be pooling everything together to make sure we won't go without in the guild and everyone can have a chance to get whatever sets they want.

    Also don't forget that aside from getting style stones, Tel Var stones aren't going to be that useful for getting the best sets out there in PTS and hopefully live. It's annoying as hell, but there'll always be someone there to watch your back if you ask :)

    Not going anywhere yet mate - cancelling my sub wouldn't mean I will stop playing, I'm just feeling like I should vote with my wallet on this one.

    I know our guildies will find a way to beat this change like we have other ones, but this is still a lousy system.
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • Pangnirtung
    What it came down to was that one encounter, just one, removes all you have done (or almost all in this variant) - I can have killed a thousand mobs and a hundred players and just one has to get lucky or hit me when lagged to take al that I have achieved.

    That sure is fun isn't it? /sarcasm
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