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47's Imperial city gear, ballance, content, feedback

Before I start in on my comments I would like to not that at this time I have one max level toon of each class, Stam dps, Magica dps, and heals. So, when it comes to comments on sets, class balance, and stam vs magica, I do not have a dog in this fight or, more precisely, I have all the dogs. Though I do favor some toons over others it is most to my benefit to have things as balanced as possible as it makes it easier for me to get more toons on the leaderboard every week.

I will start my comments with the wins column for the new content:

1) First and foremost it has been noticed that some of the changes in this new content have fixed some of the cheats being run by certain players for the better part of a year. These players now die like dogs in the street and hit like little limp noodles. We appreciate the changes and enjoy teabagging these long time cheaters may they rot in oblivion forever. It is my hope that these changes also disabled the lag switches certain guilds have been known to run. A big thank you to the folks at ZOS for addressing the problem of hacking.

2) The new content is absolutely gorgeous. I think these are some of the best textures in the game in particular. It is very atmospheric even to the point of being distracting. The white gold tower is particularly awesome.

3) Love the mechanics of the new Vet dungeon bosses. They may need a little tweaking with regard to total boss health (2-5 complete mechanics cycles is ideal, 15 is far to time consuming) and I think some of the non mechanics attacks (the ones you will take no matter what) are a bit high in magnitude (as a healer I had little time between breaths to buff my team) but I liked the mechanics and also liked the increased difficulty.

4) I like the idea of a steal able currency as it prevents PVP players from profiting by playing both sides of a fight with friends. This was a big problem in the past.

5) I liked the massive PVE / PVP mix in the content. Which are you playing? who knows. If it moves kill it.

Next lets talk about the new gear sets:

1) On the crafted: The armor master crafted set looks like an excellent tank set, the other two are garbage. You guys really have to make some of these 9 trait sets worth a damn as people have spend a lot of time and gold in ninrcrux to research them. So far you are 1 for 4 on that.

2) You have one lousy tank jewelry set and a generic dps or heals set for magica and stam. Damn that is uninspiring. Do you know the problem with sets now? It is that we have a million interesting sets and like 2 jewely possibilities. Do you know why everyone wears healer now...? Because you can actually configure it between jewelry and armor because it has all of both. Guess what? People will still prefer healer and footman if you can get it in V16 from weeklies, Morag tong, and ravager to any of the new stuff. Why, because they have jewelry. That could be a problem as all the PVP V16 stuff appears to be BOP and if V16 PVE only comes BOE from weeklies the same 4 guys in EP are going to make like 5 million a week as they lock down half that leaderboard. The fix...... Drumroll please. Scrap the new 3 jewelry/weapon sets and make every other new set include weapons, jewelry, and armor. And all Gods people said Amen. Who wouldn't want an overwhelming surge, spell power cure, or sheer venom set with 3 jewelry peices? And yes, those are my picks for the win. 2% spell or weapon crit BTW is a LOL. You guys are living in like 1.5 if you think we give a rats about spell crit or weapon crit, especially at 2%.

3) Now about that raid gear. Do you really want this to be useless? Let me tell you, that is what it is at V12 or V14. Are the weeklies going to be V16? Are you ever doing any more raids? I enjoy raids and I feel like weeklies were fun but guess not. I also liked the rare dungeon drop sets like Worm cult but guess those are out the window as well. I tell you, if you don't make the new sets include jewelry and weapons on all parts your gear is going to look mighty myopic. Even now it's pretty limited how you acquire it. From what I can tell it's sewers and districts or bust.

4) You nerfed Vicious Ophidian and Infalible Aether again. Seriously, there were like 3 people in the whole game left using the hardest armor to get in the game. Were you buddies with the serpent or something? So much hate. The horse is dead already. It has been rotting since 1.6. Quit kicking it. It's starting to stink.

III, Lets talk about those casuals bless their rotting corpses we do need them:

1) So far as I can tell the roll of a casual is to pick up telvar stones so I can take them from him. He will never have gear his level because he will never be able go gather enough mats for it, I will take all his stones, and he will not be able to complete any of the old vet dungeons (thanks to the roughly 20% dps nerf in the patch) let alone one of the new ones (which he really shouldn't be able to do because it's the new hardcore stuff.) Just how happy do you think that casual is going to be not even being able to craft gear his own level. That's some pretty insulting stuff. Do you think the 50th time I kill him he will come back to the game... ever. Oh, and you won't let him switch campains to escape me either. Meanwhile I can go in any campain. Do you know why? Because I, like all other hardcore players, have a stable of toons. Sure I'm not happy about only getting to play one in each campaign but that's the breaks I guess. Once I depress all the noobs in one campaign I will hop on over to another with all my buddies on our other toons and ruin their day. Do you see the problem? The people you intended to keep from reeking havoc by switching campaign are the only ones who will still be able to do it. God save you if you are blue. Maybe once a week you will even be able to get into imperial sewers on any campaign and how excited will we all be when you do. It will be a feeding frenzy.

2) Look at your RNG. Take a real hard, soul searching look. It took months to collect some sets before and, from the outside, this looks much worse. It now looks like it would take months even to craft a set. When is the next update scheduled? Will anyone even have this gear before it is replaced? I'm not fooling. Most of this stuff looks to be BOP and it takes a very long time to assemble 5 peice BOP sets with low RNG especially when, because of limited set construction options due to lack of jewelry / weapon combinations you have to have exactly the right pieces and all 5 to be worth a darn. In the past it took me 70 Sanctum runs to get that last infallible piece and by the time I got it infallible was worthless. I'm just saying this looks worse than that. You really need to let those casuals craft themselves a set of armor that is there level. It is so insulting that they will have to die in low level stuff. Jewelry crafting would also be a good move.

3) I hope I have gotten my point across. The truth is that I don't even particularly like slaughtering casuals. I like 12 man raids but I also like gear and it looks like you now make that out of the hides of casuals. I think that is very poor planning on ZOS part as I'm pretty sure that the casuals are the ones that keep the doors open. I know I don't buy very many pretty ponies.

IV, Now lets talk about class and resource balance:

1) Most of us were expecting some kind of a buff to magica builds after, with the exception of sorcs, pretty much all players went stam for PVP and at least half for PVE as well. Instead we got a substantial buff to Stam with the most popular line, dual weild getting major brutality on thrown blade and a buff to that skills damage. I think you might get better ranged dps with that skill spammed than with a bow weave now. You also got some nerfs to bread and butter staff skills and a huge nerf to most magica users with the flame resistance of everything in imperial city. While I understand that DK DOT masters were the highest DPS build, did you ever think that a blanket nerf to all magica dps and to all flame abilities in the only zone that matters might not be the smartest fix. Here is an idea. Since those DK DOT master builds are 2 bar builds and 2 bars in the same rotation was never really the goal or we would have just 1 big bar maybe you make all dots and buffs stop when you switch bars just as the toggles are supposed to end (though there are ways around this arn't there.) That would be an elegant and limited solution to one problematic build. This ham handed set of fixes unintentionally hurts sorcs, ranged magica templars, and the last magjica NB in the game if he exists.

2) Speaking of ham handed..... No stam regen while blocking in PVP, a 50% dps nerf in PVP, and a 50% healing nerf in PVP. All I have to say is yikes. I know it is work to really fix the block casting thing since all mobs would need to be rescaled and most abilities would have to be make to not cast when blocking but that is the cost of actually fixing the problem. The no stam regen thing will cause more problems than it solves. As for the 50% nerfs, I applaud the realization that all skills cannot work the same in PVP as PVE and still provide balanced compelling combat in each. Unfortunately this has to be handled on a skill by skill basis and balanced carefully by people who, gasp, play the game on the live server a lot. The 50% nerf may make things better and it may make them worse. Who knows. I am pretty sure it won't balance things though.

3) As for class balance, my impression in 1.6 is that templars are the strongest followed by dk's and sorcs depending on the situation with NB's really dragging. The balance changes in imp city seem to mainly hurt DK's and Sorcs with some splash over on Magica templar dps builds. It looks like a miss to me but I am always tenitive about these things as it usually takes months to figure everything out and by then a new giant blanket set of changes drops which reorganizes all of combat and makes everything completely different.

Lastly, some very specific abilities I think need addressed:

1) Healing springs, spear shards, and other similar aim then cast 2 button press abilities should be made 1 button press which both aims and casts. Currently the 2 button press mechanic seems to jam up the buffer of abilities being cast and delay any emergency breath of life casts to dying team mates. These abilities make combat feel very lethargic and buggy. A one button cast should fix this.

2) Chains (DK) - You didn't like zerg balls so you changed the one ability that somewhat broke them up to making it a major liability that no one uses anymore. Chains was OP when you could grab people off parapets or yank bosses around but it was not unbalanced in 1.5. The change was a bad idea. Furthermore, Chains was an integral part of good teamwork in PVE. Now between the trash mobs that become immune pulling the chainer around and the fact trash now has a CC immune timer (a chained in mob is immune to a root) and an auto flee mechanic (mob immediately flees on chaining) it is useless. My fix is to remove the yank the chainer around mechanic, and add a root mechanic to chains in PVE (but not PVP.) Chains was one of the most important utility skills in the game and should be brought back.

3) Fire ring (destro staff) - Reduce damage a little increase range to 8 meters. The truth is it has probably always hit a bit to hard and it's range at 6 meters it really crap.

4) Liquid lightning (sorc) - 4 meters, lol, not only is that not an AOE but you are lucky if you can keep a single target enemy in it. Sorcs need an AOE. Make it bigger and nerf the damage to compensate.

5) Mages fury (sorc) - Give it more damage in PVE. I understand the auto execute magic of it in PVP and that it can't be buffed there but it really needs to hit harder in PVE. Sorcs are somewhat dependent on cheating by back barring toggles right now for PVE damage. That should not be the case.

6) Nb skills - seriously guys, they need some dots that do enough damage to matter. The class hits like a wet noodle when it comes to sustain. That execute also needs a buff and both morphs should have some range even if it's only like 15 meters.

7) Corrosive armor (DK) - The skill works fine but I sure miss the days of having a DK group mitigation ultimate. We all know standard and corrosive armor but what is that other DK ultimate? Perhaps that should be a group mitigation one as nobody even remembers what it is.

Lastly lets talk about testing on the PTS:

1) Just e-mail me the new armor on my existing toons. It is not that hard you e-mail me PVP trash all the time.

2) New template toons should have everything unlocked.... Everything. I can't even craft glyphs on the damn things and I don't even have access to the zones with enemies I can test on.

3) Test dummies. Seriously, we need these in general. Every fighters guild needs a test dummy that has full 50% mitigation armor that we can wail on as long as we want on PTS and live. Do you really think I want to kill like 50 enemies of a variety of types to get any idea how changes pan out. What a waste of time.

4) Quit respecing my points I don't want to spend 30 min putting them all back in just make respecs free and I will do them if I want to.

5) If you want us to help you test on PTS you really have to make it less painful. We get the distinct impression you don't want our input. Do you not have better test tools yourselves? Maybe you need those dummies for your own use.

If you actually read the whole thing ZOS than thanks. My never to be humble opinions.
I am mostly pleased with the current state of ESO. Please do continue to ban cheaters though and you guys have to find out who is duping gold and how because the economy is currently non-functional.
  • Joy_Division
    This is an excellent example of what feedback ought to be.

    Edited by Joy_Division on August 20, 2015 2:11AM
  • Rayste
    A fun and interesting read. I tend to agree with a lot of your assessments.

    So you think the class hierarchy is going to be Templar, NB, then DK and Sorc after the patch? Interesting...
    The Teach - AD Templar
  • Thalmor-Nordmaster
    Awesome Report!!
  • Elijah_Crow
    Great feedback. I agree across the board.

    Hope @ZOS_RichLambert lurks here.
  • Dravecailean
    This is one of the best threads posted on the matter, hopefully it will get more attention yes.

    Please consider adding that jewellery...
  • Kaliki
    So much truth... Truly awesome.
    - Templars: Slower by Design® -
  • kojou
    Rayste wrote: »
    A fun and interesting read. I tend to agree with a lot of your assessments.

    So you think the class hierarchy is going to be Templar, NB, then DK and Sorc after the patch? Interesting...

    Shh you're letting out the secret. We just about convinced everyone that Templar was weak and sorcerers were OP.
    Playing since beta...
  • Ryuho
    Nice feedback :wink:
    Edited by Ryuho on August 20, 2015 12:44PM
    The Farron family team (EU)
    sorcerer - Rubeus Farron AR31
    templar - Selene Farron AR27
    nightblade - Ryuho Farron AR25
    stamplar - Nura Farron AR10
    stamsorcerer - Kitty Farron AR14 (adopted member)
    DK - Ryu Farron AR17


    CU - next mmo
  • Lorkhan
    that wall
  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    Mostly agree, but i THink magicka got a FAR bigger buff than Stamina in this patch. - Builds & Guides - Sets, Skills, Guides & News - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  • cazlonb16_ESO
    Templar being declared the next big thing before every major update is a running joke by now.
  • Ishammael
    f047ys3v3n wrote: »
    Scrap the new 3 jewelry/weapon sets and make every other new set include weapons, jewelry, and armor. And all Gods people said Amen.

    Can I hear a Hallelujah?!
  • Robbmrp
    Awesome post!

    I agree with everything on here. Especially on the 2 cast button abilities need to be changed to one button. It could be changed to center the spell cast on the ground we are aiming at. This would work for any 2 button cast ability whether for healing or damage. There's no need to have to click two buttons for this cast. Especially now that mobs hit a ton harder and healing was reduced in Cyrodil.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • Rioht
    Great review, and I completely agree with he issues you raised regarding the new item sets, and the incredibly confusing decisions to limit the past gear (especially trials) to vr14.

    Sad day for casuals and anyone who hasn't taken the time to fully prepare for the next patch. Good luck competing with the hardcore in your old irrelevant gear.
  • The_Boze

    This is exactly what feedback should be. I believe that is why a lot of feedback goes unanswered as well. I have read several post that if they were not so harsh/berating would have been answered, as well as been good feedback. I'm not sure about our community managers, but if I were to start reading a post directed towards me I quit reading when someone starts raging and every other word is profanity. Not that I am against profanity I cuss like a sailor, but when trying to provide constructive criticism which I do on a daily basis at work I try to be more respectful towards who I am critiquing that way they actually listen to what I have to say.

    Again amazing job! Well thought out and well constructed.
  • SeptimusDova
    Splendific feedback. Zos heed those words !!
  • Personofsecrets
    f047ys3v3n wrote: »

    2) Chains (DK) - You didn't like zerg balls so you changed the one ability that somewhat broke them up to making it a major liability that no one uses anymore. Chains was OP when you could grab people off parapets or yank bosses around but it was not unbalanced in 1.5. The change was a bad idea. Furthermore, Chains was an integral part of good teamwork in PVE. Now between the trash mobs that become immune pulling the chainer around and the fact trash now has a CC immune timer (a chained in mob is immune to a root) and an auto flee mechanic (mob immediately flees on chaining) it is useless. My fix is to remove the yank the chainer around mechanic, and add a root mechanic to chains in PVE (but not PVP.) Chains was one of the most important utility skills in the game and should be brought back.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno , I've given this similar feedback about chains at least 2 weeks ago. Is there any update on chains or obsidian shard not working properly?
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • SeptimusDova
    person chains will soon be reflectable and they will poke an eye out. So be careful!!
  • Personofsecrets
    person chains will soon be reflectable and they will poke an eye out. So be careful!!

    lol, the round 7 mob with scales in VDSA already does this x _ x
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • SeptimusDova
    are you missing an eye ?
    LOL your missing two
    Edited by SeptimusDova on August 21, 2015 8:29AM
  • f047ys3v3n
    Rayste wrote: »
    A fun and interesting read. I tend to agree with a lot of your assessments.

    So you think the class hierarchy is going to be Templar, NB, then DK and Sorc after the patch? Interesting...

    I am rather certain that Templar will be at the top. It will continue to be the only viable heals for 4 man content as well as I think probably the top dps (in stam form) after the changes to staff abilities bump DK's and Sorcs down. It will also remain a very strong pvp class with an excellent class charge, unique sheild, the strongest heal, and a Plethora of CC's with high damage output. Unfortunately, Templar tanks will be in the same trouble as NB and Sorc tanks with the thoughtless no stam regen while blocking foolishness. Guess tanking will be DK only. Still, on balance, templars will easily be the strongest class.

    Next on the totem pole will either be Sorc or DK. Both of these classes took it right in the teeth with changes to destro staffs and specific changes targeted at their class (Nerfed flame damage and lower magnitude spell damage for DK, Nerfed streak for sorcs) Sorcs were further negatively effected by the removal of burst damage effectiveness by the ill conceived 50% damage nerf. I am not sure which will come out on top in the end as these are some major nerfs which will have unintended stacking effects. It may be that DK's become tank only and Sorcs move even further than in 1.5 tword total uselessness or they may both come out merely a whole lot weaker than Templars. It is hard to tell at this point but certainly the changes to both are of a high enough magnitude that the current meta for both is blown completly up and they will have to be re-learned from step 1. When ZOS makes changes you may have noticed the magnitude is such that it is not a ballance but rather a destruction of current metas and a complete class relearn. Case in point is these changes to sorc and dk.

    Now about NB. Perhaps it will walk out a stronger class than the above two for DPS at least. I am not sure. Magica NB's did get a little buff in passives but at the cost of stamina. They will also be subject to the staff nerf. I also heard that siphoning strikes got a nerf which might have been a class uber skill with the no stam regen in combat. Perhaps it is just lack of imagination on my part but I find it hard to think that a class that was reduced to burst sneak in PVP (no longer a thing in the days of 50% damage nerf) and all stam weapon skills bars in PVE will amount to much with no obvious buffs in the patch.

    On a different note: I neglected to mention in my fist post how pissed off I am about the no porting to friends changes. That is just a *** move guys. What a waste of time riding to every damn wayshrine. This game really didn't need any more impediments to playing with your friends as it has had problems from the word go getting folks into the correct instances. I wonder how many groups will be put in multiple dungeon instances after this given the prevalence of this when everyone does not port to the first guy. Look, I know it's a single player game with MMO components but we really don't need to make the MMO part any worse. It is already pretty poor. There is not even any reverse battlescaleing system so that you can quest with friends of a lower level. That stuff is usually day 1 inclusion in an MMO today. But let's make it worse, sure, always a good idea, more riding across the country side to get to wayshrines and grouping / regrouping to get in the right dungeon instance. All that takes time so call it content.
    I am mostly pleased with the current state of ESO. Please do continue to ban cheaters though and you guys have to find out who is duping gold and how because the economy is currently non-functional.
  • david.haypreub18_ESO
    f047ys3v3n wrote: »
    Rayste wrote: »
    A fun and interesting read. I tend to agree with a lot of your assessments.

    So you think the class hierarchy is going to be Templar, NB, then DK and Sorc after the patch? Interesting...

    I am rather certain that Templar will be at the top. It will continue to be the only viable heals for 4 man content as well as I think probably the top dps (in stam form) after the changes to staff abilities bump DK's and Sorcs down. It will also remain a very strong pvp class with an excellent class charge, unique sheild, the strongest heal, and a Plethora of CC's with high damage output.

    Any chance you would post your build? Are you going Vamp and 2-hander? Where are you getting all the CCs from?
    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
  • cazlonb16_ESO
    I was falling out of my chair laughing at "excellent class charge" already.
  • david.haypreub18_ESO
    I was falling out of my chair laughing at "excellent class charge" already.

    I wondered that too. I am assuming his build uses neither 2-Handed or S/Board, because you get a much better charge from either of those than you do from the Templar one.
    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
  • ThatNeonZebraAgain
    100% agree on all points. Great review and summary of issues.
    Gore-of-the-Forest Argonian Nightblade
    Wode Earthrender Breton Dragonknight
    Ceol the Last Baron Redguard Dragonknight
    Wayra High Elf Sorceress
    Erebain Salothran Dark Elf Templar
    Rituals-of-the-Forest Argonian Warden
  • eliisra
    I was falling out of my chair laughing at "excellent class charge" already.

    I wondered that too. I am assuming his build uses neither 2-Handed or S/Board, because you get a much better charge from either of those than you do from the Templar one.

    But there's always some goof claiming templars so OP during the PTS phase (that never played the class properly). Than *** goes live and the real PvP meta rolls out, with templars on the bottom, as per usual.

    Remember prior to 1.6, was this dude seriously claiming that 50k hp templar master race would wipe entire raids with Blazing Shield, many agreed, he spoke the truth. He was extremely convinced that no soft caps would lead to exactly that :dizzy:

    OP seems equally lost when he writes about templars "Plethora of CC's with high damage output".

    But in all fairness, NB is definitely the most hyped class right now, prior to 2.1. Immoral kings of IC. While sorcs apparently holds the spot as the new gods of PvE dps. Probably wise to maintain a degree of skepticism about all these claims or re-rollers will end up disappointed.
  • f047ys3v3n

    Any chance you would post your build? Are you going Vamp and 2-hander? Where are you getting all the CCs from?

    My temp build is primarily a heals as that is what I created it for though it has proven to do pretty good dps even in heals oriented gear and with pretty much all CP in heals. Obviously this is Magica dps out of necessity rather than stam though I feel stam in generally higher on a temp. As for Vamp, I have not decided yet. I have not yet maxed regen and cost reduction CP and don't yet have the new spell damage enchants to balance against cost reduction so I'm not sure if I will need the Vamp regen. As for stam weapons on a templar dual wield will be a no brainier after 2.1 as adding major brutality to thrown blade and increasing it's magnitude really puts 2 handed head and shoulders above all other weapon choices. I won't be surprised if thrown blade spamming out ranged dps's bow weaving.

    As for the CC's.... The charge is a strong CC, as is biting jabs / puncturing sweep. Javilin is also a CC though few use it. For magica templars spear shards is also a weak CC the importance of which should not be underestimated. This is really more than enough CC's and more importantly, each does damage as well. In fact, a few are the primary templar attacks. That is of much greater use than a CC that does little damage and takes up a bar slot just for the CC such as petrify or rune cage. In my opinion Templar is hands down the best CC class as it's primary attacks have the CC so it is what will be spammed.

    I am currently deciding what toon to level next and have it down to a DK tank (already exists as a storage toon) DK dps in EP alliance (also exists) or a stam templar dps (Does not exist because who would have guessed this meta all those months ago.) I am quite conflicted as the DK tank is my provisioner and also still quite useful but perhaps I will have to convert my other DK to tank anyway to keep it useful and I sure don't want 2 tank toons. The dk dps is in EP is where I would really like my next toon to farm the hordes of AD casuals but I have little faith in the meta now as magica DK's have taken so many nerfs in the last few patches. The stam templar on the other hand is the next great thing but I don't even have a way to currently create it as I am full up with crafting writs and can't move enough stuff around to delete an old toon. Also, how long before it gets hit in the face like the DK? I feel like I would probably be behind the curve on that one. I also lean twords Imperial for that templar's race but don't want to pays the money for that. I'm just pretty conflicted about all of that. The class and build breaking changes have been coming fast and hard lately and it's hard to know what to do.
    I am mostly pleased with the current state of ESO. Please do continue to ban cheaters though and you guys have to find out who is duping gold and how because the economy is currently non-functional.
  • chongguang
    First of all, this is a really awesome thread.
    However, i still have to point of some bias from it. Mainly about the class part,

    1.Actually sorcerer's magick dps not got least influence with the nerf of fire staff. They got 2% weapon damage for each sorcerer abilities they slot. So with the same build , their magic damage will actually increased because of the weapon damage increasing.

    2. Sorcerer can also use lightning staff ,as their passive can cause additional damage for low health target , while the new mechanic of lightning staff heavy attack will help sorcerer getting higher dps than having flame staff especially for aoe battles.

    3. Sorcerer tank will have much better situation of stamina resource control , as the new daedic protection offering 20% stamina regeneration for the class ,while most of the sorcerer tank will have stamina morph of daedric armor (this morph also gives them 8% additional maximum stamina)

    Then the new dark exchange morph can allow block caster to get instant stamina back

    So , IMO, sorcerer will have potential to surpass the 2 meta tank in 1.6 (DK and Templar).

    When goes to pvp part , sorcerer's most terrible nerf is the introduction of SHIELD BREAKER ARMOR SET , this set's 2p. 3p. 4p reward are good while the 5ps' reward is double op when facing sorcerers.

    NB tank also have a great stamina regeneration , siphon attack. The only problem for NB tank is lack of healing.

    Templar ;
    I know your main char is templar. In 2.1 to 2.1.1 Templar is a real beast . Eg, MAGIC ONE can cause JABs withe the average damage range (ADR) of 6 - 7 k , while they also have decent healing that can ensure their sustain in a long battle.
    Howvever, everything changed in 2.1.2 as ZENIMAX changed calculating mechanic of jabs (and other spells), which hit the templar very hard. Right now the ADR goes down to 4-5k per hit , so the total damage do lost 6k .

    The only thing i'd say is that with the op shield breaker , stamina dk is stronger than 1.6. Not very clear about magic.

  • f047ys3v3n
    chongguang wrote: »
    First of all, this is a really awesome thread.
    However, i still have to point of some bias from it. Mainly about the class part,

    1.Actually sorcerer's magick dps not got least influence with the nerf of fire staff. They got 2% weapon damage for each sorcerer abilities they slot. So with the same build , their magic damage will actually increased because of the weapon damage increasing.

    2. Sorcerer can also use lightning staff ,as their passive can cause additional damage for low health target , while the new mechanic of lightning staff heavy attack will help sorcerer getting higher dps than having flame staff especially for aoe battles.

    3. Sorcerer tank will have much better situation of stamina resource control , as the new daedic protection offering 20% stamina regeneration for the class ,while most of the sorcerer tank will have stamina morph of daedric armor (this morph also gives them 8% additional maximum stamina)

    Then the new dark exchange morph can allow block caster to get instant stamina back

    So , IMO, sorcerer will have potential to surpass the 2 meta tank in 1.6 (DK and Templar).

    When goes to pvp part , sorcerer's most terrible nerf is the introduction of SHIELD BREAKER ARMOR SET , this set's 2p. 3p. 4p reward are good while the 5ps' reward is double op when facing sorcerers.

    NB tank also have a great stamina regeneration , siphon attack. The only problem for NB tank is lack of healing.

    Templar ;
    I know your main char is templar. In 2.1 to 2.1.1 Templar is a real beast . Eg, MAGIC ONE can cause JABs withe the average damage range (ADR) of 6 - 7 k , while they also have decent healing that can ensure their sustain in a long battle.
    Howvever, everything changed in 2.1.2 as ZENIMAX changed calculating mechanic of jabs (and other spells), which hit the templar very hard. Right now the ADR goes down to 4-5k per hit , so the total damage do lost 6k .

    The only thing i'd say is that with the op shield breaker , stamina dk is stronger than 1.6. Not very clear about magic.

    What you say about the sorc is interesting. Admittedly, my sorc has seen little action for a long time being subordinated to my NB in 1.5 and in 1.6 to my newer DK and Templar toons which I now play about equally. I am particularly interested in the lightning staff mechanic change. Do I take it that the channel heavy has been changed to something that can weave and now crit instead of only 1/3 pulses of the channel being able to crit? Perhaps my sorc will become my #1 dps toon (even now sorcs are clearly the highest ranged DPS, T hit 16k on the manti with his yesterday) and the DK will get a demotion to tank. If this becomes a common change I am not sure what we will do with all the tanks as pretty much everyone has a beloved DK dps but I guess we won't have any trouble finding tanks for pledges LOL. Wouldn't that be crazy if people started rolling sorcs for PVE dps toons? I am absolutely going to hate it if I have to roll stam on my DK. Rally, wrecking blow, wrecking blow, wrecking blow, maybe a dot but probably just more wrecking blows, gag me with a spoon. Stam dps is so bleeding boring with 2 hander and dual wield is really about the same.
    I am mostly pleased with the current state of ESO. Please do continue to ban cheaters though and you guys have to find out who is duping gold and how because the economy is currently non-functional.
  • DaveMoeDee
    f047ys3v3n wrote: »
    On a different note: I neglected to mention in my fist post how pissed off I am about the no porting to friends changes.
    Whaaat? Dang. Lame. I still have 2 below level 10 characters that haven't been to every zone in their home alliance. I'll have to remedy that tonight.

    Right now my level 8 alt with a 50 provisioning can do writs in Alik'r. Will that be impossible down the line to do that with a new character due to the loss of the travel to functionality? Will I have to quest to unlock? That would be lame. Glad to hear this before it goes live to unlock all zones for those last 2 characters (or at least up to the 4th zone for writs).

    I am not looking forward to all the running and horse riding that will be required to clear inventory.
    Edited by DaveMoeDee on August 27, 2015 7:16PM
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