We are looking for people who are looking for laid back experience but willing to play the game! Pvp and dungeon oriented willing to do group activity! No kids adult content guild. Don't take everything so serious join us and have fun playing the game and kicking some arse at the same time! We are mainly dominion alliance but accept other ones but apparently they don't let different alliances play together. Go figure it is like WoW lol. Msg me on Xbox or in game name is the same
And as well just so you know real life comes first and I mostly an evening and weekend game or because of job and real-life things that happen. So I u as well just so you know real life comes first and I mostly an evening and weekend game or because of job and real-life things that happen. So I understand when people can't be on as well but we try to stay active as possible and keep things going.
We are a werewolf pack and have werewolf bites for members but they have to remain loyal and stay in the guild even after the bite but we do except all races classes and transformations. We are in need of some healers, tanks, and DPS players would like to do quest dungeons and PVP. So if interested either respond to this or message me on Xbox