Took me almost 3 weeks to install the game, cost me an extra $90 to buy the additional download space to finish the patch, my maths is pretty good I think that means so far just to start the game its cost me a little over $200. I can understand connection issues and the odd patch or two (usually a few 100 meg in size maybe?) But to sell a game disk with only half (probably less) of the game on it? Then insist on a 15 gig starting patch? To then have other issues on top of that? Hmm a little compensation would not go astray at at I would think. Others can kiss arse as much as they want, but from a consumers point of view, this game though alot of fun has started off worse than any mmo I have played in the past...
You havent played many, if any other, mmo's then. WoW, what most consider the gold standard for mmo's, was a complete disaster and buggy mess for the first 2 years. People seem to forget that (or didnt play then) when judging new mmo's and comparing them to WoWs stability and polish. Sh!t happens, kids these days and their extremely short attention spans and delusions of grandeur